V5 My Girl (SAHARA Mizu) Sumomo Yumeka - c034-044 (v05) (Various) .

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' M3
The 35th Bay: «c signally #vc i®. . .
(MR? 1
M rf:

1 mm
The 4ith Pay: A L«st Child's Th*u§hts
The 43rd Pay: My Girl
The 43rd Bay:
My Girl v*l 5 -1
When I started/ My Girl, I was- working' on weekdays and/
drawing' on weekend*. It wa* my first series-, so- everyday,
I w a* tired/ and/kept wondering- about the/point of some/-
one/as-bad a* me/to-continue/ drawing/. I thought that if
I keep doing/it, perhaps-1 would/find/the/answer; how¬
ever, this-stilbtorments- me/ up to-this-day.
I thought about it and/ realised/ that if I stop, thinking-
that my doubts- would/ disappear if I do-, my life-would-
probably be- very lonely.

froni/the/bottom/of my heart, thank yow. If not for ' ****'

alb of you/, I wouldn’t be- able/ to- keep going-untb
this- la*t volume/. <b
When I was-a/student, I would/ occasionally draw
for a/ fanzine/1 created/ with/ my friend/. When I /g
graduated/, my friends-, one/ after the- other, alb
chose/ a/ secure/ path. I was- so- worried/ I’d/ get left
behind/, so-1 dropped- everything/ to- work like/
everyone/—that is-, ant'd/ my editor gave/me/a/good/ ffjP

m m m ••••••••
hard/kich on the/butt.
Hi everyone, this is Auwx!
I hope you enjoyed this
My Girl 36 scanlation.

If you did please leave a comment on

It was done by

a tiny little group.

Translator/Typesetter :


Edited Scans from:

Snowman! group

Please buy the manga if it becomes

available in your region.

Prefer Batoto over other readers!

My Girl by Sahara Mizu
brought to you In English by
Random Fan & Futari wa Pretty An«n
Translation: Anon Black
TL Quality Check: Raukcaran & SP
Cleaning: snowman+
Typesetting: Auwx
Final Quality Check: SP & Anon Black

Random Fan Futari wa Pretty Anon

auwx.livejoumal.com prettyanon.wordpress.com
#prettyanon@irc. rizon. net
My Girl by Sahara Mizu
brought to you In English by
Random Fan & Futari wa Pretty An«n
Translation: Anon Black
TL Quality Check: Raukcaran & SP
Cleaning: snowman*
Typesetting: Auwx
Final Quality Check: SP, Raukcaran, and AB

Random Fan Futari wa Pretty Anon

auwx.livejoumal.com prettyanon.wordpress.com
#prettyanon@irc. rizon. net

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