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Angel summoning sigils can help invite protection into your life. Sigil magick
is one of my personal favorites (maybe with the exception of jar spells).

Sigil Magick! (Tutorial)


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Forget Hollywood and fake understanding of what ‘real magick’ means. If

you take our magick ability test we can help you craft custom spells and help
you on your Wiccan path.

In the world of sorcery and magic there are and have been created
throughout history many tools, the need to increase the effectiveness in
rituals, spells and all activities that are involved in these practices, led to the
origin of many of these tools, a very powerful one is the one that constitutes
the sigils.

They are images that are made as a kind of symbols, and are used to make
different types of magic, they are like the representation of the objective that
is being sought, and as they are tools for magic, spells and rituals they must
be activated with a ritual.

It is a task that does not present high degrees of difficulty, the main thing is
to focus on what you want and focus all your energy on that purpose.

A sheet of paper 678879

A pencil

A candle, the color of the candle will depend on the objective of the sigil !"#$%&#"'%!$/*0'


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With the pencil write on the sheet of paper in the clearest, shortest and /%3%&:-.."K)%
most precise way what the reason is for making that secret, make the
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writing, not as something you wish to happen, but as something that
already happened, as something that already is, For example, do not W&B012U:D&FX2%$."-$.&2-
write I wish to be happy, write I am happy
Put a slanted line on all the vowels of the writing you have done, do the
same with the consonants that appear on more than one occasion. Y$&OPOWJ&Z%17&D0%.%

Make a sentence with the letters that are not crossed out. !(>(&'X"DM $) =+72$(5'6271'TM
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This will be the basis for you to graphically make the symbol that was your 0%3&)"<%&"$&1&I-)8(1,-+.
sigils, the figure is something similar to the owner’s irons with which they NPP9&.+K.;3"K%3.[
mark the cattle, you can see this example
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To conclude with the process of making the sigils should be activated, and
this is done, drawing it on another paper with the color of ink that goes with
your goal, the important thing is that while drawing think about your desire
with passion, and after you finish forgetting about the sigils, not think about
it at all, you should ignore it completely.

These magical seals are used to summon angels, demons and to achieve
dreams, to achieve desires, and this is achieved because they generate the
energy of the angel to whom the sigils belongs, and they manage to maintain
that energy.

By using them in the practice of angelic magic, it becomes possible to

capture their energy, use it and feel the presence of that angel.

To use angel summoning sigils, you must concentrate on the seal or the
symbol of the sigil by focusing on it, through a prayer, a meditation or by
invoking it. The use of the sigil can be done in any way you wish, just let your
intuition guide you.

The sigils radiates a powerful energy and should be used in the way that best
benefits you.

When angel summoning sigils, you discover that the angels are more
intelligent and possess a power of intuition of a much higher degree than
ours, they have the capacity to make messages arrive to us, without us being
able to perceive it, their help eliminates many risks and threats of situations
that can harm us and even cause us much damage.

To achieve their communication, rituals are made, where we must choose

the right angel for what we want, we must know their day, what color
candles to use for that angel, the corresponding prayer and of course what
we want to achieve.

The way to communicate our desire can be writing on a detailed sheet and
clearly what we want, also pronouncing that desire aloud.

After angel summoning sigils after having made the request of our desire,
angels usually manifest their presence in different ways:

Through dreams.

Through our own intuition.

With very evident messages of what we have requested.

By consulting a book, the answer appears on any page.

Through things or situations that inevitably happen to us and that are

directly related to our request.

Visions that come to our thoughts that reveal aspects of the situation we
have requested your help with.

Because they are messengers of God, they have powers to help us, but each
one of them has different peculiarities to provide that help, so it is very
important to know which one is ours.

So it is convenient to know what day of the week is the day of our birth, if
you do not know, there are many tools to find out, in the agendas, calendars
and the Internet you can easily find out, with just place the full date of your

They are our guides at a spiritual level, they have powers to make things
work in our favor, besides giving us their protection.

Each one of them has a day of the week and a color associated with it:

Sunday: Miguel, with the Blue and the Sun

Monday: Jophiel, with Yellow, Gold, and the Moon

Math: Samuel, with Rose and Mars

Wednesday: Gabriel, with White, Silver and Mercury

Thursday: Rafael, with Green and Jupiter

Friday: Uriel, with Red, Gold and Venus

Saturday: Zadquiel, with Violet and Jupiter

Knowing your day of birth you will know which is your archangel, that is
your spiritual guide and that will make it easier for you to make your request
by invoking the sigils.

However, depending on the problem you have, you can invoke the one that
best represents you according to the qualities and powers of each one of

For example, Samuel symbolizes spiritual elevation, wealth, protection for

lovers, Peace.

If your request is about decision-making, agreements to be solved invoke

Jophiel, if you need courage, strength, faith, courage you should invoke

If you need happiness, are suffering from lack of love and do not have good
friends, Gabriel is the right one for your invocation.

These are some examples that can serve you as orientation, but we insist that
you must let yourself be carried away by your intuition, by the ways that your
heart guides.

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