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qTfftq ftrilrlrfi grfuorq



I 20 I 1 Date: 30'h March:2017


Spice iet Limired -
Udyog Vihar,Phase-lV


airline operator uider the Region'l'

subject: Letter of At{ard ("LoA") for the selected
cycle for operation of
iono""titity Scheme ("RCS") UDAN in lst round of bidding Delhi
*iJfi,an,. o" ,or*.'ol IGI Aitpofl Delhi -> NonPur (chol<eti) '> IGI AitPo

(Lasi dare. of submission{l 02 20t7)for

l. This is with reference lo you' Count"' Pmposal Aof thisLOA
the RCS as providcd in Annexure
operating as the -scleoted airline opcmror under of Airline
I'iviting Propodl for Selecrion
("Proposcl"), submitled pursuant to the Notic' by Ihe
- issued from time to Iimcl (-NIP-I issued
operalors [daled 2Id Ocl 2016 d;rrigendum on b€half of
acling as thc implemenling agenq
Airporls Aurhority or rnai" c.rurnoriivlir.
Mi;htry Aviarion, Givemment oflndia'
citied routes and vou have
the competent authority for above
-2. Your prop6sal has been ;cccpted by
*1,'o.ti,,n"o ttt*ed Airline operaror
to submit the fdllowing to the Authdritv:
,. ffiilil'tiii;ir'" Nrp, v"' "" "q'l"d
Agreement in the format prescribed
. (a) Duly €xecut€d Selected Airline Operator
Annexute-X oflhe NIP (-SAOA"):
(b)'PerformanceGuaront"""n-iii-ioiotp'"scrib&inAnnexure-vloftheNIP'for the
tl ttt Ten Lakhs only) bn or before
an arloud equivalent
execution ofthe SAOA; and of
format prescribed in Annexure-vll
r (c) '{Additionat Performance duarantee' in'the on or
n,. lto0,00,op0 (Rup€es ole crole only)
theNIP, fof an amount "q,i,ut"n..o
' before the execution ofthe

Pase I of3

{rq{ dO qcr sEd.rrr( dFi{ftdl - 'llo0o3 {tqlll : 2a6:]2950

Sald.riung Alrport, l{sw Delhl-110003 Plions 24632950

Rallv Glndhl ghawan
4. The actions specified in paragraph 3 above, are required to be completed within t5
(fifteen) days ofthe date set out herein above.

5. Additionally, please note the following remarks pertaining to the proposal submitted by

a. Operations to be commenced on the routes of this proposal in August 2017 after

signinS ofthe Selecled Airline Operator Agreement.
b. Operations are subject to the written consent ftom Minislry of Defence to provide
concessions /suppods as airport operator under the scheme

You are rcquested to comply with the all provisions of NIP

7. You ars requested to siSn and rctum fi€ duplicat€ copy of this LOA to the office of
the undersigned, as acknowledgement ofthis LOA, latest within 5 (five) days ofthe
recripl ofthis LOA.


Oeneral Manager (Engg-RCS)
For and on tlehalf of the Chairman
Airpons Authority of India



l. Joint S€crctrry(UP), MoCA Block, B RG Bhawan New Dclhi-l10003


l. OSD to Chairman AAI,

2. PS to Member (Planning), AAI
l. OSD to Member (Finance), AAI
4. OSD to Membcr (HR), AAI
5- OSD to Mcmber (ANS), AAI
6, OSD to Membcr ( OPS), AAI
7. Exe.ulive Director (RCS), AAI
E. Cenemt Manager (Financ€),RCS, AAI
9. Joint Ccneral Manase' (ATM -RCs), AAI
10. Asstt. C.M. (Engg. RCS)' AAI

Pase 2 ofj

l. Details of the Techtrical Bid

RCS Flisht I N'rmber I VCF I

RCS Routc(s) Date of stage I Aircraft lseating
ro be I of RCS I Sousht I
commencement length ltYP. lcapacrty
on tte I rtietrts | ,u"* o. i
of operations of (in kln) i I lof the deploy€d
flight | |aircran RCS Rou te witn I oer . I i1o1 I
RCS Flights .!t I week I
duration I I (in
(in minlI Number,Of RCS I I

of rhel
Seats Pe Rcsr I I

Flight and Numbcr I I I

Route I of Non-Rrcs s€atsl I I

per RCS F risht I I I

Number Number
of RCS of Non-
Seats RCS l

'78 20 1 Ntr
489 Q 400
tC,f Airport September,
Delhi To 20t7
Kanpur(Chakeri) No
20 20 7
491 Q 400 78
to ICI Airport
-npu(Chakeri) 2017
Delhi I

2. Fiuancial Bid
{VGF is sought}

ffiie of the Airline

{vCF is not sought}

lirp"n oetni ro
r-iuiict'utoi) to tct

Pase 3 oI l
?Trffiq ftqnrdq mfuo{q

Datel 30d Match, 20 I 7

Rei No.: AAI/RCS/SPICEJE-I t2l 2011 I
Spice Jet Limited
Udyo$ Vihar,Phase-IV
' Gurgaon,


the Regional
Stbjcct: txttcr of An/rrd ("LOA", for tb€ sclected lirliDe op€r'tor lrnder
eonnectivity s.heDe ('RCS") UDAII ir lsi rourd of bidding cycle
for opcretior of
RCS Flighk on rout s ol CSI /iryia Munbai -;Kandlo '> CSI
Airyort Mu' bai
, l,iritial Propoval (Lasl dale of submission-l6 OI 2ol?)for operaiing
l.'' This is wilh reference to your
airline oparator under fte RCS as provid;d in'Annexure-A of this
," tt"
""t""t"d-submittii pursrant io the Notice lnviling Prq)osal for Selection of.Airline
issued bv lh''
bp"J.* ta".a z,' o"t i0 l 6 and coriSendum issued from time to timel ("NIP')' on-behalf of
Airports-Authority of lndia ("Authority'); acling as the impletnenting
for above citied routes and you have
2. Your ptbposal has been accepted by rhe competcnt authority
be€n identified sel€cted Airlin€ Op€rator (SAo
the follo;ing to the Authority:
3. .Uriderthe terms ofttenlr, you are req-uiJd to submit

the format prescribed in '

(a) Dtjly executed Seiected Airline Opetator Agrcement in
Anncxure-X ofthe NIP ("SAOA")i
tlre NIP' for
(b) CuaIantee' in the format prescribed in Annexute-Vl of
-Performance Only) on or beforc the
an amount equivalent to Rs. IO,0Q,0O0 (Rupees Ten Lakhs ,

execution ofthe SAOA: and

(c) in the format prescribed in AnnexuJe-Vll of
lAdditional Performance Guaratrlee,
(Rupee! orc crore only) on or
the NIP, foi an amount equivalent to Rs l '00'00;000
before the cxecution ofthe SAOA',

arc requircd io be completed within 15

,4. The actions specified in paBgraph 3 above'
set out hereinabove'
1fifteen) days ofthe date

Pa8e I of3

lr$q qit q({ {Esirar{ {rS rr{ kdl - 1tobo3 q{tfi . 2463295I)

R.ltY.Glndl|l ghav.n Satd.4ung Alrport, .{ O.lhl-110003 Phone: 24632950

5. Additionally, please note the following remarks pertaining to the proposal submitted by

a. Operations to be commenced on the routes ofthis proposal in the month ofAugust

2017 after signing ofthe Selected Airline Operator Agreement.
b. Operations are subject to the written cons€nt from JVC AiQort Operator, to
provide concessionvsupports by the airport operator under the Scheme
c. For the RCS Airport(s) which require an investment of INR 5 Crores or more lor
rehabilitation / upgradation of infrastructure (airside or the terminal building) to
make such RCS Airport(s) operational suitable for proposed RCS Flight
operations, the Selected Airline Operator shall be required to submit an Additional
Performance Cuarantee for an amount of INR One Crore (lNR 1,00,00,000/-) to
the Implementing Agency

6. You are requested to comply with the all provisions ofNIP.

7. You are requested to sign and retum the duplicate copy ofthis LOA to the office of
the undersigne-d, as acknowledgement of this LOA, latest within 5 (five) days ofthe
receipt ofthis LOA-


\ .**--.-
General Manager (Engg-RCS)
For and on b€halfofthe chairman
Airports Authority of India



l. Joinl Secretary(UP), MoCA Block, B RG Bhawan New Delhi-l I0003


l. OSD to Chainnan AAI,

2. PS to Member (Planning), AAI
l. OSD to Member (Finance), AAI
L OSD 10 Member(HR), AAI
5. OSD to Member (ANS), AAI
6. OSD 10 Member ( OPS), AAI
7. Ex€cutive Direcior (RCS). AAI
8. General Vanager ( Financet.RCs. AAI
9. Joint General Manaaer (-ATM RCS) AAI
10. Asstt. C.M. (Ensg. RCS). AAI

PaSe 2 of3

l. Technical Bid

RCS Flight Number VCF

of Stage Aircrafl Seating
RCS Route(s)
length tYPe capacity Capacity to be of RCS Sought
nt of (in km) / of the deployed onthe Flights
(Yes or
aircraft RCS Route with per
operations of flight No)
RCS Flights drrration (in breakdown of week
Number of RCS
Jr;n ,int
of the Seats per RCS
I Flight and Number
I Rcs of Non-RCS Seats
I Route
per RCS Flight

Number Number
of RCS of Non-
Seats RCS
20 NO
78 20
CSI Airport August, 2u I / 533 Q400
Kandla 20 20 1 Ntr
550 Q40o 78
Kandla to CSI August, 2017
Airport Mumbai

2. Finatrcial Bid
{vCF is sought}

N-anre of the Airline \rGF per RCS

{VGF is not sought}

Maximum Ai1Q19
rla",e or tr," e141912P9I4191
SpiceJet Limited
C^st-i.potrM,rmbai To

Kandla to CSI Airpo(

SpiceJet Limhed

Pag€ 3 ofl
qrftq fdqnwq crkorur


Ref. No:AAt RCS SPICFJLI I 2017 Date 306 MarLh, 2O'l 7

Spice Jet Limited
Udyog Vihar.Bhase.IV

Sir. .
selected airline operatdr under the Reiional
Subiect: Lelter of Award ("LOA") for the
'a""i""itrri:i"0"." C'RCS') IIDAN in lst round of bidding cvcle for ope*rion of
;;;;;;J csl Airpo?t Mumboi ->Porbtndr -> csl Aitpor' Mumbai
20l7rtor opemling
L This is wiri reference'lo inilial Proposal lL'rsl dale ofsubmis'ion-16'0l
lhe RCS as provided in Anne\ure A of
lhis LOA
2i'ilinF 'our
"dator undertt'" Notice lnviting Proposal for selection pf Airline
it'"r""lii,- .*rn** p***t to from dme to lim'l C'NIP") ir"ued bv'the
bp" faat"a :f'Oct 2016 and corrigendum issucd of
as rhe implementing ag€ncy on behalf
Airoorts Autho ty of lndia c.Aurho;;), acring
Minisrryol Civil Avialion Covemmen{of
routes and vou haie
compelenl aulhority for above ciljed
2. Your proposal has beefl accepled b) lhe
been ideniified Selecled Airline Operator
to submit the following to the Authority:
3. Undet the terms ofthe NtP, you are required

(a) DulvexecutedSelectedAirlineoperatorAgreementintheformatpr€scribedin
,cnn"^u,.-i of$e NtP {-SAOA ofthe NIP' for
(b) p.ri"ra"n.. Cuarantee. in the lormal prescribed in AnDe\ure VI
;'#il;t;;;;;;;o *' in'p"! riu' Lakhs onr) ) on or berore the
s'oo ooo
execution of the SAOAi and of
in Annexure-vll
,", ;ffii;;;;i i",f;'munc" Guarunt"e' in the format prescribed
(Rupees one crore only) on or
ih" NlP, fo, u,no'nt equivalent to Rs l '00'00'000
before the exe'ulion ofthe SAOA )

completed within 15
t', 4- The acrions spe'cihed
1fifteen) days ofthe
jn i:aragaph 3 above; are required to be
date set out hereinabove'


Page I ol3

rldF lliql ctri *r{rEirr E( {S:r{fidt - iroqo3 {{ql|l : 246:t2950

Rerlv G.ndhl BhaY-{an Safderlung Alrport, l{ow Dolhl-ilI)003 Phonai 24632950
5. Additionally, please note the following remarks pertaining to the proposal submitted by

a. Operations to be commenced on the routes of this proposal io the month of August

2017 after signing of the Selected Airline Operator Agleemer .
b. operations are subject to the witten cons€nt fiom JVC Airport Operator, to
provide concessions/supports by the airport operator under the Scheme
c. For the RCS Airport(s) which tequire an investment of INR 5 Ctores or more for
rehabilitation / upgmdation of infrastructure (airside or the terminal building) to
make such RCS Airport(s) operational / suitable for proposed RCS Flight
op€ntions, the Selected Airline Operator shall be required to submit an Additional
Perfo.mance Guarantee for an amount of INR one Crore (lNR l'00'00,000/-) to
the lmplementing Agency.

6. You are rcquested to comply with the all provisions ofNIP.

?. You are requested to sign and rctum the duplicate copy of this LOA to the office of
the undersigned, as acknowledgement ofthis LOA, latest within 5 (five) days of the
receipt ofthis LOA.

' SincerelY.
lPradlip Kumarl
General Manager (Engg-RCS)
For and on behalfofthe Chairman
Airpons Authority of Iodia

Enclosur€ iAnnexure-A


l. Joint Sccrctary(UP), MoCA Block, B RG Bhawan Ncv, Dclhi-l 10003


l. OSD ro Chairman AAI,

2. PS to Mcmbcr (PlanninB), AAI
3. OSD to Mcmber (Finance), AAI
4. OSD to Member (HR), AAI
5. OSD to Membcr (ANS), AAI
6. OSD to Mcmb.r ( OPS), AAI
?. Exccutivc Director (RCS), AAI
8. Gcnerat Maneacr (Financ!),RCS' AAI
9. Joint Gcn.r.l Managcr (ATM -RCS)' AAI
lO. Asstt. C M. (Engs. RCS), AAI

Page 2 ol 3

t. Deteils of the Technical Bid

ol Stage Aircrafl Seating -t Frieht I Number vcF I

RCS Route(s)
commenceme length type capacity Capacity to ue
of RCS SouCht

of (in km) / of rhe deployed on the I Flights (Yes or


opefations of flight aircrafl RCS Route with I per Not


RCS Flights duration (in hreakdown o[

(in min) number) I Number of RCS
of rhe I Sears per RCS
RCS lFlight and Number
Route I of Non-RCS Seats
per RcS Flich!
Number Number
of RCS of Non- I

S€ats RCS
Seats l

20 20 7 No
,+.11 Q40o 78
CSI Airport August, 2017

2. Fin.trcial Bid
{VGF is sought}

N e of the Ai.lin"

{VGF is not sought)

e irpon MurnbuiTo

Page 3 ofl

e.sett4 zot't Pate: lO' t,tarcl, ZOtf

Re,l No r AAI/RCS/SPIC -

Spice Jet Limited
UdJog Vihar.Phase-lV

under the Regioral

s"r,i.ct: l,etl| of Aw.r.d C'LOA") for the s'lect'd llrliDe operator
il'r:"#;il;i;Ris1 JDAN iu lsi round or biddins cvclc fot oper'tioD
RCS Flightr or routei ol laipw -> labal'n't -> loipw
(L&st datc of. submission-o.| ' 0.2 2017)for
!. This is. *ith rcference to your Counicr Proposal
' ;-J;;;;J;;ed the Rcs as provided in Anncxure-A of rhis LoA
lrtine o'perarqr uhaer
to thc Notice lnviting Proposal for Stlecrion of
i:tffi"Lf, submitted pursu€nt conigendum issued from.time ro timel
("NIP") issued by the
b*laL* i*" ,," o"t 20t6 and as the implemcnting asdrcv on
behalr or
i[i". iili],o "iinii" c'^utoo"ilii' ""ting
Mi;i$ryrf Civil Avialion' Covernment oflndia
the compacnt aulhonty for
citied routes a'd you have
2. Youi proposal has been acccpte-d iy 'bqv'
becn identified S€lected Airline
Ope6tor (sAO)
you are requirei to submit the fbtlo*ing to fte Aulhority:
3. Under the terms afthe NIP,
prescrib€d in
(ai Duli executed Selected AirlineOp€ftor Agreem;nt in ihe '
Annexure-x ofrhe NIP c'sAoA"):
(b) Cuarantee' in tftt fomat prescriH in Annexure-Vl of the NIP' for
to ns tooo'oooinupees Ten t'khs
only) on or before the
an amount equivalent
execulion of the SAOAi and of
(c) in the format-pr€scribdd in Annexure-Vll
{Additlonal Performaoce Cuarante€' or
"' ;" equivalent t6:Rs l'00'00'000
(Rup€es one crore only) on

";:;;,"" "tount
before the execution ofthe SAOA )
within 15
4 The actions specified in p3rdgqph
3 abo{e' are requir€d to be completed
of the date set out herein above
( fi fteen ) days

Pagc r of3

rr{rc qifl qfi riwcir rFI{ sFntffi - l1ooo3 r{Fm : 2a6:t295o

l{er D.lhl-l10003 Phon :2483iI95O

RallY Gandhi ghawan Saldrrrung AtrDott,
5. Additionally, please note the following remarks pertaining to the proposal submitted by

a. Opeaations to be commenced on the routes of this proposal in September 2017

after signing of the Selected Airline Operator Agreement.
b. Operations are subject to the written consent from Ministry of Defence to provide
concessions /supports as airport operator

6. You are rcquested to comply with the allprovisions ofNIP.

7. You are requested to sign and r€tum the duplicate copy of this LOA to the office of
the undersigned, as acknowledgement ofthis LOA, latest within 5 (five) days of the
receipt ofthis LOA.


\t -t
General Manager (Engg-RCS)
For and on behalfofthe Chairman
Airpons Aulhority of lndia



L Joint Secretary(UP), MoCA Block, B RG Bhawan Ncw Delhi-l 10003


l. OSD to Chairman AAI.

2. PS to Member (Plannine), AAI
3. OSDto Mcmber (Financc), AAI
4. OSD to Memb€r (HR), AAI
5. OSD to Membcr (ANS), AAI
6. OSD to Mcmbs ( OPS), AAI
7, Executivc Dircctor (RCS), AAI
t. Gcneral Managd (Fin.nce),RCS, AAI
9. Joint G€n.ral Managcr (ATM -RCS), AAI
10. Asstt. G.M. (Engg. RCS), AAI

Page 2 ol 3

l. Details of the Techtrical Bid

RCS Route(s) Date of Stage Aircraft Seating RCS Flieht Number VGF
commenceme lengh t-vpe capacity Capacity to be of RCS Sought
nt of (in km) / of the deployed on the Flights
(Yes or
operations of flight aircmft RCS Route with per
RCS Fliehts duration (in breakdown of
(in min) number) Number of RCS
of the Seats per RCS
RCS Flight and Number
Route of Non-RCS Seats
per RCS Flight

Number Number
of RCS of Non-
Seats RCS

laipur To September, 5ll Q400 78 ll l2 7 No

laisalmer 20t1

Jaisalmer To September, 5ll Q400 78 ll t2 7 No

laipur 2017

2. Firancial Bid
{vGF is sought}

Name of the Airline RCs Rout€ vGF per RCS Maximum

Operator Se.t (in Rs.) Airfare (in

{VGF is not sought}

Name of the Airline OPerator RCS Rouie Maximum Airfare

laipur To laisalmer 2,300
SpiceJet t-imited
SpiceJet Limited laisalmer To lajPUr

Pase 3 olJ
,o qT{01qff ffi !-f, -{qtf kf, -{nT

Date: I?t April,201?

Rel No.: AAI/RCS/sPlcElElt51 2011

Spice Jet Limited ,
'Udyog vihar.Phas€-lV


foi lhe lekf,fed tirlitre oper'lor utrder lhe Regionrl

Subjeclr Lctter of Atdard (*LOAi)
cycle for operltior of
1""'"J,ir-,,, *0"." ('nis) - rmlx io lst round of btdding
iit ,nroo .rr,".'ot IGI Airpofi Delhi ->Ado'apu|(tatandhor) '> IGI Airpo Delhi
(lasl datc of submission-16 01'201-7) for op€raling
"l. This is wilh referencc to your inilial proposal
op"rafot the RCS as provided in Annexurc-A.
of this LoA
"r"*" ""il.1 "d"'
"n,,n. pursuant to the Nolice lnviting Proposat of Airline
It-'*lii, ."i*,n" 'selecrion
bv rhe
br".Lt i*.o ,t'o" iot5 ana co"igend'rm issucd from iime to dmel('NIP) issued

il;;;;;;to' of .lndia ("Aurhoritl"l' a'rins as thc i'l':"1ti:9 lfl:'":n beharf of

your email datedl March 27 2017 -
Mi;istry ofCivil Aviarion, GoYernment of India- And '
t and you havc
2. Your proposal has b€en byihe competcnl authority'for above cilicd rout's
'clepted (SAO)
b€en identified Sclected Airlinc Operator

to submi the following to the Authori:ty:

3. Under the terms ofthe NlP, you are requirei

in the format prescribed in

(a) Duly execuled Selected Airline Operator Agreement
Annexure-x oflhe NIP C'SAoA")l
C'arantee, in the format prescribed in
Annexure-vl of lhe NIP' for
fbl t"i".a-* tOpO'OOOin**t f- Lakhs Only) on or before tlie
an amount equivslent to Rs'
execution ofthe SAOA; and
t"l r"rocii"" "g"ed and acc.epted vour submission vide email '"1:t]-'l]ll1:
' lar,**", tofOo'oo'ooo (Rupeei one crore only) in
n" respect of Adamprr

. Airpon( RCS Airpon)'

rcquir€d lo be completed within 15
4. The actions specificd in pamgraph 3 above' are
of the date set out hercinabov€'
. (fifteen) days

' 5. Ad;nio;ally, please note thc follqwiog rcmarks pertaining to the p'oposal submitted bv

loutes of this propoial from 106 s'pteihbe''
op"ru,iont to b" commenced on the
b OPcrations arc subject tol

Pase I of l

lrg'q fi6 lr{r nrr<<rq Eqd 3[ss -{ ftdl - looo: {a'nq : 246329sO
Ralv Gandtii thawan Safdarjung Anpo(. New Delhr_110003 Phone: 24632950
i. Signing ofMOU by the Covemment ofPunjab.
ii. Written cons€ from (i) Ministry of D€fence and (ii) JVC Airport
Opeaator, to provide concessions /suppo s by the airport op€rator under
the Scheme
c. Airline operator to oPerate from alemat4 airport Adampur in place ofJalandhar.

6. You arc rcquested to comply with lhe 6ll provisions ofNlP.

?. You are Jrqueslcd to sign and rctum the duplicate copy of this LOA to the office of
th. undersigned, as acknowlcdgement of this LOA, latest within 5 (five) days of the
rEceipt ofrhis LOA
(\ sin".r"ty.
(Prddtip Kum6r)
General Manager (Engg-RCS)
For and on tlehalfofthe Chairman
Airports Authorily of lndia

Enclosure:-Annexure A


l. Joiot S6relary(UP), MoCA Block, B RG Bhawan Ncw Delhi-l I0o03INTERNAL

l. OSD to Chaimah AAI.
2. PS to Mcmber (Planning), AAI
3. OSD to Member (Finance), AAI
4. OSD to Membcr (HR), AAI
5. OSD to Membcr(ANS), AAI
6. oSD to M€mber ( OPS), AAI
7. Executivc Dircctor (RCS), AAI
8. Ceneral Managcr (Finance),Rcs, AAI
9. Joint Cencral Managcr (ATM -RCS), AAI
10. Asstt. G.M. (Engg. RCS), AAI

PaSe 2 of3

1. Details of the Technical Bid

RCS Date of staee Aircraft I

Seating Rcs rrlght I Num VGF
commencement lensrh type capacity Capacity to be ber Soug
Route(s) I I

of operations of (in km) of the deployed on of I


RCS Flights / fli8hr I

aircraft the RCS RouE I
duratio (in Flig
n (in numb€r) breakdown of hts
min) of Number of per
the RCS Seats per
RCS RCS Flight k
Route and Numbe.
of Non-RCS
Seats per RCS
Num- Num-
ber of ber of
RCS Non-
Seats RCS

IGI 306 September, .1,{ I Q400 7ll l0 20

Airport 2011
Delhi To
20 20 '7 No
Adampur l0' September, Q400 78

to IGI 2011

2. Financirl Bid
{VGF is not sought}

IGI Airport Delhi To

Adampur to lcl Airport

Page 3 ofl
qr{fu ftqrflf,{ sr ,fYflnl


Ret No.: AAI RCS SPICEJET/6r :trl7 ,Datq l7d APril,20l?

Spice Jet Limited
Udyog Vihar, Phase-lV
Haryana- 122016


Subjeci: Letter of Awird ('LOA") for the selected .irlitre opemtor utrder ihe Regiorrl
Connectivity Scheme ("RCS") UDAII in lst rourd of bidding cycle for operation of
RCS Flights otr routes of tlyderubad (Shamshobdd) -> Pondichetry -> Hydenbatl

1. This is with reference toyour initial Proposal(Ldst date ofsubmission-16.01.2017)for

operating as the selected airline operator under the RCS as provided in Annexure Aof
this LOA ("Propos!l'l), submitted pursuant to the Notice Inviting Proposal for Sglection
.of Airline Operato.s [dated 21" Oct 2016 and corrigendum issued from time ro lime]
("NtP") issued by the Airports Authority of India ("Authority"), actin8 as-the
implementing agency on behalfofMinistry ofCivil Aviation, Govemment oflndia and
your emaildaled: l4th April,2017.

2. Your proposal has been acc€pted by competent authority for above citied routes and you
have'been identified Sele;ted Aiiline Opemtor (SAO)
3. Under the terms ofthe NtP, you are required to submh the following to the Authority:

(a) Duly executed Selected Airline Op€ratol Agreement in the format prescribed in
Arnexure-X ofthe NIP ("SAOA");
(b) Performance Cualantee, in tha format prescribed in Annexurc-Vl of the NIP, lor
an amount equivalent to Rs. 10,00,000 (Rupees Ten Lakhs Only) on or before the
execulion of lhe SAOA; and
(c) Th€ SAO shall submit an undertaking;
"tf the estimaled cos-t of infmstructure to be provided at RCS airport
(Pondicherry) to permit the operation ofproposed RCSllight as per requirement 9f
the regulatory authorities like DOCA, BCAS etc, the SAO shall submit an
Additionrl Perfomaace Guarantee. in the format prescribed in Annexure-Vll of
th€ NIP, for an amount equivalent to Rs. 1,00'00,000 (Rupees one crore only) to
the lmplementing Agency withln 30 Days (Thirty) ofissue ofsuch information to

Page I of3

rr$re .16 .r{r qtr<r-r.i.I Ear{ rrggl {{ lird - 1iooo3 Eflrq r 2a832950
Raliv Gandhi thawan Safda4ung Aino(. New Oelhi 110003 Phone:24632950
The actions specified in paragraph j above. are required to be completed
within 15
(filieen) days ofthe dare set out hereinabov€.

5. Additionally, please note the following remarks perlaining to the proposal

submitted by

a. Operations to be commenced on the routes ofthis proposal from the date of l,l
b. Operalions are subject to the written consent fiom fVC Airpon Operator, to
provide concessionysupports by the airport op€rator under the Scheme

6. You are requested to comply with the all provisions ofNlp.

7. You are requested to sign and retum the duplicate copy ofthis LOA to the
office of
the undersigned, as acknowledgement ofthis LOA, latest within 5 (five) days
of the
receipt ofthis LOA.
N -.
\\ Srncerel).

,rr"}ffi Manager (Engg-RCS)
For and on behalfofthe Chairman
Airports Authority of India
Enclosure :.Annexure-A


I- Joint Secretary(UP), MoCA Block, B RG Bhawan New Delhi-l1000j-(ln reference of e mail

ofM/s Spicejet Ltd. Dated 14.04.20t7 increasinS RCS seats l9 and Non RCS sears t9 on the
rouie from RCS seats l0 and Non RCS seats lO in lhe proposal


L OSD to Chairman AAl,

2. PS to Member (Planning), AAI
3. OSD to Member (Finance), AAI
1. OSD ro Member (HR), AAI
5. OSD ro Member (ANS). AAt
6. OSD 10 Member ( OPS). AAI
7. Execurive Director (RCS), AAI
8. General Manager (Finance).RCS, AAI
9. Joint General Manager (ATM RCS), AAI
10. Assrt. G.M. (Engg. RCS). AAI

Pa8e 2 of3

1. Details ofthe T€chnical Bid

ncs noutelst Date of Stage Aircmf Seatin RCS Flight Numb VGF

commence length t type g Capacity to be er of Soug

ment of (in capacit deployed on RCS ht

operations km) / yof th€ RCS Route Flight (Yes

of RCS flight the with s per or
Flights duratio aircmf breakdown of No)
n (in t (in Number of
min) numbe RCS Seats per
of the r) RCS Flight and
RCS Number of
Route Non-RCS
Seats per RCS
Numb Numb
er of er of
RCS Non-
Seats RCS

l9 No
Hyderabad l" July, 678 Q400
'78 39 1

(Sham shabad) 2017

Pondicherry l't July 650 Q400 78 39 39 7

to Hyderabad 2011

2. Financial Bid
{VGF is not sought}

Name of the Airline RCS Roulc Maxi um Airfare

Spice Jet Limited Hyderabad (Shamshabad) J.U4U
To Pondicherry
Pondictrerry to HYderabad 2.800
Spice Jet Limited

Pa8e 3 ofJ

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