Nursing Philosophy Reflection Journal

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Nursing Philosophy Reflection Journal

Lauren Carter

Delaware Technical Community College

NURS 460: Nursing Capstone

Professor McKnight

July 9, 2023

Nursing Philosophy Reflection Journal

As nurses, we have our own viewpoints on what nursing means to us. Our viewpoints are

what affects our decisions, actions, and reactions in our daily practice. Nurses have their own

values, ethics, beliefs, and motivation which allows us to be successful in such an honoring

profession. Despite our differences in how we practice nursing, we all have the same vision to

naturally want to help others. Besides, nurses are the most honorable and trusted human beings.

As a nurse, I want to make a difference in people’s lives and help to be the change in the world

today. I have always been the type of person that goes above and beyond for everyone else. I live

to help others. To become a nurse, we go through years of education to allow us to give the

appropriate care to our patients. However, there is never enough schooling that can prepare any

student nurse for real world nursing. Every day is a challenge, physically and emotionally.

People’s lives are placed in the hands of nurses. There are days when I leave the hospital feeling

content with the care I provided and other days I leave wondering where I went wrong. In reality,

no one is perfect, and I know in my heart that I have done my best. My personal philosophy as a

nurse is to allow myself to learn something new every day, practice standard of care to the best

of my ability, be invested in my patients, provide wellness in all aspects, and most importantly

always be an advocate for my patients. I believe I have successfully implemented my philosophy

throughout my career as a nurse and my time as a student completing my Bachelor of Science in

nursing (BSN) degree.

The theory that has inspired me and has assisted me in becoming a better well-rounded

nurse was implemented by Virginia Henderson. Henderson’s nursing theory states the

importance of the nurse devoting themselves to the patients in helping them to learn to care for

themselves again. It is my duty as a nurse to give my patients the best care and promote their

quality of life. My goal as a nurse is to treat my patients and assist them to reach an optimal level

of health in which they can maintain a good quality of life. The “need theory” that Virginia

Henderson lived by helps the nurse to care for the patient while helping the patient become more

independent and reach goals and milestones that allows the patient to have an optimal recovery

to health (Peralta, 2017). As a nurse, I look at my patients holistically and strive to provide the

highest level of care. To succeed in providing proficient nursing care healthcare providers must

understand the patient as a whole: functionally, emotionally, mentally, and socially. As a nurse, I

truly give all I have to my patients. I am their advocate, their support person, and their healer. I

see patients at their worst and care for them until they are hopefully at their best. I use my heart,

my mind, and my hands just as Henderson did because it is my desire to care, to serve, to help,

and to cure.

Henderson’s theory has played an important role in allowing me to become the nurse I

am today. I can say that my bedside nursing skills and my knowledge on evidence-based practice

has grown significantly which has allowed me to be a confident well-rounded nurse. I can

proudly say that I am currently a preceptor, a charge nurse, and a clinical nurse III. As a

preceptor I assist and train new nurses to be the best well-rounded nurse before they are on their

own. Preceptors bridge the gap between theoretical learning and clinical practice. I can guide

beginner nurses in meeting clinical objectives and delivering safe and quality patient care. Being

a preceptor is something I hold near and dear to my heart as I enjoy educating and it is an

amazing feeling to be able to know that you were the nurse that was able to shape them into the

nurse they are today. Secondly, I can say I have successfully conquered the role as a charge nurse

as my responsibility is to provide staff guidance, support challenging situations, and implement

urgent policies and procedures. I can monitor patients and staff, provide education, and jump in

where needed. I am honored to have the title of a charge nurse as it is crucial for a charge nurse

to have a strong foundation of clinical knowledge and skills on which to base judgments and

make decisions, organize abilities to direct nursing tasks and operations, and have strong

interpersonal skills to facilitate communication and the work of others. It takes big shoes to fill

the charge nurse position and I am proud to say that I have filled those shoes. Lastly, I have the

knowledge and experience that I have successfully moved up to a clinical nurse III. Being able to

move up the clinical ladder is huge as it exemplifies the progression that has been made thus far

as my career as a nurse. I have the education, the skills, the knowledge, the bedside mannerisms,

and more to be considered a clinical nurse III which is something to look highly upon.

I can also say that education has been a huge factor in helping me reach my goal as a

well-rounded nurse. I have been taking multiple classes and I have completed multiple clinical

hours to expand my knowledge and skills as a nurse. I can proudly say that this is my last class to

complete and then I can successfully say that I have completed my BSN. I have also taken many

classes at my place of employment, and I have stayed up to date with the required continuing

education. I am also a part of multiple committees such as the Professional Practice Council. As

a nurse I truly believe that continuing your education, keeping up to date with evidence-based

practice topics and ideas, and staying involved in your place of employment is important in being

a successful nurse. It is crucial to continue education as it increases the safety and well-being of

patients and decreases the likelihood of mistakes.

My current perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs have been reinforced by my nursing

philosophy as I have successfully used Henderson’s theory to become the best version of myself

in my career as a nurse. I have been able to accomplish many things in just 3 years of being a

nurse including being a preceptor, a charge nurse, and a clinical nurse III. I can also proudly say

that I have been awarded a Daisy Award which exemplifies the extraordinary compassion that I

have provided to my patients and families every day, it was truly an honor to win this award. I

can safely say that my bedside nursing skill is strong and my knowledge that I have gained

throughout my time as a BSN student and being a nurse has grown significantly.

My nursing philosophy has contributed to my perspectives on nursing leadership by truly

shaping me into a successful leader. The main goals in nursing that is strengthened by leadership

is positive patient outcomes and exceptional patient care. Nursing leadership is truly the ability

to inspire, influence, motivate, and educate nursing staff and other healthcare professionals to

work together to achieve their highest potential and goals which I believe I have been successful

in. My goal as a nurse leader is to be dependable, trustworthy, approachable, and be an expertise

in my field of nursing and I have accomplished this in my daily practice as a nurse. As a nurse

leader I can improve staff satisfaction, promote successful communication, provide adequate

patient care and safety, and be an overall well-rounded nurse.

In conclusion, my personal nursing philosophy is influenced by many factors including

my responsibility of becoming the best version of myself in the role as a registered nurse, my

commitment and dedication to my patients, and the pledge I took when I was pinned. As a nurse,

I will allow myself to learn something new every day, practice standard of care to the best of my

ability, be invested in my patients, provide wellness in all aspects, and most importantly always

be an advocate for my patients. I must remember that nurses are the most honorable and trusted

profession which will drive me to be the best nurse I can be. As a nurse, I will heal the mind,

soul, heart, and body of my patients and I will strive to make a difference in this world.


Peralta, H. (2017). Henderson Model, In J. Fitzpatrick (Ed.), Encyclopedia of nursing research

(4th ed.). Springer Publishing Company. Credo Reference:



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