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I am going to write an article about what film I recommend to learn English.

First of all, I always say that the best way to learn English at home is watching original version films.
You can watch the film with or without subtitles, this depends on your English level. If you have a low
level you should start watching film with Spanish subtitles and the next time watch this film with
English subtitles, to finish watching it without them. You will can understand English quickly with this
advice .

Secondly, all Disney films are recommended by me, they normally use a simple language and the
actors speak so clear, as they are understood by kids. Principally, I should say that the best film is the
Lion King due to being so funny and you can watch it with you family while you learn English. On the
other hand, if you like learning a high English level you should watch The Lord of the Rings, as It is a
trilogy. You can try with this story because they are continued in the three films. The story tells that a
dark lord is organizing an army but he needs a ring to recover him power. This ring is owned by a
hobbit who has to destroy it in the fate mountain.

Finally, I have to say that the best film to learn English is your favorite or whose argument you
remember. I hope that your English improves with my suggestion.

Dear Kate.

I hope that you are well in Boston. As you said, I had a reunion with my old mates and I am going to
write about them.

Firstly, I am going to tell you why it was awesome. It was organized by my last teachers, they rented a
catering where you could eat different food, for example mini hamburgers, pizza, snack, and beer but
without alcohol, It was prohibited there. The party started with a video where you could watch old
photos, we were sixteen years old, it was so funny. Next, we told different stories about our youth and
finished dancing all night long.

Secondly, All my old mates came to the party. For example Juan. Do you remember him? We were
best friends, it was so crazy to play with him and Carlos. Juan is married with Maria. They have been
married since 2015 and he is a doctor in the Hospital Lucia de Gracia. Besides, he has two sons, Pablo
and Victor. Victor is older that Pablo. On the other hand Carlos is single, he said that It was better to be
alone and he always repeats that he is so happy. For this reason, he prefers having two dogs to/rather
than having sons.

In conclusion, it was an awesome party I hope that you can come to the next.

I am looking forward to your answer.


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