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Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad.

Convocatoria 2019/2020
• No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningún otro material didáctico.
• Las preguntas deberán ser respondidas en inglés.
• Duración de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
• Hay que elegir: un texto con sus preguntas, 6 frases de rephrasing y una redacción.



You must answer all the questions about the same text. NO POINTS will be
given to mixed answers. Clearly identify on your paper which text you have
The car is the symbol of modern American life; but cars need roads, and so the
road is also a symbol. But while cars have regularly been raised to the status
of cult objects in song, poetry and film, roads have tended to keep a
more banal image. However, in the culture and history of twentieth century
America, one highway stands out from the rest; and although it no longer exists,
except in small sections here and there, "Route 66" is, without the shadow of a
doubt, the most famous highway in the United States of America.

The myth said that Route 66 was the road that led from the hell of dusty Oklahoma
to the paradise of California, where the peach trees were always full of juicy fruit,
just waiting to be picked, and those who like listening to American music may
have heard the song Route 66, originally recorded by Nat King Cole.

In 1926, a businessman called John Woodruff made a proposal to create a

highway running all the way from the Great Lakes to the Pacific. It would be the
longest federal highway in the U.S.A. Woodruff's plan was accepted, and the
number 66 was chosen, just because it was a nice memorable number. It became
the most used highway in the U.S.A. and lots of people made business around it.
The development of a new means of transport and different routes made the
Route 66 become obsolete, and in 1977, the U.S. 66 officially ceased to exist.

In recent years, the story of Route 66 has come to be recognized as history, and
a few adventurous travellers are driving along sections of it, reliving the spirit of
the past. It is a road for people with time to spare, and a taste for a long journey.
Adapted from

READING COMPREHENSION. (2 POINTS) (0.5 points for each correct
answer). Add TRUE or FALSE and copy the evidence from the text to support
your answer. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE. No marks are given
for T or F.
Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad. Convocatoria 2019/2020
• No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningún otro material didáctico.
• Las preguntas deberán ser respondidas en inglés.
• Duración de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
• Hay que elegir: un texto con sus preguntas, 6 frases de rephrasing y una redacción.

1. Cars and roads have always had the same consideration in American

2. It was thought that Route 66 brought people to a much better place.

3. They chose number 66 because it was very popular.

4. The big amount of traffic made the government close the Route 66.


LEXICON. (1 POINT) (0.25 points for each correct answer)
Find words or phrases in the text that mean the same as these given.
1. Elevated:
2. Succulent, tasty:
3. Old-fashioned:
4. Stopped:

PHONETICS. (1 POINT) (0.25 points for each correct answer)

1.Is the “-ed” pronounced / t /, / d / or / ɪd / in “picked”?
2.How is the “i” pronounced in “highway”, /aɪ /, / i: / or / ɪ /?
3. Is the “-s” pronounced / s/, / z/ or / ɪz / in “trees”?
4.Write a word from the text that includes the sound /eɪ / as in “became”.


Only five per cent of adolescents in the United States are meeting the national
recommendations for sleep, exercise and screen time.
A study published in JAMA Pediatrics discovered that only 1 in 20 adolescents
are meeting the guidelines and that a discrepancy exists between the sexes. Only
three percent of girls get enough sleep and exercise and don't exceed screen
time recommendations, compared to seven percent of boys.
According to the study, children aged 6 to 12 years old should get between nine
and 12 hours of sleep. Children aged 14 to 18 years old should sleep for eight to
10 hours per night. Both groups should get at least one hour of moderate to
vigorous exercise a day and limit screen time to less than two hours a day.
Gregory Knell, author and research fellow at the University of Texas School of
Public Health, said in a press release that he was surprised by how few
adolescents are hitting the benchmarks and that the study's results are a "wake-
up call." He added that there can be considerable effects on physical and
emotional health and academic performance.
Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad. Convocatoria 2019/2020
• No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningún otro material didáctico.
• Las preguntas deberán ser respondidas en inglés.
• Duración de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
• Hay que elegir: un texto con sus preguntas, 6 frases de rephrasing y una redacción.

"There is plenty of evidence to show how teenagers aren't getting enough

physical activity, or sufficient sleep, or keeping their screen time in check," Knell
said. "But this is the first time these three factors, which have a crucial bearing
on a child's health, have been analysed together … The results are a wake-up
call for everyone who wants to make sure our children have a healthy future."
Researchers analysed the responses of almost 60,000 high school students in
the U.S. from the 2011 to 2017 Youth Risk Behaviour Surveillance Survey. They
found that older teens, African-American and Asian children, those classified as
obese and those who showed signs of depression were the least likely to meet
all the guidelines.
Based on the results, the authors stress that doctors need to speak more with
their patients about these habits and provide advice to them and their families.

READING COMPREHENSION. (2 POINTS) (0.5 points for each correct
answer). Add TRUE or FALSE and copy the evidence from the text to support
your answer. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE. No marks are given
for T or F.
1. According to the study girls spend more time on electronic devices.
2. According to the study, a minimum of two hours of physical activity is
3. Physical activity, sleeping and time on electronic devices were studied
together last year.
4. The results of the study are a warning for all the people concerned about


LEXICON. (1 POINT) (0.25 points for each correct answer)
Find words or phrases in the text that mean the same as these given.
1. Difference, dissimilarity:
2. Energetic, dynamic:
3. Overweight:
4. Counsel, recommendation:

PHONETICS. (1 POINT) (0.25 points for each correct answer)

1. How is the “ed” pronounced in “discovered” /d/, /t/ or /ɪd/?
2. Write two words from the text that include the sound /iː/ as in “people".
3. Write one word from the text that includes the sound /aɪ/ as in “like"
Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad. Convocatoria 2019/2020
• No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningún otro material didáctico.
• Las preguntas deberán ser respondidas en inglés.
• Duración de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
• Hay que elegir: un texto con sus preguntas, 6 frases de rephrasing y una redacción.


USE OF ENGLISH. (3 POINTS) (0.5 points for each correct answer).
Choose SIX of these sentences and rewrite them starting with the words
given. Only the first six will be corrected. No points will be given for the
extra ones. Clearly identify the sentences you choose using the numbers
1. They built those highways fifty years ago.
Those highways
2. My brother lives in California. We went on holidays there.
My brother lives
3. It is obligatory to wait here.
4. John asked me: “have you ever driven along this road?”
John asked
5. Edward married Helen because she was rich and famous.
6. Make a question for which the underlined words would be the answer.
Mike wanted to see the manager of the business.
7. Someone has read the newspapers.
The newspapers
8. “The bus was very late this morning” Pamela said to Jane.
Pamela said to Jane
9. An expert is programming my computer.
10. Could you collect my prescription from the pharmacy?
Do you mind
11. He came to London 20 years ago.
He has
12. They were such small houses that we couldn´t stand up inside them.
The houses


Write ONE of these two compositions (3 POINTS). If you write two, no points
will be given to the second one. Your composition must have at least 125

OPTION 1: The advantages and disadvantages of being a famous pop

OPTION 2: Do you have a healthy lifestyle? Give your opinion.
Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad. Convocatoria 2019/2020
• No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningún otro material didáctico.
• Las preguntas deberán ser respondidas en inglés.
• Duración de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
• Hay que elegir: un texto con sus preguntas, 6 frases de rephrasing y una redacción.



You must answer all the questions about the same text. NO POINTS will be
given to mixed answers. Clearly identify on your paper which text you have
Driverless cars: a great or problematic invention?
Have you ever seen a car without a driver? It sounds crazy, but these computer-
driven driverless cars will soon be filling roads near you. Companies like Google and
Tesla have been designing and testing these cars, and the technology is there – they
just need to see if they are value for money, work out insurance issues, and run final
tests to check they can run alongside human-driven cars on the road.
So how do they work? The cars have sensors all around which can detect other cars
and obstacles in the road. Sensors on the wheels also help when parking, so the car
knows how far it is from the kerb or other parked cars. Road signs are read by
cameras, and satellite navigation systems are used so the car knows how to get to
your destination. All you have to do is type in the address! Finally, a central computer
system takes in all the information it receives from the sensors and cameras and
processes this to work out when to accelerate, brake and steer.
Sound like your idea of heaven? Sitting back, looking out of the windows and even
watching a film or reading a book while ‘driving’ would be possible with this new
technology. You would not have to worry about remembering directions to where you
are going. In addition, computers are generally more efficient drivers than humans,
meaning emissions would be reduced. They would also drive more safely than
people – they do not get distracted by music or friends, they would obey the speed
limit and they have quicker reaction times in case of an emergency.
However, there are many drawbacks of driverless cars. Computers would have
difficulties making ethical decisions; if a child ran into the road, would the computer
choose to hit the child or swerve and potentially kill the car’s passengers? Moreover,
I personally find driving fun – I would miss never being behind the wheel myself.
There would also be many legal decisions to be made – should children, or drunk
people, be allowed in a driverless car by themselves? Or would there need to be a
responsible adult with a driving licence in the car at all times?
Although being driven around by a machine would perhaps mean that no one needs
a driving licence and saving money for everyone, many people would be put out of a
job by the dawn of driverless cars. Bus, taxi, train and tram drivers as well as driving
instructors would be made redundant.
I am not convinced I would want a driverless car – but it is only a matter of time before
they will become more affordable and commonplace on our roads.

READING COMPREHENSION. (2 POINTS) (0.5 points for each correct
answer). Add TRUE or FALSE and copy the evidence from the text to support
Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad. Convocatoria 2019/2020
• No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningún otro material didáctico.
• Las preguntas deberán ser respondidas en inglés.
• Duración de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
• Hay que elegir: un texto con sus preguntas, 6 frases de rephrasing y una redacción.

your answer. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE. No marks are given
for T or F.
1. Many companies like Tesla or Google agree that driverless cars are totally
reliable in terms of price and security.
2. Cars will adjust speed and direction depending on the information they get
only from sensors.
3. Using driverless cars we will have less pollution.
4. There aren't any risks for employment with driverless cars.


LEXICON. (1 POINT) (0.25 points for each correct answer)
Find words or phrases in the text that mean the same as these given.
1. problems, concerns:
2. follow orders, do what you are told:
3. disadvantages:
4. economical, reasonable:

PHONETICS. (1 POINT) (0.25 points for each correct answer)

1. Is the “-ed” pronounced / t /, / d / or / ɪd / in “reduced”?
2. How is the “o” pronounced in “money”, /ɑː/, /æ/ or /ʌ/?
3. Is the final “-s” pronounced / s /, / z / or / ɪz / in “emissions”?
4. How is the “i” pronounced in “sign”, / ɪ /, / ɪ:/ or /aɪ/?

Carpooling: a different way to travel
I love travelling so you can imagine my disappointment when I discovered that
my local train station would be closed for five months. The public transport in my
area is very bad because everyone prefers to drive. Unfortunately, I do not have
a car, but I realised that I could start carpooling with people who use their cars
Carpooling is when a driver offers to take passengers in exchange for some
money for petrol. As a result, carpooling can be a cheaper alternative to public
transport because everyone in the car shares the cost of petrol. I recently did
carpooling for the first time and it was very easy to find a driver. I used a website
which lists drivers' profiles and found someone who was going to the same
destination as me. The profiles provided a lot of information such as their first
name, age and gender as well as reviews from previous passengers. I decided
to travel with a lady who had very good reviews. I paid for my share of the petrol
through the website and arranged to meet her in the town centre.
Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad. Convocatoria 2019/2020
• No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningún otro material didáctico.
• Las preguntas deberán ser respondidas en inglés.
• Duración de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
• Hay que elegir: un texto con sus preguntas, 6 frases de rephrasing y una redacción.

It may seem quite scary to travel with a stranger but there are some safety
measures. Firstly, the driver cannot receive your money until you text them a
code at the end of your journey. This means that if you are unsatisfied with your
trip, the driver will not be paid. Secondly, it is important to read all the drivers'
profiles before choosing who you want to travel with. You can read the reviews
and decide if you prefer travelling with a younger or older man or woman. If you
have any doubts, then you should not choose to travel with that person and
continue reading other people's profiles until you find somebody you like. Lastly,
I would recommend travelling with a friend so there is a familiar face in the car.

I had a very good experience carpooling. Not only was the trip very cheap, but
the driver and the other passengers were really friendly. They were all French,
so I had the chance to practise speaking some French. Carpooling could be the
future of travel. As train and petrol prices are rising, both drivers and passengers
can benefit from this cheaper form of travel. However, perhaps more importantly,
carpooling provides a fantastic opportunity to meet interesting people on your

READING COMPREHENSION. (2 POINTS) (0.5 points for each correct
answer). Add TRUE or FALSE and copy the evidence from the text to support
your answer. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE. No marks are given
for T or F.
1. The writer is satisfied with transportation in his/her neighbourhood.
2. Finding a driver through the website is complicated for beginners.
3. To be safe, it is compulsory to travel with a person you know.
4. Carpooling is expected to be very popular in the coming years.


LEXICON. (1 POINT) (0.25 points for each correct answer)
Find words or phrases in the text that mean the same as these given.
1. biographies, personal information:
2. organised, planned:
3. increasing, going up:
4. brings, gives:

PHONETICS. (1 POINT) (0.25 points for each correct answer)

1. Is the “-ed” pronounced / t /, / d / or / ɪd / in “discovered”?
2. How is the “th” pronounced in “month”, /ð/ or /θ/?
3. How is the “i” pronounced in “first”, / ɪ /, /ɜ:/ or /e/?
4. Is the final “-s” pronounced / s /, / z / or / ɪz / in “perhaps”?
Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad. Convocatoria 2019/2020
• No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningún otro material didáctico.
• Las preguntas deberán ser respondidas en inglés.
• Duración de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
• Hay que elegir: un texto con sus preguntas, 6 frases de rephrasing y una redacción.


USE OF ENGLISH. (3 POINTS) (0.5 points for each correct answer).

Choose SIX of these sentences and rewrite them starting with the words
given. Only the first six will be corrected. No points will be given for the
extra ones. Clearly identify the sentences you choose using the numbers
1. Smoking isn´t allowed in public buildings.
2. I will phone your parents if your behaviour doesn´t improve.
3. Someone must tell her about the plane accident.
4. Planes are faster than AVE trains.
AVE trains are
5. They covered the table with plastic to protect it.
The table
6. I´ve never received such a big present.
This is
7. My parents asked, “Where were you last night?”
My parents asked
8. The film was so boring that I went to sleep.
It was
9. The painter will paint her old house in July.
10. Don´t touch the match or you will burn your finger.
If I
11. Peter is giving a big party. He has finally found a new job.
12. We saw the flat. Paul lived there.
We saw


Write ONE of these two compositions (3 POINTS). If you write two, no points
will be given to the second one. Your composition must have at least 125

OPTION 1: Would you like to live in a city where the bike is the only means
of transport? Give your opinion.

OPTION 2: The advantages and disadvantages of working online, at home.

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