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1. What is a christmas tree? Different function of valves in a christmas tree.

2. Parts and functions of wellhead.

3. What is tubing head adaptor?

4. What is a choke and its types? Functions of choke.

5. What is critical and sub-critical flow.

6. What is a packer and what is it used for?

7. Where should we not use a packer?

8. Circulating devices in a well.

9. What is SSSV(sub surface safety valve)?

10. Major well components- SSDs, GLM, crossovers (generalized).

11. What is the difference between workover and well intervention?

12. Some workover operations examples.

13. What is a CTU(Coiled Tubing Unit)?

14. What is a workover fluid and some of its types.

15. Why do we use workover fluid?

16. Different units under well intervention(just the names and basic functions).

17. What is perforation? Why do we perforate? Types of perforation.

18. What is well completion? Why do we do completion?

19. What is well livening/activation?

20. Some of the problems faced during production.

21. What do you mean by formation damage and what is the measuring criteria of
this type of damage?

22. What is skin? Classify.

23. Skin value in a hydraulically fractured well?

24. How do we measure skin?

25. What is Flow Efficiency/Condition Ratio?

26. What do you mean by productivity index?

27. What is and types of well stimulation.

28. What is acidizing and hydraulic fracturing?

29. Acids used in acidizing. Composition of acids in all stages?

30. Why is HF acid not sent first in carbonate reservoirs?

31. In what type of reservoirs we do hydraulic fracturing?

32. Stages in hydraulic fracturing.

33. Different fracture geometry models(just the names).

34. Difference between leak off and breakdown pressure?

35. What is an artificial lift and why do we install artificial lifts?

36. Whys is artificial lift considered under primary recovery mechanism?

37. Some examples of artificial lift.

38. Working principle of SRP, Gas Lift, ESP. Basic understanding of other lifts like PCP
and Jet Pump.

39. Advantages and disadvantages of SRP and Gas Lift.

40. Can SRP be installed in directional and horizontal wells? Give reason.

41. Types of Gas Lift Systems.

42. What is operating valve in Gas Lift?

43. How does Gas Lift increase the oil flow rate?

44. ESP components.

45. Type of pump used in ESP.

46. ESP limitations.

47. What is an IPR curve and why it is necessary?

48. Assumption of IPR.

49. Different IPR models and the basic assumptions in them.

50. Which parameter is used in measuring the ability of a well?

51. Where does IPR deviate and why does it deviate?

52. What is absolute open flow potential(AOF)?

53. What is a multi-phase flow? Important parameters that influence multi-phase


54. What is slippage and hold-up?

55. What is a VLP curve?

56. Factors affecting IPR and VLP curve?

57. Types of multi-phase flow models(basic).

58. Different vertical and horizontal flow regimes.

59. Which flow regime is suited best for continuous as well as intermittent gas lift

60. How does VLP shift on increasing wellhead pressure, increasing tubing diameter,
increasing gas to liquid ratio? Give reasons.

61. If IPR and VLP are not intersecting, then how can we take production from the

62. What is nodal analysis and why is it important?

63. What is a node? At what different points can we consider the nodes in a system.

64. Basic steps of performing nodal analysis.

65. Where would VLP shift if the water cut in the well increases? Give reason.

66. Does skin affect IPR or VLP. Give reason.

67. Reasons for tick shape in VLP curve.

68. Why is VLP in upward trend?

69. Why is IPR in downward trend?

70. How do we control bottom hole pressure?

71. Types of separator. Advantages and disadvantages of different separators.

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