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The Kellogg Company

One Kellogg Square, Battle Creek MI, 49107

July 6th, 2023

Samantha Lovato
9705 Sam ST, Ogden, UT 87114

Dear Mrs. Lovato,

Thank you for bringing your concerns to us, we value our customers and want to correct mistakes that

have been made as soon as possible. The Kellogg’s company has investigated your valuable feedback and

agree that the image portrays a stereotype and message we do not stand for. We are very sorry for this

mistake and want to make it right with our customers and reiterate our values.

The Kellogg’s company has many goals, initiatives, and social responsibilities that are focused on

providing education and nourishing food. The value’s we live by as a company is global food security,

advocating on behalf of children facing hunger, supporting diversity and inclusion. Our “Better Days

Promise” campaign is committed to helping end hunger and feeding 375 million people in need through

donations and child feeding programs. The image that was printed is not the true representation of our

company, as you can see, we are committed to better days, and we are creating a new image to be

released on our Corn Pop’s cereal boxes.

This mistake has made us realize that we need to work that much harder to keep providing valuable

products and messages that only convey diversity and inclusiveness. If we did not recognize our mistakes

and learn from them, we would not grow as a company, we value all people and are committed to

making a difference in this world. The Kellogg’s company is thankful to have valuable customers like you

that keep us accountable, we have designed a new inclusive image for the box that will replace the

offensive image that will be distributed public shortly. Along with the new design, we plan to amplify

mandatory diversity courses for all employees. Our company only wants to create and support an

inclusive and diverse community and workplace and we are truly sorry for this mistake that was made on
The Kellogg Company
One Kellogg Square, Battle Creek MI, 49107

our behalf. We want to thank you for your valuable feedback and hope the new image provides a

message of growth and diversity. The Kellogg’s company is committed to making correcting this mistake

and ensure we do better in the future.

Steven Cahillane
Steven Cahillane, Chef Executive Officer

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