Alun Hill December Business Magazine

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Alun Hill
How to behave in the office?

1. Open and accept the opinions and suggestions of colleagues. This way you can improve your work and the
work environment in the company. It's all about having a positive mindset and improvement.
2. Try to control your temperament and be as cordial as possible with your partners. This can be difficult on
certain days but avoiding arguments and quarrels is very important to maintain a good working
3. Share all the available information to achieve a better workflow in the office and ensure a good
relationship between colleagues.
4. Be fully open when working in a team. Collaboration is essential in these cases.
5. Respect the norms and customs of other workers.
6. Establish and respect the protocols of action to communicate with other colleagues and superiors. This
establishes the labor relations of the company.
7. Avoid all kinds of criticism and mockery towards other colleagues and their work, avoiding any situation of
discomfort in the company or office. The criticisms must always be constructive and in the form of
suggestion, knowing how to accept them in case of receiving one.
8. Honesty is a vital point. It is necessary to try to share with the rest of the companions the achievement of
achievements, avoiding in any case to attribute merits that do not correspond to us. With this, you will be
able to get a warm and pleasant work environment.
9. Finally, in order to maintain good behavior, you should avoid a whole series of unprofessional attitude
such as moving too much, disturbing others and using destructive criticism.

How to appear offline on Facebook?

To access Facebook without your contacts noticing it, the first thing to do is to access
your account and then follow these steps:

1. Go to the settings icon located in the lower right corner of your screen, right next to the search bar. When
you place your cursor over this area, you will see ‘’Options’’.
2. Click the icon and you will see the menu of options is displayed, you must choose the alternative
‘’Advanced Settings’’ to adapt the preferences of the chat to your needs and get into Facebook without
anyone noticing.
3. In advanced configuration you can choose three alternatives:
- Turn off chat for only some contacts (Staying offline for chosen contacts)
- Turn off chat for all contacts except (Staying offline for all the contacts except the chosen ones)
- Turn off chat for all contacts (Staying offline for all the contacts on your friends list)

If at any point you want to activate it again, just go to the lower right corner and press
‘’Turn on chat’’.

How to sign up for a Periscope account?

1. Go to Google Play or Apple store and download Periscope app. Once installed, a shortcut will be created
on your desktop, clicking on it will open the application and give you a small explanation of what you can
do with it.
2. You will be given the option to register with either your Twitter account or your phone number. In case
you choose the first option, you must authorize Periscope to use your account by clicking ‘’allow’’ and
then creating the account. The second option requires your phone number and proceed to the account
creation. However, it is essential to have a Twitter account.
3. Below you will find suggestions from people who should follow that already use this tool and that are
users that you follow on Twitter. You can discard the ones you do not want to continue clicking on the
check that appears on the right side.
4. Once you've selected the people you want to follow, you'll see recent updates and you'll be able to see
the latest uploads. To see a video you just have to click on it and then you will see another window where
must press the play symbol on the right side. By doing so, you will see the transmission and you can send
a comment if the chat is activated.
5. At the top of the application, you will see 4 icons, the first allows you to see the latest updates. The
second, world icon, allows you to press the red dots and see the transmissions of people in near the
countries. You also have the button lists where you will see an index with live retransmissions, organized
by relevance or by the number of followers. Finally, you have the users menu where you will find the
trends and the outstanding users.
6. In case you want to make a transmission, you must click the red button at the bottom of the right side.
You have the option to title your publication, make it public or private, share your location, activate the
chat and activate the posts to be published on Twitter automatically. In case you want to make private
transmissions, you also have to disable the publication on Twitter, otherwise, it will be shown equally. It
should be noted that videos uploaded to Periscope only last 24 hours online before they get deleted.

How to make a stamp for your company?

1. Make the design of your company stamp. There are several ways that you could use and the easiest one
- Create a stamp in MS Word
- Take a screenshot of your creation
- Crop the image up to 275 pixels wide and 130 pixels high

The stamp design should be simple and effective

2. Include the following data:

- Company social / tax data
- Company registration information

The registered office is usually set up but not required, and contact details are optional.

3. As for the name, unless the trademark is duly registered, you must put the full name of your firm.
4. Save the image with the stamp in JPG format.
5. It is recommended to make the image of the stamp in a single color, better in black on white, this would
facilitate the realization of the mold
6. Take the image to the local printing companies or find them online.

How to introduce and train a new employee?

1. Have small meeting with him/her with a brief explanation about the company, its departments, the goals
and the objectives of their particular job. Ask about yours and his/her impressions, doubts or concerns.
2. Then the employee to your co-workers.
3. Train a new employee to create a manual about the tasks, the organization chart, the phones and e-mails
that you will need and a series of frequently asked questions. If the job requires a strict schedule of
entrances, exits, and breaks, define it from the beginning and add it to the manual.
4. Define a few days of training in which the employee will be taught the tasks and tools regarding his/her
position. Try to put practical examples to facilitate their understanding.
5. Motivation. Once the employee knows how to perform the tasks and finally joins the team, it is important
to learn how to motivate each worker to develop their full potential. To this end, special attention should
be paid to the personality, abilities, attitudes and aptitudes of each.
6. Encourage fellowship. It is good to create a good working and communication environment for employees
to feel comfortable. You must try to convey that the employers form a team whose pieces are equally
important and necessary. It is fundamental to avoid favoritism, to apply empathy and to develop

If you follow these simple tips, invest in good training and develop your assertiveness
and empathy, you will be able to train a new employee successfully.

How to reduce credit card costs?

1. Reduce the credit limit of the card because when you reach this limit, you will not be able to pay more
with the same card.
2. Save the tickets of the purchases you make, which will allow you to know the credit used and the one that
you still have to use. In addition, this will allow you to return the product if necessary.
3. In order to control the charges, the credit used and the money in your account, it is advisable to carry out
online reviews periodically. In addition, you will be able to avoid possible fraudulent charges.
4. Another option is to link your credit card to an account with less money, avoiding excess purchases that
could affect the family economy.

How to choose a good slogan for your company?

Before you start thinking about your slogan, you should know what it is about. In its
etymological origin, the word "slogan" comes from two Gaelic words ("sluagh"
"ghairm"), meaning "multitude" and "shout." That being said, it is understandable that
slogan should be a shout-out to your future clients. It’s a phrase of actions and emotions
that will provoke a reaction in readers.

1. Create a simple and easily memorable slogan.

2. Make sure that the slogan begins with an imperative, that is, with an order that gives dynamism and
movement to the phrase.
3. The slogan must revolve around the company, its values, and products. This is no longer important
only at the level of identification, but also of positioning and knowledge of the company.
4. If possible, create a slogan between three and five words. It should be easy to pronounce by the
whole consumer group. For this reason, you think that in certain areas of the country they do not
pronounce a sound well, you'd better avoid repeating it in the slogan.
5. Use concrete words and set aside the abstractions. Concrete ideas will find their way into the public,
leaving little room for their imaginative ability.
6. Avoid traditional sayings as well as simple proverbs or metaphors. You must be original. Avoid
everything that is already very trite and used, and look within your creative and imaginative capacity,
that slogan that defines you in an original way.
7. Write down everything, no matter how irrelevant it may seem. The best slogan can come from a large
paragraph or multiple ideas.
8. To make it more original, you can resort to double meaning or the play on words. The more shocking,
the better. The slogan should highlight the strengths and positives of the product as well as the
philosophy of the company in a sincere way and without creating false expectations.
9. Make your consumer smile with your slogan. The more you enter the consumer's mind and the more
positive reactions you get from him, the better the results you will get.
10. Remember the basic premises:
- Persuasion
- Creativity
- Simplicity
- Impact
11. It reaches the heart and the mind of the consumer in a few words. Test it!
Google Launches YouTube Music app for Android and
iOS exclusively
Google announced the creation of an exclusive YouTube channel for music, with the
launch of a mobile application. The company reported in its official blog that the
popularity this website has reached in terms of watching music videos or simply
listening to music, made them the richest music catalog in the world and that they have
paid more than $3 billion to the music industry so far.

Music for iPhones and for mobile phones operating with the Android system will be
free, but if you want to avoid advertising, you will have to pay $ 9.99 monthly after a
two-week free trial period in the US. Subscribers to the new service will also be able to
access music videos and favorite lists they have made without the need for an Internet
connection. Aside from the agreements that YouTube has with many record companies
to offer the work of its musicians, any artist will be able to upload a video to this
website and ‘’be discovered by one billion people from all over the world", says the
company in its statement.

Sony's Betamax tapes will no longer be sold

Japanese technology giant Sony will stop selling videotapes of the Betamax format after
falling demand in Japan, the only country where the system was still commercialized for
40 years. This video format was launched by Sony in 1975 for domestic use and reached
its peak of demand by the mid-1980s when around 50 million magnetic tapes were
placed around the world. Despite its initial success, the Betamax standard lost the
medium-term commercial battle with the other major video format with which it
competed at the time, the VHS that the Japanese also introduced JVC in 1976. VHS
players and tapes were imposed at the domestic level, while Betamax remained in the
market thanks to its widespread use among audiovisual professionals and video
amateurs who appreciated its higher audiovisual resolution.

In 2002, the Japanese company stopped producing recorders and Betamax players,
although it continued to sell tapes, of which it has since sold about 18 million. Experts
point to the higher recording capacity of VHS tapes, up to three hours in length, as well
as the lower price of these cassettes and players as key factors for their success.

Siri will now allow PayPal payments

PayPal added new functionality to its iOS app. The tool allows you to ask Siri to send and
request money from the contacts. The new feature is useful for payments between
friends, as well as the online transactions.

Users who want to use this service should send and request money through the Apple
Personal Assistant. By saying ‘’send money to ...’' or ‘’request money from…. ‘’, Siri
activates the function and the platform performs the transaction.

The user must have the payment app installed and be identified with his account, in
addition to having activated the Touch ID to authorize the movement. If not, Siri will
open the application and ask the user to enter their e-mail, password, and PIN in order
to complete the operation.

According to the payment company, about 17 million transactions are expected in

December, so the platform seeks to simplify the process of receiving and sending money
during the strongest shopping period such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

This new feature will be available in 30 countries and in several languages, among which
we can mention Germany, Brazil, Canada, China, France, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands,
United States, United Kingdom, and Mexico.

Facebook is willing to compete with LinkedIn

Facebook Inc has announced a new feature with that will allow the page administrators
to create job postings for their businesses. They will also receive all the candidates’
applications directly, which will make the recruitment significantly different an easier for
the owners. This new option could affect LinkedIn Corp, the recruitment leader at the

LinkedIn gets most of its revenue from job seekers and recruiters who pay a monthly fee
to publish and review resumes and connect with people in what is commonly known as
the social network for businesses. With Facebook’s new feature, companies could drive
more traffic to their social network pages and pay the company for submitting job offers
to more candidates.

At the moment, the new function is in the test phase, but its soon expansion is expected
to happen very soon and become very important in the business world.

In October, Facebook launched Marketplace that allows people to buy and sell items
through the social network, which seems like a new way to keep its users connected.

Adobe introduces software that can mimic your voice

Imagine having a tool that with just 20 minutes of audio voice recording allows you to
later edit and add any words and thus totally modify the original speech. This is now
possible with VoCo, the new Adobe project that was presented at its annual Max
Creativity Conference.

This time is enough for the software to understand the form and intonation of the
speaker in order to replicate it and create new words or phrases. The company, creator
of other programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Audition, said the system is not
based on traditional speech synthesis technology, but rather on what Adobe calls "voice

Although the company stated that the main objective is to "change or insert one or
several words in recordings of dubbing, dialogue, and narration", some have expressed
that the program can be lent for other activities taking into account that it can put
words in the mouth of a person that never said them.

Dubai studies high-speed transport system

Dubai signed an agreement with an US firm to study the construction of a high-speed

transport system, which would propel through a low-pressure tube to travelers installed
in capsules.

"We are here to sign an historic agreement with our RTA partners and we are going to
start looking at delivering the first Hyperloop system," said Rob Lloyd, chief executive of
Hyperloop One.

The agreement will lead both parties to explore a route to install the system, which
could reduce the duration of a trip between Dubai and Abu Dhabi, the capital of the
United Arab Emirates located 150 kilometers to only 12 minutes.

According to Hyperloop One, created in 2014, its system uses electric propulsion to
move the passenger capsules into a tube at low atmospheric pressure. Last May, the
company conducted a first test of this propulsion system in the US desert of Nevada,
with a view to commercialization in 2020-2021, according to Josh Giegel, the company's
chief engineer.

Lloyd said in a statement that from a technological point, a Hyperloop One system in the
United Arab Emirates could be fabricated over the next five years.

The Gmail app for iOS now faster

Google has released a new update for the Gmail app for iOS that brings the same
features already included in Android. In addition to having a fresher look, with more
elegant transitions, the main novelty is that it is much faster and more efficient, as
described in Google’s blog post.

The 'Undo' function can be used for sent messages which allows you to return an e-mail
that you no longer want to send, before the recipient receives it.

Search options have also changed. It is now possible to get results instantly as you write.
In addition, the tool will give you word suggestions when there are typing errors. On the
other hand, by simply sliding you can quickly archive or delete items in your inbox.

Google also reported on the update to the Calendar application. You will have the
possibility to search events and reminders in the general search of the iPhone to find
the elements faster.

The month and week will be available in landscape view and you can add non-Gregorian
calendars, such as lunar, Islamic or Hindu.

10 Tips for Better Blogging
A blog can help you make affiliate sells, sell more of your own product
and even open the door to publicity opportunities.

In other words: No matter what type of business model you’re using to

make money online, you should have a blog. You can use it to attract
new customers to your site as well as use it to communicate with your
existing prospects and customers.

The key, of course, is to have a blog your customers and prospects

love visiting. Here are ten ways to help you build a popular blog…

1. Encourage Discussion

Unless you’re a late-night TV talk show host, you shouldn’t be delivering a

monologue. And that means you should encourage your visitors to post replies and
join the discussion.

You can do this by posting about topics that typically get a strong response in other
places (like on niche forums).

Be sure to specifically tell your readers to post their opinion.

2. Optimize for the Search Engines

One way your blog generates traffic is via the search engines. And you can ensure
you get search engine traffic by optimizing your content for the search engines.

It’s simple: Use a tool like or your favorite keyword tool to find out
which phrases (also known as “keywords”) your market is using to find information
in your niche. In particular, search for longtail keywords, which are low-traffic yet
also low-competition words (meaning you have a good chance of ranking well).
Next, write articles using these keywords.

Tip: For best results, use your keyword in your article title and sprinkle it into
the article two or three times for every 100 words of content.

3. Create Content Ahead of Time

A successful blog means you need to blog consistently. However, it’s easy to fall
behind if you’re not used to blogging regularly. You can avoid this by writing five, ten
or more articles at one time – then upload them to your blog and set them to publish
on a future date.

4. Vary Post Length

To keep people interested, post articles of varying lengths. Sometimes you might
post a regular 400 to 600 word article. Sometimes you might post something that’s
1000 words or more. And at other times you might just post a 50 word tip.

5. Use Multimedia

Another way to keep people interested is by using a variety of formats, such as text
posts, video posts and audio posts. You should also regularly include pictures,
screenshots, charts and other illustrations that keep your blog visually interesting.

6. Post Regularly

If you post regularly, people will come back regularly to see what’s new on your
blog. At a minimum, commit to posting once a week. Depending on your niche and
the goal of your blog, you may post daily (or even multiple times per day).

7. Give Your Readers What They Want

When you see your readers responding to a particular topic or style of posting, feed
them more of the same. If you’re not yet sure what your readers enjoy, then take
note of what your niche responds to on other blogs and niche forums.

8. Give People an Incentive to Subscribe

Most people who visit your site will never return. That’s why it’s a good idea to get
these people to subscribe to your newsletter (as well as your RSS feed). Offer
valuable free bonuses to “bribe” your prospects to join your list – that way you can
follow up with them and remind them to visit your blog again.

9. Create Regular Features

Another way to make your blog sticky and encourage repeat visitors is by creating
regular weekly features. These regular features might include things like:

• A weekly product review.

• The “tip of the week.”

• An interview with a niche expert.

• The top ten blog posts elsewhere in the niche.

• A feature where you answer readers’ questions.

10. Take a Stand

If there’s a hot, maybe even controversial debate going on in your niche, don’t be
afraid to take a stand and post about it. Doing so “humanizes” you and draws your
prospects closer to you.

From time to time, you may also posts “rants” or other passionate posts. Many
readers will find it a refreshing break from the typical “how to” posts.

There you have it – ten ways to grow your blog and become a better
blogger. But remember this: Your blog won’t grow on its own, which is
why you should take action on these tips starting right now!

How to Build a List Using PLR Content
You’ve probably already thought of the idea of using PLR content to
create free reports that you use to “bribe” prospects to join your list.
That is, people need to join your newsletter list in order to claim their
free report.

But the usefulness of PLR content doesn’t stop there. Indeed, you can
use PLR to create an autoresponder series – or even your live-
broadcast newsletters!

Here’s how…

Step 1: Find Suitable PLR

First, you need to find PLR content in your niche. If you don’t already have a source,
then search for your niche topic alongside search terms like PLR, PLR articles, PLR
ebooks, PLR content or private label rights content. For example, “dog training PLR”
(no quotes).

Step 2: Decide How You’ll Use the Content

Next, you need to decide what you want to do with the content. Your options

• Using the content to create a multi-part ecourse that you deliver

by autoresponder (where you use the ecourse as the “bribe” to join your
list). For example, you might send out a ten part SEO-training course to

• Using the content to create a multi-part autoresponder series. Here

you send out articles on the niche topic, but these articles don’t create a
“course” (since they’re not necessarily sequential). For example, you
might send out a seven-part series that covers SEO, PPC marketing and
other traffic generation techniques.
Tip: Ideally, you should send new subscribers about 7-12
messages as a way to build trust and develop a relationship.
However, you can upload a year or more of evergreen content
to your autoresponder if you want to create a “set it and forget
it” newsletter.

• Using the content to send out live broadcasts. If you already have an
autoresponder series or ecourse in place, then you can use this content to
create a weekly or monthly newsletter.

Once you decide how you’ll use the content, then you can move on to the last step…

Step 3: Rewrite the Content to Suit Your Needs

Finally, you need to rewrite the PLR content to make it unique and also to make it
suitable for your specific purpose (e.g., for an ecourse or a live broadcast). For

• Ensure it’s evergreen. Since people will read this content months and
maybe even years from now, it should be evergreen content. That means
it shouldn’t reference dates or events that would date it, nor should it
make mention of “new” or fad products. Your content should be as fresh
and relevant a year from now as it is today.

• Transform the content as needed. If you’re turning a series of articles

or an ebook into an ecourse, then you need to break the content apart
into at least seven to twelve parts. Next, you should refer to these
separate pieces as “lessons” (not articles) and refer to the ecourse (not
“this ebook”). In other words, tweak the content to fit its purpose. Finally,
at the end of each lesson you need to tell readers what they can expect to
discover in upcoming lessons.

• Make the content “yours.” Here you rewrite the content so that it
sounds like your “voice.” An easy way to do this is to add in your own
personal examples, experiences and stories. For example: “When I was
trying to lose weight, I discovered that chocolate was my weakness…”
• Make money. Naturally, you should promote products that are related to
the content. For example, your dog training ecourse might include links to
paid dog training products or even dog training supplies like collars and

In sum: Publishing a regular newsletter is a commitment. Even

creating an evergreen newsletter takes time. But you can make light
of this work simply by finding, rewriting and uploading PLR content
into your autoresponder!

Did Instagram Eat Vine?

Vine – that 6 second Twitter video app - is closing down in the coming months. What
went wrong?

Paint 3D is Coming

Window 10’s new Paint 3D app drags physical objects into digital worlds, making 3D
image manipulation easy-peasy.

Who Owns Your Name on Social Media Sites?

The city of Denver doesn’t know who is running the “City of Denver” Instagram account.

Whoops. It seems someone anonymously snagged the Instagram name some time ago,
and the real city of Denver doesn’t have a clue who that person is.

Fortunately the account features professional looking content, so no real harm has been
done thus far.

But what if someone grabbed your branded name on a new social media platform and
then that platform took off? You could be at their mercy – not a good spot to be in.

That why every time you hear about a new social media platform, it’s best to
immediately secure your business’ name on that platform.

Check out this month’s article on 50 social media platforms you need to be aware of.
Make a list of any you haven’t signed up for yet, and reserve your name on each one
before someone else does.

7 Lessons from Top Performing Drip Email Campaigns

Personalization techniques that offer you a fresh approach and hopefully inspire you
with new ideas.

Facebook is ‘Killing’ People

Have you checked your Facebook account lately? You might be dead.
On November 11 , a Facebook glitch began ‘killing off’ users and shifting their accounts
to feature memorial messages.

The top of accounts held a message that read, ‘Remembering (name) We hope people
who love (name) will find comfort in the things others share to remember and celebrate
his life.’

And yes, in a note of poetic justice, Facebook ‘killed’ CEO Mark Zuckerberg as well.

Terrible Goals, Smart Objectives

Let’s be honest – do you stink at goal setting and goal getting?

You’re not alone.

Here’s what to do instead…

Why Split Testing is (Possibly) Killing Your Conversion Rate

You’ve been told time and time again that split testing can only improve your results.

But what if there’s a way it can actually hurt conversion rates?

Finding Your Niche is More Complicated than You Think

You topic is part of your niche, of course. But so is your audience and your positioning.

Not to mention your potential partners, the folks who share your content and the
content platforms you publish on.

How to use Guest Blogging to Build Relationships

Guest blogging is a bad idea if all you want are backlinks. But if you’re interested in your
topic, have something to write about and want to reach new audiences, it’s a great idea.

Try a Virtual Bookkeeping Team for Free

If you have a small business and need a bookkeeper, this service might be for you. Try it
for 30 days free.

Skype Preview 11.9 Introduces New Messaging and Other Features

Now you can text using Skype, combine business with personal and enjoy easier calling

50 Ideas for Starting an Online Business

Got an internet connection? Then you can start a wide variety of online businesses.
(HINT: Start one of these businesses on the side with the end goal of selling it in 12
months for a nice payday.)

Facebook is Testing New ‘Page Interactions’ Ad Targeting Options

Facebook’s testing out a new set of ad targeting options which could have significant
impact on the way you focus your Facebook ad campaigns.

Looking for a New Niche? Here’s an Idea…

As of the November 2016 elections, 28 of the U.S. states plus Washington D.C. have
laws legalizing marijuana in some form.

And many of these folks are very passionate about this topic for both medical and
recreational use.

19 Amazing Social Media Tools and Strategies to Grow Your Business

31% of all internet traffic is driven by social media. Here’s how to get your share…

50 Chrome Extensions that will Boost Your Productivity

Find the Chrome extensions that are right for you and your business here:

Million Dollar Question: How do You Increase Facebook Engagement for Free?

Here are 10 proven ways to get more people interacting with your posts, seeing your
news feed and getting more likes, comments and shares.

LinkedIn Rolls Out Audience Insights

Have you ever wondered who is looking at your posts and articles on LinkedIn?

Now you can tap on the “Me” on users’ content and find out who has read your posts,
what companies they work for, their job titles, their locations and how they discovered
your content.

Robert: New Feature Internet Marketing Quotes: Useful if you ever want to fill a little
space in places… up to you.

“It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by
doubling your traffic.” – Jeff Eisenberg
“Focus on the core problem your business solves and put out lots of content and
enthusiasm, and ideas about how to solve that problem.” – Laura Fitton

“Create something people want to share.” – John Jantsch

“Traditional marketing talks at people. Content marketing talks with them.” – Doug

“The paradox is the more info you give away, the more people will buy what you have to
give…” – Brian Clark

“Don’t build links. Build relationships.” – Rand Fishkin

Launching a High End Product? Here’s How to Double

Your Sales
You see it - and possibly even do it - all the time.

A product launch is announced.

The date is set, affiliates are lined up and the process begins.

Prospects are driven to a squeeze page. They watch a video, watch another video in a
day or two, watch a third video a couple of days after that, and finally the product goes

For a week affiliates are working hard to get sales and everything goes great.

Then comes the deadline. Only 48 hours left! Only 24 hours left! Only 6 hours left!

The sales come pouring in, and then it’s over. Done. Finished. History.


Sort of feels like the day after Christmas, doesn’t it?

No more sales.

Sure, you (hopefully) made a mint.

But that’s it.

Now, I know what you’re thinking… “Maybe I could reopen it in a month or two.”

Yup. You can. Of course by then you will have lost all momentum.

And if you said you would NEVER reopen it, then you’ll lose your credibility, too.

There is another way – and I’ll give you a clue as to what it is:

What do you do when your new customer buys your $10 product, but turns down your
$97 upsell?

Usually, you offer a $47 downsell, right?

Well, why don’t we do this with product launches?

Let’s say you’re launching a $997 coaching program.

The very day after it closes, why not do a second launch of a $297 or $497 version?

Here’s how it might work:

The day after your product launch ends, send an email to everyone on your list who
opened at least one of your emails promoting that product launch.
Tell them, “I see you didn’t grab my XYZ product. No problem. Maybe the timing just
wasn’t right for you.”

“I’ve got a more economical version for you that’s just as powerful.”

And then you launch into a problem that needs solving, and you’re going to solve it on
an upcoming webinar, and here’s the link.

On the webinar you give great information, and then you offer the downsized version of
your original program that just closed.


Your prospects are still warm from the big launch.

Some of them really did want your product but couldn’t afford it.

And they’re grateful for the opportunity to learn more on your webinar.

Done right, you can make a lot of extra sales this way.

Things to know:

• Be sure NOT to send this email to people who bought your initial product. They might get irritated that
you didn’t give them a choice between the two versions.

• You’ve already created the product – it just makes sense to repurpose the information into a second,
smaller product to make additional sales.

• Make sure your more economical version does NOT contain everything your expensive version contains.
It’s only fair that it doesn’t. For example, if your expensive version contains one-on-one coaching, you
might leave that out.

• Deliver real value on the webinar. As always, tell them what to do but not HOW to do it. They have to buy
your product for that.

• If you have a HUGE list of prospects who looked at your first product but didn’t buy, you might need to do
more than one webinar to get them all on. It’s a good problem to have.

• It is entirely possible to double your initial sales using this method. Of course, since you are charging less,
you won’t be doubling revenue. But still it can be a very nice second payday.

• Be sure to have everything in place for this second launch prior to initiating the first launch. You probably
won’t have to do it during your initial launch.

• Let affiliates know they will be earning commissions on both the first and the second launch.

This is a technique that doesn’t take a lot of extra work and can make your customers,
your affiliates and your bank account very happy.
Sneaky Trick Increases Sales on Autopilot

This only takes a few minutes to put into action, and it can result in a very nice bump in
your sales.

Here’s how it works:

When you create a product download file, put it in zip file, and add a “Read me first”
document to it as well.

In the “read me first,” place another offer for your customer to check out.

Or even more than one offer.

It can be as simple as a sentence or two directing them to the link where the additional
offer can be found.

Or you can get more creative and elaborate if you have time.

Either way, you should see some additional sales using this simple, easy technique.

And you can add a “read me first” file to lead magnets and free offers, products you sell,
and even add it to the bonuses you give away when selling affiliate products.

A Warning to New Marketers: Innovation = Starvation

When I got started in online marketing, I was lucky. Someone told me exactly what to
do, and I didn’t know any better than to follow his instructions to the letter.

I looked at it this way – the guy was a self-made millionaire. I was broke. So what was I
going to do – take what he told me and ‘fix’ it? Somehow make it better? Improve upon

There’s an old expression: If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.

I took his instructions as gospel and did what he said.

And soon I was making so much money, I was frankly astounded.

The biggest mistake I see new marketers making is they try to innovate.

They have a better idea. A better system. A better method.

And they almost always fail.

Look, there is a place for innovation once you know what you’re doing…

…But not when you’re first getting started.

Imagine you’re teaching someone to drive, and they get a great idea: ‘Why not just beep
the horn when they’re about to hit someone? This way that person can get out of the
way, and they never need to step on the brakes.’

See how crazy that is?

But it’s exactly how new marketers tend to think: “Forget the old ways, I’ve thought of a
better way no one has ever thought of before.”


Instead, if you want to meet success quickly in this business, take a system that is
already working and copy it.

Yes, that’s right – I’m advocating that you flat out copy what’s already working.

Are you in the diet niche? Then do this: Purchase the top 5 or 10 diet information

Pay close attention to every step of the funnel. Take screen shots and notes.

Pour through the products and see what’s good about them and what’s missing.

Then create your own product based on what you’ve learned, and set up a sales funnel
based on the funnels you went through.
Do this and I almost guarantee you’ll have a good selling product.

(For more on product creation, see this month’s Product Creation Section.)

Online marketing isn’t hard if you’ll simply do what’s already working. But being human,
we tend to think we can do better. Or we think we should do better and that it’s not
right to copy systems that others are using.

But all industries are built upon the knowledge of those who went before – even those
that innovate like crazy.

I’ll give you an example: It’s July 2003 and you’ve just co-founded Tesla Motors with the
intention of building cars.

Are you going to start from scratch, with zero knowledge of cars and engines and how
they run…

…or are you going to take all of the knowledge accumulated over the last century and a
half of car making, and then BUILD UPON this knowledge to create your own cars?


Even companies like Tesla don’t reinvent the wheel – they make it better AFTER they’ve
learned everything they can about what’s working now.

When you’re just starting out, find a system you like that you know is working, and then
copy it.

Once you’ve got it working, then and only then do you start innovating.
Get Free Publicity Using The Streisand Effect – But be
The Streisand effect is the name given for a phenomena that can be used for good or
evil – for your own advantage or against you.

In 2003 Barbra Streisand’s lawyer sent a cease and desist letter to the California Coastal
Records Project regarding an aerial photo of her Malibu beach mansion on the website.
The website operators rejected that letter and all follow up letters and the Los Angeles
Superior Court dismissed the frivolous suit.

Here’s what happened: The previously little-known CCRP website includes more than 12
THOUSAND overlapping aerial photos of the entire California coastline. Plus they house
an additional 55,000 photos that date back as far as 1972.

Streisand was upset that her mansion was visible in one of these 67,000 aerial shots.

Had she done nothing, likely no one would have ever noticed or cared.

But because of the lawsuit, now everyone heard about the site and the photo. Today,
you can find that exact photo distributed all over the Internet.

Anytime anything is censored on the Internet, it’s immediately picked up by other

websites. Get it removed from one site, it shows up on 10 new sites. Get it removed
from those, and it’s on a hundred sites and in the news.

Banned books become highly popular. Movies that get protested see box office surges.
Comedians, musicians and magazine publishers prosecuted for “obscenity” become folk
heroes. (Lenny Bruce, Jim Morrison and Larry Flint, for example.)

Watergate wouldn’t have made much more than a ripple if it hadn’t been covered up.
But six months of lies brought down an entire presidency.

The examples are prolific and you can find more of them here:

Now then - why is this important to you and your business?

Two reasons. First, it can bite you if you’re not careful. Is there something you don’t
want known? Did someone say something really rotten about you or your business that
people could believe? Then it might be in your best interest not to make a big deal of it.

In the same vein - did you make a major mistake? Rather than trying to cover it up, it
might be best to admit it immediately so it never becomes an Internet sensation.

Second reason and food for thought: How can you use the Streisand Effect to build your
Every year PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) submits an over-the-top
TV advertisement for inclusion in the Super Bowl. It’s often highly sexually-suggestive,
and usually the network flat out refuses to run it.

PETA lets it be known their commercial was banned, and overnight it becomes an
internet sensation. And they didn’t have to pay the outrageous Super Bowl ad fee,
either. Now that’s smart.

Greenpeace wrote a pamphlet critical of McDonald’s. McDonald’s sued and the case
was in the news for over 10 years; the longest libel trial in English history. Thanks to the
lawsuit, that little pamphlet and its contents became famous.

And the icing on the cake was when the court ruled the activists had not engaged in libel
– now the claims McDonald’s fought to suppress had the tacit backing of the English

Books, albums and movies that are banned by churches, religious groups and so forth
nearly always see their sales skyrocket with the ensuing publicity.

Are you getting any ideas? I can’t give you a step-by-step here on what you might do –
that depends entirely on your business. But you might keep the Streisand Effect in mind.

Sooner or later you’ll find an honest and ethical opportunity to use it to your advantage,
and it’s up to you to grab that opportunity when it happens.
Why Your Best Products Aren’t Selling
You drive by a restaurant and it doesn’t look like it’s been painted in a decade. The
flowerbeds are full of weeds, the sign is dirty, the parking lot is full of trash…

…do you stop in and have lunch?

Probably not, but why not?

What does outside paint, weeds and trash in the parking lot have to do with what kind
of meal you’re going to be served?

Frankly, none. It could be the world’s greatest cook is inside, waiting to make you the
meal of a lifetime.

But you’ll never know because you didn’t patronize the place.

What’s this got to do with your business?


I see folks working for months to get their products just right.

And then they spend on afternoon writing the sales letter or making the sales video.

They think if they get the product perfect, it won’t matter if their sales letter looks like it
was written by a third grader.

But it does matter, because if no one buys, no one will ever know what a great product
you have.

This might blow a few minds and cause some controversy, but… when it comes to online
sales, your sales copy, graphics and sales funnel are all more important than your

No, I’m not saying it isn’t important to have a great product that delivers tremendous

But I am saying if you don’t spend just as much time on the funnel that takes people
from strangers to buyers, you won’t succeed, no matter how terrific your product might

You get the point.

Now to suggest something even more radical – write your sales copy first.

Then create the product.

This isn’t a new idea, yet to this day it’s seldom used.

Look, it’s a lot easier to write great copy when there are no limitations to what can be in
the product, and then fit the product to the sales copy.
If it turns out any of the claims in the sales letter went too far, you can always pull them

But you will still increase your odds of creating a hot selling product when you use this

Remember – spend as much time building your sales funnel as you do creating your
product. This will get the people in the parking lot, through the door and sitting at your
table, ready to enjoy the fantastic product you’re about to serve them.
Book: Solving the Procrastination Puzzle by Timothy
Procrastination is a big problem not only for online marketers, but for a majority of
people everywhere.

You’re working a job and trying to start your online business at the same time. There’s
so much to do… yet you find yourself on Reddit or in front of the TV.

Or you know that if you would just start eating healthy and exercising every day, you’d
have so much more energy for doing the things that need to get done… but you keep
procrastinating on changing your diet. And exercising.

The list goes on.

So how do you solve the procrastination puzzle?

According to one of the foremost experts in the field, Timothy A. Pychyl, there are steps
you can take right now that can defeat procrastination.

And for purposes of illustration, let’s use the example of starting an online business
from scratch:

1. Just get started.

You’ve heard the expression a thousand times, “Just do it.” But that’s bad advice because you feel
overwhelmed by your big task of starting an entire business. Just the anticipation of what’s ahead causes
you very real pain, and your subconscious will do anything to avoid that pain – including watching reruns
of Seinfeld.

But if you simply take the next step then you’re moving toward your goal. Some people call this baby
steps. Everybody loves immediate gratification – feeling good NOW as opposed to feeling good in a month
when you complete the BIG project.

The way to give yourself that feeling of immediate gratification is to break down your big task into tiny
tasks, and then one by one complete each of those. This way you get to feel good a hundred times over
starting in just a few minutes, rather than one time that won’t happen for another month or more.

So just get the ball rolling. Commit to spending 5 minutes on the very first task. And once you get started,
the momentum will build and your brain will find out you’re not in the pain it anticipated.

And remember, you might need to “just get started” many times on the same project, the same day and
even the same morning. It’s normal and nothing is wrong with you. Practice at getting started again and
again and you’ll find it eventually gets easier and easier.

2. If… then.

Timothy calls these “implementation intentions.” This is a strategy you put in place to help you deal with
the inevitable challenges ahead.

First, identify what you do when you procrastinate. For example, when you need to get to work you check
Facebook instead.

Next, make a “pre-decision.” Decide that “if” you tell yourself to check Facebook, “then” you’re going to
just get started on working on your business instead.

Making these decisions in advance cuts down on your need to use willpower and steers you toward
making automatic, positive choices to work when you’re about to procrastinate.

BTW, this can work great for all kinds of bad habits. “If” I want a cigarette, “then” I’m going to __ instead.
“If” I want to eat a candy bar, “then” I’m going to __ instead. “If” I start feeling angry at my spouse, “then”
I’m going to __ instead.

3. “This will only take a minute.”

You’re in the middle of working when you decide to go check your email because “it will only take a
minute.” But emails leads to websites which lead to more web surfing and before you know it half your
day is gone, all because of that minute.

Instead, decide in advance that if you have the thought, “this will only take a minute,” then you will
immediately get back to work.

And by the way, if you can completely remove distractions like email and Facebook, do it. For example,
take your device offline. Or better yet, unplug the Wifi router from the wall.

4. Multitasking.

Don’t. Do. It. There is this huge myth that you can get more done while multitasking, but study after study
shows this is completely false. You are far more productive when you focus on just one thing at a time.

Don’t believe it? Here’s a classic example of how bad multitasking really is: Texting while driving is SIX
TIMES more likely to get you into an accident than driving while intoxicated, which itself is a terrible thing
to do.

When you’re multitasking, you’re not doing your best work and you’re wasting a great deal of your energy
and brain power. Disconnect from everything else except the task in front of you, and you will get the
highest results.

5. You’re going to stumble.

It’s okay. Don’t expect 100% results the first time out or the hundredth time, either. Ending
procrastination is a ‘two steps forward, 1 step backward’ sort of thing.

When you put something off, don’t beat yourself up. Simply reread the 4 points above, see where you
went wrong and make the right move next time.

Forgive yourself when you fall short and don’t give up. If you can get 1% better each day, in a year you will
be truly amazing and you won’t even recognize your old procrastinating self anymore.

You’re not alone – research shows that every single person procrastinates in some way. But by using the
simple steps listed above, you can begin to see some dramatic changes over the course of the coming
weeks and months.

And you can finally get that big project accomplished that you’re been putting off for so long, whatever it
might be.

The Simple, Yet Profound Chimpanzee Marketing
According to Smithsonian Magazine, a Zambian chimpanzee named Julie stuck a piece of
grass in her ear and left it there. And she did this over and over again.

Why? Scientists say the “grass in the ear behavior appears to serve no discernable

While chimpanzees have “culture” and traditions, including unique behaviors and tools,
these things usually have a concrete function.

The grass in the ear doesn’t. Best guess by scientists – it’s some kind of a fashion

But here’s where it gets interesting…

After Julie began placing a piece of grass in her ear, her fellow chimpanzees copied her.

Mind you, no other chimp group did this – only Julie and her followers.

So what’s this got to do with online marketing?


You can tell your readers to buy a product. You can tell them it’s the greatest product
ever. You can tell them it will rock their world and change their life.

And some will buy.

But if you purchase the product yourself – if you USE the product yourself – and if you
tell your readers about your experience – you will be far more likely to make sales.

Imagine if Julie had tried to force grass into her fellow chimps’ ears. Do you think they
would have bought the concept? Not likely.

Obviously your readers and customers aren’t chimps. Humans are better than chimps
because humans are even MORE likely to copy what you do.

If your readers like you, trust you and even suspect you know what you’re doing, they’re
going to want to be like you.

And if that means buying and using certain products, they’ll do it.

Just be a leader and respect your readers enough to make their own decisions, and
many of them will be glad to do what you do.

Plus it gives you a ton more credibility. After all, you’re telling them about the products
you use, not forcing products down their throat.

Make Money Using the Internet – And Your Car
It’s possible to add another $1000 - $2000 a month or more to your bottom line if you
live in the right location and own a car or truck.

In fact, some people actually lease a car or two in order to take advantage of these
opportunities. And it makes sense: If you can lease a car for, say, $400 a month and
make $2,000 a month, why not do it?

No doubt you’ve heard of Uber and Lyft, both of which allow you to start your own taxi
service. But that’s not what we’re talking about here.

Instead, we’ve researched peer-to-peer sites where you can rent out your car to
travelers for days and even weeks at a time while you focus on your internet business.

Newer cars earn the most, as do popular travel destinations.

Turo – you can rent out your car, truck, SUV or minivan. Most rentals are at least a
week. You might need to pick the person up or drop them off somewhere. Turo carries a
$1 million liability insurance policy on every vehicle which covers damage and theft.

GetAround – similar to Turo, with reports of car owners earning up to $10,000 a year.

Outdoorsy – do you have an RV sitting idle? Rent it out and earn $150 to $350 per day.
The company handles bookings and payments and again carries $1 million in insurance.

Car Next Door – this one is strictly for our Australian friends, and guarantees you’ll earn
$2,000 in your first 12 months if you meet certain criteria.

EasyCar Club – this is the UK-based peer-to-peer car hire service.

Do you use your car too much to rent it out?

Then try a vehicle advertising service.

Wrapify – your car gets covered with a giant advertisement and you earn based on how
much you drive. A typical commuter might earn $50 to $100 a week – which could easily
cover your car payment.

Carvertise – been around since 2012 and works like Wrapify.

None of these will make you rich, but they can add significant income to your bottom
line while you’re growing your online business.
List Segmentation – Should You Even Bother??
If you’re not doing it, you’ve certainly heard of it – segmenting your email list based on
things like when and where readers subscribed, products they’ve bought, geographical
location and so forth.

And it’s not just the segmenting you’ve got to think about, but also moving people from
one list to another.

Jane subscribes to get your free traffic report. A month later she buys your traffic
product. But the week after that she also buys your video creation product, and the
week after that she buys an affiliate product you recommended on product creation.

So what do you do – move her to a new list every time she buys? Keep her on more than
one list? Get frustrated and decided to keep everyone on the same list?

List segmentation might seem complicated and messy, so let’s talk about why you
would even bother with it in the first place.

Then we’ll cover how to go about it, what you need to think about, and ways to make it
pay off handsomely for you.

Why Segment Your List?

According to DMA, 77% of email marketing return on investment came from targeted,
segmented campaigns in 2015.

Segmented email campaigns produce, on average, 30% more opens and 50% more click-
thru’s compared to untargeted email campaigns.

That alone might convince you to start segmenting your lists.

For example, let’s say you have 1000 people on your list.

300 of those people purchased an exercise guide on using stretch bands.

The other 700 didn’t buy the guide.

If you send an email to the 300 offering them a discount on the exercise stretch bands
to go with the book they purchased, you’ll likely get a good response.

And if you send an email to the 700 offering a discount on a package deal of the book
and the bands, you’ll likely get a good response.

But if you sent an email to both lists with a more generic offer, your response rate
would go down.

You can see how segmenting your list can work to your advantage.

Here’s how you might think of list segmentation: Pulling out portions of your list who
are the most likely to respond to certain offers, and then giving them those offers.
For example, you might have a list of 10,000 people who are interested in online
marketing. But certain people on that list are especially interested in video marketing,
while others aren’t. Some are interested in email marketing, while others aren’t. And
some are interested in affiliate marketing, while others aren’t.

If you can segment your list to send the right offers to the right people, your response
will go through the roof.

“But can’t I just send all the offers to all my subscribers?”

You can, but it’s counter-productive for several reasons:

First, readers are less likely to open any of your emails if they aren’t tailored to their
interests. If you’re sending every offer under the sun, they’re going to realize that most
of your emails don’t contain anything relevant to them. They won’t open all of your
emails just to find the few that do pertain to them.

Second, the math is terrible if you send everyone the same offer. Imagine you have
subscribers with 5 different interests. You could send out 5 different emails on the same
day, each tailored to their specific interest, and get sales on 5 different products.

But if you sent out the same email to all of them, then 4 out of 5 will have no interest
and won’t buy anything.

Third, if you don’t segment then you’ll inevitably send out offers to people who already
purchased that product. And that’s bad.

Imagine you’re the list subscriber. You buy product X, and a few days later you get an
email suggesting you go buy the product you just bought.

Now you’re thinking this marketer is an idiot.

Or maybe after you buy the product, the price goes down. Now you’re steamed. You
paid $99 last week, and now you get an email saying the product is on special for $79.

Sure, you write and ask for a $20 refund and you probably get it. But what happens from
here on out? You don’t buy anything because you figure a better offer will be coming
next week.

One more scenario – you buy a product and forget about it. Then later you get an offer
for that product, buy it and… Damn! You realize you’ve just been snookered into buying
the same product twice. Sure, you get a refund on the second one, but how do you feel
about the seller? Not too great.

The list of reasons to segment go on, but let’s talk about…

How to segment your lists
In a word – autoresponders. Your list management service (autoresponder) holds the
keys to segmenting.

You can create tags, so that when a subscriber takes a particular action, they get tagged.
For example, when they buy product X, they are tagged so they no longer receive emails
promoting product X.

You can create automations, so when someone buys product X, they get moved into the
buyer’s sequence. This is yet another reason to list segment – you can send a series of
emails to product buyers that makes sure they get the most out of that product, thereby
reducing refunds.

You can create separate sequences for each product you promote, moving your readers
from one sequence to the next based upon their actions and preferences.

Plus you can create separate sequences based on preferences, what lead magnet they
signed up to receive and so forth.

With the technology available in programs such as Aweber and ConvertKit, you’re only
limited by your imagination and the desires of your readers.

Get creative in segmenting

Sometimes you’ll need to get creative, such as offering a bonus package that they need
to enter their email address to receive. This will give you a list of buyers to a particular
affiliate product you’ve promoted.

Use opt-in forms that offer bonuses, freebies, guarantees, support and anything else
you can think of to get readers and product buyers to subscribe onto segmented lists.

Always be thinking – how can I segment my list so I get them the information and offers
they want to receive?

What can you segment?

This is where it gets fun, challenging and even exciting.

There are so many ways to segment your lists, and there are no hard and fast rules on
this. Really you need to decide what is best for you, your list and your niche.

A few ways to segment your lists…

Purchaser or non-purchaser – have they made a purchase? How long ago? If it’s been a
long time, you’ll want to give them a great offer to get them buying from you again. If
they purchased recently, you might want to reward them somehow to keep them

How active – have they clicked a link in your emails in the past month? Generally you
want to make more generous offers to the least active subscribers, to get them
interacting and purchasing again.

Customer value – did they purchase a $10 product? $100 product? How much they’ve
spent with you can determine what offers you send them. Be sure to speak to your best
customers in a way that shows how important they are to you.

Geographical location – depending on your niche, this can be a terrific way to speak to
people using their local lingo, customs and so forth to better relate to them and push
more emotional buttons.

A good example would be sending out special emails to the U.S. for things like
Thanksgiving and Fourth of July, or Boxing Day in the U.K or Anzac Day in Australia and
New Zealand.

Area of interest – even if you build your list with a somewhat generic lead magnet, you
can still segment your list based on interests. You can do this by making an offer – free
or paid – and then segmenting those who click the link.

For example, your lead magnet is online marketing (very generic) and then you make
offers to your main list for a free video on traffic generation, a report on making money
with blogging, and a paid offer for a product creation course. Now you’ve got 3 separate
list segments that are niched down.

Content format – some prefer written content such as blogposts and pdf’s. Others
prefer podcasts, or video, or webinars. If you know how certain segments of your list
prefer to consume their content, you can tailor future offerings accordingly.

Stages in the Sales Cycle – giving new subscribers an introductory email series is a great
idea. This introduces them to you and your business and gets them excited for more.
Then you might even give them a choice of what they would like to receive next.

This barely scratches the surface of different ways to segment your lists, but you get the

Segmenting tips, ideas and monetization…

Making the same offer to your entire list? Segment anyway.

Let’s say you’re promoting a course on traffic generation strategies to your entire online
marketing list, which is segmented into 3 parts as follows:

People interested in video marketing

People interested in blogging

People interested in Amazon affiliate sites

Of course you could send out the same email to everyone, but why would you?

Instead, talk about using videos to generate traffic to your video list. For your blogging
list, talk about driving more traffic to blogs. And for your Amazon affiliate list, talk about
driving traffic to Amazon affiliate sites.

Remember to tailor the subject lines to each segmented niche as well. You might be
shocked at the improvement in your open rates, clicks and sales.

Send new subscribers your old offers.

Let’s say you launched a new product 60 days ago. Everyone on your list at that time
received several emails about the product. But now you have new subscribers on your
list – what to do? Send an email (or 2) just to them, telling them about the product.

The point is to tell new subscribers about offers, products and opportunities they
haven’t seen yet.

Segment product buyers who didn’t purchase the upsell.

Make them another offer to buy the upsell they missed – perhaps with an additional
discount or an added bonus.

Segment affiliate product buyers based on product creator.

If you sold a hundred copies of Joe Smith’s course to your list, those buyers might want
to know about everything else Joe Smith puts out.

And right there in the email, you can remind them that they bought Joe Smith’s course
back in June.

You can also segment based on interest – that is, people who clicked the link in the
email to check out Joe Smith’s course, but didn’t necessarily buy. Remind them of their
interest in Joe’s products.

Segment based on clicks.

Readers click a link to check out a product – send them a follow up email reminding
them of their interest and that the sale is ending.

Last of all, get creative.

What can you offer certain segments of your list that will have them shouting ‘YES!’

The more segmented you make your lists, the more specific and creative you can get
with your offers.

Good luck and happy email marketing!

50 Social Media Sites You Need to Know About

Some of these hardly need mentioning, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Others you’ve heard of, but you’re not on there yet.

And still others will be new to you.

Now then, our suggestion is NOT that you try to be on all 50 of these networks. A better
strategy is to pick as few as one and as many as 5, and have an active presence on those

However, you need to be aware of all of these sites and apps for two reasons: First,
every social media site that is huge today (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) began as a fledgling
startup no one had heard of before.

The next Facebook (or bigger) could be in this list.

Second, it’s important to reserve your name in every single one of these social media
sites that you can, just in case they do grow by epic proportions.

Otherwise, you’re leaving it on faith that someone won’t take your name and use it for
less than positive purposes.

And while this list isn’t exhaustive, it is a good start.

Badoo – dating-based social networking site in 200 countries with 20 million active

Baidu Tieba – a social forum network that is based on keyword searches in the Baidu
search engine – approximately 300 million active users each month.

CafeMom – Community for moms and mothers to be.

Care2 – Helps activists connect around the globe.

Delicious – social bookmarking service.

Deviantart – social networking for artists and art lovers.

Facebook – you’ve probably heard of this one. Nuff said.

Flickr – highly popular photo sharing site.

Flixter – American site for people who love movies and want to connect with other
movie buffs.

FourSquare – local search and discovery based social media. 40 million active users.
Funny or Die – comedy video social site to find the funniest videos on the web.
Celebrities are often found on this platform.

Google Plus – messages, photos, videos, video conferencing, etc. with approximately
300 million active users.

Instagram – completely based on sharing photos and videos, with approximately 400
million monthly users.

Kiwibox – Community-based social networking site for New Yorkers.

Line – share videos, texts, audio messages and files. Make voice and video calls, too.

LinkedIn – professional networking site, available in 20 languages.

Meetup – find groups of like-minded people in a specific area, including business


MySpace – blast from the past music-focused social networking site, 20 million users.

NextDoor – social platform for neighborhoods in the U.S. Gets people connected with
people and businesses in their area.

Periscope – live streaming video platform.

Pinterest – photo sharing, visual bookmarking.

QZone – share photos, watch videos, listen to songs, maintain diaries, write blogs and

Ravelry – community based social network targeted at people in fiber arts.

Reddit – submit content, vote to determine if content goes up or down. Primitive

interface yet highly popular and somewhat addictive.

Renren – highly popular social site with Chinese youth.

Reverbnation – for musicians and anyone working in the music industry.

Sina Weibo – popular microblogging platform in China – sort of a mix between

Facebook and Twitter.

Skype – not always thought of as a social network, Skype lets you talk to anyone in the
world for free, as well as conducting group conference calls.
Skyrock - French social networking site that offers free web space, in 7 languages.

Snapchat – image messaging social platform with 200 million users and growing fast.

SnapFish – web-based photo sharing with unlimited storage.

StumbleUpon – intelligent platform that finds and recommends content to users. 10

million active users.

Tagged – social media site for friendships and dating. 25 million users.

Taringa – one of the largest social networking platforms in Latin America. 75 million
active users.

Telegram – instant messaging network similar to WhatsApp. Very security conscious –

messages are encrypted and self-destructive.

Tencent Q.Q. – chat-based media platform, launched in China and now available in
more than 80 countries and approaching 1 billion users.

The Dots – networking platform to help everyone in the creative process to connect,
collaborate and commercialize.

Tumblr – social media blogging platform acquired by Yahoo in 2013, with approximately
550 million users.

Twitter – features 140 character short text messages called tweets with 320 million
active users per month.

Viadeo – online business based social networking site, mainly in Europe right now but

Viber – instant text messaging and voice messaging in more than 30 languages with 250
million active users.

Vkontakte (VK) – similar to Facebook, one of the largest social networking platforms in
Russia. 100 million active users per month.

Wanelo – like Pinterest, except you can purchase all the stuff you see.

Wayn – travel and lifestyle based platform to discover where to go and how to meet
like-minded people to share experiences.

WeChat – all in one communications app for messaging and calling, similar to and fast
catching up with Whatsapp.

WeHeartIt – inspirational and motivational social media site.

Whatsapp – acquired by Facebook, but this instant messaging platform is an
independent entity with 1 billion users.

Xanga – blogging based network for weblogs, photo blogs and social profiles.

Xing – similar to LinkedIn, with users mainly in Switzerland, Austria and Germany right

YikYak – find your herd within your local community.

YouTube – Yup – you know it.

YY – major video-based social networking platform in China, enabling group video chats.
100,000 members can watch you doing something such as conducting a live video
webinar. 122 million users per month.

12.5 Reasons to Create Your Own Product THIS
MONTH (or sooner!)
It’s so easy to put off product creation, waiting for that magical day when you think
you’re ready.

Here’s a fact you might consider: That day almost never comes.

No one will be tapping you on the shoulder and saying, “This is it! You are now ready to
be a product creator.”

And do you know when you will ‘feel’ ready? Generally after you’ve created your third
or fourth product.

That’s right – waiting until you think you’re ready to create a product is actually putting
it off until probably never.

To get you motivated, I’ve compiled a list of 12 reasons why you want to create a
product this month. Or better yet, TODAY.


1. It’s easier than you think. You’re not writing code, doing SEO, building backlinks, setting up software or
any of those things – you’re simply finding out what people want and then putting that information
together for them. Simple. And you can do that right now.

2. Newbie friendly. Even a new marketer can find success and earn real money when they create their first

3. Fast profits. You can be making money the same day your product goes live. And if you have a list, or
you’re using an established affiliate system such as JVZoo, Warrior or Clickbank, that money could be

4. Make a product once, get paid over and over again. You can continue to earn profits for weeks, months
and sometimes years from sales of the same product.

Think about this… what if you had created a new product every month for the past 2 years? You’d now
have a stable of 24 products producing income for you. Would you like to have 24 products in your
arsenal 2 years from now? Then you know what you have to do.

5. You’ve created an asset. After your initial launch, you have options: You can continue to sell your
product, sell rights to your product, sell your entire product funnel as a stand-alone business, offer your
product as a bonus to affiliate products, package your products into new offers and so forth.

Every product you create is an asset that opens doors and gives you options you can’t get through any
other means.

6. Build your reputation and credibility. You are now the author of XYZ book or the creator of ABC product.
You’re now thought of as a product creator, an authority on your topic and someone people can trust to
give them the right answers to their problems.

This alone can build relationships with prospects, customers and fellow marketers that go a long way
towards building your business.

7. Build an association with other marketers. Other product creators will view you as their equals and be
more open to doing joint venture deals with you, socializing with you, recommending you and your
products to others and so forth.

8. Build an alliance with affiliates. Your first product begins the process of building your affiliate team. With
each new product you launch, you can go to your existing affiliates and let them know you’ve got a new
profit opportunity for them. More affiliates will join with each product, and your list of affiliates (and your
sales) will grow.

9. Open the doors to more and more sales. As your reputation for great products grows, so will your sales.
But it all starts with the first product.

10. Build a list of BUYERS. This is perhaps one of the very best reasons to create your own products, because
buyers are worth far more to you than freebie seekers in terms of future sales.

11. You get to keep 100% of the profit on your own sales. You generally can’t do that as an affiliate.

12. Baby got skills. By creating your own products, you are learning skills that will serve you well in online
marketing; research, copywriting, networking, list building, customer service and so forth.

Plus you’ll be building confidence that will be invaluable as you begin to scale your business up. You might
think of product creation as earning while you learn.

Reason #12.5 – Because right now you have a fear of creating your own product, and
the ONLY way you can conquer that fear is to simply DO IT.

“Sure,” you’re thinking, “But what if nobody buys it?” or “What if they buy it and they
HATE it?”

That could happen. But if you follow our guide on product creation, odds are it won’t.

The key isn’t to make the perfect product. It isn’t to give people what you think they
want. It isn’t to research yourself silly for 6 months and then spend another 6 months
creating the ultimate randy-dandy product.

The key is to simply find a burning desire and fill it.

And that desire can be filled as easily as creating a short PDF, conducting an interview or
making a video – whatever you choose.
Better still, you might do all 3.

But mind you, whatever type of product you choose to create – decide in advance
WHEN you will have it done.

Making that decision and setting that deadline is the first step to actually accomplishing
your goal.

Now that you’ve decided to make your own product, the first question is…

How do You get Great Product Ideas?
This is a major sticking point, even for seasoned product creators. That’s why we’re
going to give you the three very best, proven methods to come up with winning product

With a little work on your part, you’ll have so many ideas your challenge will be to pick
just one out of several possible winners.

IMPORTANT: I cannot stress this enough… so many marketers think they have to invent
something totally new.

Not true.

In fact – and you’re going to dispute this but that’s okay – there is never anything new
under the sun. Everything out there is based on something that came before, hopefully
with improvements.

We tend to think that new things are just that – new. But if you were to trace their
evolution backwards, you would find there were very similar products or platforms to
the new one.

Social media is a great example – each new social media platform has a great deal in
common with previous platforms. They just focus on one particular area or add their
own twist.

And this is the way it works for just about everything ever created, written or
discovered. Small changes, incremental improvements, new combinations of old things
– everything has its roots in what came before.

One thing before we get started, and this is important:

Write down every single idea you get.

Even the ones that seem silly or stupid. Keep a small notebook just for this purpose and
write your ideas down as soon as you get them before they’re lost.

This will train your brain to become a product idea generating machine and you’ll never
be at a loss for ideas for your next product.

Let’s start with 3 basic tried-and-true methods of choosing your next product…

Find a need and fill it.

You see on the forum that people are repeatedly asking for something – why not give it
to them?

Or people are having a certain problem – solve it easily and quickly and you’ve got a
Forums, Reddit, social media… keep alert to questions people are asking and the
complaints they have.

When you see something promising, write it down. Then search to see if others have the
same problem or need and are willing to pay for the solution.

Take advantage of new trends.

A new social media becomes popular – how can it be used to sell products?

A new software hits the market that’s popular but complicated – can you write a guide
on how to use it?

A new video game is selling like hotcakes – can you make a cheat sheet of how to beat

The economy tanks – can you create a product that helps people get back on their feet?

Everywhere you look there are pressing needs and desires you can fill with your

Put a new twist on a bestseller.

This method alone has the potential to put significant money in your pocket. First, find
two or more related products that are selling like hotcakes.

Buy them and consume them. What’s great about them? What needs improvement?
Use these as your foundational research.

Then, make your own original version, but put your unique spin on it that improves it

Some examples:

Traffic generation programs – you’ve got a new way to generate traffic, or you’ve taken
an existing method and simplified it or made it more economical, easier, faster,
outsourceable, automatic, etc.

Yoga videos – with so many yoga teachers out there, how are you going to sell more
yoga videos? By being different.

Most yoga teachers are women, so why not use a hunky male instructor?

Or target your videos to people with a particular health challenge or an older age group.

Or yoga on the go: How to get the benefits of a 60 minute yoga class in just 12 minutes.

Yoga for people trying to stop smoking.

Yoga for students, yoga to relieve stress, yoga for better concentration (ADD and ADHD).

Golf clubs – there are already tons of golf clubs out there, why would you create more?
Because… your clubs take strokes off, or your clubs have a unique, stylish look or your
clubs are endorsed by a well-known golfer and even carry his/her name.

You’re not reinventing the wheel here – you’re simply making it better.

A great example is cookbooks. How many recipes are there? Yet everyday new
cookbooks come out and some sell millions of copies. How? With a unique twist.

The other day a friend was raving about a cookbook that had a lot of swearing in it –
something about how the guy wrote really made her happy.

I didn’t understand it for a second and the recipes didn’t sound like anything new, but
the guy is selling tons of copies – all because he spiced up the language. Crazy, but this is
how these things work.

Is your mind starting to come up with ideas? I sure hope so. Your idea muscle atrophies
if you don’t use it.

But once you start LOOKING for ideas and WRITING them down in your notebook, you’ll
discover great ideas start coming to you faster and faster.

Soon you’ll have so many ideas for hot selling products, you can hire ghost product
creators to help you create all these new products for you.

Now then, let’s move off of idea topics and discuss how you might structure your

What Type of Product Will You Create?
You’ve got some great product ideas – now let’s talk about how you might structure
those products.

Remember, you don’t want to spend months on your product – simply pick the format
below that best fits your topic and get started:


The big selling point on this product is getting rid of a problem that is driving the
customer crazy. This is really straightforward – find a problem people are having,
research the solution and make your product. Your outline will look something like this:

• Explanation of the problem, a reminder of why the problem is bad and how it’s hurting the reader
• Benefits to the reader of solving the problem
• Tell them in brief how to solve the problem – basically a 1 or 2 page or 5 minute video introducing your
solution and why it works
• Tell them in detail how to solve the problem – this section will comprise 80% or more of your product.
• Conclusion: Restate benefits – now that you no longer have this problem, you’ll be able to __ and __.
• Tell them what to do first to get them started – this action step gets the reader moving in the right

Step-by-step How to

This product tells them how to achieve a goal. For example, driving 1,000 visitors to
their offer each week, taking 5 points off their golf score or achieving rock hard abs.

Basically, you’ll tell them succinctly what you’re going to tell them. then you’ll cover it in
step by step detail. If you’re writing the product, each chapter might be one step. If
you’re recording video, then each video could be a step.

The important thing to keep in mind when creating this product is to do things in order
and cover everything the customer needs to know to achieve the goal.

When you finish creating the product, give it to a few people and ask if you left anything
out. You might be surprised. Something that you take for granted as common
knowledge could actually be the missing key that your product needs to get great
reviews and testimonials.

Resource directory

This can be one of the easiest products to create, especially if you’re good at research.

Find a need – for example, new video marketers who want to know what equipment
and software to buy.
Then do thorough research to find everything they need. In this example, you might
include cameras, microphones, audio recorders, lighting, accessories, DAW software,
presentation software, screen capture software, video apps, audio apps, video editing
software and video hosting.

How do you know what your topic should be for your resource guide? Haunt forums and
see what people keep asking for.

For example, “Do you know any great high ticket affiliate programs?” “What are the
best social media tools to get more done in less time?” “What are the best online
resources for writers?” Any of these would likely make great products.


The idea here is to find an expert in your niche, conduct a great interview that brings out
some dynamite information, and then package it as a product.

The stumbling block you’ll find is some experts don’t want to be interviewed for a
product. That’s okay, just keep asking.

A better and much more professional method is to establish a relationship with these
experts prior to asking for an interview. People are much more likely to say yes when
they already know and like you.

Perform plenty of research prior to the interview. You want background on your expert
as well as great questions on your topic. Write out your questions ahead of time, and
send them to your interview subject several days prior to the interview – you’ll generally
get better answers if they have time to think things through.

Then use Skype or another program to record the interview.

Get a transcript of it made and package that with the audio or video interview you

Be sure to use plenty of bullet points in selling the interview. Simply stating you got an
interview with Joe Smith isn’t enough – you’ve got to sell prospects on what they’ll
discover in the interview.

And be sure to offer full rights to your interview subject to use as s/he pleases.

The best interview product is interviewing SEVERAL experts on one topic. Help them to
each choose a particular facet of that topic to focus on, so they don’t overlap each other
in content.

These types of products can do very well and they’re easy to make.

JV Products
This could be an interview type of product, or a video series, audio series or a book. I
saw an entire course on email marketing done by a completely unknown person that
sold like hotcakes because he JV’d with a well known marketer.

What the new marketer did was interview the expert via email, as well as listening to his
products and reading his books. He then pulled out all the relevant information he
learned and created the video course which sold for $297.

Throughout the course he continually referred back to the expert, explaining how he did
email marketing.

The expert did a 2 minute introductory video and that was all. 90+% of the work was
done by the new marketer, and they presumably split the profits 50/50.

Now, if you’re thinking it’s not fair that you do 90% of the work and the expert gets half,
you might want to reconsider.

Without that expert’s name on the product, would you be able to sell as many copies?

If not, then it’s probably well worth it to make this kind of arrangement.

And don’t forget, the expert will likely be heavily promoting the product to his own list.
That alone can result in several thousand dollars in your pocket, or possibly more.

Create PLR

High quality PLR in a hot selling niche always does well. HINT: Provide a sample on your
sales page to demonstrate the quality.

One of the best benefits of creating a PLR product in the online marketing niche is you
do not have to demonstrate results to get sales – excellent for newbies.

Rewrite PLR

Start with high quality PLR and find ways to make it even better. Be sure to retitle it and
create new graphics for it as well, so it doesn’t look like the original PLR product.

Supplemental Product

This is a product you create to supplement another product.

For example, a hot new software is just launched and it’s selling like crazy. Problem is,
people are having trouble using it, or they’re not using it to its full potential.

You create a supplemental product that explains how best to use it and get the most out
of it.
This means staying on top of product launches. In fact, you might be able to get an
advance copy of a product, create your supplemental product and launch on the same

HINT: You have options here – you could contact the main product owner and offer your
product as a free bonus on the main product’s sales page in exchange for a full list of
buyers. Or the product seller could list your product as an upsell or a product to buy on
the download page. Just make sure you retain full ownership of your own product.


You could offer a service such as writing blogposts, setting up websites, ghostwriting
books, creating graphics and so forth.

Find someone who will do the work for cheaper than you’re charging, and you can
simply take a cut out of the middle without doing the work.

Or do the work yourself and keep all the money for yourself.


This is similar to buying the resale or master resale rights to a product, only better.

When you license a product, you generally get exclusivity in some form or another.

For example, you have the exclusive rights to sell in North America. Or exclusive rights
to sell via snail mail. Or exclusive rights to sell the product for the next 12 months.

Let’s say a marketer has a hot selling product they launch this year. It makes a big
splash, they sell it for 3 weeks, and then they close it down.

Six months later they open it back up, sell a bunch more copies, then close it down

By now their affiliates are probably ready to move on, as are they. They’ve come out
with several new products since then, and this older product (just 6 months old) is no
longer something they want to spend time promoting.

You approach them and offer to buy rights to it.

And you sell the product exactly as is. Their name is still on it, which is a good thing.
After all, do you think you can sell a lot more copies if the author of the program has a
well-known name in the niche? Of course. Plus you can gather tons of testimonials from
people who’ve already purchased the product to help you sell even more copies.

The deal you strike is up to you and the product owner. It might be for a certain length
of time or indefinite. You might split the profits with them in addition to paying a small
licensing fee (or no licensing fee) or you might keep all the profits in exchange for having
paid a higher licensing fee.

You can add your own bonuses, your own upsells and so forth. Generally the sales letter
and all promotional materials can be worked into the deal as well. You can license a
product Monday morning and be making sales Monday afternoon. Get the right
product, show some promotional initiative, and you can make bank.

HINT: You might approach sellers of new, hot selling programs and ask for the licensing
rights to sell these programs in other languages. You pay to have the translations done,
and you split the profits with the product owner. Done correctly, this hint alone can
make you a fortune.

What about an upsell?

We’re talking about creating your first product, so it’s too soon to think about upsells,
right? Actually, when you’re creating your product is the PERFECT time to consider what
your upsell is going to be.

If you build an upsell into your product funnel from the start, you’ll have a tremendous

First, you’ll make more money.

Second, you can use those extra profits on paid advertising to make even more money.

Third, affiliates prefer to promote offers that have upsells because they can make more
money as well.

So what can you offer as an upsell from the very beginning without incurring a lot of
extra work up front?

How about a series of coaching calls on your topic. You can answer questions and teach
advanced techniques your product doesn’t cover.

Then you can save those calls and package them into another product. Sell that product
separately or use that as your upsell in the future.

Another idea – one-on-one coaching. Now, you might be thinking you don’t know
enough to coach people one-on-one. That might be true – or not.

If you master one thing that people want to know, then all you have to do is coach them
on how to do that one thing in their business or in their lives.

Often it’s enough to have you there to guide them in the right direction and keep them
on track. They’re not expecting miracles from you, just a friendly voice to help them out.

Your product will serve as your coaching outline and material – how perfect is that?
And anytime they have a question you can’t answer, that’s an opportunity for you. Tell
them you’ll get the answer, and then incorporate that information into future editions
of your product and coaching.

When you’re doing one-on-one coaching, you’ll also discover additional product needs
you can fulfill. Just pay attention to where your students repeatedly have stumbling
blocks or questions, and you’ve got the start of another profitable product.

One last note – what format should your product be in?

That’s really going to depend on what you prefer, what your customers prefer and what
your topic is.

Ideally you want at least two formats, such as PDF and video. But some folks love audio
so they can listen while they drive, jog and so forth.

If your product lends itself to audio, then by all means use it. But if your product needs a
lot of visual explanation, skip it. Yes, it’s really just common sense.

One thing you’ll quickly notice – videos are much more forgiving than PDF’s, yet they
have a higher value attached to them.

When you stumble on a video, don’t complete a sentence, jump around a bit… no one

When you do that with the written word, it drives people a little crazy. Plus, on video
you can let your personality shine through much more than you can with writing.

And with video and audio it’s easier to make your message clear and not have it
misinterpreted. They say that 80-90% of our communication comes from things like the
tone of our voices, our gestures and facial expressions, what mood we’re in and so
forth. Only 10-20% comes from the actual words.

But with writing, you only have your words.

Thus, if you’re not good at wordsmithing, consider doing audio or video instead, or
getting an editor to help you out.

Webinars are great too, and they have a special benefit for you – you don’t have to
create them up front.

You simply decide what you’re going to cover, write your sales copy and make it live.
Then you’ve got 10-14 days or so to completely outline your webinars while sales are
coming in.

And if you don’t make enough sales to make it pay, you can refund the sales, cancel the
webinars and take a different approach. This is a great way to test an idea and see if
there is a market for it.
One word of caution – I’ve just given you a boatload of choices. Please don’t use that as
a source of confusion or procrastination on what to do next.

Instead, go through the list of product-types above, choose the one that’s the best fit for
your subject and get started.

How to Squeeze Twice the Profits Out of Your New
You created your first product, launched it and made sales.


But now what should you do?

Two things – you’ve got a buyer’s list now, so it’s not time to rest on your laurels.

Instead, create a second product in the same niche to offer your buyers. And make sure
you tell your new affiliates, too.

After all, your affiliates made money with your first product, which makes them twice as
likely to promote your second product as well.

So what’s the second thing you should do?

Simple – don’t forget your first product.

It can remain an asset for some time to come if you treat it right.

Here’s how:

Update it. Every few months, update and rerelease your product. You might be
surprised to discover you make as many sales the second time as the first.

And since you (hopefully) have been collecting testimonials from your first buyers, you
can add those to your sales copy and possibly sell even more.

Add additional formats. Did you do a PDF? Then how about adding some videos? Or
maybe an audio version? Offer these to your existing buyers as well as making them an
upsell to new buyers. Or add them to your existing product and raise the price.

Sell coaching. You’re an expert on this topic, so why not offer coaching to your buyers?

Do webinars on this topic. Joint Venture with list owners to do webinars. At the end,
sell your product combined with group coaching.

Record your group coaching calls and package them into a new product.

When you’ve had enough of your product, sell it with either resale rights or PLR rights.

Or give it away as a bonus to encourage sales of your newer products, or to sell affiliate

And there is one more option you have that you might want to consider, and that’s to…

SELL Your New Product as a Stand Alone Business

Let’s say you’ve created a product with a strong launch.

And let’s say you’ve cleared $10,000 from this launch.

What most marketers don’t realize is they now have three choices:

They can:

Let the product peter out with sales that taper off into nothing (or have a hard close,
with sales completely shut off after the big launch.)

Continue to promote the product and make additional sales for weeks, months, and in
some cases years.


SELL the new product.

In the example product above, if you can show you cleared $10,000 in the launch phase,
it’s completely possible to sell the website and product for an amount in that same
range ($5,000 to $15,000, depending on a lot of factors.)

These factors include:

• How evergreen the product is

• How much of the market you reached in the launch phase
• If there is any recurring income from the product
• What kind of reviews the product received
• If you include your list of buyers
• And so forth

Now you might be thinking, “Why would I want to sell? Why not continue to make
money from this product?”

Good question.

In some cases, that’s exactly what you want to do.

But if this product is outside of your main niche, or you want some quick cash, or you
simply have too much on your plate to continue to promote this product, then selling
your new product and website might be a great idea for you.

It can double the money you make and you can flip the product and website within a
month’s time.

Something to consider.

One more note: The longer you wait to flip the product, the less it tends to be worth.

• Newer, hotter competing products enter the marketplace

• Market saturation – everyone has already seen the product
• Over time sales go down, which brings the price down

If you decide to flip your new product, it’s best to be quick about it.
Where do you sell it?

Sometimes one of your affiliates will be interested.

Or you might know a fellow marketer who would love to take the product over.

Otherwise, post it on Flippa.

One more thing to consider: If you continue to market the product for the next year,
how much will you make? How much time and investment will it take to make that
profit? And how does that compare with how much you could sell the product for?

There’s no easy answer for whether or not you should sell, but it’s definitely something
to consider.
Don’t say yes or no – say maybe

There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked among his
crops for many years. One day his prize horse ran away. Upon
hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they
said sympathetically. “Maybe,” the farmer replied. The next
morning when the horse returned, he brought with him three other
wild horses. “How wonderful,” the neighbors exclaimed. “Maybe,”
replied the old man.

The following day, his son tried to ride one of these untamed horses
and was thrown off it, breaking his leg. The neighbors again came to
offer their sympathy for his terrible misfortune. “Maybe,” answered
the farmer. The day after, military officials came to the village to
draft all able young men into the army. Seeing that the son’s leg
was broken, they passed him by and did not take him to war. The
neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned
out for him after all.

“Maybe,” said the farmer.

There is a lesson here. We don’t always see that the way things turn
out for us have a greater reason – a higher purpose. You must see
the bigger picture. What you perceive as having not worked out for
you in the past may just be the blessing that leads you to where you
are now. Or helped you avoid a greater tragedy somewhere else.

That job you didn’t get.

That relationship that ended.

That money you lost.

All lessons, all happenings that got you to where you are now and
who you are now.
My conclusion is this – do not give up on yourself and your work.
Even if it seems like it is going poorly or that people reject it – there
is always a bigger picture.

Online, some days we make a lot of money, other times, our

products flop and our customers have a go at us. This is life. Do not
become discouraged. Tell yourself it is all part of the greater picture
of your success. If it’s not a lesson, it’s a blessing.

The one factor that will stop you from becoming the greatest
version of yourself; that wealthy, happy person – will be you giving
up upon encountering obstacles that you think are too great. The
people that make more money than you are the ones that keep
going through the obstacles and refuse to quit no matter what
shows up. They see the end goal and not the stones on the path
because those stones are the very paving of your road to greatness.

They are in short, necessary to the end goal.

Take a deep breath, believe in yourself and never ever give up just
because it initially looks like it is going wrong. That is the easy way
to do it.

Trust me on this. You can lose everything and still come back. You
can fail and come back twice as hard. I know many people like it
and let me tell you, they are the ones whose wealth and success
will stand the test of time.
Heroes And Gods Are Not Just Known For Their Feats

Greek mythology is often associated with the courage of
heroes and gods, but it is also a catalogue full of deception,
trickery and lies. In fact, liars are so prevalent within Greek
mythology that when ancient Greek philosopher Plato
imagined his ideal and perfect city, he wanted to remove all
poetry that existed because of all of its representations and
ideas of cheating, lying and swindling others in order to satisfy
human needs.
The conclusion is that being a God or hero in the world of
Greek myth does not mean being truthful not does it mean
that goodness prevails. You can get known for a whole lot of
unhelpful reasons.
On that note, perhaps the most famous liar in Greek
mythology is the story of Odysseus, the character who features
at the center of the Homeric epic "The Odyssey," which retells
of Odysseus’ return to his homeland (the isle of Ithaca) after
the end of the Trojan War. Odysseus was cunning and clever,
so much in fact that centuries later the Roman poet Virgil
would give him full credit for the creation of the Trojan horse
Even when Odysseus finally returns to his own kingdom after a
decade of wandering, he still lies and dresses in the clothing of
a beggar, attempting to fool everyone including his own wife
There is no difference between these famous characters and
what is going on today in the world of Marketing. Everyone is
selling themselves or selling something on or offline – whether
it be an impression of themselves or a product/service. And of
course we all want it to be the best, we want it to look good
and be accepted and received well by our target markets.
But there is a flaw in this desperation; one that will catch up on
you if you are not careful. The need to exaggerate or deceive is
not always a conscious one, sometimes it can happen by
accident and the result is that you can get over amorous about
what you are offering because you are thinking about the
People like this will post unrealistic quotes, images, text and
promises, hoping that their efforts will just be seen as
glamorous selling and excitement.
Don’t be tempted to do this.
For a start, post realistic images – Images speak volumes and
there is no harm in displaying them loud and clear and with a
great spin. But be careful. Post inviting and realistic photos of
what consumers can expect when visiting your business or
investing in your products. Because the lesson we learn from
every ancient story is this – the truth always comes out and if
you hype people up to expect a holiday in the Caribbean and
fulfil their sense with that promise – once they buy and see the
caravan instead of the exotic setting, they are going to think
you are a douche.

And that is as gentle as I can put it. Be beautiful with your

words but not deceptive, otherwise you will end up an
infamous liar like Odysseus and honestly, that is not the label
you want to have.

Authenticity and accurate representation is the modern hero

of Internet Marketing.

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