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At Kings College, Alicante our aim is to enable you to make a smooth transition from school to university or the world of work. In our Sixth Form you have a greater degree of freedom and responsibility for making your own decisions than in Years 711. To support you, the Sixth Form Code of Conduct clearly defines expectations, rules and disciplinary procedures. It aims to protect the rights of you, other students, staff and visitors.

In outline: Everyone in our school has the following basic rights:

to feel safe; to learn; to be treated with respect.

Our general expectations of you are that you should:

conduct yourself in accordance with the Schools Equality Policy; show commitment to your studies so that you reach your academic potential; complete a minimum of five hours independent study per A level subject, per week. maintain high standards in your personal behaviour as would be expected of an adult at work, whether this is in lessons, elsewhere in school, out on a trip or making your way to and from school. be courteous and considerate to other students, staff and visitors; maintain the good reputation of the school in the local community, and whilst attending any activities organised off site, or sponsored by, the school; show care and respect for the fabric of the schools buildings and its facilities contribute to the wider aspects of school life getting involved and taking on responsibilities attend school regularly.

The rest of this document explains your responsibilities and the disciplinary procedures that will be followed if you are unable to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner whilst in our Sixth Form.

The foundations of a supportive community
You are expected to behave in accordance with the schools equality policy. Thus, all types of discrimination, harassment and bullying are completely unacceptable and, if proven, will be regarded as very serious misconduct. The language you use should not be obscene, offensive or aggressive. You should not swear and most particularly, not do so in lessons, except where it is part of the curriculum (e.g. in a novel or play). If a member of staff tells you that your language is unacceptable then it is it is not up for discussion! Physical aggression, including aggressive body language and spitting is unacceptable in any circumstances. Violence towards another member of the school community is considered gross misconduct and will result in exclusion. You will be regarded as having carried out an act of harassment and/or bullying if you cause distress to another person by: i. Using a mobile phone (e.g. through the unsolicited sending of a text message, phone call or transmission of an image) ii. Using ICT, either in school or elsewhere, to deliver an unpleasant message (e.g. via email, social networking site, blog entry, or transmission of an image) iii. Or to carry out an unauthorised distribution or upload to the web or to mobile phones of images (e.g. facebook, youtube, bebo etc.) You may not consume, or be in the possession of, alcohol during the school day either on site or off site. If you do this will be considered gross misconduct and you may be permanently excluded from school. Any student found in possession of illegal items or substances on the school site, off site during the school day or whilst involved in a school function, should expect to be permanently excluded from school.


Behaviour in lessons
In lessons you are expected to listen quietly when a teacher or other member of staff is talking to you, unless you are invited to ask questions. Off task chatter is unacceptable as it affects your concentration and makes the work harder for both the teacher and your fellow students. When you work in discussion or practical groups, you are expected to be disciplined enough to keep to the task set by the teacher If you persistently disrupt a lesson you will be asked to leave the room. The incident will be recorded on the ClaSS system as a comment. Being asked to leave a lesson is considered very serious misconduct and unless remedied immediately is likely to result in you being excluded from school. If you are asked to leave a lesson you should do so without disputing the request. You will be given the opportunity to make your case at the follow-up interview. Failure to leave a lesson when asked to do so will result in the Head of Secondary or Director of Studies being summoned. In some lessons or during Independent Study Time you will have access to ICT facilities. You need to remain on task throughout the lesson and must not download games, surf the web or send emails unless your teacher gives you explicit permission to do so. Use of the schools ICT facilities is a privilege afforded to all our students and abuse of the facilities will result in that privilege being removed for a period of time, or even permanently. You are expected to arrive for lessons fully equipped with pen, paper, text books and other essential equipment. You are also expected to complete all the homework set. It is accepted that everybody forgets things now and then but if you continually arrive unprepared you will be demonstrating a lack of respect for the teacher and other students. If this happens you will be subject to the disciplinary procedures outlined in this document. Mobile phones must be used in accordance with the schools mobile phone policy. They are not to be used when you are in lessons, in the library or a study room unless the teacher specifically asks you to do so to support your learning. They should be switched off and out of sight. Mobile phones can be used in the Common Room during one of your designated free periods, break or lunch-time.

Deadlines and time management
You must complete all the homework set to the best of your ability. You are required to meet all your work deadlines. Any extension of a deadline must be negotiated with the member of staff concerned. Coursework deadlines are published in advance and missing them may preclude you from being entered for the examination in that subject. In completing coursework you are required to abide by the examination boards codes of conduct and should not attempt to copy, plagiarise or otherwise falsify your work. Attempting to do so is considered serious misconduct. You are expected to complete a minimum of 5 hours of independent study per A level subject per week. This study time includes homework, revision, reading around a topic, working on weak areas or completing past papers in preparation for examinations.


General behaviour on the school premises
You are expected to behave as a young adult in a workplace and not as a schoolchild in a playground. Enjoying the company of your friends does not mean disturbing the environment for other people. For example, by making excessive noise or dropping litter. You should show respect for those around you and for the school building and facilities. You are provided with a Common Room for your free periods where you can socialise with your friends and other students. There is no reason for you to socialise in corridors or lobbies as it often distracts other classes. At no time are our Sixth Form students allowed to be canoodling, kissing or cuddling on the school premises.

Attendance & Punctuality

If you are regularly late or absent, without good reason, you are demonstrating disrespect for the staff and your fellow students. Continuity in learning can be seriously affected for all students due to regular non-attendance or late arrival to lessons. You are expected to be as regular in your attendance at school as members of the teaching staff. We will monitor your attendance and frequent, short-term sickness can be a real cause for concern as it would for an employer. If you are absent for one day or more you should complete a self-certification form and hand it in to your form tutor within 24 hours of returning to school. If you are unable to attend school you or your parent must phone the school on the first day of sickness before 9.30am. Wherever possible you should try to stay on top of the work you are missing due to absence. Upon your return to school you must talk to all your subject teachers and agree a plan on how you will catch up on any work you may have missed. You are not permitted to leave the school premises during the school day unless it is part of an organised school activity or it has been pre-approved by the Head of Secondary. Having no teacher-led lessons in a given afternoon is not an appropriate reason for requesting to leave school early. In the world of work you are required to work for the entire day and you should use your Independent Study Time to ensure you are making the best possible progress towards your target grades.

Information Technology
The Schools IT resources and network are provided for educational purposes. You must observe the standards as defined in the Schools Student Use of IT Policy. You should not log in to another students user area, even with their permission, unless this is agreed by a member of staff. You may not copy any material covered by copyright. You must not try to gain access to areas of the network other than those which you have specific permission to enter. The downloading, and/or viewing, of pornography, or other unsuitable material, is strictly forbidden, is considered very serious misconduct and may result in your exclusion from school.

Food, drink and litter

Bottled water apart, you should not consume food and drink in any rooms or corridors, other than in the Dining Room or Common Room. This remains the case even if you have been given permission by your teacher to work in a classroom over morning break or lunch. You should dispose of your litter in one of the many bins that are around the school. If you are standing, or sitting, near litter and you are asked to put it in a bin you should do so, rather than engage in a lengthy discussion about whose litter it is. By working together, we can keep the environment pleasant and help set a positive example for our younger pupils. Chewing gum is not permitted. Students caught chewing gum are likely to be excluded from school.

If you carry out an act of vandalism it is considered very serious misconduct and you will be excluded from school. If you are allowed to return, you will be required to pay for any damage, including the time taken to put things right again. Setting off a fire alarm without good reason, is gross misconduct and you should expect to be permanently excluded from school.

Disciplinary Procedures The purposes of the disciplinary procedures described below are to: Apply the Sixth Form Code of Conduct in a fair, consistent and objective manner. Respect the individual circumstances of students. Encourage students to improve work performance, attendance and punctuality with help from their teachers, personal tutors and senior members of staff.

The disciplinary procedures relating to matters of misconduct and academic performance

STAGE 1 INTERVIEW WITH PERSONAL TUTOR ACTION Your personal tutor will discuss the matter with you and First negative referral on the ClaSS system regarding give you the opportunity to make your case. You will agree misconduct, attendance, punctuality, non-completion or on methods to remedy the problem and an official target poor completion of work relating to this will be recorded in your Sixth Form Planner. Your Personal Tutor will update the ClaSS system with a comment detailing the agreed target and will schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss your progress REASON

STAGE 2 OFFICIAL VERBAL WARNING ACTION Your personal tutor will discuss the matter with you and Second negative referral on the ClaSS system regarding give you the opportunity to make your case misconduct, punctuality, non-completion or poor completion of work You will be issued with an Official Verbal Warning by your Personal Tutor which will be recorded in your planner. and/or Your Personal Tutor will also update the ClaSS system with an incident to record the fact you have been issued with a Failure to meet agreed targets set as a result of a meeting Verbal Warning. You will agree on a target which will also with your Personal Tutor in Stage 1 be noted in your Planner and will be discussed at a followup meeting one week later. and/or At your Personal Tutors discretion you may also have some Removal from lesson or all of the following privileges removed for a maximum of Unjustified Attendance of less than 92% one week: Poor Academic Results Access to the common room for all, or some, of Consistently Poor Effort Grades for two consecutive your free lessons and/or break and/or lunch tracking sessions Access to the school library Failure to complete a Self-Certification Form after absence Use of the school ICT facilities Ability to access the dining room at the time you choose REASON

STAGE 3 OFFICIAL WRITTEN WARNING ACTION The Director of Studies will discuss the matter with you Third negative referral on the ClaSS system regarding and give you the opportunity to make your case misconduct, punctuality, non-completion or poor completion of work You will be issued with an Official Written Warning by the Director of Studies. The Warning will be sent home to your and/or parents and both they and you will be required to sign it before it is placed in your file. They may also be asked to Failure to meet agreed targets set as a result of a meeting attend a meeting in school. The Director of Studies will with your Personal Tutor in Stage 2 update the ClaSS system with an incident to record the fact you have been issued with a Written Warning. and/or The Director of Studies will issue you with a Plan for Support/Intervention and will monitor your progress in a Removal from more than one lesson follow-up meeting at a later date. Continued Poor Academic Results Poor Effort Grades for three consecutive tracking sessions At the Director of Studies discretion you may also have Unjustified Attendance of less than 90% some or all of the following privileges removed or have the Serious Misconduct following sanctions applied: As Stage 2 including where appropriate, permanent removal of privileges and/or Internal Exclusion for a maximum of two weeks After-school Detention Refusal to enter student for an examination as a school candidate REASON

STAGE 4 FINAL WRITTEN WARNING REASON ACTION The Head of Secondary will discuss the matter with you Fourth negative referral on the ClaSS system regarding and give you the opportunity to make your case misconduct, punctuality, non-completion or poor completion of work Your parents will be asked to attend an interview and you will be issued with a Final Written Warning. Your parents and/or and you will be required to sign it before it is placed in your file. The Head of Secondary will also update the ClaSS Failure to follow the required action as defined in the system with an incident to record the fact you have been Support/Intervention Plan. issued with a Final Written Warning . and/or Continued Poor Academic Results Poor Effort Grades for six consecutive tracking sessions Very Serious Misconduct The Head of Secondary will issue you with a Plan for Support/Intervention and will monitor your progress in a follow-up meeting at a later date. At the Head of Secondarys discretion you may also have some or all of the following privileges removed or have the following sanctions applied: As Stage 3 and/or External Exclusion for a maximum of two weeks

STAGE 5 DISCIPLINARY HEARING WITH HEADTEACHER ACTION The Headteacher will discuss the matter with you and give Fifth negative referral on the ClaSS system regarding you the opportunity to make your case misconduct, punctuality, non-completion or poor completion of work, Your parents will be asked to attend a disciplinary hearing to discuss your future in our school. and/or At the Headteahers discretion you may also have some or Failure to follow the required action as defined in the all of the following privileges removed or have the Support/Intervention Plan. following sanctions applied: REASON and/or Continued Poor Academic Results / Effort Grades Gross Misconduct As Stage 4 and/or External Exclusion for a fixed period of time Permanent Exclusion

Our aim at Kings College, Alicante is to ensure you are fully prepared for University or the world of work. We are dedicated to offering your support in becoming independent learners who take responsibility for their future and actions. The disciplinary procedure described here is very similar to that to which you will be subject when you start work in an organisation. It is important that you learn what your responsibilities are as an adult and that any changes required in your behaviour or work ethic are implemented quickly before you receive an official written warning. Students subject to a Stage 4 (Final Written Warning) or Stage 5 (Disciplinary Hearing) in Year 12 are not demonstrating the positive attitude we require from our Sixth Form students and are consequently likely to be ill-prepared for their A level examinations or negatively impacting on the preparedness of others. Progression to Year 13 is not automatic and consequently students in this situation at the end of Year 12 should expect to have a meeting with their parents and the Headteacher to discuss whether returning to Year 13 is a viable option for them and the school.

This form must be completed after every absence from school. It should be completed within 24 hours of your return to school and handed to your personal tutor. All absences will be followed up and it is your responsibility to complete this form and hand it in on time - failure to complete a self-certification form is considered misconduct under the Sixth Form Code of Conduct. Good attendance is essential to your success at A level and as such levels of attendance are closely monitored. This form is available from the school office. Name: The first date you were absent from school: Total duration (in days): If reason for absence was Other, explain here Class: The date when you first returned to school: Reason for absence (please tick)
(other reasons will be counted as unauthorised)

Illness Emergency medical/dental appointment Family bereavement Family holiday (with prior approval) University visit (with prior approval) Organised school trip Authorised work experience Other
Remember. If you miss an exam you must have an official doctors note or you will be disqualified from the examinations you missed.

Do you have a justificante from a doctor? (if so attach it to this form) Are you fully recovered?
If no and you require support from us discuss this with your personal tutor or Director of Studies

Yes No Yes No Yes No

Was this absence pre-authorised by the Head Teacher?

Yes No

Have you spoken to your teachers regarding the work you have missed?

Remember it is your responsibility to ensure that you stay on top of your studies. Your personal tutor will discuss this with you in more detail and will liaise with your teachers to ensure you are on track.

TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERSONAL TUTOR Was the absence reported to school on the first day? Did the student complete and return this form on time? Date this form was returned Does this absence need to be referred to the Director of Studies? Yes No Yes No Yes No


I certify that the information provided on this form is correct and accurate. I understand that knowingly providing false information is in breach of the Sixth Form Code of Conduct.

Signature and Date (Student)

Signature and Date (Parent) for absences over 2 days

Signature and Date (Personal Tutor)

Students should complete this form and return it to their personal tutors. Tutors may decide to discuss this with you or your parents in more detail. Once the tutor has received this form it should be given to the Director of Studies to be placed on the students file.

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