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\| Lectuwe-1 1419 412019 [EPR a] [Vectors Algezoo | 1+ Scolar Vy rove il Seatore Reid \ an | ond: | W = \Rla,y | ®P “oss ma rmogniote > stecaRon \ | | gen A> Ax, Ay A2) | Poedtrote, Volus.-> (2,3,5) (oreo Veetow foremeafiergo ag | A= AxOx4 Ayds 4 Aad *f 7 | Rie Taya eae Age Hae ee =a i Bi rl Parttevlora omen trot%s dofnkn + ort vector wrog Ttude. = Axd +A yt Azdz or mmogrftude « Exownple - ~Temparoeduvee (T) Sealoa [Fon Reeeifon use a] Plot +hts3 Ax y x PosiSve. Ureeetfim oxtsaa hye, ina, Fracetion ox8s 24 oppostie| [ ole {S weesottant vectow odin aa ~eepeet a Tai] AS + AySy + adie J AvP Ry Az |Prrartese Of the Unit veers fs always 4. - Vectors Addfon ond Svbstoactfon? ven, A= Chix, Ay, Az) - 6 = (6x, By B2) 7 A = Axo + Ay dy + A2de >_> B= Bde * Gydy + Bede Wee = Ix+ Bad & oe “ FBxdOx 4 Agtey) oy + CAx+B2)& 2 -Bx) KX A * CYB) & 4 (Aaa) && a axy Sistance. veeion’ one point tS oR Pistancevector'ts cthova Jes Anotnere pcini®s OB 4 WE ov OP ar: - ABs Rs AB - 38 [loos oy op ap WN Fe = 58 -W AGP = A-B WwW A@ = B-A * Exomlet-3— it) 2a} de = zg. % Proacttse exeakse % ExomPe2>® PY =9-0 © \PE\ @ P= 108e frmgrmuiegiver | Fo Parallel 407A. 80, dtmeeiton © Same. orf veatore4s also same we On o@ Neetos My tpReatfong "m= Tei P ase Dean eeeeea ae come oft Solar / dot produet § Somedinoseta| ® veetoro / @rooss proodvels AxB . Seas Beal = Olsen Panis 7 B = UIP 1Coseag Ly Ogle behoeen Rand Q. ies derdivodfone a A? = And SAYS +Aade 5B = Bx de +Oydy 482d Ady t+A2dy) « (Gx d& +04 dy +8262) Cot Ay By+0) Coro+Ae Be) B + F2B2 | Fos cay 0 ind RE Dector Poodocts] y AxG = PBI Sno rong os Cn a SE SPST Bred wat 3 Ausays Papendiutamn to Axe ) ee = (A B&& 4A yy Aede) x (Bxde + By Sy ~ G2 cd ) * PxO24 avy & + x82 By + Ry oP hy axEMs Ayee() + Az0e? 4 Arex (hy) + AeBy (- &) Faayecay to Sid AKB ay Mosioles & ay be a , Ax ty fla | = O% CAy@e- A2ty) ~ Ay (Ax e2~ Are) ex By Be + & (Ax By — Ay Bx) . 4 ax L \ H cheese ees, oppofle veel ove An O2 a4 % OMPCLecKusSe. QEAT Ve — opposite vectore. + Components f 2 veetor3 OAR 8 nar 7 Ae - Fae] 2088 ag exdrg Poojection onegneing arg. xv mogrituie of Ae, |A2|- TP leosdy w Re -P. Se * Eample 94.4 A 1.520.) : l = 26/4 12019 I Loctooe- | Chapiev-R] sac) | Co oved?nate. egjorern and Amonsfoomolfon Covotesfang Ae ial Ce ? Cx Ay, Aa) ove Pade + Ay Sy + ha Se z mob 2> i tNectow Repeosentosfons— | oR A A= Apap + Aq ap + Ade I I?l = [aaa | Al = Apt Ag? + Aa™ | ( Aas Ap, Abs Ay) [ro need] SPhewfeal Co omdinode System s- Sol’ hholf reales Bangg ® Radtos, vo L) © Poxo¥oatare omgie © - a a Co < e405) © (o< 6 Roouy n Chorge yo ie Whene © ends GRE © Gort aady @ | , y = Pane ftom Anis, tdfomgle, are = PO = os?no ! ve \lers@ = 2 c 2 = reco = f i a, © =90° Ixy Plone @ P gag 9 Somme A ee = Peos$ = reine eos x % = Poing = stro at Zz | Converot Foom Coartestare to Spherical 3- W |e = Seeayes 22 Lee | 6 = tom-1 (£) loge Exampte > 2.1,2.9 i] ony coordinake valya @onve!9on . 24/3 19 Lectowe-3 i [ghopiew 3] | | xR ae ot 42 dy + 22x Ge I ~~” Vector Feld Whewe, py ead eA AY = Y2 > Ap -22x Aron, Axyudy < (| aur ANC meeaee Sere rene Xo, I P, 2, and > a “ CAp x +AGK + Aackd) | dR duck + dydly | 58 = dy dy - > Aa | QR = de (- 8) Total lenin. cap age 267 ovewtne lengin Sniigenke 28@2C, expreesfon of ABPA- | Grrfoce omen » ABR top one) = dady 4 orgie out ofthe (eD8R)_ (kettomone) = dxdy Vowwme rat i—ra | Cee). ageg = dxdy Oa A 6 || Cbetem) epee — dx dy (82) e Gront) Apep . dyda Ox se (es) ADSP = dude (-2y \eoek) Pase = dyd2 C-ox). | BS - de dy id atid ononge er wpe (aa, If aa 2=6 || oneae QREI- uA rvertoro wins 1 @ 50, 223 GIRO 2-4 OSS RA fot pid “A 2.6 exer 2g RTE, OBOT efits hii wines BET OUST, ok ORT UE Voth Plus froze , {| \Nolome » dig = dxdy de. AMoneltO®, oloenerte Atadatteok commerode Ofotem dk» dedp AL. pap op AL» dads dt - dpop + pap a4 dehy oer ee ners ag = dac_ 0%) = P dg ag = Pag ay J Poe vt 6p” = dpée [RF dPaP + pdgdg +dedz x Fut egtindew om Borofoce = ot ~ * quomiee hrolf gq Gurobact, = str * bolf cyltrdere ag surefaca L % =40T. (a), +0P, bottom ,. 7 Jef pe & quarien oa half Ger =50 iP ADSP > dppdd de | Asap > d2p dgap | SPAR — apas Cop) | | peemes dv = dppdd da | Hott oxttndong Som 40 Bde. Cyfndere pra-, Pdhap aay botometda ug Pad dp Cae) | Sou Bde | + pdbda dp q | PHferoenRal cements te Spredeol sowndrote, system ® Fou sphertaal -» Symface ar 4 * half ou bowtoce .Q | Spm» —y sowfoee » 4 (Seont,tothun, teh, Bard : dt = deoee dL = pag dq — a a Se R59 a 4 49 do “AE = dwow + we é x ” 208 dred ty home 8 9d ° Coen Og) = 2 Siro doag oo Vesmodh drwig c crenge# 2) : Const i fhe dende Const ($) ¢ of) eee enedg wdo || = 0% sine sede dg 5 904°. = | Col Veep (0) Gra we. { ec) 2 {i = Qn (— 3). 10 i. =e de % | fra Svrface axa. 5 ABO fe Pad (aa) deo me p (eg Q7°) (10-2) . 0 eae T= a6n 0 a eo orp i dP dz (od) . Peo FoookioFx- 3.4. Reaeree Precie’ Problem 3 8.4, 3.2,3.3) Revicis Preble 3. a 4 9 5 ah Lectowe- A Of <8 | 2319 [2019 023 | © 280° | o< <60° J | de = wsine db a Pr | always +2 AG” \| | Ore db x 20° a SE oheas one 4 ales Q0e a OTE | . ¥ BRE Stovot | Qa, 1¥ 6=90° H (x | @ = 0° AO” Shoot gre left ge © ZAAP ©=90° EO Stor TAT F 2y oma GAG Crewe AEC REVIT Stover AH f AB Werte KET Lee Thtegcnl _ (Seater) 5 Rat LOR Aeose.dl Acces 8 “ componodt oF trot porolteularo vector. Soreface. (Scalar) Qn Sowface 9a dhocelfan = ccc of Ake Volume | S2Pfoce [ene wringer igew Rogjee fon CE yA Nolumes, dv = J fu dv v Renurft volume a rneasurement Pa de - x2 dy - yeas rar 434) Pag NPT JF I _ _ jp det dl aa agora, IP Refeo Sead enero kat PVolue. pul sHOAG | > eRe Change zaz ph Calid aanze Wren _, ye0, 220 1% = changing . | F = R& 519 ' | Gu = dady i| ww mt Fda s “ / J e Jx2de-aran. I me? || 2 J x2dx | I 2 x3 o 4 SU Re Ts RS Lined 220; Xo, Changin A 8 _ ae a ee aye dy cy SP aie 4 ° [ axag . oy. oreo | Y= Bred, yea > A Fo = x2dx ~ xBad ~ yee a3 = dude + dete [asy Axed] See, dx = dz “orp x ne 2 chergobe CB) (x2,20 ; Oh 4 223.200 (Oley 7 Gy ) Siuctfon of aw beteHen Shela ine. TH PRORA en 2 ‘ 2y-2Q 78x =2 148 2 ad + 4x& Sead -{ (Pon they ~E2)- (dude 4 dn dz) J an fir. Gere ae=4) R=0 ¢ TH = | Saymeri4> X= Sxed , ¥12 = charged a = yoy + dec = dy dy + dy ~— Pa dx -ytdy -y28e JPR dBase 5. ay tee) Cayfy ree ) ~ fF oy - fiaay | 7 PFA. ° u AnH Proaltse Proobiem 3.2 Svwface > dosed path Glesed Volume > closed sonfage . = d+ \PaR SP als . Fre Ae, Segrrants | SPR, = J (Peosy dip +2knade), de | = P coed gp -o 1 Je L¢- 2=0 | “A ae v PR, a <0. | ep, |. are J ve 5 ( Peose | =o, || Brod s. 5 changing ; , ap + Retnede ). pap: af Gt owd and same. a/Ap2own tropes 3.7, 2.0) 720K Probs 3.4, 3.63 F Lectume-5 r ' Sowace - 2 | + @ 4og | ®@ betiom ©® Srae t > > a. -a? opr’ { a0 (pa, +0z) f£-1, O<244 _, @ Ienot fiven < 3% 5a”. 8 =§R A, Sa By Loretto gran 0p Iroticen +hG & Rae fewo 3 4 feo 4p 03 224, 9 2 Reedy Pordh ts Serre. LS fRene at. G = \Oe-2? 4% - e Par + We ae - des PSP ag Be — Coutwsorat dyrefon) B- 25 n oS J hfe ~2 "(pop + oe ). Pap lp ae peo © 4 on pet = toe? Papas & geo P=0 Sor otters ————* P=0. da = Pdp dd (-a2) . ¥ an a x W Aon. —Be Pet, zomd ¢ bre chovatng , = Pdd da &p . ia 4 —P corr wmnreag > ear IR ag Sra deperd aA mar Pe 4 Gra SGotoce 6tr ara SP ROG pean 2) | OR. daz = 5 -2t oA os | 5 doe . POP - Papde ap : | gro gad = ‘dons 10 g72° « H beek Prob» 3.49 (a) , 6.29 (9), 3.05, 3.91(0), B32: { outsocced Hox weg JR-de | Ag. o-a Re ba R = lal. Bee =o jowee on @i duet Qa, FE. “Electos Stott, fold “eso tHe > a, Force on Qe dutto| Qa and > fomee of Qiducto §2 Tt depends on tho. Polarity of Gherggat fowee of 6g due tc Qa, Fy [sorrese an L Chowage IS A i, One PoR8ve . Foy = Beer a ! Amee *- | wR -8, | R -eR-& @ = (eR | A Pe | Bea, = WT | (Fos Qa: @ AnéoR2 R wt ere 2a 2? R depends eonotrara th AH" | Se eee Ag ow BR alk ame podiive Penk, nomben Crerpes -> go soa SommatSon paces - = & Pe Bee 4 HO BD, ea BR . AneoR2 “AntoRS Srocetton wopulgie..ab oll ohana ore. posiitem ve AC -e-a CBs. 08 =-12) ’ q = 1-9. | P98 3-7, \ + 829 | © “anecpent WR + 22 ears | y Elewtwfe_ Field Totensiys- CE) . | > | Ee. FL Cove) OW > rd oot Ane chowmge -F Peworitt owea. tow +e %t ay wh we G. Po. | Anéo Re zg |; Pl & \eeml 4 \ne-%e \ ————. \0-194) +. ANEo \r0-ml® Anéo \@ - 122) PF. t Ss a (aay eam We \ 4. 4ONe Anéo\r-en 181 unit | point Chewege: Qn \eual Anfo \e-nl nner ee eee ee ——_— Te N= Ame +5@ (9,2,-4) cay | Qa = -2me > (-3,-4,4) @ Fooe2 Of Qoren Yerae > One -3 (0,3, 2), due to deteso Chowges, Qi ond Qg ¢ Feekene , F +f | anges BF ae Gane A a =~ BoR + by +282 ee = 18 448) 3a, k Pmacitse 34-4 - H book Poob—> 4-4 Conf avons Choage Distaibedtons TS the charpes cae unccorlable- then ase have to Jo tov Mntagrafion A a a } | Le byrrercte: howe PBN 60 \ . ene onal Bre Aya amlg mir Ae 673 FBR Monk fara i Nove 7, + Lane. Choe’ | PL -r Vine chavege derdiiy > Sfp . FL aQ= pat a da= Sent _ - du QQ: J. dQ aq * Sumfone cha eges Ps > Sumac era AC density > Chr2. dQ je = 2 xm2- A= Poa = Sox 3 3a oe Jsda OC f Nolurrre Chowges, Py = selome chowge density > ope Sa: aR A= 5,38 TT 30/4 [21 eas J Boat 2 - | 40, 2 Lo ameoR7 JS Ano . J feds rv 5 Arie 2 my It _— < Adv > de = PidL. 6 Sanegs @ =-faa=Sfar R= Retome pebseon Tas . Freeetion > ovbwdoredl . ee ne Anco RS A(007) 26 CP,0,0) AB = Bp. eclow Soom | 20 +P = Pap | OR = Pony 7 Re Drag \ ode. = fda A LA “Ange [ pave (9 — ze) | [= ore 480 components, fers evera gf nRerore - i dB? Lop | Je, dB dee | _ deg * Mtr 2 wa wxbr Ve © Component ima gray eqap- Com ponent ' come out 20¢g- Ae 8% A te (2) @emben Ts same Sow Srocalion - = Oppose 45 eoaah, ae Coch ert, trey Wa axtoe Offer tne 9) [Poot ond other . So, 2 component stu 20 be Concel ocd only P component neatgon Wren ohele E Ss eCSV WR. yb BIRT Ratt Skdera Bey AR Component | Som ushole E, Pe | Z=+o) | - (a } 7 \ dE aA Piaz A | ne [area PF 2 one | OMPIAD Comer WALI AA Soppowge , ongte = Cote = | 2 P | 2 = 0 cote | 2 de = — Peosecrede . Lez422q% - (prfe [avconzel® | Leesa = 23 eosee*@ | Ly i oe it | = Pecsectod® A aes GoseedQ WP Sin | no Oorea oor Syer 8 CO” aE SRA, een 2a- Sar O=0°. | a aTRS or ye we fags age ABA OO aE wate sy BA) © = 180° Sor iofntic longing angle. ek os © = igo° O2 =o° Pella 0:0 Sinedo. oS arep feds = =f io A [- ees8] dlp Anés 0 n = PC eoee"P ob An€oP l 1 os Pe anéop | 4-3] dp = ft Q ange ~ OF aie “grep °F A OP = ne Be? Ant of observation aa Me A QA Gar foredendPoul ov cater Ino tage 2A ———————— ll TENT PIintoa BAY o_ A ee ee 6 lar\ =p SeeneRor, P yr Me Ss SMeaar az Rho, BA SQ orgie br ae Aa 62 : J [Se Sa SuRLe and Symmate value] con [ecso3%? ap “ANP sy OF mmoddse aren za ZF cemporent conce| Ook zg mgr a, ‘Ooi gag wy Component & Totgmediton Oo af, +e a who F- 18 compare ER, 1 635GP +4 ge lergin AR ARO Creme, MEE Ae, SAR Pri a on 6 % Sovfoce changes SORE Somface Crage? 2 EE Id fora XY Plane PCa acrals ine Pmt OF closerraeh 7 Y J J - xy Plane wa Pao “KS : chonge Reap x ~ ds = Pdpag “8 = Bas = Pspdpag = Ps PAPd 2h, ph ire ae [2 + | ap 4k. ez = 2 — Pap = J 224+ p2 P, R R peels furen ©& ——E veer ald Component a 2ord P. oe oe ot a2 P Mme Whole E tren Z component ent Gomponent Rll Cancel oud . P- fe 221 o> : J & Pap a . he An€o Trea oar Zag | | | | 20 | | P serge omg Comat PEEP RE z ? © = 2eoto eso @298 coto_ f 7 Od P = —2 cosee’s do [P2422] % = (ge)% [a+ coro}, 2 27 bosek® FP onaf j 20et9 (~2c0see%d0) 2o 2 cnesto 2d = ~ fs eto dg A © Beas Oe Oz = Svaface chose, emer foPnt of observedfon 2H 1 PReoperdtewicre . Qk > Mondos Syllckgs + Ghaplem-1- Choptew 8. « Moknof Vine Yinegnoffon + Svefoce *otegration : | — hed OSD +e PR = he -0dp 918) = ae ae Aaah na ag) | ANG [2402172 | = Po [oI ae I “Anco perce eo” fink “Aachen _Exomple AB a9 MIN IR w o 8 aN B co oN % fs = x7 (4247? -428)* Ora - §, Psds Sey je *0 6 ® @-_dQ_ 2 Ang R> dg = feds \ =~ ¥05 dy soo iP » Taps ~ Pada (3d eh 8 a Aneto | x2 472425 | C ted y +5) = XY dxd a , st [-xa “3+ 5e2 | Ante ions orton pe #70 7 ‘ 1 _ a ~ “An€o | J #0 i \ 0 | _Eompe 4-6 i xe a Cs = Oo ne/m2 [a | “ _ Pea = \B ne |r 2 272 P2407 nef || Semphod e4n aon ke used FRR waren erfe woe edarer MRL Brkt charge 2A, és = fe (Sx) Ako & = £2 (a4) 2€o0 ys is ——_ e QnloP AW = B-A = (454-3) - (94,2) = Ack +084 —363 we"l= p = Tek oho VAG} | Ka an. 6 ° tere Condy Y= JP ds [somfacetntegwniton | |Jomounof ® Bix Peruri: oreo i] [SeceMorthiox ap dincefton = D aa virvectfon. _ _~ wR - 4 TEp QS D ~ 2B Charo potntchomge | “a _——> | | o ge Smogine O ‘nnogfirasoy SoMface. ) (eleeed one) | Whe change > Bt ex Rnidratical Shape | potnt Charge > Eplacrcfeat shope - ol ome chowne (9g Sootoat}s Sphewiaalenare CF Lene > “5 ayifrenficall SraPE + x = || ° Saal || Most condid@on Impcinar Sorfoee os pSnt change. so sphere Pg r pAnt ge cneell =D& | | 9-9? Spa [Riot of JP. ds 3 A om Q most be given | COSeeVof on CREB Surefarce 7 Suvtnee Imoge WR AAs Here, 3 — 1 Q=- y= ) j Dé - WeinSdedd 0 8=0 d@ = wdo wetnad¢ op [ wcomstant, eed changira = Der(en) (essed? i = Dean [242] i 4n22D 3 BAL must be fort = SB .as; + SP. deg + Top bottom toP a bottom), Op.cas)- =O+o+ {So -pdpde i 09.a2 P-Caz)-h bo 20 Q= Pian fo D=_ Qo. anpL on fe B- Jaq = ar ° “—# Pep . map * [Seeface changes: 2 2 > 2 = Bae \p ds oO + Ot 0+ 0 top bottom A og 2 | > J J Pude do wsinadd 6.0 ° peo = fy Can) eae [-cess]" © Py A nnd Vencleni P= Qenciosed ye Je = 4na2D | Yox= Qene - | » 3 = Pv® Co | Fw py& i 36, ieee : \[® > ag ; : a Senclosed S hj Sev dv | peo ‘6.2019 v | : Pea ° serfacc Qene = AP nad: aa mae : Change | y 4ne2D exist = 4np2P | COT, ‘he Q >? 4Annr2D = A wy aePy . > D-= os A aoe fy ove Oo [a Examples 42. Goer Uy opr) | | be ap nelm> , AZ¢p J¥.B =o > P=o =a5 f Y=Q > Sv. = Sry pedy = Sts ‘ ~ 498 ey fale = nh 14 foe/9 Qvtza Mond Fore Sylolos Bp be c10ss's Los. viedaesdosy SAiiaousg Gowss's Low + Potorntfal: - {Js pw [I PF PY ododbda || Hlestafe Potenifale {I 4 TS mR one Porenttol Ragone wt ee ony araregar Eg EBA DAY Cro Ber Qs gxacgn, Veg = ar. a cohere, * ro | 9 a ae ee P= awd, IZ fro) > code 26ty Sut aaRIrows aren a Q —$\—- an 4ne > € i “on oe & {| = -Q wat \e | are Lan | \ J | =8_ Ewer al I 4 Te re Poke 1 dtoA > Va aisteren™ | Bol = vg =\e-Va = Nae» > Bocas ~ Foe | ¥ i| = Ve -Va | || Bxompie.4 doz 2B Pert Cravege ® ~4a to ch aa FATS PR nt Find Potanag at So, 4 Fem aig €A,0,4) sonstiientng ha Avete O. Qo = ANG Ro | Heme, G2 C101) — (41,8) = (4,4,-8) Be Japyesae = 16 Ard Re = (0,4) C0, 4,-2) “ 4-4,46 f= Ja 4Cajzy er 214649, = .. 3)Q . -—4 @B nN Ineo f Gneam —B.8F ev. =D 44 Ava 43 av % i BO +25 Ge rams B98 3) || Cetopenatore Seolow ag SIE ANG THEW A jot VV Ceekos) \d ‘| A Ipercatore — Veetow & || wou Divergence, TR Goole na Gurl» PXP verter) | \| (Seaprewry . , Cmox vote of chonge of ony scalar guanfity ) Vv = 2 \| \ “a | —., \| Ox ~ x + BV_ So WA ee ples Oe | N= x8y 452 a Onyde + 220y + 5d | VO = Qp200ag dp - 25% PRacsah d& y - Sioa a, proses vo. = Bprcsep dp _ ape nat dy + P2ecsng a2 tolainetoukwarad figxline that Ts qeng Throw His closed sed_gurofoae. gv 4 ox hx Ay +25 Az Exounpieg Pes AW = xy & + yal Bet xxds i CDR 22 | de GY) +3 9 72) +e (x2) i i VR. sa | pop (PAP) ce dAd + DAa | a Oz (UR 2 Wa 2. (2A, a et ye MPA) 42 Dd (Ag ins)41__a4 % rein “36 ¢ ®) aay Exampies Zo Peost tt 4 pea, ad A | ‘ exomple> G4 at arteahan ' | Ome | W = oe 22 (Pde +d) =l00-82pa) + (0g-22cS OR 3 o 8p (Prioe2e P+e eo 34 (°) +B; Coes) =f 4 per log-22 _ \o (-2) e-22 = 20078? _ guo-22 =o. eertse rch) “fs cA (Z1apeagaa * Sumface must be @ aload sumfacg. x Prompia 346 (Cont CEmeutotton pore ort Surface) xf? = tem § RW, 430 45 Om maimom eat Groautad ors as ? spade Bat Stoke's Theorems va =lom B : | comteBan =a ~ Were | oy Oz i 2 2 ox BG BR | Ax A Az \| o | =& (S" -By)-4 @ Az-2-A*) | +& (& Leylnttety Ba Ay 3 a) ae Se ar Pad 02 2 2 \ SF OE i AP pag “scherteats, A Px esa |” 709 sine Sp 25ND > aS 2 2 OS op oe rhs rosiro A | Exompie> 8.9 (store's 4neo pant] leeture- 1 R= a. SRR a0 ay, Heeness Prove Tv =fy Ravi volume _ a. yalt volume 2 A fox cromge Y=Say 2 Sy ae Qentoost = SP ay Y= Qenetoced ? SP Re Spay > SvPav-f ps > OD. p, 8/a 19 Sox = Chovage % =3 > wt = Py Seon PRemgenca theonem (7 ora, 4a * ~ D = 4xy d& 2422) dy +Ay2 a2 4o% +2 (x2 429) Oy + AY? na - O< xg, OK» ad Ps 9 4 “y So\v¥tong, ¥ fee Uv. zoe ay {+85 he & as, (ax? +227) 43, a sy?) = 4g +0 +44 7By. * Ao1a\ amount of change Bde SvPav = § = J Pedy = » > Q=¥ f > Q=S Rav = Sod ay Total omeontof change | 3 ay -J $5 Sycedyde on Fe" = 360 Sow 4068 (2-6) 2 Sxed, ad > srending : - S JS B.a8 45 “3 §, ayes dady & = 2 73 2 az Te fd? = isoe foe bottoms (2.5) > > SOs bsttom = 0 toro Foont 2 Cr =Q) S®. ay, FD Fears -S Sanya dy de & Bo YO aS SS For book 2 = es ey (zy = 8 xagxs 2180 . x=0. Se. Boy Jy. aay On Soo r&, Wks aa ches congunt, 2, % Change . ars, Swde 4 acer sendy ded - E = Jhon f Mporanae Zoo Kod " ax (ay? xe, + ax(z)* {xt = AX B45 +Qx 125 xQ a lost SO ¥| | | 3. $B. B= 0404 18040 + B80 _ 580 | 3 3 | = 8a0 | os SvPave — § 0. a8 | * Diverogenon. theorem, Shooke’s tneomem Mid+-Prol - [erase | « e Vas =Nen > NawyVeaso. > $F. <0 - wooxdoe] F984 65q) Lo Iz ds’ =o Ss v > FT xP =o Tr conserrvalva A& total workdone %6 O. FreckRe fala ovens” $0, Cteotrate, Reid We amcoorelive . Sofa Equolteng— o fe = 9B - O @ vReo @ @ Ten @ © vx® =o @ = “ee €y hy + bede © SFO AAS tb dvag @dWv = _ JP. = -Exde fy ay _ G°d~ Ezda. pent nl doroivatiyg 9 og. ay = avis av. ® = Sede + BV ay av g eee “ 2 = BV °4 oe 2 > ay €x = Dv 83 - By da ~ “5, ° fy = -2) Ey re = 34 y bas - 2. BV < dvrrduatdval 2. a oe Pala wa ZG - a A oe A Bx $y 4 BES E =-vv Potential omiate@gm- Flocidie Mold 6a zoaratet- cage, o Protolem? 4.18 te Sad | NV = 4S, stro costh aohod 8 the elechote, g yor Potonal = Loco Hahn .f = -vv ~ Porarial = Hig ar? 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Sin 30° Cosigg?. then, Ws \oue (vg -va) oy] y 9 i (-dey BC|m2 Zlo Ey ey || Lreg FL 3,2, ay (5, 5,9) 22432 é R To 2 & 2/8 2 le J , ie Tut "py 3 + 2f 6 1 oy On “s << 7 =S! cf fe fa + a 4:1 MP —4:4, 4B AG AT, 4B, Packie, exerts 45 nd 9:3, Prowite. oxeractse 4.5, 449 i | exex0koe, 4140 5 41Q 4 [Problems Assanmon, Gavesian sofaee > Penk chemege. > aproRook Theor yg — ® Line chavoge. || sSrefoes chomp ® Groves Las poknt, Lfra, sunfaca, Volo - Py = VD prove: ® 2 2 aN - | | _Croptews Prob 3Aesiqanment Exoample 3 84 | 32, | Proovitses - 8.4 1-ga Be (2.4 BD eS | Brame 4-8 i UD - Bpeosap C2 Chr oy stg | &e ve | ~F Bp PM) +5, (Op) +2 (oe) = 2 C2¢ eos2q) = poosth 2 § AX (cosn.y® = 5 20°3* | otal hove QY woak °. i! FGF wodPos a, rafgit “22 E22 eas) le 9 J eade | Wg S)fPeosay p dgdadp. | > Ley ast [ * Q = = $0 ek SR Brovs IP Bruton + SP Pray = { apeesrgche pap dbde + |B. papdp(fe}42 —} a _ 222 2a-9 ~ ada ga y OT) yO MLO ~ t=9 ye gear “Seen = 72 Smode dd 6 ‘oe aren Q= Seas _ 2 = Ss J Pv w2 strade drodd . | 20 | Ra d > \ Mave [Ppa Al 03/19 Lectowe=14 aL Bleetate. dipole. hl B SiuxlPne neged fue 4 @ twords pastitve z 2 Change: P Sap * dletonce Die almost regiPble - Y Nie a Ano t a 2 dtpole. Ne = = 4 Croaanke TArER , Ange vag Soom AAoP: N= _ 9 — PP = ve2X+d2 — gedonse . Any %, +5 | = PE +32 00526 _ 20d acs =_8 x —T1 _ Anes [wire = @-deass)* ® = ® -deoso O6, Rede $0, argyle %s fe meg gine SO, 0088 = coso*=4 From 4 Bop YAP = W442 -Ad cos (ago -6) | RQ = R4+deose V=_Q wrderse —704+de0sd Ange 2% A200826 =_4 Adeasa ané a Toots sttucfion , Feroie yPl= Qad | Go= Be A= Op »&e A #8 = (ad) (9) cose, 8 Trea ctaoifon >A rg eal | °, y) ee. Va Pp. & AT eo 0% & d%pOle Br AOT BIBT Poskikan AT GAT WET I eter oEsEY pote eeeakeXeToh St Ay GAT AK, I ! wen poten®ol wa warae) | =-vVv | avn oe 9 | =-[a% a +a ay do | Peverg chonge 2 | \& a. Also a} (oerers re. = 8d =a} a P, A + 8 gd (- ste ao 4n€ -_ | amcor? C : | oad + 9 5 Bo | Ang 7 aca ||Qvasifong QPL oy pole moment Find ood PotentPol ob tho ordigtn. Revi g VP. be 4 ne 0,2 FB - O-A ~ aa =Q Be = ad's eto. | Mig —Bor - do = ane ee Anes 03 ~ 882 elm > (0,0,-2) “28 nejm 5 (0.0/8) . i (0,0)-2) “A (8:00) -%5 “Tene Ne = _! Ane 32 Chapiexo - © oer Cownrent denctty, d= Ar ag 7 41= gas eo Ts 3s" se UL Co) = fav — |= at ~ 7 “A = vas EY | a = fra Uy as T = Pag [= vebctis] fom eleetoon ( free Chowege, Poretfoal)e F=-eP = cE (422 mae). > a ve ™ @- Che vara yah coliRfon aa eee Rima Intevavol eve , u sl QUE Aoove. 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Th |? * chovge, ordlented to tno. sorofane > *# Inside E-0, 650. | | Restetiitys i x E I; ee i <— 1—> ' | +N- | Ba | as | R= Pel 3 [ reve & look on oll eq ualfons |dewFvotfon bub ne Hon aomete £ M4ne rat] eee equations: Advess deve tre Comfiin ty eqpotten . | T= $3. ae ot | > $2.@ £2 Sv dv _ ig ye - da i a & SPvde [ooneel ot acest zeTar Integnotion csrt I a ~e a SB du —o@ Volome- | dt ffervenHtosfon Foom OO, rok Ser vids = — Pu Lea J av > vd = -apy Ww aL r Bre vote. of devrvose of Chon: enen Ae P cbf a Volume equals to tad comrent Flos Though the. suofaee of tine Voloma- vT =4, (2c0s0 do +n Se) Ala2 CQ) evwrent trrooygh > R=20eM ogee , oO R = w2stro dod co 3.58 % is 22058 Kp - 2 8%nddo ag p=? = 2M £2 % Ino xcosd dodp foams 5 40. J gino 00 do - _ OR Let, \ Kroes = = 40 x dx OR “ C050 do = dx an 2! ° ok iz ie 4u =l0T O.RKA = 2.4 °K i | Lectoree - 15 aoe Poundarny Condtifong, || & Acsod@ Fervent Aelectie/4 Helechote, A eopdoctore) 4 Releet Re, Afoce | “foes | -Q | medium 4 | medtomQ \| | i| |Drotech#e - Drelechstes- Z-EGR $0.8 =9Q, § =o mn ee o a Congiderdin Em a v 7 ioe. 9 closed £: 4heo Aau—> Ean Ea ® { a _ | sand i$ ea so Ba SoA “Bal Re at Bah vipa | i. - ~ | a | |> Estaw - fa aus =0 |) s Est = Cop $v. -g-0 [? Cusp * Srottom *Seue ) § Dd =0 Hewe an306, So Sdo=0 - => Danas - Danas= 45 fs Wore, fy 20, Soro Helectete fei . |” Bin - Den = Pp, | (tere, fs =0 | 3 PmDan =0 ) | in = Dan \| ? a Ey = CaEon Ge Coen es | RKqeloEno | > Gs By Ean= Go €2 Ex > Em ¢ , ARRAS Ralto (an Sigs Remmi | Conductor Dieleatotes, O Keleetnie = @ Condvetors [re to Eg =O \ | $€.ar -0 ° ° ° | - 7 K ° | > Cua Fava - Fendi? — Fab dis +Eapatt +Bnat fo \ > Fat =0 | $0.38 -40. | 70 2 Danas - Darias = 45Ps. [> Danas = asPs. | > De Ps | Bomple 5-2 @dieie chee -dieleetste medium « e Eis Bax Roy +882 \ / Ey =A \ | DG ! Swz=3 fa= 2 SOluifons, Bn = Oe [os boondamy 2 exgcont Eat = Bax ~ Roy owmal component aa, Og ond -Bes but bound Fa, . Ea = Bok ~20y . One om conagbar ETA omni Component change, AEA | ras. | 6 We noes , Got Ban = Co Cron Boy | ? Eon = = Cri i Cog, * EAR. on ttm ang 3° | | | > = 4a. 0.0 55.9(b) . = Paoriemn . an = 4 Be ? ¥ Poloe don as Drelestate > ome Rexel (Ss) az =2 @ Preteetdie. E-f D=§ ® condetoro Seloftons > aio Ba +t Wenes && =0” Oyeo Dm =Ps 9 Ean= fe he Cove > Em = 393.4 ay = Fi = 313.384 +0 = 223.2 9EL< 398.184 + Ceargple Ob R Problem» BA, 52, 5.50, 549,533 Thory > 1. GE, apptted od Yoided ao F, county boundarey Condtforn (6 viz Monday Sylobus-» chroptea 5) _Choptee 6 Cropton VV > vic = Py > ve=fh © > v.(-vv) =f > Paon's Equedfon. foro Chomage. Sroce wegen, aye V*V =0 ~> Lopiace’s equodtfon. + boondory volue oma» XK =2m k= 0 c= * + rediom GGT, ao N=10Y | > eicotmte $Reta Tolensty cg aR aN ea | Here, x= V=Q. Vive Ax+B. BV KG EVE > R2A+B-0-O agoin, 4 X=101 V=10, Jo Freem then, Ve At 8 lox WA+B- et 4 +ron, A-9 8-2 Bret vio v . ; Foon ins use cong constant senmvalue . Exes pie=6 1S A evmment gieg conductors Vo 222k ov Sh sett | ° ~ - pond, V2V = — by er Pv = BAv 4. B4v 4 aN Ox ag? a2? 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