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Principles of Teaching Theory 2.

2 P
Psychology of Learning S
Principles of learning & teaching H
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define learning O
• classify the essential principles of learning G
• describe the types of learning Y
• list the factors affecting learning process.
Learning is a psychological process of acquiring new or Learning is based on past experience F
modifying existing knowledge, behaviours, skills, values
or preferences which leads to a change in behaviour of “Learning starts with what the learner knows but not with L
an individual. There are certain basic psychological factors the teacher know or starts”. E
and principles related to learning which every instructor A
should understand and be able to apply in his The said expression states that is true in all learning R
presentation. The learning does not take place unless situations. What the learner knows is the foundation for N
the learner is ready and instructor is willing to teach. what he intend to know. Suppose an instructor, presenting I
Therefore, this change will be due to certain conditions about the resistance in wires, he compares the flow of N
of learning, like motivation, stimulus, response, etc. All electrical current to the resistances and explain by G
these process of motivation, stimulation and response comparing the flow of water from sizes of pipe (diameter
are connected with psychological reasoning. This of pipe). This similarity interacts with learner and be able
reasoning is known as principles of learning. For making to understand quickly. Hence, new learnings are learnt
the students to learn better, it is important for an instructor by learners by means of re-collecting or comparison with
to know the principles of learning, which influence in better the past experience, that the learner knows.
Interest is essential to effective learning and
The following are some of the principles of learning that makes learners ready to learn
the instructor should know and make use of teaching.
Interest is inner feeling which causes people to direct
Learning results from stimulation through human their attention to do certain thing. Interest leads to
senses attention. Attention with interest makes the learner to
concentration. Concentration with purpose provide
Learning is explained as the things, learner does as
feelings. The experiences obtained lead to reach highest
responses to stimuli. Real learning is the change which
point (culminate) in real learning. The instructor should
takes place in a learner, as a result of his mental and
motivate the learners in order to create interest by
physical responses or reactions to stimuli caused in the
providing the conditions under which learning is
mind through neuro muscular activity of the senses. As a
purposeful, quick and effective.
result of the contacts with ideas and things a learner
responds, which leads to the learning of new knowledge, Early success increase chance for effective
improvement in certain habits, changes in learner attitudes learning
or points of view.
In the early stages of training program the instructor
Hence, it is the instructor’s responsibility to provide the should see that the learners/trainees work under is direct
best learning situations and guide learners in acquiring supervision and guidance, which helps to learner to
skill in handling tools, equipment, machines and materials develop interest in the work what has been allotted to
etc. When demonstrated a skill, he/she should be him. It is the responsibility of the instructor that the work
explained the purpose and the sequence of operation what the learner does should result in success. When
steps so that the rate of learning is enhanced. there is satisfaction further learning is possible. In case
of normal and average learners the achievement such
Learning requires activity
obtained will lead to great pleasureness and stimulates
or motivates to greater activity.
“We learn to do by doing” defines that a principle which
must be put into practice by every instructor. In order to
Knowledge of the purpose, use and application of
develop manipulative skills the instructor make the
thing to be taught makes learning more effective
learner/trainee physical work. Such physical work implies
for the application of related information. It also keeps The learner has right to know, the need of the learning. It
the learner active in mentally and physically and which is the responsibility of the instructor to convince the
leads to develop the habits of basic to skill development. learner, the purpose of learning in which he is interested.

The instructor should correlate the theoretical Motivation
P informations to the practical applications of the jobs and
S the learner should learn and able to explain composite Learners will not learn about any matter or thing unless
Y knowledge of related informations which makes him a they are motivated or created interest lean or to do as
C good craftsman. desired by the instructor. Motivation in teaching situation
H is a part of teaching which increases or encourages a
O Continuous evaluation is essential to effective desire to learn by the learners. By understanding the
L learning learner needs, when a instructor prepares and teaches,
O that itself a greatest source of motivation for the learners.
G Self evaluation of learner’s efforts is essential to progress. Then only learners will have a confidence with instructor,
Y The learner must continuously compare his work with become motivated and learning takes place with interest.
some standard accomplishment learner if he/she is to
O improve. It is the responsible of instructor to keep goals Motivation can be intrinsic and extrinsic in an individual/
F are to the high standards of achievement. The instructor learner/trainee. Intrinsic motivation elevates the learner
should help the trainees to compare their effort with the to “self propelled” (self thrust) and leads to effective
L known and recognised quality. Even critics and evaluation learning so to reach the desired goals. In case of extrinsic
E of their performance improves their work. motivation, which is created by instructor/parent providing
A pleasant learning environment, financial help, recognition
R Recognition and credit provide strong incentive for or praise.
N learning
I Sustaining interest for continuous learning
N Trainees/Learners ambition expect credit for their
G performance of work, when it is done well. Even though There are two aspect of sustaining interest for continuous
well performance may be the responsibility of the learner, learning. One is creating interest in learning and the other
awarding credit to their work, which causes for stimuli is teaching in manner that maintains interest. Once the
and greater activity among the trainees. learner is motivated the instructor has to consider the
following factors to maintain or sustain the interest among
The most effective learning results when mital the learners.
learning is followed immediately by application
• Encourage competition in learning activity.
The learner/trainee forgets very quickly the large part of
• Give credit to the work well done.
learning when he/she has not given a chance of applying
and not using constantly. The learner should make effort • Show interest in all equally.
to use of newly learnt information, for remembrance and
• Be impartial in his judgement.
recall. Subsequent to the demonstration the instructor
should provide opportunities to the learners to practice • Reward the deserved learners for their outstanding
the skill which has been demonstrated, under the very work.
careful supervision of the instructor. • Provide proper working conditions.
Repetition helps development of skill • Keep the entire class active with appropriate
More number of repetition leads to develop habits. The
trainees to develop the speed, accuracy. The accuracy Factors affecting learning
must be emphasized in the beginning of training period.
The acquisition of speed may be emphasized when It has been found out that the learner's difficulty in learning
trainee achieve accuracy and correct work habits. But may be due to many factors within the learner themself.
for good results and development of skills, both accuracy Therefore, it is considered as important to study about
and speed should develop simultaneously, so that in later the factors affecting learning to solve the problems related
the learner/trainee will be able to perform successfully to to learning to improve our efforts of teaching and training
meet the industry needs, where speed and accuracy is the learners in developing their competencies.
more important for efficiency and profit.
Psychology reveals that some of the important factors
Learners differ in their social and educational back which may affect the learning process are as follows:
gound, in understanding capacity and hence learner
learns at various rate Readiness / Preparedness: Readiness / Preparedness
are to be mentally ready to learn a skill is called readiness.
Trainees/Learners differ as individuals from one another Readiness implies a degree of concentration and
in their mental caliber and emotional behaviour patterns. eagerness. (Individuals learn best when they are
They differ in expressing and understanding abilities. They physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to learn) and
learn in various rates. The instructor aim is not to the do not learn well if they see no reason for learning.
brightest learners/trainees or for the dullest trainees.

Interest: Interest refers to the feeling of Your activities which leads a person to its successful destination.
that you enjoy doing and the subjects that you like Negative behaviour of parents, teachers and peers, P
to spend time learning about to know or learn about improper environment, inferiority complex, failure in some S
something. Teachers should make the lesson material tasks also affects the learning process. Teachers should Y
relevant and applicable to learner's lives in order to build promote positive feelings and emotions. He has to C
interest. eradicate the feelings of fear and anger from the minds. H
Intelligence: Intelligence is a natural capacity and ability Frustration: The feeling of being upset or annoyed, L
which helps the individual to understand and solve the especially because of inability to change or achieve O
problems according to the situation. something is called frustration. Frustration is caused by G
a lack of control over a situation. The best way to handle Y
Motivation: Role of motivation on learning engage frustration is to back away from the problem, take a breath,
learners in learning when they feel competent to do what and then approach the problem calmly and rationally. O
is expected of them and perceive stable link between F
actions and achievements, they value the subject and Aptitude: Aptitude is the potential in the learner, which
have a clear sense of purpose they experience positive has as yet not been tapped and trained to a skill level. A L
emotions towards learning activities. learner, who possesses appropriate aptitude for a E
particular subject of study or skill, will learn better andA
Attitude: Human attitude is constructed on the bases of retain it for a longer time. R
one's personal thinking and ideologies he/she likes and N
dislikes these ideologies create feelings among the Individual Differences: Learners have different I
individual. Negative attitude slows down the speed of strategies, approaches, and capabilities for learning that N
learning and positive attitude speeds up learning process. are a function of prior experience and heredity. Teachers G
Teachers must be cognizant of these attitudes and over need to help learners examine their learning preferences
all employ strategies that encourages positive attitude. and expand or modify them, if necessary. The interaction
Teacher can create love for education, hope, good ideas between learner differences and curricular and
and development by changing the behaviour of the environmental conditions is another key factor affecting
learner. learning outcomes. As teachers/trainers, we must be
aware of about learner's individual differences.
Feelings: feelings are the physical sensation we
experience in our body and emotions are the labels we
give those sensations in our minds. Love, fear and anger
are supposed to be the basic feelings. Feeling is a power


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