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Assignment for Lesson 5.

Prepare a information sheet to a topic pertaining to your trade, that you have presented in the

Objective: Basics of Electricity

1. The purpose of preparing the sheet is to inform the trainees about the important matters related
to lesson.

2. Information related to Lesson Topic:

Electric -- Power comes in different forms. Like mechanical power ,electrical power,
etc. each type of power has its own unique importance. But the importance of Electrical power is very
important. Because
1. Electricity can be converted from one form to another. E.g. Mechanical energy can be converted
into electrical energy (generator), electrical energy into Mechanical energy (motor), electrical
energy into thermal energy (heater) and electrical energy into light energy (lamp).
2. Electric power can be transported from one place to another through transmission lines.
3. Van-transmission efficiency of conversion is good.
4. Some amount of energy can be stored. (battery)

Various uses of electricity :-

• Electricity has contributed significantly to human development. We realize our dependence on

electricity only when the electricity is switched off. Following are the various uses of electricity.
 In industries such as fittings, welding, electroplating, etc. for running machines.
 In the house light fan, iron, heater, bell, washing machine
 In commercial cinema, lift, bell, water motor pump, lighting Edward Easy display etc.

 Direct Current: - Direct Current does not change direction. The value of the current may be lower
or higher.

 Alternating Current :- The value and direction of alternating current changes continuously.

 Sources of Electricity :- Sources of electricity are of two types.

 Sources producing from direct current and
 Alternating current

 Battery : Battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy. A battery is a source of direct
 D.C.Generator :- This is a rotating electric machine. It has main parts like armature, field and
commutator. By rotating the armature with the help of prime mover, the mechanical power is
converted into electrical power.

 Alternator:- An alternator is also a rotating machine. We call it AC generator. An alternator produces

power in the form of AC

 Specific uses of DC :-

 Large capacity DC series motors are used in electric traction

 used for radio and TV transmitters.
 DC power is used in the production of copper, aluminum etc.
 DC is required for alternators and synchronous motor excitation and for large electromagnets
 Battery charging – DC is used in theater lounges and lamps etc.
 Also used in power station, sub station etc. for control supply
 Electronic equipment like television, radio tape recorder etc.

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