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unit 12 future simple presente / present continuous

Questão 1

(UFRR) Complete using the future tense.

Mary: "I am about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!"

Clare: "I______you some coffee."

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Questão 2

(UFRR Complete using the future tense.

Billy: "After you _______work, will you please drop by the grocery store and pick up some
milk and bread."

Sally: "No problem, I _______up the groceries and be home by 6 o'clock."

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Questão 3

Rewrite the sentences in the negative form:

a) I will make lunch.


b) We will meet you at school.


c) She is going to spend her holidays in Paris.


d) They are going to travel soon.


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Questão 4

Underline the correct alternative:

a) There is no coffee! (will / am going to) get some.

b) My birthday (will be / is going) next month.

c) I (will / am going to) by new clothes for my work.

d) She said she (is going to / will to) invite her friends.

Questão 1

Choose the right alternative to complete the sentence in the Future Continuous:

She _____________ (read) a new book about California.

a) will be read

b) reading

c) will be reading

d) will reading

e) be will read

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Questão 2


Tomorrow in the morning:

I____________________(read) in my room.

She _________________ (work) in her office.

He __________________(wait) for the bus.

They _________________ (meet) their friends.

We ___________________ (shop) new books.

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Questão 3

Qual das alternativas melhor expressa o significado desta afirmação: “Eu estarei
estudando quando você chegar aqui.”?

a. I will studying when you arrive here.

b. I will be study when you arriving here.

c. I will be studying when you arrive here.

d) I will study when you arriving here.

e) When you arriving here I will studying.

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Questão 4

Passe a sentença a seguir para o “Future Continuous”:

Don't wake me before 9 o'clock. I am going to sleep late.

QUESTÃO 1 (UNESP 1998) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase


I’ll __________ soccer this afternoon.

a) playing

b) played

c) to play

d) play

e) plays

QUESTÃO 2 (MACKENZIE 2002) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following

Julia isn’t going to London. __________ you going either?

a) Aren’t

b) Aren’t

c) Are

d) Are

e) Are

QUESTÃO 3 – Choose the correct alternative:

A: Brrr. Who turned up the air conditioner? It’s really cold in here. My nose and my fingers are

B: I __________ you a hot cup of tea.

A: Thanks. That sounds good.

a) will bring

b) won’t bring

c) will not break

d) will break

e) won’t break

QUESTÃO 4 – Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir:

– “What __________ to do when you get to Rio?”

– “I don’t know yet.”

a) are you going

b) were you

c) did you

d) do you

e) you go


1. Quando você quiser dizer que vai fazer algo no futuro e expressar certeza disso, pode usar
tanto o 'present continuous' quanto a forma com 'going to' e, na prática, não há nenhuma
mudança no sentido pretendido. Vejam exemplos:

A. I am going to meet my friends tonight.= I am meeting my friends tonight.= Vou encontrar
meus amigos esta noite.

B. We are going to have a party on Sunday.= We are having a party on Sunday.= Vamos
fazer uma festa no domingo.

C. He is going to leave tomorrow.=He is leaving tomorrow.= Ele vai embora amanhã.

2. Com base nos exemplos acima, passe as frases a seguir para o 'present continuous' , para
expressar as mesmas ideias de futuro das frases com o 'going to'.

A. What are you going to drink?


B. He's not going to borrow my bike.


C. Anna is going to arrive tomorrow.


D. I am going to have a drink with my friends after the meeting.


3. Passe as senteças a seguir para o inglês.

A. Eu vou viajar semana que vem.


B. Ele vai começar um novo trabalho na quinta feira.


4. Coloque as frases a seguir na forma negativa ou interrogativa, conforme indicado.

A. We are going to get married next month. (Interrogativa.)


B. He is leaving for Paris tomorrow. (Negativa)


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