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Gracious and merciful Creator,

On this day, as we gather before the symbol of our unity and resilience, we come together in
prayer, seeking your guidance, protection, and strength. We raise our voices as one, filled with
reverence for the flag that represents our shared values and aspirations.

As we raise this flag high, let it remind us of the indomitable spirit that resides within us, even in
the face of impending storms. For today, we also find ourselves in the shadow of an approaching
typhoon, a testament to the unpredictable forces of nature that challenge our resolve.

In the midst of this uncertainty, we implore you, O Divine Protector, to watch over us with your
boundless grace. Surround us with your sheltering embrace, shielding us from harm as the
tempest draws near. Grant us the courage to face the it’s fury, knowing that we are never alone,
that your presence is our anchor in the storm.

We pray for those in the path of the typhoon, our brothers and sisters whose lives and homes are
threatened specially those in northern luzon. Extend your comforting embrace to them, O
Compassionate One. Guide the hands of the rescuers, police and other aid workers, empower
them with the resources and wisdom to alleviate suffering, and bring support to those who have
lost so much.

As the flag ascends to its rightful place, filling our hearts with patriotism and unity, let it also
serve as a reminder of our duty to one another and to our planet. May we strive for a future
where our actions and decisions safeguard the environment, preventing further devastation and
promoting sustainability.

In this hour of raising our flag and acknowledging the typhoon's imminent arrival, we ask for
your blessings upon our nation, our people, and our world. May we emerge from this trial with a
renewed commitment to building a brighter and more resilient future for all.

In your divine presence, we find solace, hope, and strength. With grateful hearts, we offer this
prayer, believing in your unwavering love and infinite wisdom.


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