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Braybrook College

Student Report
2023 - Semester One

Calvin Thien Duc (Calvin Thien Duc) MAI 11F MAI0034

VSN: 860309351

Mr Michael COOPER
Ms Shirley JIANG
Mr Tyrone PARIS

Included Subjects:







The Year 7-10 reports are designed to meet the guidelines for reporting by Victorian Schools. The Victorian Curriculum outlines
what is important for students to learn as they progress in their learning from Prep to Year 10. It includes Achievement Standards which provide a common state-wide scale
against which student progress can be assessed.

Students achieve the standards by successfully completing a wide range of learning and assessment activities. The activities for assessment vary in different subject areas
and may include written tasks and tests but also performance in practical tasks.

Parents should note that the curriculum is designed for students to be working at the ‘Expected level of achievement’. While working at the ‘Expected level’ students may
achieve a range of results from ‘Satisfactory’ through to ‘Excellent’. They do not have to be achieving above the ‘Expected level’ to be doing well. Students learn at different
rates and a lower result does not mean that they are not trying hard or doing their best.

For students who are studying English as an Additional Language (EAL), the Victorian Curriculum EAL Pathways Strand shows their development. Students progress from
Stage 1 to Stage 4 as they develop their English language skills.


The College expectation is that students will work consistently in class and attempt all set work.
At Year 7 to 10, an overall pass is determined by a student’s effort in class, reported in the ‘Work Habits’ section, together with their results in the ‘Course
Requirements/Assessment Tasks’ section of the report.



To get a satisfactory result at the VCE level, the College requires students to:
• Meet the Outcomes to a satisfactory level
• Complete all the work listed by the classroom teacher
• Have satisfactory attendance

Course requirements and Assessment tasks will be awarded letter grades ranging from A+ to E, ‘S’ (Satisfactory) or ‘N’ (Not Satisfactory). In VCE, an ‘S’ result is given for
assessed work that is submitted after the due date and without an approved extension. Work that does not meet the minimum requirements will be given an ‘N’ result.

In VCE, ‘NA’ is used where a student is unable to be assessed because they are a recent enrolment or have not attended due to an extended approved absence and cannot
reasonably be expected to have caught up on the task.

NOTE: Year 12 results are subject to change due to VCAA verification and moderation processes. This means that the results given by teachers may change and therefore
should only be taken as an indication of the level of performance at this stage of the year.

VCE (Vocational Major) REPORTS

Course requirements and Assessment tasks will be awarded ‘S’ or ‘N’.

‘S’ - indicates Satisfactory
‘N’ - indicates Not Satisfactory

In VCE (VM), ‘NA’ is used where a student is unable to be assessed because they are a recent enrolment or have not attended due to an extended approved absence and
cannot reasonably be expected to have caught up on the task.


Course requirements and Assessment tasks will be awarded ‘S’ or ‘N’.

‘S’ - indicates Satisfactory
‘N’ - indicates Not Satisfactory

VET (Vocational Education and Training) REPORTS

An official certificate of attainment is issued to each student from the relevant Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
Course requirements and Assessment tasks will be awarded ‘Competent’ or ‘Not Yet Competent'
Calvin Thien Duc (Calvin Thien Duc) MAI 11F MAI0034
Teacher: Mr Michael COOPER
Braybrook College - 2023 - Semester One


VCE Applied Computing focuses on the application of a problem-solving methodology, and strategies and techniques for managing information
systems in a range of contexts, to create digital solutions that meet specific needs. The study examines the attributes of each component of an
information system including people, processes, data and digital systems (hardware, software, networks), and how their interrelationships affect the
types and quality of digital solutions. Major topics in this unit include the use of the C# programming language and writing effective algorithms.

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

Effort in class

Behaviour in class


Knowledge and Skills Development

Not Low Medium High Very High


Working through the Problem Solving

Methodology ✓

Understanding variables ✓
Understanding programming control structures ✓
Understanding programming data structures ✓
Understanding searching and sorting algorithms ✓
Understanding how to work with external files ✓
Using an IDE to create a user interface ✓

Course Requirements/Assessment Tasks

Programming Assignment 1 - Geometry Calculator A+

Programming Assignment 2 - Rock, Paper, Scissors A

Programming Assignment 3 - XML Database C

General Comments/Areas for Improvement

Calvin Thien Duc has completed the set work to the required level this semester. His submissions for the assessment tasks demonstrated the
necessary skills and understanding of programming concepts. Calvin Thien Duc demonstrated an enthusiastic attitude towards his own learning but
could still utilise class time more effectively. Asking for more help from the teacher would help Calvin Thien Duc to clarify his understanding of the
course content. Calvin Thien Duc should also review the fundamentals of C# programming to improve his understanding.
Calvin Thien Duc (Calvin Thien Duc) MAI 11F MAI0034
Teacher: Mr Barry SCHEELE
Braybrook College - 2023 - Semester One


This unit is concerned with the issues of planning a business. The areas of study are “The Business Idea”, examining business inspiration and
planning, business development, innovation and entrepreneurship, and "The Business Environment", examining the internal, operating and macro

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

Effort in class

Behaviour in class


Knowledge and Skills Development

Not Low Medium High Very High


Understanding of the business idea covering its

inspiration and planning ✓
Understanding of the business concept in starting
a business ✓
Understanding of the contribution business
makes to society ✓
Recognising the impact of the external business
environment on business activity ✓
Identifying issues that affect the internal business
environment ✓
Organising and managing of a school based
business ✓

Course Requirements/Assessment Tasks

Class Work and Case Studies A+

AOS 1: The Business Idea B+

AOS 2: External Environment B

AOS 3: School Based Business Report A+

General Comments/Areas for Improvement

Calvin Thien Duc has been a very enthusiastic member of this class throughout the semester. He has completed all required pieces of work to the
best of his ability and has gained a solid understanding of the material studied. For additional improvements, Calvin Thien Duc must seek further
assistance in clarifying terminology and being prepared to attempt extension material to consolidate his theoretical understanding.
Calvin Thien Duc (Calvin Thien Duc) MAI 11F MAI0034
Teacher: Mr David NGUYEN
Braybrook College - 2023 - Semester One


This unit develops the use of language skills in order to speak, write and respond effectively to texts. Students critically respond to ideas, themes
and issues in a variety of texts. Students write for a variety of audiences and purposes, using complex structures and ideas. Students develop
advanced communication skills through classroom discussions.

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

Effort in class

Behaviour in class


Knowledge and Skills Development

Not Low Medium High Very High


Using spelling, punctuation and expression

accurately ✓

Preparing, planning and structuring written tasks ✓

Responding to ideas and issues in texts and
supporting views with evidence ✓

Listening actively and responding ✓

Shaping writing for different audiences and
purposes ✓

Course Requirement / Assessment Task

Text Response D+

Crafted Texts S

Reflection on Writing of Crafted Texts S

General Comments/Areas for Improvement

Calvin Thien Duc displayed disappointing results during the semester. He was inconsistent in utilising class time effectively, often failing to complete
assigned tasks. Whilst his writing occasionally showcased promising ideas, the lack of consistent application left his work unrefined. Moreover, he
did not submit the Crafted Text and Reflection on Writing on time. To improve, Calvin should focus on being more disciplined in using class time and
prioritising the completion of work during class. Additionally, he should strive for consistency in completing homework tasks.
Calvin Thien Duc (Calvin Thien Duc) MAI 11F MAI0034
Teacher: Ms Shirley JIANG
Braybrook College - 2023 - Semester One


This unit involves the study of selected material from the following areas: arithmetic, algebra, sequences and finance and matrices. Much of the
emphasis of the work is on applying mathematics to practical situations.

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

Effort in class

Behaviour in class


Knowledge and Skills Development

Not Low Medium High Very High


Using prior mathematical skills ✓

Using new knowledge to solve simple problems ✓
Applying knowledge to solve more difficult
problems ✓

Interpreting written problems ✓

Setting out problems and solutions correctly ✓
Using technology effectively ✓

Course Requirements/Assessment Tasks

Arithmetic Test B+

Sequences and Finance Test B+

Algebra Test A

Matrices Test E+

Extended Response Questions C+

General Comments/Areas for Improvement

Calvin Thien Duc is a capable student who easily grasps new mathematical concepts. He generally worked well this semester. However, his test
results indicate that he needs to improve his test preparation in order to achieve consistently good results. He also needs to make sure homework is
completed in order to enhance understanding. Calvin achieved a test average of 64% this semester.
Calvin Thien Duc (Calvin Thien Duc) MAI 11F MAI0034
Teacher: Mr Tyrone PARIS
Braybrook College - 2023 - Semester One


In this unit students examine the complex nature of psychological development, including situations where psychological development may not
occur as expected. They investigate the structure and functioning of the human brain and the role it plays in mental processes and behaviour and
explore brain plasticity and the influence that brain damage may have on a person's psychological functioning.

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

Effort in class

Behaviour in class


Knowledge and Skills Development

Not Low Medium High Very High


Describing the process of psychological

development ✓
Understanding ways to support psychological
development ✓
Describing the function of the human nervous
system and the role of the brain ✓
Understanding the impact of brain injury and
recovery from brain damage through plasticity ✓
Application of research methodologies and ethical
principles ✓

Course Requirements/Assessment Tasks

AOS 1: Analysis and Evaluation of Case Studies E

AOS 2: Brain Function Visual Presentation E

AOS 3: Key Science Skills Task A+

General Comments/Areas for Improvement

Calvin Thien Duc has demonstrated a satisfactory understanding of most of the topics covered this semester. He had difficulty using the correct
psychological terminology in his written responses. Calvin Thien Duc did not always use his time effectively in class to complete the set work. Calvin
Thien Duc needs to carefully read and understand the command terms in questions. Calvin Thien Duc should revise periodically throughout the
semester to better prepare for assessment tasks.
Calvin Thien Duc (Calvin Thien Duc) MAI 11F MAI0034
Teacher: Ms Mary BENNETT
Braybrook College - 2023 - Semester One

Certificate II in Community Services consists of a number of modules that will provide students with the knowledge and skills to achieve
competencies to enhance their employment prospects in the community services sector.

Work Habits

Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

Effort in class

Behaviour in class


Knowledge and Skills Development

Not Low Medium High Very High


Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of

module content ✓
Applying knowledge and skills contained in the
modules ✓
Applying knowledge of occupational health and
safety guidelines ✓

Preparing appropriately for all activities ✓

Undertaking work in the community services
sector ✓

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Work with diverse people Not Yet Competent

Participate in workplace health and safety Not Yet Competent

Provide basic emergency life support Competent

Provide first aid Competent


Vocational Education and Training (VET) is recognised training that can contribute to a student’s VCE or VCE VM program. VET subjects are
assessed over a two year period. An official certificate of attainment is issued to each student from the relevant Registered Training Organisation

General Comments / Areas for Improvement

Calvin has not yet achieved competency in all areas of the course requirements for this subject. He has demonstrated some understanding of the
needs of various members of the community by participating in the group effort in class, such as role plays. He has also successfully attained his
First Aid certificate. However, Calvin has not submitted all the compulsory written assessments for "Work with Diverse People" and, as a result, is
not yet competent in this unit. On the other hand, he has not yet achieved competency for 'Participate in Workplace Health and Safety' because the
class is still progressing with this unit. To improve his results in this subject, Calvin must ensure that he completes all written assessments required
for this course and that they are placed in his coursework assessment folder by the due date. He would also benefit from making greater use of the
time given in class to ask for assistance to complete the required work.

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