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Shane Searfoss


HS Bible

March 3rd, 2023

Screwtape Letters Ology: Anthropologie RD

Make more cohesive, read romans in context.

More scripture


Anthropology, the study of the human development, is to prove the gradual but somewhat

slow human growth pattern and the differences between humans and what separates them from

their pier or equal. Thus, the meaning for the word “anthropology” is to emphasize the study

further and deeper. A quote from the known apologetic and anthropologist: Ruth Benedict, “The

purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences.” Of course, the

modern human in 2023 or even in 1950, is not the same as the study of anthropology’s morals

and values that its counterpart. A human is to be seen as simple, shell, holding the soul of the

person, while on the outside, the human may seem happy, on the, inside the human may feel

stressed, overwhelmed and on the backfoot in his or her daily life. As we develop, our brains can

be ahead or they can be behind, some people grow in different forms, some people’s bodies grow
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quicker than their brains, this is under the study of anthropology, how and why our brains grow

the way they do.


My paper is on the in-depth subject of Anthropology, a subject I may add is the study of human

growth and the speed of it. In my own personal belief, Anthropology is a perfect study to

understand human nature. Human nature, the cruelest nature, is above the most dignified study to

explain the growth of humans. We study more into the ology by using the example in the book as

well as scripture.


Romans 1:20 says: “For his attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been

clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So,

they are without excuse.” As letter three from The Screwtape Letters says that he has

experiences with humanity how is it an advantage of the enemy? The enemy in this case is, Jesus

Christ, in Screwtape’s eyes, as well as Wormwoods, Jesus is the enemy whereas Satan is the

“Hero” it is a twisted version of hero vs. villain story of the “hero” being Jesus and the “enemy.”

Humans tend to look at the sweetest thing, the most beautiful thing, this is another example of
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how humans use their brain of influence to be drawn towards something beautiful. Beauty is

deception. Beauty was created to draw the human eye, just as eve was drawn to the fruit off the

Tree of Knowledge, the power of sin, drew Adam and Eve to the sweet fruit from which God the

Father commanded the two humans not to eat from thus, taking their immortality from them. We

as humans still to this day, fall into temptation and ruin, even after the fall of man, that was our

fate as man and woman procreated, we developed into the fallen man.


We can use scripture to understand the study a little more clearly and with a clear

understanding that humans fall, fail, and revert to our native ways since creation. The verse

quoted from Romans says, that since the start of the universe, everything has been planned

perfectly, therefore, it is without doubt that humans are the way God made them to be, but our

attitudes and attributes come from one place that is not from God, it is from sin. We sin every

day, small or big, God is there to help us defend against the sins we commit, which is why Jesus

came into this world of the Virgin Mother and died for us. He came adored and glorified, as we

will become glorified in our eternal kingdom of Heaven.


If human nature is to sin, why do we still sin, when we know it is wrong? We sin because

it is in our human nature to sin, even though we are not perfect, we still do as what we were seen
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as, what we GREW as, our human nature indicates. What we see when we are young can affect

what we do when we are older. But what we see and what we do are completely up to us.

Rebuttal: GOSPEL

Again, the challenge of growth is as stated, a challenge. As a challenge is a hurtle that can be

jumped over, however, we need an example of right to lead us through our lives, a guardian to

teach us and to expel the wickedness of the outside world. Our parents are given to us by God to

lead us by example, and to give us an ideal that we must strive to be; we do not get to choose

who we get as parents, just as they did not choose to grow in the way millions before them have

grown, ever since the creation of the first humans.

Works Cited:

“14 Bible Verses about Anthropology.” What Does the Bible Say About Anthropology? 

“The Screwtape Letters Archives.” C.S. Lewis Institute

Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. 
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