GEC 2 Activity 10

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Activity 10

GEC 2: Readings in Philippine History

Chapter 10: Filipino Grievances Against Governor Wood

Instructions: Read carefully the list of grievances of the Filipinos against Governor Wood which led to
the Cabinet Crises of 1923. The Crisis was characterized by the tension between the American-led
executive branch of governor and the Filipino-dominated legislative branch of government. In Philippine
politics, there has always been tension between the executive and the legislative branches of
government. In the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, this tension seems to be evident.
Compare and contrast the Cabinet Crisis of 1923 to the conditions and situations that persist during the
term of President Duterte. Explain your observations in at least 300 words.

The Cabinet Crisis of 1923 led to disagreement between American and Filipino establishments of
authorities at some stage in the American period on account that the combat for independence has
been a regular and unifying political subject matter amongst Filipinos at some point in the whole
American period. The legislative, executive, and judicial departments make up the three branches of
government. Three distinct authorities are granted to these departments. The executive branch puts
laws passed with the aid of Congress into action. Laws are created by means of Congress, and the court
docket branch determines whether they are constitutionally sound.

As mentioned in the records, Governor Leonard Wood engaged in a quantity of usurpations after being
named the Philippine Governor General by the US President. Additionally, some are still seen and being
used via the Duterte administration nowadays in opposition to the government and legislative branches
of the Philippine government. Here are a few instances: On January 29, Duterte insisted on shutting
down a broadcasting network out of hatred for an entity, notwithstanding an outbreak of the then-
newly fashioned coronavirus that had already killed more than 130 Chinese and sickened almost 6,000
others. They reasoned that this might lead to hypothesis from China about unfair journey bans on
countries that have suggested instances as well. In August 2016, President Duterte vowed to pardon and
promote any police officer who committed an unlawful killing as an alternative than punish them. This
was in response to the "war on drugs," which has resulted in the deaths of more than 12,000 human
beings and brought on a formal ICC investigation due to violations amounting to crimes against
humanity. His choice to leave the ICC, which is set up to attempt those most culpable for serious crimes,
is an overt attempt to shield himself and different powerful folks from possible ICC prosecution.  

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