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(Inroduction song- choose a happy song in order to lighten the mood")


FAYE: Hello and Welcome everyone to ARTUP! Where art is apprecited and art is on top! I hope
everyone listening here is doing well and I hope we are all prepared and excited for we will be joined by
the students of the University of Baguio who calls themselves the GROUP 4! So before we start, why
don't you grab your cup of coffee, sit back and relax for we are about to have a very interesting piece of

(Happy Music enters then the host enters)

FAYE: For us to know more about the piece that we are about to tackle, let's call on Rose Orenza for a
very beautiful introduction of our piece and to tell us what is going on in this artwork. Rose, take it

ROSE: Hello everyone! I am Rose and we have here a topic that is very interesting entitled "Fisherman at
sea by JMW Turner". Just by hearing the title we can imagine a fisherman by the sea catching fishes in a
boat. But this very specific piece in a painting created by J. M. W. Turner in 1796. The painting is notable
for its dramatic and atmospheric use of light and color, which creates a sense of tension and danger.
"Fishermen at Sea" is considered to be one of Turner's early masterpieces, and it demonstrates his skill
at capturing the power and majesty of nature.

FAYE: Wow! what a wonderful way in capturing the power and majesty of nature. I believe that we all
have some things to share, so GROUP! you may know take the floor.

ANDRAE Arcibal: Hello everyone I am Andrae and thank you for this opportunity to be able to share an
artwork. SO the "Fisherman at sea by JMW Turner" as said awhile ago is a painting created by J. M. W.
Turner in 1796. • The first painting by J.M.W. Turner is not definitively known, as he created many
works throughout his early career. However, one of his earliest known paintings is believed to be
"Fishermen at Sea," completed in 1796 when Turner was just 21 years old and was still establishing
himself as an artist. It's amazing that in his 20s, he already created something remarkable. When I first
saw this artwork, I was amazed because the ability to paint something such as the ocean, the sky, or
even splashes of water is for me, hard to do and I really am amazed at how he was able to paint such

Fang-asan Ronnie: Yes that's right Andrae, I too was amazed by JMW Turner's skills. By the way, I am
Ronnie and as I look deep into the artwork, the deeper I fall into its beauty because eventhough the
setting or the mood is sad, it is still beautiful. The painting depicts two fishermen in a small boat battling
against the powerful waves and gusting winds of a stormy sea. The painting is notable for its dramatic
and atmospheric depiction of the sea, with swirling clouds and waves creating a sense of movement and
chaos. Turner's use of light is also particularly striking in this painting, with the moon illuminating the
scene and casting an eerie glow over the waves and the fishermen's faces.

Jordan Bandiwan Ps: Amazing how an artwork can depict something so deep. I am Jordan and I want to
share that the piece depicts a stormy night in which a moonlit view of fishermen can be seen near the
Isle of Whight. Representing the fragility of human life, this creation takes you into many unknown
depths whilst at the same time portraying the surface of an ongoing battle between mother nature and
her children. Turner spared no expenses in creating such a mystical, esoteric and transcendental vibe, it
is almost as if the moon was the light at the end of the tunnel. The only light, the only guidance, the only
source of safety.

Kyla MC Ngade Nabus: "Fishermen at Sea" was a departure from the more traditional and picturesque
style of landscape painting that was popular at the time, and it marked the beginning of Turner's lifelong
fascination with the power and drama of nature. The painting was also an early indication of Turner's
mastery of light and atmosphere, which would become defining features of his later works. The
painting's bold and dramatic style marked a departure from traditional landscape painting and helped
him to establish as a rising star in the British art world, and paved the way for Turner's later innovations
in art.

FAYE: What a very powerful sharings we have heree but before we continue, why don't we have a short
break and ART UP STUDIO will be right back. A studio where art is appreciated and art is on top!



GIRL: Hayyy, it's raining again, I can't go out and I'm stuck in the house aaaaall day. (Sadness is heard in
her voice)

(A magic sound appears)

MAGIC BOY: YOU! yes YOU! are you tired of the gloomy weather? tired of always staying in and not able
to do something fun? Fear no more for PAINT IN NUMBERS is here to help you with your boredom!
Paint by number or painting by numbers kits are self-contained painting sets, designed to facilitate
painting a pre-designed image. They generally include brushes, tubs of paint with numbered labels, and
a canvas printed with borders and numbers. By this small kit, you can explore and test yourself by
painting, but wait! there's more!!!! This also includes variety of colors WHICH WILL PAINT YOUR
GLOOMY DAYS AWAY! So?? what are you waiting for? Try it now!

GIRL: Woooahh! these are beautiful and so fun to doo especially on rainy daysss! Thank you paint by
numbers! I sure will have a lot of fun!



FAYE: And now we are back! We have heard of the beautiful artwork by JMW Turner but let's hear more
about its history and the issues that surfaced around it.

Luisa Anne Ventura: Hello, I am Luisa. Those who appreciated Turner's work tended to be drawn to the
emotional power and intensity of his paintings, as well as his willingness to experiment with new
techniques and subject matter. Many saw "Fishermen at Sea" as a bold and innovative work that pushed
the boundaries of traditional landscape painting and opened up new possibilities for artistic expression if
I were to be asked, I too will use those adjectives to express and describe the painting. Moving on, in
general, some critics were impressed with Turner's skillful handling of light and atmosphere, and praised
the painting for its sense of drama and immediacy. Others, however, were less impressed, and criticized
the painting for its unconventional subject matter and lack of clear narrative.

Mhay Loyosen: I want to ad that one of the main criticisms of "Fishermen at Sea" was that it lacked the
classical idealization and carefully composed landscapes that were popular at the time. Some critics
found the painting too chaotic and unstructured, and questioned whether it could even be considered a
landscape at all.Despite these criticisms, however, "Fishermen at Sea" was a popular and influential
work that helped establish Turner as one of the leading artists of his generation. The painting's
innovative use of light and atmosphere, combined with its depiction of the power and unpredictability
of nature, would go on to inspire many other artists in the years to come. Today, "Fishermen at Sea" is
recognized as an important early work in Turner's career, and is widely regarded as a masterpiece of
British Romanticism. By the way, I am Mhay.

Shanestien Sim Osting: Beyond its aesthetic qualities, The Fishermen at Sea also reflects the broader
themes of Turner's work, including the power of nature and the human struggle against it. The painting
is a powerful reminder of the risks and hardships faced by those who make their living at sea and the
courage required to face them. It is also a testament to the enduring power of art to capture and convey
the complex emotions and realities of the human. experience.


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