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LESSON ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER Mr. Tanaka gives Mr. Smith his business card. Mr. Smith can- not read kanji. * > » TF Sho ke » sy» * > Tanaka: Sumisu: Tanaka: Sumisu: Tanaka: Sumisu: Tanaka: DbELD OWOLTH. 17% 1Y7G HYWLIIAWOEF, CHL AUMIAOD WEATTO, 122, 29TH. hEDTT, > oma? LPWLYD WEALTH. CIFLITASTH. PIMA POLED THHILA LITT AN HAV MUL ATT, 03-3400-9031TF. 7560 Th (\£A2 714 045-326-8871TF. Watashi no meishi desu. Dézo. Domo arigaté gozaimasu. Kore wa Tanaka-san no namae desu ka. Ee, 80 desu. TA-NA-KA desu. Kore wa? Kaisha no namae desu. TO-KYO DEN-KI desu. Kore wa kaisha no denwa-bangé desu ka. Hai, kaisha no desu. Zero-san no san-yon-zero-zero no kyii-zero- san-ichi desu. Uchi no denwa-bango wa zero-yon-go no san-ni- roku no hachi-hachi-nana-ichi desu. : This is my busness card. Please . . . ‘Thank you very much. Is this (your) name? Yes. That’s right. Tanaka. And this? (That’s) the name of my company, Tokyo Electric. Is this the company’s telephone number? : Yes, it's the company’s. (03) 3400-9031. (My) home telephone number is (045) 326-8871. 25 Vocabulary bELO watashi no my Hol meishi business card (lit. “name card”) riz dozo please (accept) C96 SYNE CNET domo arigats gozaimasu Thank you very much. 5G démo very much HYRLG CX Ft arigaté gozaimasu (1 am) grateful 3 kore this EZ namae name 22 ee yes R5CH 86 desu that’s right cmt? kore wa? as for this? Owl e kaisha company TCA DILA DF denwa-bango telephone number th denwa telephone (LA5F bang6 number DL PATH Kaisha no desu It is the company’s. 3 uchi home NOTES 1. Meishi 6. Japanese, particularly those in business, carry business cards which they ex- change during introductions. A few hand-written words on a business card can serve as a convenient introduction. Kore wa Tanaka-san no namae desu ka. Note that although addressing Mr. Tanaka, Mr. Smith uses his name rather than saying anata no, “your.” (See Note 4, p. 21.) Ee. “Yes.” Less formal than hai. So desu. ‘When replying to questions that end with desu ka, 86 can be used instead of repeating the noun. Kore wa? A rising intonation on the particle wa makes this informal phrase a ques- tion without using the question marker ka. Kaisha no desu. Short for kaisha no denwa-bang6 desu. This sort of abbreviated expression is often used in Japanese. 26 LESSON 2 7. (03) 3400-9031 Spoken as zero-san no san-yon-zero-zero no kyi-zero-san-ichi. The area code (Tokyo’s is 03), the exchange and the number are joined by the particle no. In telephone numbers 0 is often pronounced zero in Japanese. 8. Nani/nan, “what” “What” is nani, but it often becomes nan, as in Kore wa nan desu ka. “What is this?” 9. Nan-ban, “What number?” ex. Tanaka-san no denwa-bangd wa nan-ban desu ka. “What is Mr. Tanaka's telephone number?” PRACTICE KEY SENTENCES 1. Kore wa meishi desu. 2. Kore wa meishi dewa arimasen. 3. Kore wa Tanaka-san no tokei desu. Kore wa Tanaka-san no desu. 4. Kaisha no denwa-bango wa (03) 3400-9031 desu. 1. This is a business card. (These are business cards.) 2. This is not a business card. 3. This is Mr. Tanaka's watch. This is Mr. Tanaka’s. 4. The company’s telephone number is (03) 3400-9031. Vocabulary tokei clock, watch EXERCISES ————— I Look at the pictures and practice the following pattern by changing the underlined part as in the example given. ex, Kore wa meishi desu. 1. hon 4. kagi 2, shimbun 5. denwa 3. tokei 6 kuruma BELP Brey EXERCISES 27 Il Make dialogues by changing the underlined parts as in the examples given. A. ex. Q: Kore wa meishi desu ka. Aa: Hai, meishi desu. An: lie, meishi dewa arimasen. Hon desu. 1. hon, shimbun 2. jasho, denwa-bango B. ex. Q: Kore wa nan desu ka. A: Namae desu. 1, tokei 2 kagi 3. denwa C. ex. Q: Kore wa Tanaka-san no kuruma desu ka. Aa: Hai, Tanaka-san no kuruma desu. Tanaka-san no desu. An: lie, Tanaka-san no kuruma dewa arimasen. Tanaka-san no dewa arimasen. 1. Sumisu-san 2. kaisha D. ex. Q: Kore wa dare no hon desu ka. ‘A: Tanaka-san no desu. 1, Sumisu-san 2. kaisha 3. watashi Ill Numbers: Memorize the numbers from 0 to 20. 0, zerolrei 7, shichi/nana 14, jashifjayon 1, ichi 8, hachi 15, jiago 2, ni 9, kyi/ku 3, san 10, ja 17, jasl 4, shi/yon u, 18, jahachi 5, go 12, joni 19, jakya/jaku 6, roku 13, jasan 20, nijii IV Telephone numbers: Practice saying the following telephone numbers. (03) 3742-8955, Zero-san no san-nana-yon-ni no hachi-kya-go-go. 3401-5634, San-yon-zero-ichi no go-roku-san-yon. Zero, yon, nana and kya are used for 0, 4, 7 and 9 in telephone numbers. V Make dialogues by changing the underlined parts as in the example given. ex. Q: Kaisha no denwa-bango wa nan-ban desu ka. A: 3742-8920 desu. 1. ginko, 3325-8871 2. gakko, (03) 3781-6493 3. Tanaka-san no uchi, 3956-4158 28 LESSON 2 hon book nan what shimbun newspaper dareno whose kagi key nan-ban what number kuruma car sban number jasho address gakké school SHORT DIALOGUES 1. Hayashi: Tanaka: Hayashi: Tanaka: 2. Hayashi: Sumisu: Hayashi: ‘Smith: 3. Hayashi: ‘Sumisu: Hayashi Smith: 4. Sumisi Hisho: Smith: Secretary: Smith: Secretary: Kore wa Sumisu-san no tokei desu ka. Hai, Sumisu-san no tokei desu. Is this Mr. Smith's watch? ‘Yes, it's Mr. Smith's watch. Kore wa Sumisu-san no tokei desu ka. ‘Hai, watashi no tokei desu. Is this your watch? Yes, it's my watch. Kore wa Tanaka-san no hon desu ka. lie, Tanaka-san no dewa arimasen. Watashi no desu. Is this Mr. Tanaka’s book? No, it’s not Mr. Tanaka's. It's mine. Taishikan no denwa-bang6 wa nan-ban desu ka. 3325-7634 desu. Ginké no denwa-bango wa? 3423-6502 desu. What is the telephone number of the embassy? It's 3325-7634. What about the telephone number of the bank? It’s 3423-6502. QUIZ mmmmREE: I Look at the illustrated business card and answer the questions. 1. Kore wa nan desu ka. 2. Kore wa kaisha no namae desu ka. 3. Kore wa Tanaka-san no uchi no jasho desu ka, kaisha no desu ka. quiz 29 1 | 24— TOKYO DENKI LTD. Ichiré Tanaka PDP Se Sf} 2-1 Nishiazabu L-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106 mq ‘TEL. (03) 3400-9031 4-4-5 4. Kore wa Tanaka-san no uchi no denwa-bango desu ka. 5. Tanaka-san no kaisha no denwa-bango wa nan-ban desu ka. II Complete the questions so that they fit the answers. 1, Kore wa ( ) no denwa-bango desu ka. Tie, kaisha no dewa arimasen. Uchi no desu. 2. Kore wa ( ) no jasho desu ka. Tanaka-san no desu. 3. Kore wa ( ) desu ka. Tokei desu. 4, Tanaka-san no uchi no denwa-bango wa ( ) desu ka, 3325-7634 desu. II Put the appropriate particles in the parentheses. 1. Kochira ( ) donata desu ka. 2. Kore ( ) nan desu ( ). Kaisha( _) denwa-bangé desu. Kore ( ? Kaisha ( ) jasho desu. 3. Kore ( ) watashi ( ) kuruma dewa arimasen. Kaisha ( d desu. IV Translate into Japanese. 1. This is Mr. Tanaka. 2. This is Mr. Tanaka’s business card. 3. This is not Mr. Tanaka’s home telephone number. It is that of his com- pany. 4. What is your company’s telephone number? 30 LESSON 2

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