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Phrasal verbs with Go

go across/穿过/
move to another side or place. 移动到另一边或地方。
I'll go across to the shop and buy a loaf of bread.

go after/去追/
pursue in an attempt to catch another. 追求以试图抓住另一个。
go after him and apologize. 去追他并道歉。

go against/违反/
be unfavourable to someone, 对某人不利,
the court's decision went against them. 决定


go ahead/前进/
to begin, 开始,
go ahead and eat without me; I expect to be very late.
去吧,没有我吃饭; 我预计会很晚。

go ahead with/先继续/
to continue with something, 继续做某事,
can we go ahead with our party plans?

go along with/与...同行/
accept a decision or suggestion, 接受决定或建议,
I would be happy to go along with the idea.

go around (UK)/ 四处走走(英国)/

To visit a person or a place, 拜访一个人或一个地方,
Are you going around to John's after work?

go away/离开/
Depart or leave a place, 离开或离开一个地方,
go away and leave me alone! 你走开,让我一个人静一下!

go back/回去/
Return to a place, start doing something again.

she doesn't want to go back to her husband.


Go before/去之前/
To exist or happen in an earlier time. 在较早的时间存在或发生。
The present crisis is worse than any that have gone before.

Go by/经过/
pass or go past without much interaction; 相互作用

you can watch the trains going by from this window.


Go down/下去/
To become less; to decrease;
变得更少; 减少;

The unemployment rate has gone down significantly in recent months.

近几个月失业率大幅下降。 率, 速率, 速度 显著地

go up/上/
Rise or increase in price, cost, or value;

Bananas have gone up because of a shortage.


Go for/去做/
Try for, to attempt to reach; 尝试,试图达到;
I’ll go for the world record. 我会去争取世界纪录。
Go for it/大胆试试吧/
Decide to do something; especially after a period of hesitation.
决定做某事; 尤其是在犹豫了一段时间之后。

May I use your bathroom? - go for it!

我可以用你的卫生间吗? - 大胆试试吧!

Go under/去/
To sink below the surface; 沉入水面以下;
Because I'm a bad swimmer, I often go under and swallow a lot of

Go off/走开/
To explode; to be fired; 爆炸; 被开除;
The bomb went off right after he left his office.

Go off (2) 走开 (2)

Begin clanging or making noise; 开始发出叮当声或噪音;

The alarm will go off at four am. 闹钟将在凌晨四点响起。

go through (2) 通过(2)

be approved formally or sanctioned 得到正式批准或制裁
formally 正式地

my divorce went through last week. 我的离婚上周结束了。

go through (1) 通过(1)

to look at or examine something carefully, especially in a regular order

every morning, she went through her mail over a cup of coffee.

go round 绕
to spin or turn 旋转或转动
love makes the world go round 爱让世界运转
go down with (UK) /与(英国)一起倒下
To become ill with a particular illness 特别 特定


three people in my office have gone down with the flu.


go over 过去
to examine or check something carefully

please go over the reports to make sure we haven't missed anything.


go out 出去
leave, especially a house, a building 离开,尤指房子,建筑物
please go out through the back door. 请从后门出去。

go on (2) 继续(2)
happen(occur) 发生(发生)
what's going on? 这是怎么回事?

go on (1) 继续(1)
continue in extent 在一定程度上继续
the meeting seemed to go on forever.

go into 进入
to examine something carefully 仔细检查
I want to go into the details now. 我现在想进入细节。

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