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Are you new to SharePoint or do you just want to learn how to develop
SharePoint modern solutions? Then, you came to the right place!

This is a guide to help you learn SharePoint Framework (SPFx), a framework to

develop SharePoint (and Teams) client-side solutions. SPFx leverages the
following technologies:

• React / Angular
• TypeScript
• SharePoint Online
• Microsoft Teams

The Basics
SharePoint Framework is a page and web part model that provides full
support for client-side SharePoint development, easy integration with
SharePoint data, and extending Microsoft Teams. With the SharePoint
Framework, you can use modern web technologies and tools in your preferred
development environment to build productive experiences and apps that are
responsive and mobile-ready.

The SPFx is the recommended SharePoint customization and extensibility model

for developers. Due to tight integration between SharePoint Online, Microsoft
Teams, and Microsoft Viva Connections, developers can also use SPFx to
customize and extend all these products. In fact, SPFx is the only extensibility
and customization option for Viva Connections.

In addition to SharePoint Online, SPFx is supported and can be used to

customize SharePoint on-premises deployments going back to SharePoint
Server 2016.

With the SharePoint Framework, we can develop:

• Web Parts
• Extensions
• Library components
• Adaptive Card Extensions

Other useful links:

• Overview of the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)

• Scaffold projects by using Yeoman SharePoint generator
• SharePoint Framework development tools and libraries
• SharePoint Framework toolchain

Technology stack
SPFx Technology stack

SPFx Development Toolchain

SPFx Development Toolchain

TypeScript is the preferred programming language to develop in SPFx.
TypeScript is a programming language and maintained by Microsoft and is a
superset of JavaScript and adds optional static typing to the language to develop
client-side solutions. It is designed for the development of large applications and
transpiles to JavaScript to be executed in the browser.

Useful TypeScript concepts:

• const – allows the definition of a variable whose value is not going to be

changed. Use this instead of let if the variable value is not going to be
changed after its declaration.
• let – allows the definition of a variable whose value is going to be
changed. Use this instead of const if the variable value is going to be
changed after its declaration.
• var – allows the definition of a variable whose value is going to be
changed. To be avoided since variables declared with var are acessible
from any scope (scope (function, module, namespace, global)
• type – allows the definition of a data class without any business logic or
methods, just data. It can be also useful to avoid the usage of magic
strings in the code.
• enum – allows the definition of a enumeration
• interface – allows the definition of a interface that can then be
implemented by a concret class.
• class – allows the definition of a class that optionally implements an
• extends – when used, it allows a class to inherit from another class
• export – allows the export of functions, variables, interfaces and classes
that can be imported with the import statement
• import – allows the import of functions, variables, interfaces and classes
exported with the export statement

Useful links:

• The starting point for learning TypeScript

• TypeScript for the New Programmer
• TypeScript Tutorials
• Clean Code concepts adapted for TypeScript

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces and is at the core of SPFx
to build advanced applications.

• Declarative: React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design

simple views for each state in your application and React will efficiently
update and render just the right components when your data changes.
Declarative views make your code more predictable, simpler to
understand, and easier to debug.
• Component-Based: Build encapsulated components that manage their
state, then compose them to make complex UIs. Since component logic is
written in JavaScript instead of templates, you can easily pass rich data
through your app and keep the state out of the DOM.
• Learn Once, Write Anywhere: We don’t make assumptions about the
rest of your technology stack, so you can develop new features in React
without rewriting existing code. React can also render on the server using
Node and power mobile apps using React Native.

Useful links:

• React Official Web Site

• Tutorial: Intro to React
• React Component LifeCycle
• How to get started with React for building advanced SPFx solutions
• SharePoint Online: CRUD operations using SPFx ReactJS framework
• How to React ⚛️
• Fluent UI (Microsoft Components for Microsoft 365 Applications)
• React: Lists and Keys
• How to Implement Memoization in React to Improve Performance

To help developers to build advanced SPFx solutions, there are a lot of React
controls, either developed by Microsoft such as Fluent UI or by communities
such as the PnP community.

PnP JS is a NPM package that simplifies interaction with SharePoint Online and
Microsoft Graph.

Useful links:

• Working with SharePoint List Items

• Use @pnp/sp (PnPJS) library with SharePoint Framework web parts
• A Complete Guide to Getting and Setting Fields Value using PnP JS in SPFx
• Using PnP JS with Microsoft Graph
• PnP SDKs

Here are some of the most useful repositories to start learning SharePoint

• Microsoft 365 Community

• Microsoft 365 Community Repositories
• SharePoint Framework web part, Teams tab, personal app, app page
• Reusable React controls for SPFx solutions
• sp-dev-fx-webparts
• pnp/sp-dev-fx-extensions
• pnp/sp-dev-fx-property-controls
• pnp/sp-dev-fx-aces
• Microsoft 365 Unified Sample Gallery with more than 1000 samples

Concepts / Tooling
Core SPFx Concepts
• JavaScript frameworks
• Node.js
• NPM (Node Package Manager)
• Yeoman
• Gulp
• WebPack

NPM Packages
SharePoint client-side development tools use the npm package manager, like
NuGet, to manage dependencies and other required JavaScript helpers. npm is
typically included as part of Node.js setup.

Package installation modes:

• npm install @package – installs the package

• npm install @package –save – installs the package and updates
package.json automatically (dependencies section)
• npm install @package@version –save-dev – installs the package and
updates package.json automatically (devDependencies section)
• npm install @package@version –save – installs the package with the
specified version and updates package.json automatically (dependencies
• npm install @package@version –save-dev – installs the package with
the specified version and updates package.json automatically
(devDependencies section)

Useful npm packages to include in a SPFx solution:

• npm install gulp yo @microsoft/generator-

sharepoint@<spfx_version> –global
• Example: npm install gulp yo @microsoft/generator-
sharepoint@1.15.2 –global
• npm install @microsoft/microsoft-graph-types –save
• npm install @pnp/sp –save
• npm install @pnp/graph –save
• npm install @fluentui/react –save
• npm install @pnp/spfx-controls-react –save
• npm install @pnp/spfx-property-controls –save
• npm install localforage –save
• npm install @luudjanssen/localforage-cache –save
• npm install spfx-fast-serve -g
• npm install -g pnpm

Gulp Commands
• gulp clean – cleans the solution. Cleans the dist and temp folders from
the solution
• gulp trust-dev-cert – installs the development certificate
• gulp build – builds the solution, tranforms TypeScript into JavaScript
• gulp bundle – bundles the solution and minimizes CSS and JS (in debug
• gulp bundle –ship – bundles the solution and minimizes CSS and JS for
deployment in SharePoint in production mode (release mode)
• gulp package-solution – generates package (.sppkg file) but to run in
debug mode
• gulp package-solution –ship – generates package (.sppkg file) to run in
production mode
• gulp serve – launches SharePoint Workbench to test web parts in debug
• gulp serve –nobrowser – allows testing web parts in debug mode but
without launching SharePoint Workbench

SPFx Development Environment

Setup Development Environment
To setup your development environment, run the following commands from the
command prompt:

• npm install gulp-cli yo @microsoft/generator-sharepoint –global

• npm install webpack –global
• npm install –save-dev webpack
• gulp trust-dev-cert

Node Version Manager (nvm)

Node Version Manager (NVM) allows developers to install multiple versions of
node. This can be useful when working with different SPFx versions that use
different versions of Node.

To download NVM, click here.

Install Node using NVM

After installing NVM, to install a node version use the following command:

nvm install <node_version>. Example: nvm install 14.19.1

Switch between versions of Node

If you have multiple versions of Node, you can switch between them using the
following command:

nvm use <node_version>. Example: nvm use 12.22.10

To have a full list of the installed node versions, run “nvm list”.

SPFx Fast Serve

If you have a big SPFx solution, gulp serve can take a lot of time, especially if you
want to rapidly test your developments. SPFx Fast Serve is a command line
utility, which modifies your SharePoint Framework solution, so that it runs
continuous serve command as fast as possible. To know more, click here.

Here is a comparison between gulp serve and SPFx Fast Serve (times depend on
hardware, environment). The times listed below are “refresh” time (the time
needed to compile your project when you change a file and start refreshing a
page in a browser):

gulp serve spfx-fast-serve

Default “Hello World”

3-5 sec 0.1-0.2 sec
React web part

PnP Modern Search solution 28-34 sec 2-4 sec

SP Starter Kit solution (v1) 40-50 sec 2-3 sec

This is a must have for every SharePoint Framework Developer!

Recommended Visual Studio Code Extensions

• Auto Rename Tag
• Tabnine
• VSCode icons
• Bracket Pair Colorizer
• Visual Code IntelliCode
• SonarLint for Visual Studio Code
• PowerShell
• Live Server
• Glean
• Thunder Client
• SPFx Snippets
• GitLens
• Todo Tree
• ESLint
SPFx Quick Start
The most common development component in SPFx is the web part. To better
understand how to create your first web part, read this article. In SPFx client-
side web parts, we have the following components:

• Web part main component – acts as a container to the React component

that has the main logic. In this example, we have a web part class called
BirthdaysWorkAnniversariesNewCollaboratorsWebPart that renders
the BirthdaysWorkAnniversariesNewCollaborators React component
that has the web part main logic.

• React component associated with the web part. This file has a render
method responsible for the rendering of the web part UI and uses two
major React concepts: props supplied by the web part that allows users to
configure the web part behavior and state that also allows to control how
the the web part is rendered. The main difference between props and
state is that state can be changed and props can’t (in the code they are
readonly). In the example below, we have the
BirthdaysWorkAnniversariesNewCollaborators React component that
was called by the
BirthdaysWorkAnniversariesNewCollaboratorsWebPart web part.
• Other associated files such as:
• Service classes to get data from SharePoint or Microsoft Graph for
• Data object classes (models)
• Helper classes
• etc

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