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Retail Measurement Services

Distribution by the numbers

This job aid provides an overview of some distribution numbers and what they mean for your business.
Use Distribution data to:

■ Track how widely available your products are*

■ Measure support for your brand in trade channels

■ Compare your product to your competitors

■ Find expansion opportunities into more stores, chains and markets

*Distribution is calculated using number of outlets not facings.

The numbers

What it’s called What it is How it’s calculated

The percentage of stores that a (# of stores a product is sold

Numeric or Physical Distribution
product has sold in in/Total # of stores) ✕ 100

All Commodity Value (ACV) The percentage of total store

Weighted Distribution* turnover a product is sold in
(Store turnover (where product
*Depending on your product or A better measure of the total sold)/Total store turnover) ✕ 100
category, you may see this as All traffic that goes through the
Commodity Volume. stores that sell your product

The percentage of total store

turnover a product is sold in
(Category turnover (where
Product Class Value (PCV)
product sold)/Total category
Weighted Distribution A better indicator of where
turnover) ✕ 100
customers look to buy a particular
category of product

Summing the Wtd Distribution

Measures the breadth and depth for all items contained within a
Total Distribution Points (TDP)
of distribution of a product brand (or category) during a
specified time period

© 2021 Nielsen Consumer LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Distribution by the numbers
What they mean for your business
Remember that every market, region, product and business is unique. These are general guidelines, not
rules based on NielsenIQ data. If you have questions, please contact your NielsenIQ rep.

What you see What it could mean What you can do

Conduct analysis to see which parts of the

Numeric Distribution Your products aren’t in a large
market are drivers of numeric distribution
is LOW number of stores.
level in order to act accordingly.

Review growth trends in different market

breakdowns and identify opportunities
All Commodity Value Your product is not in the stores
against existing distribution patterns. Note
(ACV) Weighted doing the most business in your
that it may not always be possible to get
Distribution is LOW area.
100% ACV if your product class is not sold
in all stores.

Look into competition behavior as well as

Product Class Value
Your product is not in the stores more more granular market analysis to
(PCV) Weighted
that matter most to your business. specify areas/regions with improvement
Distributions is LOW

Consider whether the cost of increasing

Numeric Distribution Your products are in fewer stores,
distribution is viable; you may need to
is LOW and Weighted but those stores have a bigger
reach a lot more outlets to reach the
Distribution is HIGH impact on your business.
missing part of the market.

With good breadth of distribution, you

Numeric Distribution Your products are in a lot of stores,
need to identify the contribution of
is HIGH and Weighted but not the ones that matter most
different store types so you can distinguish
Distribution is LOW to your business.
between higher and lower performers.

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