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Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Good morning everybody! Ladies and gentle men. The honorable, the jury and my beloved teacher
who choose me to tell you about digital technology in teaching and learning process. First of all, thank God
for the blessing and thank you for having me here in joyfull morning. I hope we are all in the good health.
In digital era, all of work and learning process can be done easily with development of digital
technology. Especially in education sector in Covid-19 pandemic era. In terms of education, digital
technology give big influence. In fact, the students and teachers need to use advanced technology, like
smartphone. Even thought we have learned offline, modern technology still have to bring to school for get
The existence of digital technology does not mean will give bad influence. The teachers can make
inovation with that. For example, with give material use power point or video which is diplayed when
offline school. With that, the students will more focus and excited in learning process.
When the students can't get information that they need from the text book, they can search the
Information with digital technology. Remember, when we can wise in access digital technology, of course
will increase the education quality in Indonesia.
That is all that I can tell to you. Thank you for your attention. I am sorry for my wrong.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

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