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The Liturgical Reception and Canonical Installation of

His Excellency, the Most Reverend


14 January 2020, St. Peter‘s Metropolitan Cathedral

Copyright © 2020 by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Tuguegarao, Office of the Chancellor. All rights reserved.

It is my joy to convey my heartfelt felicitations to His Excellency Most

Rev. Ricardo L. Baccay, the priests, the religious, and the lay faithful of
the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao.

A Bishop continues the mission of the Apostles, preaching, teaching,

and building up communities of those who believe in Jesus;
nourishing them with the spiritual means necessary for their life , and
introducing to them the power that comes from the Gospel of love.

As Archbishop Baccay assumes courageously the responsibilities

expected of him as the Metropolitan Archbishop of Tuguegrao, he can
be sure of the prayers and solidarity of His Holiness Pope Francis.

The mission he has said ―yes‖ to is not easy. Yet, he can be confident
that with the help of God‘s grace and the filial collaboration of the
Catholic community of Tuguegarao, His Divine Plan will surely be
brought to completion.

HIS EXCELLENCY, MOST REVEREND May the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Church always keep
GABRIELE GIORDANO CACCIA, DD Archbishop Baccay and all God‘s children in Tuguegarao within her
Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines mantle of love.

In the name of the Holy Father, I send my blessings and best wishes.
City of Manila
Manila, 3 December 2019


The appointment of Most Rev. Ricardo Baccay as the eighth Bishop

and the fourth Archbishop of Tuguegarao is significant for a number
of reasons. First, he is the native of Tuguegarao City to be named the
Archbishop of Tuguegarao. Second, all of the four from the
Archdiocese and are Cagayanos and he is the fourth. Third, he is the
first Archbishop of Tuguegarao who underwent a post-Vatican II
priestly formation.

These facts speak volumes about the maturity of the Christian and
Catholic community of the Archdiocese and the Province of Cagayan.
Aarchbishop Baccay will be eminent Pastor of more than a million
vibrant, deeply religious people, fiercely loyal to the Church and
generous in their support. It has its own familiar and peculiar
problems, to be sure, but he will be assisted by an unpolarised clergy,
relatively young and fired with tireless zeal.

The archdiocese is fortunate to be headed by Archbishop Baccay. It is

likewise providential that it is the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao that he
heads. May this ―combination‖ be the catalyst of a bright future for the
HIS EXCELLENCY, MOST REVEREND maturity of the Faithful of the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao and the
SERGIO L. UTLEG, DD Province of Cagayan.
of Tuguegarao God bless Archbishop Baccay and may the Virgin of Piat shroud him
with her motherly mantle.
Rizal St., City of Tuguegarao
3500 Philippines Very truly yours in Christ,


It is with great honour and joy that I express my sincerest

felicitations to Most Reverend Ricardo Lingan Baccay, DD as he
becomes the Fourth Archbishop of Tuguegarao in a Solemn
Canonical Installation Rites on January 14, 2020.
Archbishop Baccay is the first native of Tuguegarao to become the
Archbishop of this Archdiocese with almost one million Catholics all
over his Ecclesiastical jurisdiction. This appointment is a testament to
a lively a deep faith of the People not only of the City of Tuguegarao
but also of the entire Province of Cagayan.
As the Fourth Archbishop of Tuguegarao, Archbishop Baccay will
continue the memorable legacies for his worthy predecessors, the
late Most. Rev. Teodulfo S. Domingo, DD, Most Rev. Diosdado A.
Talamayan, DD, and Most Rev. Sergio L. Utleg, DD and, as everybody
expects will add more to these legacies thereby through the grace of
God, make the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao a vibrant and dynamic
Church in this part of the country. Leading the faithful with care
and compassion, Archbishop Baccay‘s spiritual leadership is a
breather as he takes up the challenges besetting the Church today.
As the Philippine Church prepares for the celebration of the 500 DIOSDADO A. TALAMAYAN, DD
years of Christianization in 2021, the installation of Archbishop Archbishop-Emeritus
Baccay will definitely inspire the faithful to work for peace and of Tuguegarao
harmony especially to our brothers and sisters of different faith and
religion. This year 2020, we are called to reflect on the theme VILLA DOMINGO RENEWAL CENTER
Dialogue Towards Harmony as we dedicate 2020 as Year of Solana, Cagayan
Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue and Indigenous Peoples.
We wish Archbishop Ricardo Lingan Baccay, DD well as he sits as
the new Archbishop of Tuguegarao. May this moment of grace be a
shining inspiration for him to lead God‘s flock. May his Episcopal
Motto, Pater Benignus ad Omnes, Father of Us All, be a reminder and
inspiration for him to be a true Father for all the Faithful of the
Archdiocese of Tuguegarao.

In Aedificationem Corporis Christi


Welcome back kabsat ko ken Kristo!

The moment I heard of your appointment, I began looking forward

to your installation. Indeed you have served the Archdiocese of
Tuguegarao well before as Auxiliary Bishop before you were
installed as Bishop of Alaminos. And now you are back with greater
responsibilities. Such is the love that our Redeemer demands of us:
―Do you love me Peter? Then feed my sheep.‖ Saint Augustine
described the implications of our Lord‘s question to Peter so
accurately: ―He inquired about his love, and then he gave him work
to do; for the greater one‘s love is, the easier the work.‖

We, your neighbours at the Diocese of Bayombong are happy and

blessed with your return to the region. We look forward to your
being a partner in our task of mission and evangelization. Indeed the
Church in the region would greatly benefit from your return.

Allow me to use the words of Pope Francis in expressing our prayer

for you.
―May your teaching, joy, and support to the faithful of Christ be the
fragrance of your life, that with word and example you can build the
Bishop of Bayombong
House of God which is the Church.‖

OFFICE OF THE BISHOP Congratulations Apo!

Domus Mariae Reginae Apostolorum
Brgy. Luyang, Maharlika Highway
Bayombong, 3700 Nueva Vizcaya Laetitia in Domino,


It is with great joy and deep gratitude to God that I warmly

congratulate Archbishop Ric on his recent appointment as the fourth
Archbishop of Tuguegarao. I join the entire flock of the Archdiocese in
welcoming him back home. Although the Diocese of Alaminos has
been his home for more than three years now, Tuguegarao is truly his
HOME because this is where it all happened—from the time that he
was born baptized, and confirmed, to the time he responded to the call
to work in the Lord‘s vineyard as deacon, priest, auxiliary bishop and
now its Archbishop. Tuguegarao is Archbishop Ric‘s world and his
life, to a large extent, has been shaped by the place and its people, the
laity, religious and clergy alike.

Archbishop Ric, you are about to assume a new role in your home as
its Chief Shepherd. Your familiarity and extensive knowledge of the
Archdiocese of Tuguegarao and the journey of your flock through the
years will come in handy and will hopefully work to your advantage
when you buckle down to work with your clergy and pastoral
collaborators towards realizing the vision of the Archdiocese spelled
out in its mission and goals. Never get tired of listening patiently and
lovingly to them. Be with them when they joyfully celebrate their
triumphs and successes with laughter, just as you also grieve and cry
with them if you must, during their moments of failure and sorrow. HIS EXCELLENCY, MOST REVEREND
Yes, always be ―a kind Father to all‖ - the same guiding principle and DANILO B. ULEP, DD
motto that you have chosen when you began your episcopal ministry. Bishop-Prelate of Batanes

I sincerely assure you of my prayers. May God who has begun the
good work in you bring it to fulfilment by sustaining you constantly
Bishop’s Residence, Basco
with his grace! May the Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Piat embrace and
3900 Batanes, Philippines
keep you always under her maternal protection!


The Diocese of Ilagan, Isabela joins the community of the faithful of

the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao in joyfully thanking the Lord for
sending a new shepherd in Archbishop Ricardo L. Baccay, D.D., who
succeeds Archbishop-Emeritus Sergio L. Utleg, D.D.

As he resumes his episcopal ministry in Cagayan, this time as

Archbishop, we assure him of our fervent prayers and warmest
wishes that he may faithfully fulfill the office entrusted to him
and so become a genuine sacrament of God‘s loving-presence among
us, as well as, an effective herald and instrument of the Lord‘s mercy
and compassion.

We invoke the Lord‘s gracious assistance that in an ever-deepening

union with Jesus Christ the High Priest he may continue to imitate
the Good Shepherd that, gradually being configured to Him, he
becomes for us all an inspiration and model of holiness and Christian

We likewise pledge him our full support and collaboration towards

the realization of our region‘s corporate ecclesial vision and mission.
May God who has begun the good work in you bring it to fulfilment!
Bishop of Ilagan


Diocese of Ilagan
Cathedral of St. Michael Compound,
Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Upi,
3301 Gamu, Isabela, Philippines


The Provincial Government of Cagayan headed by your humble

servant in particular and the Cagayanos in general feel honoured and
with so much pride in our hearts, for having a Cagayano especially
one who is born in Tuguegarao to head the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao.

Welcome and congratulations Archbishop Ricardo L. Baccay to our

beloved province. We hope that the Church through your leadership
and the Provincial Government of Cagayan would work harmoniously
together for the moral and spiritual transformation of our people to
bring about peace, progress, and unity. May we not be divided in our
quest for a better Cagayan, rather hold on together as we move
towards the development of the North to bring about peace and
contentment to our people.

Rest assured that the Provincial Government of Cagayan will always

be there in support of your endeavors. Let‘s join hands and rally
together to achieve what is best for Cagayan especially our people who
are wanting to be served and given the best of what the Church and
the government could offer them. HON. MANUEL N. MAMBA, MD
Provincial Governor
Again our Congratulations and God bless us all.
Republic of the Philippines
Alimanao Hills, Peñablanca, Cagayan


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We join the Catholic community of the City of Tuguegrao and the

Province of Cagayan in congratulating His Excellency Ricardo L.
Baccay, DD in the joyful occasion of his installation as Archbishop
of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Tuguegarao this 14th of
January, 2020.

As the new Shepherd in our Archdiocese, we look up to Archbishop

Ricardo L. Baccay for his meaningful guidance to our flock in today‘s
society that is beset with challenging times and for his leadership in
maintaining unity in our community as a whole amidst religious

We are truly gratified for His Excellency Ricardo L. Baccay being

chosen and appointed and bestowed a great privilege as Archbishop
of the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao.

ATTY. JOSEPH L. LARA We trust that the Lord be with you in running your duties and we are
Representative one in fervent prayer for you to be continuously blessed with strength
3rd District of Cagayan and wisdom as you go about your tasks in the Archdiocese of
Tuguegarao. As we pray for your Excellency, we also humbly ask that
Republic of the Philippines you continuously and strongly pray for your flock to be responsible
Quezon City
Again, congratulations and best wishes Your Excellency Archbishop
Ricardo L. Baccay, DD.


On behalf of the people of the Second Legislative District of Cagayan

Province, we would like to congratulate His Excellency Ricardo L.
Baccay, D.D. in his installation as the new Archbishop of the
Archdiocese of Tuguegarao.

Being at the helm of pastoring the Catholic Church in this part of the
country, Archbishop Baccay will truly be an icon of the Christian
faith. His youth and being a true-blooded Ibanag will serve as
catalyst in uniting all our people towards a more Christ-centered life
where everybody lives in harmony with one another.

As we all work for better living conditions for the Cagayanos, we

join the Catholic Church in the pursuit of a more humane Catholic
community where peace and love for our fellowmen reign in our

Again, Congratulations!
2nd District of Cagayan

Republic of the Philippines

Quezon City


Dios nikamu!

In behalf of the Tuguegarao City Government, I would like to extend my

warmest greetings & congratulations to His Excellency Ricardo L. Baccay,
DD on his installation as the new Archbishop of the Archdiocese of

As an all-embracing fellowship of believers, the Catholic Church plays a

very integral part in the development of our society. It always seeks to
promote love, justice and compassion and encourages optimism amidst
personal, economic, socio-cultural, environmental and spiritual changes.

To lead the clergy and the laity requires much of selfless, voluntary service
to all the needy through physical and immaculate works of mercy. The
Catholic Church‘s great contribution as provider of education and
healthcare in our developing community is indispensible, making it a
City Mayor
partner of the government in achieving its goals and endeavours.
Republic of the Philippines As you serve the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao as its head, may our
Province of Cagayan
Almighty God bless your leadership with profound wisdom. May Jesus
City of Tuguegarao
Christ through the intercession of our dearest Mother Mary, supply you
with ever-flowing compassion and may the Holy Spirit uphold on your
new mandate.

I believe that the development of Tuguegarao City lies not only on

economic growth alone but also by taking into consideration the spiritual
and moral development of Tuguegaraoeños and through that, I look
forward to working with you.

Again, my heartfelt congratulations!

Dios y mevulum nittam ngamin!

His Excellency, the Most Reverend
Metropolitan Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
His Excellency
Archbishop Ricardo L. Baccay, DD
was appointed as the fourth He was ordained a priest by Most Rev. San Jacinto Seminary as its Rector
Archbishop of the Metropolitan See of Archbishop Diosdado A. Talamayan, and the Director of Commission on
Tuguegarao on 18 October 2019 and DD for the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao Vocations, and two years after, on 3
was canonically installed on 14 on 10 April 1987 at the Metropolitan February 2007, His Holiness, Pope
January 2020. Cathedral of Saint Peter the Apostle in Benedict XVI appointed him
Tuguegarao City. Auxiliary Bishop of Tuguegarao and
He was born in Tuguegarao City,
Titular Bishop of Gabala.
Cagayan, on 3 April 1961 to Jacinto From 1987 to 1993, he served as the
Baccay (+) and Filomena Lingan (+). Secretary of the Archbishop of He was then consecrated bishop on
He finished his elementary education Tuguegarao. At that time, he was 10 April 2007 by the Most. Rev.
at Tuguegarao East Central School in concurrently the Director of the Fernando Filoni, D.D. Apostolic
1974 and entered the San Jacinto Catechetical Commission until 2006. Nuncio to the Philippines at the Saint
Seminary where he graduated in In 1993, he was appointed as the Peter‘s Metropolitan Cathedral of
1978. In 1980, he received his Bachelor Parish Priest of Saint Dominic de Tuguegarao. His co-consecrators
of Arts in Philosophy from Pontifical G uz ma n Pa r i s h, Ca t a g ga ma n, are Most Rev. Diosdado Talamayan,
and Royal University of Santo Tomas, Tuguegarao City. After his term there, DD, then Archbishop of Tuguegarao;
Manila, where he also earned his he was assigned at Sto. Niño Parish and Most Rev. Sergio Lasam Utleg,
licentiate of the same in 1982. He and Shrine, San Gabriel, Tuguegarao DD, then Bishop of Laoag. Already
earned his baccalaureate in theology City (1999-2005) to become its pastor. as Auxiliary Bishop, he became the
in 1986 at the same University and in He was a member of the Commission Archdiocesan Finance Secretary in
2002, he has earned his Master of Arts on Family and Life Apostolate from 2011-2016. He also became the Parish
in Educational Management at the 1988 to 1993. In 1989 until 1993, he was Priest of Saint Vincent Ferrer Parish
Lyceum of Aparri. In 2005, he chosen as the Spiritual Director of the in Solana, Cagayan in the years 2013-
underwent a Special Course for Holy Name Society. From 1999 to 2016.
Pastors and Formators at the 2005, he was appointed as the director At the Catholic Bishops' Conference
University of Saint Mary of the Lake/ on Mass Media and Communications. of the Philippines (CBCP), Archbishop
Mundelein Seminary, Chicago, USA. In 2005, he returns to his Alma Mater, Baccay chairs at the moment the
Top-left: Archbishop Ricardo Baccay as a seminarian-student of the Pontifical and
Royal University of Santo Tomas, Manila. Bottom Right: His official portrait for his
episcopal consecration on 10 April 2007 at his home church, the Tuguegarao Cathedral.
Below: Archbishop with the other members of the order of bishops on his episcopal
ordination. Previous Page: Archbishop Baccay’s official portrait for the Diocese of
Alaminos where he served for three years.

Episcopal Office on Bioethics since

2015. He heads the Commission on
Youth of the Northern Luzon since
2014. Just last December, he was

elected as the Regional Representative
for Northern Luzon on CBCP
Permanent Council. He was also a
member of CBCP Permanent ...he is the first son of
Committee on Cultural Heritage of
the Church from 2007 to 2009. He was
the city (of Tuguegarao)
a member of CBCP Episcopal to have been born,
Commission on Catechesis and
Catholic Education from 2007 to 2011.
baptized, confirmed,
ordained as a priest,

He was a member of CBCP Episcopal
Commission on Seminaries from 2009 and ordained as a
to 2013. He was also a member of the
CBCP Office of Bioethics from 2011 bishop here.
to 2015. He also served as the Vice
Chairman on Commission of Youth in Cagayan following the resignation
from 2013 to 2017, and from 2015 to o f A r c h b i s h o p S e r g i o L . U t le g ,
2017 he served as a member of the D.D. and returning him to the
CBCP Episcopal Commission on Ecclesiastical Province of Tuguegarao.
Most Rev. Ricardo Lingan Baccay,
On 20 February 2016, His Holiness, D.D., is the first Tuguegarao-born
Pope Francis appointed him as the Archbishop of Tuguegarao. As such,
third Bishop of the Diocese of he is the first son of the City to have
Alaminos in Pangasinan. Serving the been born, baptized, ordained as a
people of the local Church in priest, and ordained as a bishop. He
Alaminos for three years, on 18 Octo- is now the eighth bishop of Tuguega-
ber 2019, Pope Francis appointed him rao and the fourth Archbishop of this
asthe Fourth Archbishop of Tuguegarao venerable See.

The Coat of arms of
Hi s E xc e ll e ncy T he Most Re ve re nd


Me t ropol i t a n Arc hbi shop of Tugue ga ra o
Fr. Victor Emmanuel Quintos
A Bishop‘s coat of arms is composed shows that he is ―married‖ to his neck over the shoulder, in the same
of a shield with its charges (symbols), archdiocese with the arms of jurisdic- way a sheep is carried by Christ, the
a scroll with a motto, and the external tion. Good Shepherd. The pallium is the
ornamentation. The shield, which is The external ornaments are those symbol of a special relationship with
the central and most important prescribed for an Archbishop according the Pope and expresses besides the
feature of any heraldic achievement, to the Instruction of the Holy See, Ut authority, that, in communion with
is blazoned (described) using a Sive, of March 1969. The shield is the Church in Rome, the metropolitan
standardized, traditional vocabulary. ensigned with a gold (yellow) acquires by right in his own
It is described as if the arms were episcopal cross. In heraldry, the two- Ecclesiastical Province (cf. CIC, can.
being worn by the person describing barred (Metropolitan) cross behind the 437, §1). The Pope usually personally
them, thus the dexter (right) side of shield is the true emblem of gives the pallium to Metropolitan
the shield is on the viewer‘s left and Episcopal heraldry. In addition, above Archbishops in a liturgical celebration
the sinister (left) side is on the the shield is a green ecclesiastical hat in St. Peter‘s Basilica on the Solemnity
viewer‘s right. called a ―gallero‖ with twenty tassels, of Saints Peter and Paul (June 29); this
It is customary in many countries ten on each side in four rows on either will be imposed on the Archbishop in
(including the Philippines) for the side of the shield, all in green. This a separate ceremony in his Cathedral.
coat of arms of the Bishop and those broad-brimmed hat, once worn in THE ARCHDIOCESAN COAT-OF-ARMS
of his diocese to be depicted together formal processions, is no longer used The dexter side (viewer‘s left) of the
on the same shield. The episcopal coat but remains a heraldic emblem for shield shows the coat of arms of the
of arms of Archbishop Ricardo Baccay clergy in the Catholic Church. The Archdiocese. The arms of the diocese
and that of the Archdiocese of reason it is green, and not violet, is that are a combination of charges chosen
Tuguegarao are depicted side-by-side. green was the original color worn by to represent the history of the
This is called ―impaling‖ in heraldry. Bishops. archdiocese. These arms are composed of a
By impaling his arms with those of Below the shield is the pallium, the green field, cut in the middle by a blue
his archdiocese, Archbishop Baccay white woolen cloth worn around the wavy pale to represent the Rio Grande
is also the titular of the Cathedral of the
Diocese of Alaminos, where Archbishop
Baccay previously served.
On the right side of the shield, on a blue field,
are elements referring to the personal heritage
of the Archbishop. First is the Thomistic sun
above the Dominican cross, which evokes the
education and formation received by the
Archbishop from the Dominican Fathers in
the University of Santo Tomas, besides the
obvious connection of Cagayan being a
former mission area of the Dominicans.
The Archbishop‘s family name, ―Baccay‖ is
etymologically connected to the Ibanag
word ―mangi-bakka,‖ which means to
proclaim, and/or to announce (literally: to
break word) for others. This is heraldically
representedby the―amariong‖(Tagalog: tambuli),

which can be seen beneath the Dominican
insignia. Traditionally, it was used by the
de Cagayan, on which is displayed a
silver (white) fleur-de-lis representing ...he commits to a renewed town crier to summon the people whenever
some important proclamation was to be
Our Lady of of Piat, mother of the fidelity to this invitation for made. In the Archbishop‘s context, it can also
Cagayan Valley.
Other elements in the field include the two
him to be a channel of God’s refer to his key duty to ―proclaim the Good
News to the poor.‖ (cf. Is 61,1; Lk 4,18).
gold keys crossed debruising a gold Latin goodness and kindness THE EPISCOPAL MOTTO
cross with its head downwards. These
represent St. Peter the Apostle, titular of
towards the people entrusted For his motto, Archbishop Baccay has selected
the Latin phrase ―PATER BENIGNUS AD
the Cathedral, to whom Jesus entrusted the to his care in the Archdiocese OMNES.‖ The phrase is taken from Origen‘s
keys of heaven and hell (cf. Mt. 16, 13-19) ofTuguegarao,to the exclusion

De Principiis (1.4.3). Origen used this phrase to
and who was crucified upside down on
Vatican hill. of no one, just as God has describe the nature of God as a good and kind
Father, from whom all creation flows and
Opposite it is the golden sun in splendor, a been a kind father to all. reaches its summit. It also harkens to the
heraldic element commonly associated with
shield, Archbishop Baccay has retained command of Jesus to imitate the Father who is
the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), who
the design made for him when he was in heaven, he who ―makes his sun to rise on
single-handedly evangelized the Cagayan
ordained an Auxiliary Bishop of Tuguegarao, the evil and on the good and sends rain on the
Valley for nearly 300 years. They arrived in
with some additions. His arms draw upon just and on the unjust.‖ (Mt. 5:45) A father
Nueva Segovia (now Lallo) in 1581, and
the heritage of his family, the Baccays, and does not glory in marks of respect, deference
continued to be the sole missionaries in the
that of his place of origin, Tuguegarao. and obedience rendered unto him. His glory
valley until the end of the Philippine Revolution.
is the flourishing of those entrusted to his care
On the center of each green field is a The entire field is divided into two by even when no one applauds for him and he
representation of fire and, at the base are the cross of Saint Peter (the Cathedral‘s receives no recompense.
mountains. The fertile Cagayan Valley, titular as mentioned earlier), debruised In adopting this phrase as his motto,
as well as the high mountain ranges with a representation of fire, which Archbishop Baccay not only affirms and
hemming it on east and west, is represents Tuguegarao. emphasizes God‘s goodness and
represented by green fields and the
On the left side, on a yellow field (which kindness towards humanity and all
mountains drawn in Italian heraldic
symbolizes the Archbishop‘s filial creation. He also sees his vocation in
style. Also, Tuguegarao, the seat of the
devotion to the Holy Father, the Vicar of these lines, i.e., that his episcopal
diocese, etymologically means ―fire at
Christ) are two elements which ministry is a ministry of spiritual
daytime‖ (tuguig, arao): hence the sun
represent his personal devotions: first, fatherhood. With these words, he
and the symbols of fire Recent scholar-
the letter ―M‖ beneath a golden crown, a commits to a renewed fidelity to this
ship suggests, though, that it comes from
representation of Our Lady, to whom invitation for him to be a channel of God‘s
―tugui gari yao‖ which means ―this was
the Archbishop is devoted to under the goodness and kindness towards the
cleared by fire.‖
title of Our Lady of the Visitation of Piat. people entrusted to his care in the
THE BISHOP’S COAT OF ARMS Beneath is a carpenter‘s square superimposed Archdiocese of Tuguegarao, to the
For his personal arms, depicted on the over a bunch of lilies, a representation of St. exclusion of no one, just as God has been
sinister side (viewer‘s right) of the Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin, who a kind father to all.
The theology of the
THE RITE OF RECEPTION Good Shepherd who laid down his The rite of reception takes place at the
The rite of reception, as reformed life for his sheep.4 door of the cathedral where the newly
after the Second Vatican Council, is so appointed Archbishop is received by
The rites that inaugurate the ministerial
ordered to catechize the people of God the rector of the Cathedral Church.
office of the new bishop highlight the
about the role and function of the The doors of the Church are very
responsibility that he has to undertake
bishop in the Christian community. symbolic. They are signs of Christ – the
in the local Church entrusted to his
The celebration tries to capture - in gate or door through which people
care. The place where the celebration
ritual form - the nature of the Church come to God and the Good Shepherd
takes place is in ―the see‖ of the diocese,
and the relationship of the bishop to who brings together people in one
the mother church of the whole diocese
the Church. sheepfold. (cf. Jn 10:7) From a ritual
– the cathedral church. It is here that
In the rite, the attention is focused on the bishop presides in the liturgy for point of view, at the door those who
the place of the bishop in the liturgical the glorification of God and the are to be baptized and initiated into the
life of the Church. It is important to sanctification of humankind. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are
note that the Bishop is sent to serve as faithful ―should hold in great esteem received. And when they have gone
shepherd of God‘s people in the the liturgical life of the diocese ahead of us in death, they are also
Church, and this shepherding is centered on the bishop, especially in received at the door of the church.
manifested in the liturgies he preside. his cathedral church; they must be Christ is the true door to eternal life.
However, he is not be seen as the convinced that the pre-eminent Here, it is important to note the
embodiment of the whole church nor manifestation of the Church consists pre-eminent role of the Cathedral. It is
are the liturgies he preside the only in the full active participation of all in the Cathedral Church where the
indication of the salvific presence of God‘s holy people in these liturgical bishop gives fuller expression to his
God.2 celebrations, especially in the same ministry and exhibits the pre-eminent
At the same time, the Bishop is a Eucharist, in a single prayer, at one manifestation of the local church: there,
successor of the Apostles, head of the altar, at which there presides the he leads his flock in active and
local Church entrusted to his care, bishop surrounded by his college of conscious worship, together with his
and the representative of Christ priests and by his ministers.‖ (SC 41)5 fellow priests – the presbyters – in celebrating
himself.3 His functions and duties are Saint Paul VI also reminded us that the memory of the Lord. Not only is it
always defined in relationship to the Liturgy is first in the life of the the home of the diocese, but it
Christ the head of the Church, the Church.6 represents tangibly the diocese, always

office as the shepherd of the flock to
witness to this self-giving love of the
Good Shepherd: ―No greater love
than this, to lay down one‘s life for
his friends.‖ (Jn 15:13)
Then the sprinkling of the holy water
on himself and to the people present,
recalls baptism from which all of us
have been made children of God,
sharers of the universal priesthood.
We are Christians even before we are
ordained as bishops and presbyters.
This gesture manifests the
fundamental bond that the bishop
and the faithful share in the faith; it is
baptism. The greatest Father of the

“ ”
Latin Church, St. Augustine of Hippo
clearly expresses this primordial

...for you I am a bishop,

with you I am a
Christian… (St. Augustine)
relationship: ―for you I am a bishop,
with you I am a Christian. The first is
the name of an office undertaken,
the second a name of grace; that one
means danger, this one salvation.
Finally, as if in the open sea, I am
being tossed about by the stormy
activity involved in that one; but as I
recall by whose blood I have been
redeemed, I enter a safe harbor in the
THE CATHEDRA OF TUGUEGARAO tranquil recollection of this one; and
thus while toiling away at my own
proper office, I take my rest in the
ready for God‘s presence in the midst of Blessed Sacrament. Then, he will be marvelous benefit conferred on all of
humanity‘s concern for what is ephemeral. led to the area set aside for vesting, so us in common.‖ (Sermon 340)
The Cathedral Church, then, ―is a sign of that he and the other ministers put on
the unity of believers in the faith that the vestments for Mass, which is
the bishop proclaims as a shepherd of celebrated in the form of a stational
A bishop assumes office in his dio-
the Lord‘s flock.‖7 Mass.8
cese ritually signified in what the
The Ceremonial of Bishops (1142) states The symbols in this rite of reception Code of Canon Law calls the ―taking
that ―The rector of the cathedral church are very direct. They are preparatory possession of his diocese.‖9 He takes
offers the bishop a crucifix to be rites for the celebration of the Eucharist, possession‖ of the functions of which
kissed.‖ When this is completed, the which is the heart of the whole he is to exercise in the diocese,
Bishop takes the sprinkler of holy water, celebration. namely: to be its teacher, high priest
and sprinkles himself and those present. The Archbishop kisses the crucifix as a and administrator. It is now
After that, the Archbishop will kneel in reminder of his relationship with commonly called canonical
the kneeler prepared for him at the Christ, who suffered and died for his installation, that is, to be inducted
threshold of the Cathedral for some flock. He is reminded and it is into a stall or seat otherwise called
moments of adoration before the demanded by the very nature of his the seating of the bishop to his see to

mark the beginning of his episcopal gathered Christian community in the clearly in a liturgy that he celebrates
servant-leadership or service. way of the Christ, the Suffering with his people. Thus, the celebration
The rite is incorporated within the Servant.12 He is to be a steward, not a of the Eucharist continues in the
Eucharistic celebration for it in the prince; a leader, not a dictator.13 As the usual manner, presided over by the
Eucharist that ―the bishop (becomes) quote often misattributed to St. new Archbishop.
the point of unity for the Church of the Charles Borromeo goes: Pater non
Dominus quia amari appetit non timeri - a Endnotes:
diocese; when he presides at the
liturgical function, the local church Father, not a Lord, so that his beloved 1
Adapted from “The Seating of the Bishop:
achieves its maximum unity and may seek him without fear.14 Installation to the Pastoral Ministry as
Archbishop” from the Rite of Liturgical
community.‖10 In addition, the ―cathedra‖ is a symbol
Reception, Eucharistic Celebration, and
The mass begins as usual. After of the Bishop‘s role as teacher: in his
Canonical Installation of The Most
reverencing the altar, Archbishop Sergio cathedral church, the bishop occupies Reverend Florentino Galang Lavarias, DD,
Utleg, Archbishop Emeritus, begins the the chair or cathedra which is ―a © 2014, Archdiocesan Liturgical
celebration of the Eucharist and greets prominent sign of the teaching Commission of San Fernando, Pampanga;
the people of God gathered for this authority belonging to each bishop in with additions and corrections from the
celebration. After the greeting, he will his own church.‖15 The Ceremonial not Commission on Worship of the
address the congregation a nd only mentions the bishop preaching Archdiocese of Tuguegarao.
introduce the celebration, after which, from the chair; it, in fact, gives even 2
Jerome P. Theisen, ”Episcopal Liturgy as a
he will ask that the Apostolic Letter more details: ―unless he decides that Theological Locus for Ecclessiology” in
appointing a new Archbishop be some other way is preferable, the Ceremonial of Bishops: A Reader, 4.
bishop should preach while seated at

“ ”
shown and read.11 The Chargé d’Affaires 3
Ibid., 7.
ad interim of the Apostolic Nunciature the chair.‖ 16 4
Cf. Jn 10:11.
in the Philippines, Mons. Julien Kabore, 5
will read the translation of the letter in …a Father, not a Lord, that Cf. St. Ignatius of Antioch, To the
Smyrnians, 8; To the Magnesians, 7; To the
English, followed by a translation in
his beloved may seek Philadelphians, 4.
him without fear…
Mysterium Fidei, 2.
The reading and presentation of the 7
Apostolic Letter evokes memories of (St. Charles Borromeo) Caeremoniale Episcoporum, ex Decreto
Sacrosancti Oecumenica Concili Vaticani II
the ancient Roman practice of the
Instauratum Auctoritate Joannis Paulis II
proclamation of decrees before the
The rite of canonical installation ends Promulgatum, typical edition (Vatican City:
assembled people. Today, this is to be
with the illustrative gesture of Vatican Polyglot Press, 1984) English trans.
seen as an expression of the bonds of Ceremonial of Bishops (CE) 42; 43.
receiving the greeting of representatives
unity between the local church and the
from various groups and sectors in the 8
CE, 1142.
universal church, headed by the
Archdiocese, particularly 9
CIC, can. 382, §2.
Bishop of Rome, the Pope.
representatives of the diocesan clergy, 10
When the reading of the Apostolic Theisen, op. cit., 8
religious men and women, members of
Letter is completed, the people will the faithful, and as circumstances suggest, 11
CE, 1143.
respond (preferably by singing) with representatives of the civil authority.17 12
“The “cathedra” should be a chair that
―Thanks be to God‖ or some other In olden times, this was referred to as stands alone and is permanently installed.
suitable acclamation. This is the paying ―homage‖ to the Bishop; today, it is Its placement should make it clear that the
people‘s expression of their assent to to be understood as a symbol of the bishop is presiding over the whole
the shepherd given to them by the bonds between the shepherd and his community of the faithful… There is to be
Pope. flock, and the respect and obedience no baldachin over the bishop’s chair.” CE,
Next, the Archbishop is led to his the people of God ought to render the 47.
―cathedra‖ (literally, chair), by the chief shepherd of the Archdiocese. As 13
cf. Pope Francis, Admonition to Bishops;
Archbishop-Emeritus. After the Vatican II teaches: ―the faithful should Titus 1:7
liturgical reforms of Vatican II, there cling to the bishop as the Church 14
Hugo de St. Cher, O.P., Meditations on
has been a renewed understanding of clings to Jesus Christ and as Jesus the Gospel of Matthew, 23.
this important symbol of Episcopal Christ clings to the Father…‖18
BB, Chapter 26, 880
office: no longer is it to be seen as a In the Eucharist, Sacrosanctum 16
throne from where the Bishop is to Concilium (41) teaches us that the office CE, 17.
administer power, but a chair from of bishop as teacher, sanctifier, and 17
CE, 1143.
which he presides over and teaches the pastor of his church shines forth most 18
Lumen Gentium, 27


Most Rev. Sergio L. Utleg, DD


Fr. Gerard Ariston P. Perez

Fr. Bernard B. Corpus
Over-all Coordinators

Ma. Belen Barias-Lim

Assistant Over-all Coordinator

Accommodation, Reception & Invitation

Ayleen B. Pagalilauan
Fr. Lloyd Q. De Leon
Fr. Paolo Benedict C. Pasinca
Mary Jane W. Donato

Fr. Kristian Noel A. Sibbaluca
& Young Clergy

Fr. Bernard B. Corpus

Fr. Carlos L. Evangelista

Fr. Bernice Wynn D. Rio & co.

Fr. Brien Mark C. Catabay
Fr. Victor Emmanuel C. Quintos
Fr. Chate Leir M. Javier
Fr. Bernice Wynn D. Rio
Fr. Severino Ma. T. Bariuan

Fr. Macario L. Malano, Jr.

Traffic, Parking, & Security

Fr. Eustaquio Jaime E. Aggabao
Tuguegarao City Traffic Management Group

Fr. Edgardo D. Baculi
Moises Calucag
Jessieliz Tumbali
Cathedral Lay Organizations,
Movements & Associations
Documentation & Souvenir Program
Fr. Dennis T. Ordillos, Jr.
The largest of colonial era churches
in Cagayan Valley, the Tuguegarao
Cathedral was built by Fray Antonio
Lobato, OP from 1761-66 in a
unique earthquake baroque style that
would later be the blueprint for most
Cagayan colonial churches. It
suffered heavily during the Second
World Way and was rebuilt through
the efforts of Bishop Constance
Jurges, CICM. In 2013, an extensive
restoration of the interiors to its pre-
war forms and vistas was conducted.
walks of life. The image of Our
Lady of Piat has underwent
numerous restorations through the
years, for the sake of posterity.
Due to the thousands of devotees
and the faithful who flock to her
shrine, the old ermita was
demolished and the cornerstone
laid for a new larger church on 20
June 1986. This new church which
stands today was finished and
blessed by Manila Archbishop
Jaime Cardinal Sin in 1995 and
barely four years after, it was
elevated by His Holiness, Saint
Pope John Paul II to the status of
―Minor Basilica‖ on 22 June 1999,
the first in the Cagayan Valley
Region. In 2004, the Archdiocese of
Tuguegarao celebrated the 400th
anniversary of the arrival of the Our
On December 26 of that year, a Lady of Piat in the province of
traslacion of the image from the Cagayan. This year 2020, the
Santo Domingo de Piat Church to Affectionally called
Archdiocese will celebrate the 400th
the ermita at the banks of the Chico “Yena” (mother) by her anniversary of the arrival of Our
River happened. A mass followed Lady of Piat in the Itawes.
after the procession at the ermita.
children, she is the
That said ermita was soon guide and intercessor
abandoned because of the raging
waters of the Chico River and it was
moved it present uphill location.

for the needs of every
Cagayano faithful.
The second ermita for the Our Lady
of Piat was built by Fr. Diego The ermita would later became the
Piñero, OP in the 18th century parish church of Piat after
following the same pattern in 1623. abandoning the ruined Santo
It was restored in 1875 by Fr. José Domingo church. In 1951, the
Gurrumeta, OP and in 1884, Fr.
Isidro Rodriguez, OP installed a six
square meter portico of wood at the

original image was brought around
the entire Cagayan Valley region to
visit parishes. On 10 June 1954, the
ermita‘s façade, galvanized roofing venerated image was brought to
and stained-glass windows. In 1888, Tuguegarao for the festivities in
Pope Leo XIII issued certain connection to her canonical Top-left: The ancient Sanctuario de Piat,
indulgences for those who visit the coronation. On the evening of 20 Our Lady’s original shrine built atop a hill
ermita of Our Lady of Piat. Fr. June 1954, the image of Our Lady eventually gave way for a new larger
Santiago Capdavilla, OP installed a of Piat was canonically crowned as structure that would later be elevated to
silver retablo for the image on 1 Sep- ―Queen of Heaven and Earth‖ at the status of a Basilica. Above: The de
tallado image of Our Lady sans her
tember 1897 and the image was the Cathedral patio by Archbishop
elaborate vestments are stylistically
clothed with silk and golden acces- Egidio Vagnozzi, the Apostolic Goanese according to historians. Its
sories. It survived the ravages of the Nuncio to the Philippines and it miraculous that the four century old im-
Second World War and the great was witnessed by a multitude age whose hands and faces are made of
earthquake of 1949. of the Cagayano faithful from all papier mache survives to this day.
OurLady of Piat
The Our Lady of the Visitation of


came from Goa, India, another
Niño Kevin Baclig
Piat and there, the people accepted
Piat is the secondary patroness of Portuguese colony, because her the image with great joy. Her
the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao stylistic features are similar to dark skin made her appealing to
and the Queen of the Cagayan images produced there. In 1604, the people of the Itawes region. In
Valley. Affectionally called the image of Our Lady of Piat 1623, the missionary priest of Piat
―Yena‖ (Mother) by her children, arrived in Manila and was first Fr. Juan de Santa Ana, OP
she is the guide and intercessor to housed at the Santo Domingo planned to bring the original
the needs of every faithful Church and Priory in Intramuros, image to Tuguegarao and
Cagayano. Through the years, Manila. That same year, she was commissioned a replica for Piat.
many miracles were attributed brought to Ciudad Nueva Segovia The natives relented and wanted
through her intercession and these (Lal-lo, Cagayan) and was housed the original image back to them.
testimonies were recorded as at the church and priory of In the end, the priest acceded to
early as the Spanish regime. Such Bagumbayan (the present parish the wishes of his flock. Ownership
stories bring more people closer to church of Lal-lo). In the 17th of the image was also contested by
Jesus through Mary. century, the newly opened Itawes the people of Piat and neighboring
mission was a great burden to the Tuao. To avoid further tension, it
Originally known as the Nuestra Dominicans assigned there. The was decided that an ermita was to
Señora del Santissimo Rosario she people instigated revolts and the be built on a cliff between the two
originally came from the missionaries would abandon their towns overlooking the Chico
Portuguese colony of Macau. posts out of fear. In 1620, the River. It was built in Piat but it
Others say that the image actually image was brought to the town of faced Tuao.
time of Bishop Foley, the patio of first to be installed was its two-storey structure. On 21
the Cathedral was paved and galvanized roof. During the time September 1974, it was elevated to a
installed new set of pews. Bishop of Bishop Alejandro Olalia, the Metropolitan Cathedral on the
Santiago Sancho was consecrated interiors were renovated and they occasion of the elevation of Diocese
at the Tuguegarao Cathedral on 29 installed new sets of retablos. The of Tuguegarao as an Archdiocese.
June 1917. In 1938, the Cagayan belltower of the Cathedral was Major restoration of the Cathedral
Valley Atheneum (later Ateneo de the last to be restored. It was began in 2013 and as a result, the
Tuguegarao, and then University blessed on 12 November 1967 by ceiling from the time of Bishop
of Saint Louis) was established at Bishop Teodulfo Domingo. The Jurgens and the retablos from the
the adjacent convent. present bells of the Cathedral im- time of Bishop Olalia were replaced
The Cathedral and its adjacent ported from Belgium were also by the copy of the retablos and the
convent were destroyed in 1945. baptized that same day. vaulted ceiling of the Cathedral
It was subsequently restored in a Unfortunately, the old convent based on the photographs from 1917.
period of 22 years. Funds came was never restored to its former It newly-restored Cathedral was
through the donations from the glory. Instead, it was demolished solemnly rededicated on September
faithful of Tuguegarao and the and replaced with a modern 20, 2014.
On this rock
Prince Wilson Macarubbo
The mission of Tuguegarao was of Fr. Antonio Lobato de Santo Bonifacio Corujedo, OP installed
founded on 9 May 1604 under Tomàs, OP. Hornos were built at tiles on the interior and
patronage of Saint Peter the the banks of the Cagayan and established a cemetery outside the
Apostle. The origins of the Saint Pinacanauan Rivers to facilitate in Tuguegarao Centro in 1895 (now
Peter‘s Metropolitan Cathedral the manufacturing of ladrillos (red the Old Tuguegarao Cemetery).
goes back to the provisional brick) and lime. In lieu of taxes, Fr. Esteban Guzman, OP managed
structure built by the town‘s first the faithful were asked to help in the parochial school at the convent
vicar Fr. Tomas Villar, OP in 1606. the construction of the church. in 1893. On 31 August 1898, the
In the course of time, it was The construction ended in 1766 Philippine flag was hoisted at the
replaced by different construction based on the ladrillo insets found belltower of the church and the
materials in order to accommodate on the Cathedral. The convent convent was ransacked by the
the growing number of people and the cemetery were also built revolutionaries. In 1907, the
attending religious services. In that time. convent became the home to the
various statistics during the Fr. Julian Velinchon, OP made Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus
Spanish era, even before it became some modifications on the which was run by the Sisters of St.
the capital of Cagayan, convent and he installed a pipe Paul of Chartres (now Saint Paul
Tuguegarao has a larger popula- organ at the choir loft. In 1890, University Philippines). On 10
tion than Ciudad Nueva Segovia Fr. Romualdo Aguado, OP April 1910, the church of Fr.
(Lal-lo). Finally, on January 17, installed inner steel fences around Lobato became the Cathedral of
1761, the construction of the the church (one of the gates could the newly established Diocese of
present Saint Peter‘s Cathedral still be seen on the way going to Tuguegarao and Saint Peter,
commenced under the supervision the Archbishop‘s Palace). Fr. patron of the diocese. During the
The See of Tuguegarao
celebrated the centennial
anniversary of its foundation.
1986 2011 2019
1974 2010 Pope Francis appoints Bp. Baccay
The See of Tuguegarao is as 4th Metropolitan Archbishop.
elevated to a
Metropolitan Archdiocese.
Archbishop of Tuguegarao
Archbishop of Tuguegarao
Bishop of Tuguegarao, 1957-1974
Archbishop of Tuguegarao, 1974-1986
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Mallo y Peñaflor, Domingo. Vignettes
Atabug, Ana Ma. The History of the about Cagayan and Her People. 1978
Church of Tuguegarao, Cagayan. 1967. Cagayan Provincial Day Souvenir
Program. Province of Cagayan.
Collantes, Domingo OP. Historia de la
Provincia del Santissimo Rosario de Malumbres, Julian, OP. Historia de
Filipinas, China, y Tunquin Orden de Cagayan. University of Santo Tomas
Predicadores. Manila, 1783. Press: Manila, 1918.
De Sta. Cruz, Baltazar OP. Tomo Segun- Noche, Manuel M.I. The Dominican
do de la Historia de la Provincia del Missionaries in the Cagayan Valley:
Santo Rosario de Filipinas, Japon, y Chi- Their Missions and Architecture”,
na de las Islas Filipinas. Vallaloid, 1890. Philippiniana Sacra XXXIX, no.117 Ordo Predicatorum, Provinciarum Sancti Rosarii
Filipinarum. Acta Capitulorum Provincialium,
Hornedo, Florentino. On the Trail of Do- (September-December 2004): 533-78. Toma I (1874), II (1877), III (1878). (Colegio de
minican Engineers, Artists and Saints in Santo Tomas: Manila)
Obispado de Tuguegarao. Boletin
the Cagayan Valley and Batanes. Manila:
Eclesiástico de Filipinas 13, year XIII, Pobre-Yñigo, Virgilio. The Colegio de San
University of Santo Tomas Press, 2002.
no. 146 (September 1935): 570-71. Jacinto, Boletin Eclesiástico de Filipinas Vol.
José, Regalado Trota. A Visual Documen- Ocio, Hilario Ma.,OP. Compendio de 69, nos. 758-59 (March-April 1993): 204-17.
tation of Fil-Hispanic Churches-- Part la Reseña Biografica de los Religi-
XIX: The Church of San Pablo Apostol osos de la Provincia del Santisimo Salgado, Pedro, OP. Cagayn Valley & Eastern
in Cabagan Viejo, Isabela. Philippiniana Rosario (Manila: 1895) Cordillera 1581-1898. Volume I. Quezon City:
Sacra LIII, no. 160 (September-December Rex Commercial, 2002.
___________, Eladio Neira, OP, and
2018), 527-88. Gregorio Arnaiz, OP. Misioneros Talamayan, Diosdado. Our Lady of Piat: Ca-
Josue, Ericson M. Out of the depths: Doninicos en el Extremo Oriente. nonically Crowned, Boletin Eclesiástico de
revisiting the epicentre of Aglipaya- Vols. 1 & 2. Colegio de Santo Tomas: Filipinas 29, Year XXXIII, no. 326 (August
nism. Diocese of Laoag, 2012. Manila, 1903. 1955):510-14.
Bishop of Tugeugarao, 1910-1916 Apostolic Administrator,1954-1957
Bishop of Tugeugarao, 1928-1950 the Philippines.
1917 1941 1950
1910 1928 1953
The Diocese of Tuguegarao
is created.
Bishop of Tugeugarao, 1917-1927 Bishop of Tugeugarao, 1950-1954
democracy in the country. With a new missionary zeal and simple living, he the Church in Cagayan. Interestingly,
government in power, the province promoted and defended the rights of they are all sons of San Jacinto
has to move on and start a new the indigenous peoples. He was also Seminary. More importantly, they are
future. It was a difficult transition and passionately involved in the children of Our Lady of Piat! Truly
opposition to the new government protection and conservation of our without doubt, the small seed had
would sometimes turn bloody through natural environment. On 19 October grown into a bountiful tree.
military coup. The Archdiocese 2019, Pope Francis accepted the
The hounds of war, of invasion, of
intervened during these violent resignation of Archbishop Utleg and
he appointed Alaminos Bishop pestilence and floods, of schisms and
events, calling for a peaceful, resolute
Ricardo Baccay as the 4th Archbishop scandals have beset our valley.
end to the crisis. From January 20 to
Dreamers and schemers have played
February 17, 1991, the CBCP convened of Tuguegarao. Since the elevation of
Tuguegarao as a Metropolitan See, on our land. They have all passed away.
the Second Plenary Council of the
Yet the cross on which the faith of the
Philippines (PCP II) in Manila and its
Tuguegarao was people of the Valley was anchored had
aim was to reform the ways of the
withstood the gruelling tests of time.
Philippine Church in the spirit of the elevated to the status of Like the great steady river whose
Second Vatican Council. That same
an archdiocese in 1974. water does not seem to run out, so too
year, Archbishop Talamayan convened
will the cross be until all the Rio
the first Archdiocesan Assembly at
the San Jacinto Minor Seminary, in
All appointed Grande runs dry. Like the tree upon
which Jesus had died so that we may
response to the agenda brought by metropolitans were
the PCP II.
On 22 June 1999, the Shrine of Our

“ members of its own

live and bear fruit, this cross which
the missionaries have planted, this
cross that our shepherds have cared
Lady of Piat who was instrumental in for, this cross that the people have
the evangelization of Cagayan, was She has always been blessed with nurtured… have become a great and
raised to a status of a ‗Minor Basilica.‘ fertile tree that gives life and
homegrown metropolitan
On 10 April 2007, Fr. Ricardo Baccay, refreshment to all who draw close.
then the rector of the San Jacinto archbishops—beginning with
Minor Seminary, was ordained Archbishop Domingo of Baggao, Today we reap what have been
―Auxiliary Bishop of Tuguegarao.‖ Archbishop Talamayan of Aparri, sowed through sweat, tears, and
On 10 April 2010, the Archdiocese
celebrated the grand centenary of its
foundation with the theme: "Growing
Tuguegarao City,

Archbishop Utleg of Solana, and
Baccay from
Cagayan. These

blood, truly daunting if not only for

God‘s grace and our faith in his
fidelity. How we nurture these gift,
in Wisdom and Age." On 15 June 2011 four archbishops raised to the office gained at the cost of many untold
Archbishop Talamayan retired from of metropolitan archbishops, serving struggles and pains, will be our
his post and was succeeded by Bishop their own presbyterium and local legacy as we continue to live lives
Sergio L. Utleg as the 3rd Archbishop people, are signs of God‘s graces and propelled by faith, imbued with hope,
of Tuguegarao. Known for his blessings and the Holy See‘s favour to and impelled by pure Love.
the reorganization, reconstruction and
restoration of Church properties of his
diocese. He invited the Jesuits and
they took over the Cagayan Valley
Atheneum which they later renamed
Ateneo de Tuguegarao. He resigned on
6 May 1950 and he died two years
later, on 3 June 1952. He was succeeded
by his coadjutor Bishop Alejandro A.
Olalia as the fourth Bishop of
Tuguegarao at the age of 37.
Bisho p Ola lia co nti nued the
reconstruction effortsand policies of his
predecessor. He invited the Dominican
Nuns of Saint Catherine of Siena to his
Diocese and they worked in Gattaran
by founding the St. Catherine's Academy.
TheItalian Franciscans(OFM) were also
invited by the bishop to work in the
parishes of Northeast Cagayan where
later an order of nuns, the ―Franciscan Above. Built atop a picturesque hill in Peñablanca, Cagayan, the San Jacinto
Apostolic Sisters‖ would be founded Seminary is the high school seminary of the Archdiocese. Archbishop Baccay is an
by Fr. Gerardo Fillipetto, OFM. From alumnus there. Oppostite. The college seminary of the Archdiocese is the Thomas
January 7 to 25, 1953, the First Plenary Aquinas Major Seminary located inside the Lyceum of Aparri, the biggest
Council of the Philippines was held at archdiocesan school in the Valle founded in 1967 by Archbishop Talamayan..
San Agustin Church in Manila; the
first major accomplishment of the Vatican Council would continue Tuguegarao. On 1950, the Prelature of
Catholic Bishops‘ Conference of the under Paul VI, but the latter decided Batanes Islands & Babuyanes was
Philippines (CBCP). On 28 December to continue the council. On 26 erected. In 1951 it became part of
1953, he was appointed Bishop of September 1963, the Second Session Nueva Segovia then on 1974 it returned
Lipa With his appointment as Bishop was convened and it ended on as a suffragan of Tuguegarao, it‘s
of Lipa, a sede vacante ensued from 28 December 4 of the same year. Two mother See. On 31 January 1970, the
December 1953 to 29 April 1957. The more sessions followed: Third Diocese of Ilagan was erected with
Apostolic Administrator was Msgr. (September 14 - November 21, 1964) Bishop Francisco Cruces as its first
Juan C. Sison. The sede vacante and the Fourth (September 14- prelate. The territory of the new diocese
witnessed the construction of the December 8, 1965). Bishop Teodulfo covered the Province of Isabela.
present Bishop's Palace and 20 June Domingo was one of the Council On 21 September 1974, Saint Paul VI
1954, the canonical coronation of the fathers who participated and elevated the Diocese of Tuguegarao to
Our Lady of Piat. It ended when attended the sessions of the Council. an Archdiocese with the Diocese of
Msgr. Teodulfo S. Domingo of The Diocese of Tuguegarao was Ilagan, Territorial Prelature of Batanes
Baggao, Cagayan (the parish priest of patient and careful in implementing and the Diocese of Bayombong as Her
Aparri that time) was appointed the the reforms of the Council. With the suffragan sees. Bishop Teodulfo
fifth Bishop of the Diocese on 29 April reforms brought by the Second Domingo became the first Archbishop
1957. He is the first ever Cagayano to Vatican Council, the Church's mission of Tuguegarao making him the first son
be raised to the order of bishops. expanded its borders. It became more of Cagayan to be elevated to the honor.
On 11 October 1962, St. John XXIII open to the people and it manifested On 31 January 1986, Archbishop
opened the Second Vatican Council. itself as the "Church of the Poor." On Domingo, the longest reigning prelate
Catholic bishops, priests and 7 November 1966, the Territorial of the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao,
observers from the laity and different Prelature of Bayombong was resigned at the age of 75. Auxiliary
Christian denominations attended the established and it covered the Bishop Diosdado A. Talamayan
First Session of the Council. provinces of Nueva Vizcaya and succeeded him as the sixth Bishop and
Unfortunately, the good Pope John Quirino. Its first bishop was Bishop second Archbishop of Tuguegarao. The
XXIII died on 3 June 1963. He was Albert van Overbeke, CICM. It was first year of his administration
succeeded by Saint Paul VI on 12 June later raised as a Diocese on 15 witnessed the EDSA People Power
1963. It was not clear if the Second November 1982 severing it from Revolution and the return of
Sancho was appointed the second missionary experience in the World War II was imminent. Soon, this
Bishop of Tuguegarao and its first Philippines helped him in his same war will make the Philippines pay
Filipino prelate. In 1918, he administration of the Diocese. It was the price for being an ally of the
established the Colegio-Seminario de also during his time that the Americans.
San Jacinto administered by the Dominicans, with exception to Fr. On 7 December 1941 Pearl Harbor was
Dominicans for the formation of Julian Malumbres, OP, left the attacked by the Imperial Japanese Air
young men who would become mainland Cagayan for good in 1932 Force. The next day, on the Solemnity
future pastors in the diocese. From and the Colegio-Seminario de San of Immaculate Conception, the
April 8 to 14, 1923, he convoked the Jacinto was closed. Seminarians were Japanese began their attacks in the
second Diocesan Synod which was instead sent to the seminario in Vigan. Philippines and invaded the northern
also held at the Colegio-Seminario de From 27 to 28 August 1935, he presid- areas of the country, including
San Jacinto. On 22 April 1927, Msgr. ed over the third Diocesan synod Cagayan. Tuguegarao, the seat of the
Sancho was appointed Bishop of which was held at the Tuguegarao diocese, was occupied by December 11.
Nueva Segovia. Tuguegarao was once Cathedral. He was known to have The invaders imposed harsh
again a vacant see for many months invited other congregations, apart restrictions. Curfew was in place and
until Msgr. Constance Jurgens was from the CICM in running the other whoever was suspected of being a
appointed the third Bishop of parishes of the Diocese. The shortage guerrilla or its supporter meted a death
Tuguegarao on 27 January 1928. A of diocesan priests were still sentence. In the years 1941-1945, the
member of the Congregation of the prevalent in those days. The faithful suffered not only from the
Immaculate Heart of Mary (CICM), reputation of Msgr. Jurgens as the hands of the Japanese but also of
Msgr. Jurgens was one of the order‘s "teaching bishop" made him publish hunger and sickness. These maybe the
first nine missionaries to be sent to the pamphlets of the Catechism for people‘s bitter moments but their faith
Philippines in 1907. He was first children and in 1938, he opened the remained strong, hopeful for a brighter
assigned to Bontoc as its missionary Cagayan Valley Atheneum, an future through the aid of their
priest. Later, he was appointed Parish exclusive school for boys with the dedicated clergy who tirelessly
Priest of Bayombong. He was later help of his fellow CICM confreres and ministered to their needs, both bodily
sent back to Holland and was diocesan priests. and spiritually, even during these dark
assigned as rector of the seminary The episcopacy of Msgr. Constant times.
there. There he worked until he was Jurgens covered the latter part of the In the years 1943-1945, the tides of the
appointed Bishop of Tuguegarao. The so-called "Peacetime" period. People war changed. The Japanese had
people of Tuguegarao loved him for enjoyed the gayest moments of their destroyed the shipyards at Pearl
being close to them in their needs. His lives. On the other side of the globe, Harbor, but they had failed to destroy
the naval repair yards and fuel storage
tanks and soon the Pacific fleet was up
and running again. As a result, the
Japanese unleashed their vengeance
towards defenceless civilians by killing
everyone along their path and they
would loot and burn properties, even
an entire town or barangay. Many
Church properties were not spared. The
Cathedral and other churches in
Cagayan were destroyed during the
fighting. In the end, on 15 August 1945,
the Japanese surrendered and the war
was finally over. The Second World
War brought many horrors and
sorrows among the Cagayanos. Many
were killed, injured and properties
were destroyed or lost. The Diocese of
Tuguegarao was one with the people in
those terrible three years and eight
months of terror and bloodshed.
On top of Bishop Jurgen‘s agenda was
the strain on his physical health. On
horseback and canoe, he travelled his
vast territory which extended from
Northern Tarlac in the south,
Northern Nueva Ecija in the southeast,
Pangasinan in the southwest up to the
north, in the Batanes Islands;
encompassing the Mountain Provinces,
Ilocandia, and the Cagayan Valley.
These travels took him months to
complete. A companion of his, Fr.
Daniel Gerke recalled: ―Everywhere
scenes of destruction and desolation
confronted us…parishes were vacant,
churches destroyed, and people were
deprived of the comforts of religion.‖
The dilemma for the pastors of the
flock in Northern Luzon is further
aggravated by the rise of Protestantism
brought about by the Thomasites (The
new educational reform by the
American brought in an army of
mostly Methodist teachers). In
response, the Apostolic Delegate
Ambrose Agius, OSB wrote to the
different religious congregations from
Europe and the United States to send
some of their personnel to the
Philippines. Moreover, the Spanish
Patronato Real ceased to exist; thus, the
Vatican began to be directly involved
in the Philippine Church affairs. On
17 September 1902, Pope Leo XIII
issued the papal bull Quae Mari Sinico
which laid down the reforms
needed for the Philippine Church.
In 1901, the Dominicans returned to
Tuguegarao and opened the Colegio de Above. St. Peter’s Metropolitan Cathedral in Tuguegarao before the war that brought
San Jacinto, an exclusive school for it to it’s knees and after the extensive restoration project in 2013.
boys beside the Ermita de Piedra de Oppostite. Photos of the Cathedral taken after the destructive Second World War by
San Jacinto. Fr. Ricardo Vaquero, OP the now defunct Cagayan Studio. The churches which did survive the war, would
was its first rector. In 1907, the Saint eventually be heavily damaged or brought down by a devastative earthquake four
Paul of Chartes (SPC) sisters arrived years later in 1949.
in Tuguegarao and opened the Colegio document actually decreed the plans and the foundations of the
del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (now Saint erection of the Dioceses of Tuguegarao, Diocese. He presided the First
Paul University Philippines) at the Zamboanga, Lipa, Calbayog and the Diocesan Synod from April 16-19,
convent of the Tuguegarao Cathedral, Territorial Prelature of Palawan. 1912 which was held at the Colegio
a school exclusive for girls and it was The new Diocese of Tuguegarao de San Jacinto. On September 6, 1916,
only open for boys until the Second under the patronage of St. Peter the Msgr. Maurice Patrick Foley was
Grade. Finally during the consistory Apostle, was carved from the Ancient appointed Bishop of Jaro (where he
of April 10, 1910, the decree Nova See of Nueva Segovia, and it covered would eventually die in office on
Diocesum Circumscriptio in Insulis the entire Cagayan Valley Region, August 3, 1919) and a month-long
Philippinis was signed by the Secretary including the Babuyanes. Msgr. vacancy followed. Msgr. Estanislao
of the Consistorial Congregation Maurice Patrick Foley was appointed Mendoza became the diocesan
Cardinal Gaetano de Lai and finally its first prelate on 1 September 1910. administrator.
implementing Quae Mari Sinico. This His episcopacy laid the structural On 5 February 1917 Msgr. Santiago C.
country, the persecution and kerbing
of native clergy. They clamoured for a
Filipino native clergy for the Filipino
Church. Many people joined the
bailwick and defected into the new
church having been told that there is
absolutely no difference in the
religion. Roman Catholic properties
were overtaken by the Aglipayans,
and non-Filipino priests evicted from
their parishes. The then 37-year old
Bishop Denis Dougherty, who has
just been appointed Bishop of Nueva
Segovia in 1903 could never have
known what awaited him in Northern
Luzon: a diocese in ruins. This total
stranger had to troubleshoot a clergy
in schism, a rebellious people,
abandoned mission churches,
dilapidated temples, and empty
coffer and a seminary dismantled and
convent of Alcala Church and nearby despoiled, many books were taken as
towns. There, the revolutionaries Everywhere scenes of wrapping paper in shops. The new
would do all sorts of maltreatment on bishop had to repair the Cathedral
the Spanish Friars. In 1899, the friars destruction and and his episcopal residence with the
were allowed to return to Manila on desolation confronted chapel converted into a stable for
orders from General Aguinaldo and horses by a revolutionary general.
that same year, the Philippine- us…parishes were As he began visiting his territory, the
American War broke out. At two bishop whose orientation was that of
vacant, churches a seminary professor has to face
o‘clock in the afternoon of 11
December 1899, Daniel Tirona
surrendered to American Captain
Bowman McCalla in Aparri onboard

destroyed, and people
were deprived of the
challenges and hardships that are not
in the books. After mastering Spanish
and familiarizing the various local
USS Newark. Cagayan was now comforts of religion. languages and dialects and provincial
under the rule of a new colonial idioms in his diocese, he had to bear
master: the Americans.
The first quarter of the 20th century
was a difficult period in the life of the
Church of Nueva Segovia (which
until 1910 comprised of almost the
entire Northern Luzon.) Many parishes
left by evicted Spanish friars were
taken by renegade native secular clergy

who defected to the newly established
Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI). In
Ilocos Norte which was worst hit, all
except one priest remained in the
Catholic fold. He was later murdered
in his rectory. It is interesting that
Aglipay, who would later become the
schismatic church‘s Obispo Maximo
was the former Ecclesiastical Governor
of the Diocese of Nueva Segovia
before they defected! The movement
decried the abuses closely associated
with the Spanish religious in the
probably crafted by a Goanese sculptor,
was ―muy morena.‖ The people did not
want a dark skinned Madonna, they
wanted it to be made of precious
ivory as was vogue during the period.
The image was then brought to their
mission to Cagayan in the same year.
In their mission, they always brought
an image of Our Lady as their
companion in their missionary work.
When they found the people of the
Itawes difficult to pacify and
evangelize they brought her from
Lal-lo to Piat in 1620 as a common
mother to all. That is why she was
called ―Yena Tam Ngamin.‖It must
have been her dark complexion, but
for whatever reason, the image
resonated with the people‘s hearts.
Throughout the centuries, countless
miracles have been attributed to her
intercession that have truly put her on
the hearts of the Cagayanos, leading
them closer to Jesus her Son.
Now the Cuidad Nueva Segovia‘s
principal port, Aparri, was some 611
nautical miles away from Manila.
With the average speed for Spanish
galleons at this period of 5 knots, 6-7
knots on good days, it takes a week at
the very least to reach Aparri from
Manila. Because of this, communications
and transportation are challenging. So
does effective civil administration.
Thus in 1755 during the episcopacy of
Bishop Juan Fuentes y Yepes, both City
and See of Nueva Segovia was In 1856, the other towns of Cagayan declared after three centuries, or was
transferred to the flourishing Spanish and Nueva Vizcaya were taken out it? Ironically, no Filipino delegation
City of Villa Fernandina founded and formed a new province and its was present in the Treaty of Paris
nearly a century and a half earlier by name was Isabela with Ilagan as its deciding the fate of this young nation
Salcedo who was first to sight and capital. It was a new beginning that fighting for emancipation. Through it,
explore the Cagayan coastline. It was gave people more opportunities to Spain has surreptitiously sold the
much closer to Manila and was less progress and enlightenment. In 1892, Philippines together with Cuba and
wantingof creature comforts.The old city the Dominicans opened the Colegio de Puerto Rico to the US Government for
reverted back to its old name, Lal-lo. Santa Imelda, an exclusive school for 20 Million Dollars. Meanwhile, the
The Province of Cagayan until 1839 girls. Parochial schools were also opened in Philippine revolutionary forces under
covers the entire Cagayan Valley and each pueblo for the catechism of children. the leadership Col. Daniel Tirona
parts of the Cordilleras (now the With the start of the Philippine entered Cagayan on 25 August 1898
provinces of Kalinga and Apayao). In Revolution looming in Manila and and they capitulated the port town of
the year 1839, the Province of Nueva nearby provinces, the Spanish Aparri and its nearby towns. This
Vizcaya was formed with Camarag Government started to become signalled the end of Spanish regime
(now Echague, Isabela) as its capital, unpopular among the masses. The in the province of Cagayan. They
which was later transferred to people supported the government of captured Bishop Jose Hevia de
Bayombong. That same year, the President Emilio Aguinaldo. On 12 Campomanes, OP and his Dominican
provincial capital of Cagayan was June 1898, Spain lost control of the confreres and other Spanish friars and
transferred from Lal-lo to Tuguegarao. Philippines and independence was nationals who were incarcerated in the
The Dominican Protomartyr of China
was a pastor of souls to the faithful of
Tuao, Nassiping (now a barrio of
Gattaran), Lal-lo, and Aparri before he
wore his martyr’s crown.
Right: Our Lady of the Visitation of
Piat in her canonical coronation
regalia, 20 June 1954.
efforts, the creation of the Diocese of ty of Santo Tomas (UST), Manila and Ibañez Alonso; all martyrs of the faith.
Nueva Segovia through Pope Clement abroa It is also important to
mention that some of the Dominicans Toward the end of the sixteenth century,
VIII was reaped. The vast territory
who served Cagayan are now growing suspicions between the
stretches from Cagayan to Tarlac and
venerated as saints and blesseds of Portuguese colonial masters in Macau
Nueva Ecija, including Batanes and
the Roman Catholic Church: St. and the Spanish friars there grew so
some parts of Pangasinan. The
Francisco de Capillas, China‘s agitated that the Portuguese Viceroy of
Diocesan seat was first located in
Protomartyr, St. Lucas del Espiritu India expelled the Spanish Dominicans
Ciudad Nueva Segovia. Its first bishop
Santo, St. Alfonso Navarrete, Blessed and instead of taking the gruelling
was Bishop Miguel de Benavides, OP,
Luis Flores, Blessed Domingo voyage back to Spain they instead
the founding Father of what is now
Castillet, Blessed Jordan Anzalon, went to Manila in 1604. They brought
the University of Santo Tomas (UST).
Blessed Pedro Vasquez, Blessed with them an image of Our Lady of the
Benavides stayed in Cagayan from
Angelo Ferrer Orsucci, Blessed Holy Rosary which they first
1596 until 1598 because he was
Inocencío Diez, Blessed Maximino enshrined in Santo Domingo Church
appointed Archbishop of Manila. He
Fernandez Mariñas and Blessed Pedro in Intramuros. Alas, the image, most
was succeeded by Bishop Diego de
Soria, OP. De Soria was known to
have pacified and baptized the Chief
of Pata, Siriban and other of his
subjects. At the time of the foundation
of the see, more mission pueblos were
established throughout Cagayan and
for the Dominicans, it was not without
difficulty. Fr. Pedro Salgado, OP, said
that ―the conversion of Cagayan was
unlike the earlier attempts of the
missionary in the islands fraught with
hardship and suffering.‖ As a result,
some of these missions were
abandoned and even transferred
because of the terrain and the hostile
attitude of the people. Despite these
difficult circumstances, other missions
became progressive parishes thanks
to the cooperation of the community
under the guidance of the Dominicans.
In the three centuries of Spanish
occupation, Cagayan was under the
total spiritual administration of the
Dominicans. They evangelized the
people not only through catechisms
and the sacraments, but also through
the technologies and techniques
wh ic h he lped i mpr o ve th eir
productivity. Noteworthy of these
Dominican Friars, a true builder Fray
Antonio de Lobato, the great builder
of the Tuguegarao Cathedral; they
opened roads and built bridges, they
opened sc ho ols, ma ny o ther
Dominicans made extensive studies
on the life and the language of the Opposite page. Gilded illustrations from the Boxer Codex depicting the early
people of Cagayan. Their outputs inhabitants of Cagayan Valley. Bottom Left. The Sancta Maria, the oldest Catholic
were later published as books and bell in the Far East was forged in 1595. It hangs in the belfry of San Jacinto Parish
academic journals and they are now in Camalaniugan, Cagayan north of Lal-lo.Below. A 1860 print of the Santo Domin-
stored in the archives of the Universi- go Church in Lal-lo, one of the three churches of the ancient Cuidad Nueva Segovia.
It was this success that encouraged
Carreon to establish the first Spanish
settlement in Lal-lo, which he
renamed Nueva Segovia in 1582. Fray
Salvatierra, Manila Bishop Domingo
de Salazar, OP‘s right-hand man, was
its first missionary priest. But Fray
Salvatierra and his confreres were not
really missionaries to Cagayan,
rather, military chaplains, furthermore
he was there in the expedition as an
observer for Bishop Salazar, he did
not stay long. He was replaced by the
Augustinianswho administered Nueva
Segovia for roughly a decade. On 29
June 1583, the province of Cagayan
was established with its capital in
Nueva Segovia. In 1594, Governor
General Luis Perez Dasmariñas
petitioned the Dominican provincial
superior to send missionaries to the and more bellicose among all the
Cagayan Valley in order to evangelize
“When are you, white
natives of the islands. When the
the people there. During the Provincial men, going to leave us superiority of weaponry tilted the
Chapter of 13-14 June 1594 held in balance in favour of the Spaniards,
Manila, the Dominicans accepted in peace?” asks the the native chieftains moved their line
Cagayan under their administration natives. The of defence to the mountains or went
and they sent two missionaries: Fr. upstream to seek alliances with other
Tomas Castellar, OP and Fr. Diego de missionaries would tribes. The harassment of the Spanish
Soria, OP. The two men arrived in
Cagayan that same year and they
encountered numerous difficulties

reply, “As long as there
is water in your great
military forces continued unabated
yet sporadic, while the missionaries
continued in the by-lines to seek out
along the way. Such was the situation the natives in their small clearings,
that these men were about to give up
river, we are going
working through the children and
and were ready to leave Cagayan for to stay.” women, catechizing them, and
good. At that time, four Dominicans baptizing them. Yet the pestering had
arrived in Nueva Segovia via the Port enterprise: Fr. Miguel de San Jacinto, made the missionaries not a little
of Pata to reinforce their missionary OP, Fr. Ambrosio Martinez de la similar to their white military
Madre de Dios, OP, Fr. Antonio Soria, companions that the natives would
OP, Fr. Domingo de San Blas, OP (a repeatedly ask them, ―When are you,
Dominican brother) and an unnamed white men, going to leave us in

Dominican brother. It was indeed an
answered prayer for these two men of
God. They administered the missions

peace?‖ To which the missionaries

would reply, ―As long as there is
water in your great river, we are
of Nueva Segovia, Camalaniugan, going to stay.‖
Abulug and Pata (now parts of
And stayed they did, notwithstanding
Claveria and Sanchez Mira).
the difficulties of the task before
Their efforts were not without them. True they neither had to work
hurdles. Sans firepower but with no through an intricate caste system as
want of guts, local chieftains rallied they did in India nor disguise as
their men to confront the ―white Confucian scholars or brahmins, but
men‖ armed with nothing but natives the challenge lay in their having to
swords, lances, spears, and bow and master diverse languages in Cagayan,
arrows. The tenacity of their get used to different climates and
resistance made them stand out in the difficult topographic conditions.
eyes of the Spaniards as the fiercest Swiftly, in 1595 the first fruit of their
Right. El Rio Grande de Cagayan (detail)
Watercolor on paper, 1720, Juan Luis Acosta
Archivio General de las Indias, Seville, Spain
Till the River
runs dry
A History of the Evangelization of Cagayan
Niño Kevin Baclig
It has been said that Spain conquered Zambales, Pangasinan and Ilocos the first time the mouth of the
the whole Philippines by the sword where he founded the town Villa Cagayan river, he was met by the
and by the cross. The first waves of Fernandina (now Vigan), Juan chieftain of Camalaniugan who
colonizers did not come with halbergs Salcedo, the grandson of Miguel prevented him from exploring any
or muskets or gunpowder alone. Lopez de Legaspi, Manila‘s conqueror, further inland. Unprepared for a
Armed by nothing else but their faith, set sail back to Manila using the battle, they left.
it was the missionaries who truly northern coastal route passing It was a year shy of a decade since
conquered the Philippines more than through Tular (now Abulug), and this first landing that Juan Pablo
anyone else. This is even more true Masi (Old Pamplona) in 1572. He may Carreon would finally be able to create
for Cagayan. Known affectionately by well perhaps be, the first white man, a foothold in Cagayan. Upon orders
its people as a ―smiling land of the first Catholic, to step on Cagayan of Governor Gonzalo Ronquillo de
beauty,‖ Cagayan Valley‘s wealth of soil. His greeting of an embrace to the Peñalosa, he set sail to where Salcedo
blessings has attracted many chieftain of Abulug however was left, tired and battle-timid, to drive off
dreamers and schemers through the interpreted as something sinister, and a band of Japanese pirates led by
centuries. Though their swords and he left without results. Often gut feel Taifusu. With his small army were
mortars, cannons and muskets have can be premonition of things to come. two men of the cloth, Fray Cristobal
long gone, the cross remains, planted True that Spanish historians would de Salvatierra, a Dominican, and Fray
firmly on its soil and stands proud often extol their noble intentions to Francisco Rodriguez, an Augustinian.
amidst the tumult of centuries. It has hoist high the Christian standard in Unobservedly, in the dark of night, a
outlived the test of time in Cagayan, distant lands. But beyond that façade, hundred and thirty eight Spanish and
and now yields much fruit. Salcado and his men were also eyeing Filipino men deployed at the banks of
for gold, mesmerized as they were at the Cagayan river. At early dawn the
After a successful pacification the abundance of it in their South battle broke out. They won. The year
campaign in Laguna de Bay, and American colonies. Upon reaching for was 1581.
Get to know the story the pastoral staff to be used by
Archbishop Baccay on his installation as Tuguega-
rao’s fourth Archbishop.
4 16
Hearken to the saga that is the evangelization of Learn more about this eighteenth century
Cagayan Valley and its many joys and sorrows, but masterpiece of architecture that is the Mother
not sans God’s grace and fidelity, through the Church of the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao and of
centuries. Cagayan Valley.
14 18
The story of Cagayan Valley is not complete without
Get to know the pastors of the Church in Cagayan
the abiding presence of Our Lady of the Visitation of
from the time of its inception as a Diocese in 1910
Piat who has accompanied her children in Cagayan
through the time it became an Archdiocese to the
for centuries, and for all of time.
Fr. Dennis T. Ordillos, Jr
Executive Director
Niño Kevin D. Baclig
Executive Editor
Julian Erldric D. Cababa
Copy Editor
Fr. Victor Emmanuel Quintos
Prince Wilson A. Macarubbo
Lordan T. Lagda
Ronald B. Addatu
Anthony Paul C. Paddayuman

Writers & Researchers
Digital Artist The pastoral staff identifies the bishop as the shepherd of the
John Leonard R. Dimain IV flock. He uses the staff to manifest his office in the particular
Peter Paul Valdepeñas church (e.g. presiding at liturgies, pronouncing blessings,
Maria Tan and preaching (CF. CE 57, 59). The pastoral staff surpasses
all other episcopal insignia of the bishop, first because of its
Fr. Victor Emmanuel Quintos
ancientness (first used in the fifth century and was widely
Frederick Allauigan Allam (Cagayan Studio)
used from the sixth century) and that which it symbolizes,
Paul Lopez
which are the clearest duties of the bishop, namely, to know and
Photo Contributors
care, to lead and guide, to protect and correct the flock.
The staff pictured at the right is an heirloom staff first used by Bishop
PATER BENIGNUS AD OMNES is a Constant Jurgens, CICM, who was Bishop of Tuguegarao from 1928
to 1950. It was then handed down to his successors up to Archbishop
special publication by the Roman
Teodulfo Domingo, the first Archbishop of Tuguegarao and the last
Catholic Archdiocese of Tuguegarao, one to use this staff.
Office of the Chancellor on the The staff is heavily influenced by Gothic elements. At the
occasion of the Rite of Liturgical end of the crook is an image of Virgo Potens, who was also
Reception & Canonical Installation of referred to by many French and Belgian missionaries as
Regina Missionum – Queen of the Missions. Here, Mary is
Most Reverend Ricardo Lingan Baccay,
represented as she showed herself during the Second
14 January 2020. Apparition of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, on 27
November 1830 – looking up to heaven, with a globe
THIS MAGAZINE IS NOT FOR SALE. representing the world in her hands.
Copyright © 2020 by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Tuguegarao, Office of the Chancellor.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain non commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests,
write to the publisher
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Tuguegarao Special thanks to :Archbishop-Emeritus
Rizal St., Tuguegarao City, 3500 Philippines Diosdado A. Talamayan, DD, Archbishop-
OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR Emeritus Sergio L. Utleg, D., Golden Press,
Tel. - Trunkline: (078) 846-1705 Ma. Belen Barrias-Lim, Fr. Fredel Go Agatep,
Email: Cagayan Museum & Historical Research
Center, Cagayan Heritage Conservation
Printed in the Philippines by Society, Laureta Decena-Malbog,
Pater Benignus
ad omnes
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
Rizal St., Tuguegarao City, 3500 Philippines

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