Challenges Encountered by Secondary School Teachers in The New Normal: Basis For Intervention Plan

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Volume: 5
Pages: 481-488
Document ID: 2022PEMJ343
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7312070
Manuscript Accepted: 2022-11-11
Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 481-488, Document ID: PEMJ343, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7312070, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Challenges Encountered by Secondary School Teachers in the New Normal:

Basis for Intervention Plan
Darwin A. Haro*, G.L. John C. Haro
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

The central concept of this study was mainly focused on the challenges encountered by the secondary school
teachers in the new normal at Guimbal National High School, Guimbal Iloilo during the school year 2020-2021 as
basis for an intervention plan. The variables included in this study are age, highest educational attainment, length of
service. The degree of challenges encountered by the secondary school teachers in the new normal covered the
following areas: learning delivery mode, parents’ involvement and LGU’s support. Findings revealed that most of
the 97 study respondents are younger, have served longer, but have lower educational attainment. Secondary school
teachers encountered a moderate degree of challenges in the new normal in the area of learning delivery mode,
parents’ involvement, and LGU’s support. Younger and older secondary school teachers encountered moderate
challenges based on learning delivery mode and parents' involvement. In comparison, there is a low degree of
challenges encountered by younger secondary school teachers and a moderate degree of challenges encountered by
older ones in LGU’s support. According to the length of service, shorter and longer in-service secondary school
teachers encountered a moderate degree of challenges based on learning delivery mode and parents' involvement. In
comparison, there is a low degree of challenges encountered by shorter in-service secondary school teachers and a
moderate degree of challenges encountered by longer ones in the area of LGU’s support. When based on
educational attainment, the same analysis yielded an analogous moderate degree of challenges encountered
according to age, length of service, and highest educational attainment. When grouped in learning delivery mode,
parents' involvement, and LGU’s Support, no significant difference was found in the degree of challenges
encountered by secondary school teachers in the new normal.

Keywords: learning delivery mode, parents' involvement, challenges encountered, secondary

school teachers, intervention plan, new normal

Introduction As a school head in a public secondary school, the

researcher had witnessed and remarked that a lot of
The post-COVID-19 pandemic or the new normal has challenges were encountered by the secondary school
immensely impacted almost every aspect of life, teachers in the new normal education. Specifically in
including education, and the Philippines was no the learning delivery modes where teachers have a lot
exception (Robosa et al. 2020). At the pinnacle of the of paper works; papers to check and record in modular
pandemic, educational institutions initiated distance learning, poor internet connection, and using
learning modalities as a possible alternative. Urgent information and communication technology (ICT)
action and policies are intended to alleviate closure tools during online learning. Moreover, some of the
while continuously delivering quality education teachers’ difficulties are in parents who lack
(Ancheta, 2020). knowledge in assisting their children and some who do
not respond immediately due to unstable internet
During the new normal education, many challenges
connection or do not have available gadgets. The lack
were expected in education—the instant changes of
of budgetary funds, the principle of subsidiarity also
the world present challenges in our education system. imposes a heavy burden on the teachers. They are also
According to a study-based report, teachers in the new in a dilemma in the learning management system that
normal would have to employ new practices and they will adapt to meet the needs of learners and
methods of supervision both professionally and parents and others.
emotionally to adapt to the virus outbreak changes
Hence, the researcher is motivated to conduct this
fully. The report provides a structured timeline
study to determine the challenges encountered by the
intervention, such as orientation, use of technology,
secondary school teachers at Guimbal National High
and digital creation (Wyman, 2020). But teachers were School, Guimbal, Iloilo, in the areas covered in this
also having difficulty addressing the newly established study which is in learning delivery mode, parents’
standard. It is difficult for them to follow the various involvement, and Local Government Unit’s support.
DepEd programs given to their health situation Eventually, this study is intended to create an
(Canonizado, 2020). intervention plan to help mitigate learning crises to
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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 481-488, Document ID: PEMJ343, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7312070, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Research Question online space and become adequately skilled in

navigating the necessary software. Further, a study
The purpose of this study was to determine the surveying the impact of the virus pandemic on the
challenges encountered by secondary school teachers general population showed that the most affected
in the new normal at Guimbal National High School, populace are educators. More than stress, trauma is
Guimbal, Iloilo, during the school year 2020-2021 as a also a predominant mental disruption created by the
basis for an intervention plan. Specifically, this sought virus, which is why careful threading to online classes
to answer the following question: must be widely applied (UT Research Showcase,
1. Is there a significant difference in the degree of
challenges secondary school teachers encounter in the A Philippine-based study viewed that teachers are not
new normal when grouped and compared according to psychologically nor skill-prepared for the unexpected
the aforementioned variables? shift of learning models in the county (Tria, 2020).
And as the study of Pe Dangle & Sumaoang (2020)
showed that the main challenges that arose were lack
Literature Review of school support in the production and delivery of
modules, students struggle with self-studying, and
parents’ lack of knowledge to academically guide their
Schaffhauser’s study (2020) showed that teachers feel
child/children and checking of weekly modules. Also,
extremely stressed and uneasy following the shift
in downloading and printing modules, distribution, and
caused by the pandemic. Additionally, the survey
retrieval of modules. Boholano’s (2020) study also
report also revealed that the educators who were
showed that it could not be denied that teaching in
respondents of the study are putting in more than 14
the new normal has difficulties and risks. He cites one
hours a day to finish their professional responsibilities.
concrete example: the health of frontline teachers is at
A qualitative study by Elfirdoussi et al. (2020) showed risk, for they have to physically distribute and retrieve
the assessment of distance learning in Morocco during modules from the parents or guardians.
the COVID-19 pandemic. Results revealed that both
Robots et al.'s (2020) study revealed that challenges
professors and students stated that online learning is
nevertheless appeared despite those desirable reports.
not more fascinating than normal learning and
One element is that the dearth of resources. Steady
university teachers need to provide at least 50% of
with the contributors, this problem has usually been a
t h e i r t e a c h i n g in f a c e - t o - f a c e m o d e .
venture to the varsity, teachers, and college students'
Recommendations at teaching and technical levels,
important indicators. Especially, it limits their
such as the need for technical support and training in
capacity to behavior certain sports. Some other
the use of these tools, were provided to enhance and
components became in phrases of managing their
promote distance education in Morocco.
college students. Even before, struggle in the scholars’
In the study conducted by Myung et al. (2020), amid output and activities is already not unusual; but
the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and districts are studying amidst pandemic made it more difficult.
struggling to know how best to respond. The Considering that technology was the sole manner for
multitude of urgent choices and decision points is them to live in-tuned, it limits their capability to talk
tremendous. With little certainty about the duration with one another. As said by the respondents, she has
and impact of the virus, school leaders and educators difficulties locating her college students and asking
have to improvise in response to unpredictable and them regarding their unfinished tasks. On the other
rapidly changing orders. The principles and methods hand, Lindog (2020) study stated that with limited
of continuous improvements—such as problem assistance, teachers were concerned if the learners can
identification, idea generation, quick tests, and data develop a sense of responsibility in learning on their
collection and analysis—can reorient improvisation to own and if they can accomplish the tasks provided in
result in learning and sustainable improvement. the module.

Allen et al.’s (2020) study showed that teachers are Methodology

transitioning through a particularly uncertain time in
terms of their professional lives and work. This rapid
move to online modes of delivery has led to Research Design
significantly increased workloads for staff as they
work to move teaching content and materials into the This study utilized the descriptive research design, a

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 481-488, Document ID: PEMJ343, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7312070, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

design that fits this study as it sought to describe the testing. The research instrument was divided into two
degree of challenges encountered by secondary school (2) parts: Part I was the profile of the respondents,
teachers in the new normal at Guimbal National High which contain the respondents' age, length of service,
School, Guimbal, Iloilo during the school year 2020- and highest educational attainment. Part II is the
2021 as a basis for an intervention plan. survey questionnaire with 30 items focused on the
following areas: learning delivery mode, parents’
Descriptive research is a study of status and is widely involvement, and LGU’s support,10-line items per
used in education, nutrition, epidemiology, and the area.
behavioral sciences. Its value is based on the premise
that problems can be solved and practices improved Data Gathering Procedure
through observation, analysis, and description. The
most common descriptive research method is the After the validity and reliability test of the research
survey, which includes questionnaires, personal instrument, the researcher sought permission from the
interviews, phone surveys, and normative surveys Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) through the
(Waiters, 2019). This research design is appropriate in Public Schools District Supervisor (PSDS) to
determining the challenges encountered by secondary undertake the study. A letter request was sent to the
school teachers in the new normal. This research PSDS in the Division of Iloilo for reliability testing of
design fits the purpose of the present study as it entails the research instrument. After observing all proper
observation, analysis, and mainly description of communications, the administration of the test was
factors. The use of survey questionnaires also qualifies started.
this study as a descriptive research design.
During the questionnaire administration, since face-to-
Locale of the Study face transactions are discouraged during the health
crisis, the researcher utilized the google online survey
This study was conducted at Guimbal National High form to administer the survey questionnaire. The
School, Guimbal, Iloilo. It occupies the vast hilly lot researcher also gave proper instructions and clearly
at the corner of Rizal and Rubio (now Magsaysay) explained the objectives of the study and the terms and
streets in the heart of the town. It is 29 kilometers items contained in the instruments so that respondents
away or a forty-minute ride from the city of Iloilo. would fully understand their tasks of answering the
With a land area of eight hectares, the school takes questions via Facebook messenger. The test scores and
pride in its wide and ideal playground for athletic other data were then retrieved, tallied, tabulated, and
competition, scenic setting, and a picturesque sea interpreted.
view. The school has a total population of 129
secondary school teachers and is headed by Principal The study's respondents are 97 secondary school
teachers at Guimbal National High School during the
school year 2020-2021 from the total population of
Respondents of the Study 129. Since the number of respondents is quite large to
handle, stratified sampling and random sampling
The study's respondents are 97 secondary school techniques used Cochran formula to find the sample
teachers at Guimbal National High School during the size. The respondents coming from each grade were
school year 2020-2021 from the total population of divided by the total number of respondents and
129. Since the number of respondents is quite large to multiplied by the sample size to get the percentage.
handle, stratified sampling and random sampling The researcher randomly selected the respondents
techniques used Cochran formula to find the sample from each grade using the lottery technique.
size. The respondents coming from each grade were
divided by the total number of respondents and Results
multiplied by the sample size to get the percentage.
The researcher randomly selected the respondents
from each grade using the lottery technique. This section deals with the presentation, analysis, and
interpretation of data gathered to carry out the
Data Gathering Instrument objectives of this study. These were made possible by
following appropriate procedures to give the exact data
In gathering the necessary data in this research, the and solution to each specific problem.
researcher used a researcher-made survey
questionnaire subjected to validity and reliability Profile of the Respondents according to Age,

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 481-488, Document ID: PEMJ343, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7312070, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Length of Service, and Educational Attainment

Table 1. Profile of Respondents area of learning delivery mode when grouped and
compared according to variables.

When the data obtained from younger and older

respondents were compared and tested, the resulting
value of Mann Whitney U was 1147.000 with the
mean scores of 48.56 for younger and 49.51 for older
respondents with a resultant p-value of 0.868.
Meanwhile, the data coming from length of service,
As shown in the table, there were 97 respondents in the resulting value of Mann Whitney U was recorded
the study. In terms of age, 53.60 % were younger at 1097.500 with the mean scores of 50.23 for
respondents and 46.40 % were older respondents. In secondary school teachers in shorter service and 48.10
terms of length of service, 42.30% were secondary for secondary school teachers in longer service
school teachers in shorter service and 57.70% were respondents with a resultant p-value of 0.712. For the
secondary school teachers in longer service. In terms data coming from the highest educational attainment,
of the highest educational attainment, secondary
the resulting value of Mann Whitney U was recorded
school teachers with lower educational attainment got
at 1022.500 with the mean scores of 49.01 for
68% and secondary school with higher educational
secondary school teachers with lower educational
attainment got 32%.
attainment and 48.98 for secondary school teachers
The result implies that the majority of the respondents with higher educational attainment with a resultant p-
were younger or (below 36 years old). In terms of value of 0.997.
length of service, the majority were secondary school
Categories under the variables age, length of service,
teachers in longer service. And in terms of the highest
and highest educational attainment achieved a p-value
educational attainment, the majority were secondary
which is greater than 0.05 level of significance; hence,
school teachers with lower educational attainment.
interpreted as “not significant.” The hypothesis,
Comparative Analysis in the Degree of Secondary which states, no significant difference in the degree of
School Teachers’ Challenges in the New Normal on challenges encountered by secondary school teachers
Learning Delivery Mode, Parents' Involvement, in the new normal when they are grouped and
and LGU's Support based on Groupings by Age, compared according to the aforementioned variables is
Length of Service, and Highest Educational henceforth “accepted.”
No matter how high the factors are assumed to affect
Table 2. The Difference in the Degree of Challenges the challenges encountered by the secondary school
Encountered by Secondary School Teachers in the teachers, this study confirms that age, length of
New Normal based on Learning Delivery Mode and service, and highest educational attainment has no
Groupings by Selected Variables significant and direct impact on the challenges
encountered by secondary school teachers in the new
normal in the area of learning delivery mode.

The findings concur with Benedicto and Caelian's

(2021) study, which revealed that in terms of
individual variables, when variable quality was
considered, age revealed no significant difference has
shown and in terms of length of service and
Table 2, with the use of Mann Whitney U, shows the educational level showed no significant difference
difference in the degree of challenges encountered by also. In this case, the hypothesis is accepted.
secondary school teachers in the new normal in the

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 481-488, Document ID: PEMJ343, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7312070, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 3. The Difference in the Degree of

Challenges Encountered by Secondary School
Table 4. The Difference in the Degree of Challenges
Teachers in the New Normal based on Parents’ Encountered by Secondary School Teachers in the
Involvement andGroupings by Selected Variables New Normal based on LGU’s Support and Groupings
by Selected Variables

Table 3, with the use of Mann Whitney U, shows the

difference in the degree of challenges encountered by
Table 4, with the use of Mann Whitney U, shows the
secondary school teachers in the new normal in the
difference in the degree of challenges encountered by
area of parents’ involvement when grouped and
secondary school teachers in the new normal in the
compared according to variables.
area of LGU’s support when grouped and compared
When the data obtained from younger and older according to variables.
respondents were compared and tested, the resulting
value of Mann Whitney U was 1038.500 with the When the data obtained from younger and older
mean scores of 51.53 for younger and 46.08 for older respondents were compared and tested, the resulting
respondents with a resultant p-value of 0.341. value of Mann Whitney U was 1026.500 with the
Meanwhile, the data coming from length of service, mean scores of 46.24 for younger and 52.19 for older
the resulting value of Mann Whitney U was recorded respondents with a resultant p-value of 0.298.
at 1045.000 with the mean scores of 51.51 for Meanwhile, the data coming from length of service,
secondary school teachers in shorter service and 47.16 the resulting value of Mann Whitney U was recorded
for secondary school teachers in longer service at 1004.000 with the mean scores of 45.49 for
respondents with a resultant p-value of 0.451. For the secondary school teachers in shorter service and 51.47
data coming from the highest educational attainment, for secondary school teachers in longer service
the resulting value of Mann Whitney U was recorded respondents with a resultant p-value of 0.292. For the
at 992.500 with the mean scores of 48.54 for data coming from the highest educational
secondary school teachers with lower educational attainment, the resulting value of Mann Whitney U
attainment and 49.98 for secondary school teachers was recorded at 959.500 with the mean scores of 49.96
with higher educational attainment with a resultant p- for secondary school teachers with lower educational
value of 0.813. attainment and 46.95 for secondary school teachers
with higher educational attainment with a resultant p-
Categories under the variables age, length of service,
value of 0.622. Categories under the variables age,
and highest educational attainment achieved a p-value
length of service, and highest educational attainment
which is greater than 0.05 level of significance; hence,
achieved a p-value which is greater than 0.05 level of
interpreted as “not significant.” The hypothesis,
significance; hence, interpreted as “not significant.”
which states, no significant difference in the degree of
The hypothesis, which states, no significant difference
challenges encountered by secondary school teachers
in the degree of challenges encountered by secondary
in the new normal when they are grouped and
school teachers in the new normal when they are
compared according to the aforementioned variables is
g ro u p ed and co m p ar e d a c co rd in g to the
henceforth “accepted.”
aforementioned variables is henceforth “accepted.”
It means that age, length of service, and highest
educational attainment have negative relationships and It means that the degree of challenges encountered by
therefore do not indicate significant connectedness to secondary school teachers in the new normal is not
the challenges encountered by secondary school associated with age, length of service. Secondary
teachers in the new normal in the area of parents’ school teachers have the same degree of challenges
involvement. encountered regardless of their groupings.

The results concur with the research conducted by The results coincide with the study of Rahiman and
Gold and Batchelor in 2017, which showed that no Kodikal (2019), which stated that there was no
differences were detected in the levels of difficulties
encountered by the teachers according to variables.

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 481-488, Document ID: PEMJ343, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7312070, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

significant difference in terms of age and length of even on the days to come, and in the area of LGU's
service and levels of education; hence, the null support problems of secondary school teachers were in
hypothesis is accepted because p values were higher the involvement and participation of other community-
than 0.05. Teachers exhibited higher means because based stakeholders in the delivery of public education
they used coping strategies in the difficulties they have services in the new normal. Hence, there is still a need
encountered. for the stakeholders to be encouraged to deliver public
education services in the new normal. It can be seen
that there is a weak involvement and participation of
Discussion other community-based stakeholders.

Most of the 97 study respondents are younger, have It appears that teachers, either younger or older, in
served longer, but have lower educational attainment. shorter or longer in service and with lower or higher
educational attainment, experienced problems
Secondary school teachers encountered a moderate checking weekly Self-Learning Modules in the area of
degree of challenges in the new normal in the area of learning delivery mode. In the area of parents’
learning delivery mode, parents’ involvement, and involvement, it can be seen that parental involvement
LGU’s support. plays an important role in this new normal because
secondary school teachers struggle in time in which
Younger and older secondary school teachers the parents are expected to pick up and return the
encountered moderate challenges based on learning modules. They have difficulties with the struggling
delivery mode and parents' involvement. In parents trying to balance work and being a learning
comparison, there is a low degree of challenges facilitator at home. Parents' delay in submitting
encountered by younger secondary school teachers and modules was the major problem of secondary school
a moderate degree of challenges encountered by older teachers according to age, length of service, and
ones in LGU’s support. According to the length of highest educational attainment. In the area of LGU's
service, shorter and longer in-service secondary school support, there is still a need for the stakeholders to be
teachers encountered a moderate degree of challenges encouraged to participate in delivering public
based on learning delivery mode and parents' education services in the new normal. It can be seen
involvement. In comparison, there is a low degree of that the cooperation and commitment of the
challenges encountered by shorter in-service stakeholders matter greatly.
secondary school teachers and a moderate degree of
challenges encountered by longer ones in the area of Finally, the hypothesis is accepted that age, length of
LGU’s support. When based on educational service, and highest educational attainment have
attainment, the same analysis yielded an analogous negative relationships and therefore do not indicate
moderate degree of challenges encountered according significant connectedness to the challenges
to age, length of service, and highest educational encountered by secondary school teachers in the new
attainment. normal in the area of learning delivery mode, parents’
involvement and LGU’s support.
When grouped in learning delivery mode, parents'
involvement, and LGU’s Support, no significant Based on the preceding findings and conclusions, the
difference was found in the degree of challenges following recommendations are now formulated.The
encountered by secondary school teachers in the new problems previously found indicate the major
normal. attention and effort necessary to be considered to
prevent meaningful learning and will not affect the
way the teachers deliver their lessons.
The Division School-based Coordinators must conduct
From the preceding results of the study, the following intensive monitoring and evaluation in challenges
conclusions are hereby drawn. Teachers have encountered by secondary school teachers in the new
problems checking weekly Self-Learning Modules normal to identify the areas that need improvement.
because they are checking even late at night in This can be tackled during the In-service training and
learning delivery mode. In the area of parents' Learning Action Cell (LAC). The checking of the
involvement, teachers are having a hard time waiting great number of activities in each module is one of the
for parents to pick up and submit the modules, which main problems that emerged for the teachers. The
can adversely affect their workload for the day and Department of Education should consider this problem

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 481-488, Document ID: PEMJ343, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7312070, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

by reducing the number of activities in the modules must provide inputs towards developing a budget
and lessen the number of modules to be distributed per manual for defining the budget calendar, allocation
grade level so that mastery will be attained for learners criteria, approval process, reporting of expenditures to
as much as possible and, to lessen the burden of encourage involvement and participation of other
teachers in checking of the weekly modules. As some community-based stakeholders in delivering public
of the parents also said, the lesser, the better. On the education services in the new normal.
other hand, school heads may put a premium on
instructional management tasks for teachers, such that Future researchers are encouraged to further
they should not be burdened in checking weekly Self- investigate the challenges encountered by the
Learning Modules. secondary school teachers in the new normal education
that will serve as continuing school-based learning as a
Communication is also key. The school must have key for effective teacher-learners development.
consistent communication among the key stakeholders
throughout the process of the delivery of public References
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Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Schaffhauser, D. (2020). Educators, Feeling Stressed,
Darwin Haro
Anxious, Overwhelmed, and Capable. The Journal . feeling- Oton National High School
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Tria, J. Z. (2020, June 3). The COVID-19 Pandemic through the G.L. John Haro
Lens of Education in the Philippines: The New Normal. Oton National High School
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