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ISSN 1021-4437, Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2016, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 409–416. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

, 2016.
Original Russian Text © R.V. Malyshev, M.A. Shelyakin, T.K. Golovko, 2016, published in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2016, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 434–442.


Bud Dormancy Breaking Affects Respiration and Energy Balance

of Bilberry Shoots in the Initial Stage of Growth
R. V. Malyshev, M. A. Shelyakin, and T. K. Golovko
Institute of Biology, Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Kommunisticheskaya 28, Syktyvkar, 167982 Russia
Received July 31, 2015

Abstract—Respiration and heat production in the shoots of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) were studied at the
beginning of growth after breaking bud dormancy by means of transfer of the shoots to indoor conditions
(November–April) and upon natural sprouting in spring (May). The buds released from dormancy at the begin-
ning of winter sprouted slower and showed lower respiratory activity than the buds that started growing in May.
In May, cytochrome respiratory pathway in sprouting buds was 1.3 times more active than energetically ineffec-
tive alternative pathway, whereas activity of cytochrome pathway in December was 1.4 times lower as compared
with the alternative. In November–December, the rate of heat evolution by the buds was 3–5 times lower than
in April–May. In case of early breaking of bud dormancy, the share of respiration energy dissipated as heat was
30% on average. In the buds whose growth was induced later, the value of this parameter was twice as much. The
ratio between heat evolution and respiration depended on temperature. High temperature more intensely acti-
vated heat evolution than respiration, which caused a decrease in the level of metabolic energy available for
growth. In the temperature range of 5–15°C characteristic of the beginning of vegetation, the share of respira-
tion energy dissipated as heat was 2–3 times lower than at 20–30°C, which reflects a great adaptability of
V. myrtillus to climatic conditions of the region. Our data suggest that progression through a full cycle of winter
dormancy is physiologically important for shoot growth. Early dormancy release brought about changes in res-
piration and energy balance of the shoots in the initial stage of extra-bud growth.

Keywords: Vaccinium myrtillus, buds, dormancy breaking, growth, respiration, heat evolution, energy storage
DOI: 10.1134/S1021443716030092

INTRODUCTION There are three types of bud dormancy in woody

plants: relative, true, and exogenous. Relative dor-
Bud is a primordial undeveloped shoot. Vegetative mancy covers a period from the formation of new buds
bud consists of a meristematic embryonic axis ending in the axils to autumn fall of the leaves. True dormancy
with an apical cone and primordial leaves of different lasts approximately to the middle of winter. It is also
age located one over another on this axis [1]. In the called organic or physiological (endodormancy [4]),
majority of plant species, outer leaves of the bud are since the buds contain many growth inhibitors in this
specialized bud scales that perform protective func- period (АBA, ethylene, phenolics, etc.). Exogenous
tions. dormancy (ecodormancy) is easy to break, since it is
Transformation of the bud into a shoot starts with caused by adverse conditions (most often, by low tem-
expansion of primordial leaves and growth of inter- peratures or water deficit).
nodes. In temperate zone, the buds of woody plants Dormant buds lack exterior symptoms of growth
produce shoots in spring or in early summer; then new and are highly resistant to dehydration and adverse
overwintering buds with primordial shoots of the next environmental influences (first of all, to low below-
year are formed. The buds spend winter in a dormant zero temperatures) [5]. This is favored by accumula-
state. Reduction in photoperiod (extension of night) tion of soluble carbohydrates and protective proteins
and lower temperature are signals for the onset of dor- [6, 7]. Release of bud dormancy is accompanied by a
mancy [2, 3]. considerable activation of the processes associated
with mobilization of storage substances and energy
Abbreviations: АОX—alternative oxidase; АP—alternative respi- production. It was shown that expression of the genes
ratory pathway; CP—cytochrome respiratory pathway; EES—
efficiency of energy storage; q—rate of heat production; Valt, encoding glycolytic enzymes was activated, as were the
Vcyt and Vres—activity of alternative, cytochrome, and residual proteins participating in ROS quenching and protec-
respiration, respectively; Vtotal—rate of total respiration tion of meristematic tissues against injury [8].

410 MALYSHEV et al.

In the zones of intense growth rich in meristems, Activity of respiratory pathways was estimated by
cell supply with energy and metabolites predominantly means of specific inhibitors [14]. As an inhibitor of
depends on respiration. If the substrate is transformed alternative oxidase (AOX), we used benzhydroxamic
to biomass at a maximum efficiency, respiratory costs acid (Lancaster, United Kingdom) at a concentration
of the synthesis of 1 g of vegetative biomass may range of 7 mM. Cytochrome oxidase activity was inhibited
from 0.33 to 0.43 g of glucose [9, 10]. In this case, only with KCN (Sigma, United States) at a concentration
a portion of energy derived from the oxidized substrate of 3 mM. Optimal concentrations of inhibitors of
is stored in newly synthesized biomass, and the rest of mitochondrial oxidases were selected in preliminary
it is inevitably dissipated in the environment as heat experiments. In order to detect nonspecific effect of
[11]. Energy evolved as heat may be measured calori- toxic substances on respiration, we employed a method
metrically. Metabolic heat evolution is a measure of of direct titration adapted for plant tissues [15].
energy dissipation from the tissue to environment and The rate of oxygen consumption was represented as
characterizes efficiency of energy utilization [12, 13]. a sum of components:
The sprouting buds are a good model for the study
of the effect of internal and external factors on gener- Vtotal = Valt + Vcyt + Vres, (1)
ation and dissipation of metabolic energy and effi- where Vtotal is total respiration, Valt is alternative respi-
ciency of its storage, which is important for under- ration suppressed by AOX inhibitor, Vcyt is cyanide-
standing bioenergetics of living systems. sensitive (cytochrome) respiration, and Vres is residual
The aim of this work was to compare respiration, respiration recorded in the presence of inhibitors of
the ratio between respiratory pathways, and heat pro- alternative and cytochrome respiratory pathways.
duction in the shoots of Vaccinium myrtillus in the ini- The rate of metabolic heat evolution by the buds
tial stage of extra-bud growth during the time of natu- was determined by the method of direct calorimetry at
ral resumption of growth in spring and upon artificial 20°C using a Biotest-2 apparatus (Institute for Biolog-
breaking of winter bud dormancy. ical Instrumentation, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Pushchino, Russia). Biotest-2 differential isothermal
microcalorimeter is a specialized instrument designed
MATERIALS AND METHODS to study metabolic activity of plant tissues [16]. It is
Investigations were conducted with the plants of equipped with eight aluminum calorimetric cells, each
bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.)—a branchy decidu- 1 сm3 in volume. Threshold of response in respect to
ous 15–30-cm-high dwarf shrub, family Ericaceaе. noise level is at least 2 μW, which corresponds to
Bilberry plays an important cenotic role in ground 0.00004°C. After replacement of a container (cell)
cover of dark and light coniferous taiga. Bilberry over- with the sample, measuring mode recovered in 30 min.
winters under snow. In the region of investigations Each cell accommodated 2–3 completely unfolded
(subarea of middle taiga), its buds start bursting in the buds (fresh weight of 150–200 mg). The rate of respi-
first half of May when average daily air temperature ration was determined by heat effect of the reaction
rises to 7–10°C. Bilberry blooms in June, and berries between CO2 released by the object and 0.4 М NaOH
ripen in late July–early August. [12]. The advantage of this method consists in the fact
The experiments were conducted in 2013–2015. that heat evolution and respiration are measured in the
The shoots were cut from 20–25 partial bushes grow- same sample by heat effect, which makes it possible to
ing in a bilberry haircap spruce forest near Syktyvkar estimate energy balance of the object under investiga-
tion [13].
(61о40′ N, 50о49′ E). The samples were taken from
November to May. In November–April, the shoots The rates of heat evolution (q) and respiration (RCO2 )
were transferred to indoor conditions and placed in were calculated according to the formulas (2) and (3),
the vessels with water until complete budburst. Every respectively:
2–4 days, we recorded the number of unfolded vege-
tative buds and measured their length. The shoots with q = 0.022 ([( q 2 + q 4 ) 2] − [(Q1 + Q5 ) 2]) , (2)
broken buds sampled in May were preliminarily
adapted indoors for 24 h. RCO2 = [( 0.022q3 ) − q ] 108.5, (3)
Respiratory rate was determined by О2 consumption where 0.022 is calibration coefficient of the instru-
at 20°С polarographically using a Clark electrode (Oxy- ment, μW; 108.5 is heat effect of the reaction between
therm system, Hansatech Inst., United Kingdom) and 1 mole of СО2 and 0.4 М NaOH, μW/nmol; Q1 is heat
expressed in nmol О2/(g dry wt min). Fragments (15– flow from the empty working container before the
20 mg) of unfolded buds (4–6 pieces) were placed in a measurement; Q5 is heat flow from the empty working
3-mL reaction vessel containing 1.5 mL of Hepes-buf- container after the measurement; q2 is heat flow from
fer (Helicon, Russia) at a concentration of 50 mM, the container with the object; q3 is total heat flow from
pH 7.2. Measurements were taken at constant stirring. the object and reaction of СО2 released by the object
All the measurements were repeated 4–6 times. with 0.4 М NаОН; and q4 is heat flow from container



with the object after the removal of the vessel with the 5
alkali. 3
One work cycle with a sample lasted for approxi-
mately 2 h. At one time, we could investigate seven 4 1
samples. Found values of q and RCO 2 were divided by 2

Length, mm
dry weight of the object under consideration and 3
expressed in μW/mg dry wt and nmol/(mg dry wt s),
In order to reveal the effect of temperature on 2
metabolism of the shoots sprouting in spring, we mea-
sured the rate of heat evolution at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 1
and 35°C. At each temperature, we used freshly col-
lected samples of unfolded buds. Measurements were
repeated four or five times.
Statistical treatment. The data were statistically 0 5 10 15 20
treated using Statistica v. 6.1 software (StatSoft, Time, days
United States). Normality of distribution was esti-
mated using the Shapiro-Wilk’s test. The means were Fig. 1. Length and time of vegetative buds, unfolding on the
compared using ANOVA variance analysis (Duncan’s shoots of V. myrtillus cut in (1) November, (2) February, and
(3) April. Arrows indicate the beginning of bud sprouting
test). The results were treated using Pearson’s correla- after transfer of the shoots to indoor conditions. The means
tion analysis. All the calculations were done at the and their standard errors are shown (n = 30–40).
given level of significance P ≤ 0.05. Figures and tables
show the means and their standard errors.
to 1900 nmol О2/(g dry wt min) in April–May. At the
same time, the contribution of CP to total О2 consump-
tion varied from 35 to 40% rising to 50% in May. The
Duration of the period before the beginning of rate of cyanide-resistant respiration maintained with
budburst varied depending on the time of sampling. the participation of AOX was comparable, and it was
When dormancy was broken in November, the buds on even above the rate of energetically efficient CP in
the shoots sprouted 18 days after the transfer to indoor December. Contribution of alternative respiratory
conditions, whereas they unfolded on the third to pathway (AP) to total respiration in December was 50%
fourth day in April (Fig. 1). It is interesting that the and it decreased to 38% in May. Elevation of total res-
length of vegetative buds considerably increased piration of buds in April depended on activation of AP
during winter dormancy. If average length of buds was to a greater extent than of CP. The share of residual res-
a little larger than 1 mm in November, it amounted to piration resistant to inhibitors was 12–15% on average
2.5 mm in April. of total О2 consumption.
The rate of bud respiration depended on the time of
dormancy release (Table 1). The rate of О2 consump- Calorimetric determination of respiration showed
tion in unfolded buds of the shoots sampled in Decem- that the rate of СО2 evolution by unfolded buds changed
ber–February was 1.5–1.8 times lower than in April– depending on the time of sampling (Table 2). The low-
May. Cytochrome respiration (CP) changed in parallel est figures were recorded in November and the greatest
with the rate of total respiration. In December–March, in May. In December–April, the rate of СО2 evolution
the rate of respiration along the main pathway was, on varied from 0.03 to 0.04 nmol/(mg dry wt s), which is
average, 1000 nmol О2/(g dry wt min), and it amounted equivalent to 1800–2400 nmol О2/(g dry wt min).

Table 1. Rate of total respiration (Vtotal) and activities of cytochrome (Vcyt) and alternative (Valt) pathways and residual res-
piration (Vres) in unfolded buds of V. myrtillus depending on the time of dormancy release (nmol О2/(g dry wt min))
Month Vtotal Vcyt Valt Vres
Dec. 2629 ± 175a 925 ± 98a 1320 ± 142a 383 ± 45ab
Feb. 2675 ± 216a 1130 ± 90a 1230 ± 123a 315 ± 66a
Mar. 3045 ± 145ab 1110 ± 82ab 1448 ± 134a 486 ± 48ab
Apr. 4843 ± 347c 1901 ± 319b 2190 ± 198b 753 ± 55c
May 3967 ± 273b 1942 ± 163b 1504 ± 82a 521 ± 71b
The means and their standard errors are shown (n = 4–6). Measurements were taken at 20°C. Different superscripts designate reliability
of changes in the parameter depending on the time of dormancy release (ANOVA, Duncan’s test, Р ≤ 0.05).


412 MALYSHEV et al.

(а) (b)
0.15 50

0.10 40
Evolution of CO2 (RCO2),
nmol/(mg dry wt s)

Heat evolution (q),


μW/mg dry wt

0 20
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
–0.05 10

–0.10 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
–0.15 –10
Temperature, °С

Fig. 2. Temperature dependence of the rate of (а) respiration and (b) heat evolution in the buds of V. myrtillus unfolded in May.
The means and their standard errors for 2–3 series of independent experiments are shown (n = 10–15).

In November, the buds released from dormancy of temperature dependence has shown that the great-
were notable for a very low rate of heat generation (q) est increase in СО2 evolution occurred when tempera-
(Table 2). In December, q value in the buds noticeably ture rose from 15 to 25°C. The magnitude of coeffi-
increased. A considerable rise in this parameter was cient Q10 for respiration within the ranges of 5–15°C
observed in February. In February–April, q value was and 20–30°C was much lower than in the ranges of
five times greater than in November and 2.5 times 10–20°C and 15–25°C (Table 3). As to heat evolution
greater than in December. In May, sprouting buds of by the buds, Q10 value for this parameter was higher
bilberry produced heat at the same rate as the buds than for respiration. The most significant increase in
artificially released from dormancy in the period from the rate of heat evolution in sprouting buds was
February to April. observed when temperature rose from 10 to 20°C.
Investigations conducted with the buds that
unfolded in spring showed a dependence of heat evo- DISCUSSION
lution and respiration on temperature (Fig. 2). Both
parameters increased when the temperature rose from Transition to deep dormancy enables plants not
5 to 30°C. At 35°C, respiration and the processes asso- only to survive critical periods but it is also a stage nec-
ciated with heat production were suppressed. Analysis essary for changes preparing plants for rapid growth
when favorable period comes. Low-temperature expo-
sure of a certain duration is necessary for the buds of
Table 2. Rate of heat production (q) and respiration (RCO2 ) woody plants in the temperate zone. It prevents early
in unfolded buds of V. myrtillus depending on the time of initiation of growth in spring and shoot injury in case
dormancy release of return of cold weather [17]. Our investigations
showed that a disturbance of biological rhythm of
RCO2 , nmol/(mg dry development as a result of artificial breaking of bud
Month q, μW/mg dry wt
wt s) dormancy exerted a profound influence on the initial
stage of extra-bud growth of bilberry shoots. The ear-
Nov. 2.6 ± 1.2a 0.020 ± 0.002a
lier the shoots were transferred to indoor conditions,
Dec. 5.0 ± 1.0a 0.030 ± 0.004ab the longer time interval before budbreak (Fig. 1). Sim-
Feb. 13.3 ± 1.6b 0.040 ± 0.005b ilar results were obtained for Betula pendula, Alnus glu-
Mar. 10.0 ± 0.7b 0.040 ± 0.003b tinosa, and Prunus padus [17]. On the branches of
A. glutinosa placed in a controlled-climate chamber in
Apr. 13.0 ± 1.5b 0.040 ± 0.004b
November, the buds unfolded in 60 days, in March,
May 14.2 ± 1.2b 0.060 ± 0.004c they unfolded as early as in 10 days; the buds of
The means and their standard errors for two or three series of P. padus opened in 25 and 5 days, respectively.
independent determinations are shown (n = 7–10). Measure-
ments were taken at 20°C. Different superscripts designate reli-
The buds of bilberry released from dormancy
ability of changes in the parameter depending on the time of dor- before the proper time did not reach the level of meta-
mancy release (ANOVA, Duncan’s test, Р ≤ 0.05). bolic activity characteristic of unfolded buds that nat-



urally resumed growing in May. This showed in a

lower rate of respiration and heat production

Heat evolution (q), μW/mg dry wt

(Tables 1, 2). In April–May, О2 consumption charac- 16
teristic of mitochondrial respiration was much higher;
in addition, the ratio between cytochrome and alter- 12
native pathways changed. In December, Vcyt/Valt ratio
was 0.7 and it rose to 1.3 in May. When the share of
ineffective respiration decreased, sprouting buds could 8
more efficiently utilize respiratory substrate for pro-
duction of metabolic energy. 4
r = 0.75
According to literature data, bud respiration of
deciduous woody plants goes down by autumn and
greatly rises in spring upon dormancy release [17–21]. 0
For instance, respiration rate of B. pendula buds in 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
October–February remained very low and it grew Evolution of СО2 (RCO2), nmol/(mg dry wt s)
more than ten times amounting in April to 1400 μL
О2/(g dry wt h) [17]. For comparison, in May the rate Fig. 3. Rate of heat evolution (q) as a function of respira-
of respiration of sprouting bilberry buds was approxi- tion (RCO 2 ) of unfolded buds of V. myrtillus (r is Pearson’s
mately 4000 nmol О2/(g dry wt min) at 20°C (Table 1) correlation coefficient at the given significance level P ≤
or 5400 μL О2/(g dry wt h). Under natural conditions, 0.05).
average daily air temperature in the first ten-day-
period of May was 7–10°C. Therefore, the rate of res-
piration of sprouting buds of V. myrtillus was 2–3 times in the buds of woody plants are not numerous. We
lower. showed earlier that the rate of heat evolution in the
The data about activity and the ratio between respi- sprouting shoots of Syringa josikaea and S. vulgaris was
ratory pathways in the buds of woody plants are scanty. 25–30 μW/mg dry wt (at 20°C) [31]. The value of this
In bilberry, contribution of AP to bud respiration upon parameter in the apical flower buds of Malus domestica
dormancy breaking in December amounted to 50%, treated before opening with bud breaking agents varied
whereas it was 38% in May in completely unfolded from 10 to 12 μW/mg dry wt (at 25°C) [32].
buds. The data we obtained agree with the results of not We revealed a strong correlation (r = 0.75 at P =
numerous investigations of the buds of other plant spe- 0.01) between the rate of heat evolution and respira-
cies. For instance, respiration of flower buds of peach tion of unfolded buds measured calorimetrically
tree before and during the dormant period was more (Fig. 3). This makes it possible to regard q as a func-
intensely suppressed by AOX inhibitor salicylhy- tion of the rate of СО2 evolution RCO2 and agrees with
droxamic acid than by KCN that inhibits cytochrome the notions that the bulk (up to 90%) of evolved heat
oxidase [22]. Upon bud dormancy release, the extent of in young actively growing organs and tissues is
suppression of respiration with AOX inhibitor accounted for by their respiration [13]. It is known that
decreased. In the course of dormancy induction in the bulk of СО2 is produced within Krebs cycle as a
peach tree buds caused by shortening of photoperiod, result of oxidative decarboxylation of organic acids
CP activity decreased, whereas ability to transfer elec- and other compounds (lipids and proteins).
trons along AP became greater [23]. In the dormant
period, contribution of AP to total respiration of buds in Correlation between q and consumption of О2 (Vtotal)
aquatic plants varied in a wide range (50–90%) [24]. reflecting activity of mitochondrial pathways of respi-
It is interesting that respiratory activity of bilberry ration was weak (r = 0.56 at P = 0.33) (Fig. 4a). It
shoots in the initial stage of extra-bud growth was could be caused by changes in the ratio between the
approximately the same as in the objects notable for main (cytochrome, CP) and energy dissipating alter-
active respiration, such as wheat seedlings [25] or young native respiratory pathway (AP). As was already noted,
arabidopsis plants [26]. As to the ratio between respira- the ratio Vcyt/Valt in the buds sprouting in May changed
tory pathways, sprouting shoots of bilberry also did not in favor of cytochrome respiratory pathway, which
differ from young organs of other plants [27–29].
Heat evolution by plant cells is an integral charac- Table 3. Q10 coefficient of respiration (RCO2 ) and heat pro-
teristic of the whole metabolism [30]. Calorimetric duction (q) of the shoots of bilberry V. myrtillus in the begin-
measurements showed that heat production in bilberry ning of extra-bud growth under natural conditions
buds greatly depended on the time when sprouting was Q5–15 Q10–20 Q15–25 Q20–30 Q25–35
initiated. In May, the magnitude of q in unfolded buds
amounted to 14 μW/mg dry wt (at 20°C) being five RCO2 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.6 –0.5
times greater than in the buds that were released from
dormancy in November. Data about heat production q 2.4 4.3 2.1 2.7 0.2


414 MALYSHEV et al.

(а) Our data suggest that, in actively growing tissues and

16 organs, thermal dissipation of energy covers not only
losses associated with involvement of AP. According to
Heat evolution (q),

calculations done in [11], approximately 90% of

μW/mg dry wt

energy contained in the respiration substrate may be

lost in the stage of ATP formation. Approximately as
8 much energy is inevitably dissipated in the processes of
biomass production (growth).
4 r = 0.56 Thermodynamic model [12, 13, 34] makes it possi-
ble to mathematically describe growth in terms of
0 energy storage and estimate its efficiency. Growth rate
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 is proportional to the difference between two charac-
Consumption of О2 (Vtotal), nmol O2/(g dry wt min) teristics—the rate of respiration and heat evolution:
(b) Δ H BR SG = 455RCO2 − q, (4)
where ∆HBRSG is growth rate (μW/mg dry wt), 455 is
changes in enthalpy per nmol of oxygen used for oxi-
Heat evolution (q),

12 dation of organic compounds (μW/nmol), Rсо2 is rate

μW/mg dry wt

of СО2 evolution (nmol/(mg dry wt s)), and q is rate of

metabolic heat evolution (μW/mg dry wt).
r = 0.73 The given equation is relevant to young plants or
apical parts of mature plants where the bulk of energy
4 produced in the course of respiration is spent on for-
mation of new structures. According to this model, the
0 ratio q 455RCO2 is a measure of efficiency of energy
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 storage (EES). This ratio may take on values above or
Consumption of О2 (Vcyt), nmol O2/(g dry wt min) below unity. Values less than unity point to energy
(c) storage by a plant: the lower this ratio, the more energy
is stored. At q 455RCO2 ≥ 1, storage of energy (growth)
ceases [34, 35].
Heat evolution (q),

12 Having applied the model to our data, we examined

μW/mg dry wt

the effect of artificial breaking of bud dormancy on the

ratio q 455RCO2 . First of all, one should note that
q 455RCO 2 value was below unity (Fig. 5), which
r = 0.33 pointed to a potential ability of unfolded buds to store
4 energy. It is interesting that, when bud sprouting was
induced in November–December, it was almost two
0 times greater. These results apply to the temperature of
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 20°C, whereas average daily temperature in the first
Consumption of О2 (Valt), nmol O2/(g dry wt min) half of May in natural conditions when the shoots of
bilberry resumed growing did not exceed 10°C. Since
the rate of heat production, as well as respiration,
Fig. 4. Rate of heat evolution (q) as a function of (а) total depends on temperature (Fig. 2), changes in external
respiration (Vtotal), (b) cytochrome (Vcyt), and (c) alterna-
tive (Valt) pathways in unfolded buds of V. myrtillus (r is temperature also affect q 455RCO 2 . Figure 6 shows
Pearson’s correlation coefficient at the given significance that, at 5–15°C, the value of q 455RCO 2 ratio was, on
level Р ≤ 0.05).
average, approximately 0.3 and increased 1.7 times
when temperature rose to 20–25°C. Heating of
agrees with the idea of a greater contribution of CP to unfolded buds to 30°C more intensely activated heat
the growth respiration and alternative pathway to production than respiration (Fig. 2). As a result, value
maintenance respiration [26]. In sprouting buds of bil- of q 455RCO 2 increased more than 1.5 times and
berry, q value correlated with the activity of energeti- amounted to 0.84. In other words, temperature of
30°C is almost critical to shoot growth in the begin-
cally efficient CP (r = 0.73 at P = 0.02) (Fig. 4b) but ning of vegetation, because of elevated dissipation of
not with the activity of energy dissipating AP (r = 0.33 energy. Complete upsetting of energy balance was
at P = 0.42) (Fig. 4c), as was shown in ageing sections observed when sprouting shoots were exposed to a
of potato or in cucumber leaves after cold stress [33]. temperature of 35°C. It was shown that response of



1.0 May. Efficiency of energy storage in sprouting buds

depended on temperature. High temperatures more
intensely activated processes associated with heat pro-
Efficiency of energy storage,

0.8 b b duction than respiration. This brought about a rise in

b the share of energy dissipated as heat and a decrease in
the share of metabolic energy stored in the course of
q/455 RCO2

0.6 growth. The most efficient storage of energy was
a observed in the range of temperatures characteristic of
a the period when natural sprouting of V. myrtillus
0.4 shoots starts. On the whole, the obtained data broaden
the notions about functional biology and bioenergetics
of sprouting buds.
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