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Lesson Exemplar in ORAL COMMUNICATION IN CONTEXT Using the IDEA Instructional Process

SDO Grade Level 11

Learning Oral Communication
Area in Context
Teaching Date and
Quarter 1

I. OBJECTIVES Explains why there is a breakdown of communication

A. Content The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in
Standard context.
B. Performance The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral
Standard communication activities based on context.
C. Most
Use various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown.
(if available write
the indicated
D. Enabling
(if available
write the
II. CONTENT Communication Breakdown: Barriers to Communication
A. References
a. Teacher’s
b. Learner’s Module in Oral Communication in Context:
Guide Pages PIVOT4A, pp.22, 27-36
c. Textbook
d. Additional
Materials from MELC Senior HS Core Subjects, Quarter 4 PIVOT BOW, DIVISION OF CITY
Learning SCHOOLS – MANILA Quarter 1 Week 4 Module 4
B. List of Learning
Resources for
A. Introduction Content and expectations will be presented.
 The Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) and Learning objectives
will also be introduced to guide learners on the desired targets/outcomes.

Directions: Study the infographics on the next slide, then:
a.) Label the elements of communication.
b.) Explain the process of communication as shown in the chart.

Note: The learners will be given one minute to label the infographics; a copy of
the infographics was given to the learners.

Learners will be called to answer through

What’s New?
Directions: Watch the short clip “Failure to Communicate” and answer the
following questions:

1. What is the video clip about?

2. What happened in the clip?
3. What seemed to be the problem?
4. Were they able to solve the problem? How?

(Process students’ answers leading to the lesson of the day.)

B. Developme What is it?

Discussion on Barriers to Communication
Note: After the discussion, go back to the video clip (Failure to Communicate)
and ask the learners, what barriers to communication were seen in the clip.
What’s More?
Directions: Identify the kind of communication barrier exemplified by each
description. Tell whether it is Physiological, Psychological, Cultural, or Linguistic
Barrier. Write your answer on your answer sheets.
_____________________1. lack of confidence
_____________________2. connotative and denotative meaning
_____________________3. loud party
_____________________4. different races
_____________________ 5. poor lighting
_____________________ 6. lack of interest and attention
_____________________ 7. different views and opinions
_____________________ 8. using idiomatic expressions
_____________________ 9. information overload
_____________________ 10. feel frustrated

C. Engagemen What I Can Do? (Group Activity; the situations are found in their modules
t which is already installed in the tablet, each situation will be assigned
through an online random name picker)

NOTE: If internet connection is not available draw lots will be used.

Directions: Directions: Read the given situations and fill in the table with the
needed information. Complete the table by answering the following questions:
a. Who were the persons involved?
b. What was the situation?
c. When did the communication breakdown happen?
d. What were the barriers to communication?
e. What happened due to the communication breakdown?
f. What was the cause of communication breakdown?

For the order of presentation, an online race will be used:

Rosa instructs her little brother to water the plants in their garden. However, she did
not notice that her brother was wearing headphones when she gave instructions.
She learned too late that her brother did not do what she told him.

Trina’s mother gave her a ring and requested for a video call. The poor
internet connection did not make it possible. They resorted to just texting each
Gerry bought a can of milk from the nearby store. As it was handed to him, he
checked its expiration date. He found out that the product is already expired
and reported it to the storekeeper.
D. Assimilatio What I Have Learned?
n Directions: Complete the following statements for you to remember the most
essential takeaways from the lesson:


Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on your
answer sheets.
1. What influence the interpretation of conversation to effective communication?
A. environment C. noise
B. language D. technological gadgets
2. When is the communication process complete?
A. when the message enters the channel of communication
B. when the receiver understands the message and feedback
C. when the sender transmits message to the receiver
D. when the sender transmits the message successfully
3. Which of the following must be avoided in communication breakdown?
A. Ambiguity C. personal interpretation
B. focused attention D. Both A and B
4. Which barrier includes the mental conditions of the listener?
A. cultural barrier C. physical barrier
B. linguistic barrier D. psychological barrier
5. Which barrier includes the hearing or sight problem of the listener?
A. cultural barrier C. physical barrier
B. linguistic barrier D. Both A and C
6. In which barrier can semantic noise be classified?
A. cultural barrier C. physical barrier
B. linguistic barrier D. Both A and C
7. Which of the following must the listener do to avoid mental noise?
A. Be ready for the communication activity.
B. Be attentive and respond to the speaker.
C. Just remain quiet and daydream
D. Must not think of any problem during class hours
8. In which barrier does gender be classified in communication?
A. cultural barrier C. Physical barrier
B. linguistic barrier D. Both B and C
9. Which is the best option in order to avoid misinterpretation that causes
communication barrier?
A. Be familiar with the topic of the speaker.
B. Disconnect with your emotional baggage.
C. Do not be conscious of gender or status.
D. Inquire the meaning.
10. What is the barrier to which you classify withdrawal of listener?
A. cultural barrier C. physical barrier
B. linguistic barrier D. psychological barrier

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