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What is a Car Blessing?

A blessing rite refers to a ceremonial act where a person of authority in church will offer a prayer to
something or someone. In this case, a car. Usually, pastors, priests, or deacons handle this
ceremony. House blessings might be more familiar to some, but car blessings work just the same
way as the former.
In some practices, especially with the Catholics, cars are sprinkled with holy water. While others
involve laying off hands as a physical act of blessing.
Why Do People Get Their Cars Blessed?

Source: Pexels

 Custom or tradition: For some, it’s just something they were used to doing. Blessing ordinary
items, for instance, might be normal for those who grew up with a religious family. Many
believe that nothing bad will possibly come out of it. So, why not do it anyway?
 A form of offering: Having the car blessed is one way of saying that the owner offers it to
whoever eternal being one believes in. Besides, there is a notion that every blessing received
comes from God. Therefore, it should be offered back to him as well. When the car is
dedicated to God, it also becomes sacred as people believe.
 A declaration of freedom: This is probably the most practical reason why people want their
cars to be blessed. This is believed to cast away evil influences over the property. When a
prayer is uttered, the people gathered agree in asking for the safety and protection of those
who’ll use it. 
 A declaration of success: The ceremony is also like claiming success for the car's intended
purpose. May it be for personal transportation, business, or others.
Where to Visit?
One can have their car blessed at any parish or church near them. Just approach the priest or pastor
at the end of the mass or visit any day and express the interest. Different churches may have
varying directions on how to proceed. Regardless, that’s just a minor inconvenience to receive the
blessing, right?
An Act of Gratitude
Car blessing is yet another gesture of giving thanks for having received this kind of blessing. Many
asked and worked for it but not everyone still had it. But remember, having the car blessed doesn’t
make it exempted from accidents or misfortunes. It’s important to always be alert and cautious in
the driveway. Oh, uttering a short prayer before going might give one additional peace and sense of


Dear Lord, we come before you today to ask for your blessing. We pray that our car will
be safe and reliable, that it will take us where we need to go and back again. We pray
that the mechanics and parts in our car will work together in harmony, without fail. We
pray for the peace of mind that comes with knowing that our car can be counted on
when it’s needed most. And we ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.

Dear Lord,

We give thanks for this car. We pray that it will serve us well, and that we may not
abuse it in any way. We ask that you bless our car with the energy needed to carry us
safely through our travels and to help us be good stewards of it, as we are good
stewards of the earth and all its resources. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

O Lord, we thank you for this vehicle.

We ask that you bless it with safety and strength, and that your will be done as we travel
on the roads of this world.

We pray that our car is protected from accidents, that any mechanical problems are
quickly identified and fixed, and that we may find a parking space easily wherever we

We pray that we may be good stewards of this vehicle, taking care to maintain it
properly and responsibly use its resources.
We ask for wisdom in knowing when to sell this car or trade it in on something newer or
better suited for our needs.

And finally, we pray that you will use us as instruments of your love in the lives of those
around us while driving this vehicle.

We pray for this car, that it will be a safe and holy vehicle for us to use. We pray that the
fuel we put into it will be used to help others, and that the engine will not be used to
harm anyone. May we use this car as an instrument of peace, and may we treat it with
care so that it can serve us well. We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ.

Dear God,
We ask that you bless this car, which we have purchased with your money. We ask that
you guard it and keep it safe on the road, and help us to drive it in a way that honors
you. We pray for protection from accidents, mechanical failures, and other misfortunes.
We also pray that we may keep our tempers under control when other drivers do not
respect us or our property. We ask that you watch over our family and friends who are
in this car with us now, and protect them from harm as well. And finally, we ask that you
bring glory to yourself through this vehicle; as we use it to travel safely from place to
place, may people see your grace at work in our lives through its use. In Jesus’ name
we pray amen.

Dear God,
We know that this car is a gift from you and we want to thank you for it. This car is a
blessing to us and we pray that you bless this car in every way possible. We ask that
you protect this car from all harm and danger. We also ask that your blessings be upon
the owner of this vehicle so that he or she may have a safe trip each time they drive it.

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen

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