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NEI’s Master Psychopharmacology Program

Cannabinoids and the Developing Brain

Meghan M. Grady


The endogenous cannabinoid system plays an integral role in neurodevelopment, both prenatally and during the
critical adolescent time period, when substantial synaptic pruning and restructuring occurs. Given the role of the
endocannabinoid system in neurodevelopment, it seems reasonable that the early use of cannabis may influence
brain maturation and development. Although studying the effects of cannabis is complicated, the limited data
that do exist suggest that early cannabis use can alter neurogenesis and synaptogenesis, and that this may be
associated with increased risk for neuropsychological impairment. Multiple factors may mediate the potential
risks of early cannabis exposure, including the age at initiation; the quantity, frequency, and duration of use; and
the potency of the particular product. Much more research is needed to truly understand the potential long-term
consequences of heavy cannabis use during brain development.

With the widespread use of cannabis both as a There are two main types of cannabinoid receptors. CB1
recreational drug and as a potential therapeutic entity, a receptors are the most abundant and are present at
major concern for the medical community is: what effect neuron terminals throughout the central and peripheral
does early cannabis use have on the developing brain? To nervous systems. Within the brain, CB1 receptors are
begin to answer that question, we must first understand found in the cortex, nucleus accumbens, basal ganglia,
the role of the endogenous cannabinoid (CB) system. hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, cerebellum, and
brainstem.2 CB2 receptors are not expressed as widely in
Endocannabinoid System the brain, although they are present in glial cells and in
the brainstem. Instead, CB2 receptors are primarily found
Overview in immune cells, where they modulate cell migration
The endocannabinoid system comprises endogenous and cytokine release.4 Of the multiple endogenous
cannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors that are present cannabinoids, the best understood are anandamide and
throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems, 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). Anandamide is a low-
and the enzymes involved in the synthesis and efficacy agonist at CB1 receptors and a very low-efficacy
degradation of cannabinoids.1-2 It is a neuromodulatory agonist at CB2 receptors. 2-AG is a high-efficacy agonist
system that is involved in neurodevelopment, synaptic at both CB1 and CB2 receptors.
plasticity, and homeostatic processes throughout the
nervous system; thus, its regulatory role extends to a The endocannabinoid system is unusual among
wide range of physiological processes, including immune neurotransmitter systems in more than one way. First, it
function, intraocular pressure, appetite, coordination, functions via retrograde neurotransmission, in which the
cognitive functioning, pain perception, the emetic reflex, endocannabinoids are released from the postsynaptic
heart rate, gastrointestinal motility, and even female neuron and bind to receptors on the presynaptic neuron
reproductive function.2-3 to regulate neurotransmitter release there.2,5 Second,
unlike classic neurotransmitters, which are synthesized
and stored in synaptic vesicles, endocannabinoids are

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NEI’s Master Psychopharmacology Program

synthesized on demand in response to postsynaptic Prenatally, the endocannabinoid system is involved in

neuron activation.2,5 That is, precursors to the neural stem cell survival, proliferation, and migration of
endocannabinoids are stored in the lipid membrane immature neurons.1,7-9 Endocannabinoid signaling also
of the postsynaptic neuron. When that neuron is activates cascades that promote synapse formation,
activated, either via depolarization or the presence including neurite outgrowth, direction of axonal growth,
of a neurotransmitter binding to a G-protein-coupled and positioning of cortical gamma aminobutyric acid
receptor, this triggers an enzymatic reaction to form and (GABA) interneurons (Figure 2).7-8 The formation of
release the endocannabinoid, which then binds to a synapses occurs at a furious rate until the age of 6. Then
presynaptic cannabinoid receptor, causing the inhibition during pubescence and adolescence, a period known as
of neurotransmitter release (Figure 1). competitive elimination occurs, with extensive synaptic
pruning and restructuring.5
Role in neurodevelopment
One of the most important aspects of the In particular, adolescence is a critical time period for the
endocannabinoid system is the role it plays in pruning of asymmetric excitatory glutamate synapses
neurodevelopment. Prenatally, CB1 receptors are and for the proliferation of GABA inhibitory circuits.9 An
present in high density in white matter. They dramatically appropriate balance of excitatory-inhibitory synapses
increase during childhood in the frontal cortex, striatum, is essential to proper late-stage brain maturation, and
and hippocampus, and reach their maximum density the endocannabinoid system seems to be involved in
in adolescence before dropping off in adulthood.6 this process.9 Specifically, the endocannabinoid system
Anandamide also increases gradually throughout regulates the inhibition of glutamate neurotransmission,
childhood, reaching its maximum level by the end of which is important for synaptic pruning, influences the
adolescence and dropping off during adulthood.6 positioning of GABA interneurons, and is involved in white

Figure 1. The Endocannabinoid System: Retrograde Neurotransmission


A. Endocannabinoid (EC) precursors are present in lipid membranes

B. Neurotransmitter binding (or depolarization) triggers enzymatic reaction to form and release EC
C. Released EC binds to presynaptic CB1 or CB2 receptors
D. EC binding inhibits release of inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters

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NEI’s Master Psychopharmacology Program

matter development (Figure 2). In fact, there is evidence mimic the effects of the endogenous cannabinoids.3 Each
for a correlation between CB1 receptor density in a certain strain of cannabis may contain a different combination of
brain region and its particular critical period.6,9 cannabinoids, some of which may be agonists while others
are antagonists.11 In addition, the extraction processes can
Cannabis and the Developing Brain affect potencies.11 Thus, it can be difficult to predict what
the effects will be of any particular cannabis product. The
Cannabis: more than just THC Schedule I status of cannabis has made it very difficult to
Given the role of the endocannabinoid system in study in controlled trials, and the controlled data that do
neurodevelopment, it seems reasonable that the use of exist are for purified formulations or synthetic compounds
cannabis during this critical time period may influence and cannot necessarily be extrapolated to other strains or
brain maturation. Studying its effects, however, is compounds.
complicated. There are two well-known and relatively well-
studied exogenous cannabinoids: (1) tetrahydrocannabinol Bearing in mind the limitations noted above, the
(THC), which is psychoactive and binds as a partial aggregate data that do exist show that chronic
agonist at CB1 and CB2 receptors, causing inhibition of heavy cannabis use is associated with changes in the
neurotransmitter release; and (2) cannabidiol, which is not endocannabinoid system, including reduced anandamide
psychoactive and for which the binding at CB receptors is in cerebrospinal fluid,12 reduced CB1 receptor
not entirely clear, although it does seem to interact with expression,13 and abnormalities in brain regions high in
other neurotransmitter systems, such as the serotonin CB1 receptors, such as the hippocampus and prefrontal
system.3,10 However, there are as many as 500 chemicals cortex.14 This suggests that heavy cannabis use during
within the cannabis plant, and approximately 60 to 100 of early development may have relevant effects on the brain.
those are cannabinoids that potentially compete with or

Figure 2. Pre- and Postnatal Neurodevelopment: Role of Endocannabinoid System

migration axonal
white matter

neural stem
cell survival

stem cell
neuron eliminated

neurogenesis selection migration differentiation synaptogenesis competitive elimination

position cortical inhibition of

GABA interneurons glutamate

© Neuroscience Education Institute

NEI’s Master Psychopharmacology Program

Cannabis use during prenatal development significant decline in IQ at age 38 compared to those who
Not surprisingly, there is limited research on the effects began using cannabis later in life.23 Just as concerning,
of exogenous cannabinoids during human prenatal stopping cannabis use did not restore neuropsychological
development. Preliminary findings include subtle functioning among those who were dependent before
impairments in executive functions, such as learning, age 18. Heavy early cannabis use is also associated with
memory, and attention; increased impulsivity; and a lower likelihood of high school completion and degree
increased externalizing behavior.9,15 There is some attainment.20 However, a recent meta-analysis of studies in
suggestion of possible volumetric changes; specifically, young adults showed that although there was a small but
reduced cortical grey matter.16 In animal models, statistically significant effect of heavy, frequent cannabis
prenatal treatment with CB1 receptor ligands has shown use on cognition, the effect was not mediated either by
decreased neurogenesis and altered development of age or age at onset of first use.25
major neurotransmitter systems, including misrouting
of migrating GABA interneurons, altered synapse Of great concern is whether or not early cannabis use may
distribution, and errors in axonal growth and connections.8 induce neurodevelopmental changes that can actually
increase the risk of developing a psychotic disorder. It
Cannabis use during adolescence is well established that cannabis intoxication can cause
Heavy cannabis use during adolescence is associated with acute psychosis.26-27 In a meta-analysis of studies involving
downregulated CB1 receptors in white matter, disrupted patients at ultra-high risk for psychosis, only those
glutamate neurotransmission, and alterations in prefrontal who met criteria for cannabis dependence (i.e., heavy,
cortex volume and function.9,17 A small longitudinal chronic use) were significantly more likely to transition
study demonstrated differences in resting functional to psychosis.28 Nonetheless, the number of confounding
connectivity between healthy controls and treatment- variables makes it difficult to determine the extent to
seeking adolescents with cannabis use disorder.18 In a which heavy cannabis use in adolescence may increase
later longitudinal study by the same group, alterations risk for a psychotic disorder.
in intrinsic functional connectivity were also seen in
nontreatment-seeking young adults with cannabis use Conclusion
disorder.19 In a rat model, adolescent exposure to THC The endocannabinoid system plays an important role
induced premature synaptic pruning and allostatic atrophy in neurodevelopment, suggesting that cannabis use
of dendritic arborization.17 during this time period could influence brain maturation.
Preliminary evidence suggests that early cannabis use can
Behaviorally, animal studies have shown persistent deficits alter neurogenesis and synaptogenesis, and that this may
in learning, working memory, and object recognition; be associated with increased risk for neuropsychological
disruption in social behavior; more depressive-like impairment. However, data are relatively limited, and
behaviors; reduced consumption of palatable food; several factors may mediate any potential risks of early
passive response to acute stress; impaired prepulse cannabis exposure, including the age at initiation; the
inhibition; and increased locomotor activity.6,8-9 quantity, frequency, and duration of use; and the potency
of the particular product. Much more research is needed
Although somewhat limited, there are also studies to truly understand the potential long-term consequences
in humans that illustrate the potential long-term of heavy cannabis use during brain development.
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study assessing the association between persistent early modulation of the endocannabinoid system. CNS Drugs
cannabis use and neuropsychological decline, individuals 2018;32(8):697-712.
who were cannabis-dependent before age 18 showed a

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NEI’s Master Psychopharmacology Program

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