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A paper submitted to:


Master Teacher 1
Ma. Ed

Pedro Tuason Senior High School

Submitted by:








March 13, 2023

ABM 11

Background of the Study

Bagoong Alamang is a popular Filipino condiment made from fermented tiny

shrimp or krill. It is a versatile ingredient that is used in various Filipino dishes such

as Pinakbet, Kare-Kare, and Bagoong Rice, among others. Bagoong Alamang is also

used as a dipping sauce for grilled or fried dishes.

The production of Bagoong Alamang is a traditional business in the

Philippines, with many households and small enterprises engaging in its production.

The product's popularity and demand have made it a viable business venture,

especially for those in coastal communities where the shrimp or krill used in its

production are abundant.

The objective of the study is to analyze the potential of Bagoong Alamang as a

smart business product. This study will examine the current state of the Bagoong

Alamang industry in the Philippines, including its production process, market

demand, and competition. It will also identify the challenges and opportunities that

Bagoong Alamang producers face and provide recommendations on how to overcome

these challenges and maximize the opportunities.

Moreover, the study will explore the potential of Bagoong Alamang as an

export product, considering the growing demand for Filipino cuisine and the

increasing popularity of Southeast Asian flavors in the global market.

By understanding the Bagoong Alamang industry's current state and potential,

this study aims to provide insights for entrepreneurs who want to start or expand their

Bagoong Alamang business.

Growing demand for bagoong alamang - According to a report by the

Philippine News Agency, the demand for bagoong alamang has been steadily

increasing over the years. The report cites the growing popularity of Filipino cuisine

and the increasing number of Filipino restaurants abroad as the primary drivers of this


Bagoong alamang as a potential export product - The Philippine Department of

Agriculture has identified bagoong alamang as a potential export product. In 2018, the

department launched a program to promote the production and export of bagoong

alamang and other fermented seafood products.

Bagoong alamang as a source of livelihood - In a 2017 article by the

BusinessMirror, bagoong alamang was highlighted as a potential source of livelihood

for farmers and fisherfolks in the Philippines. The article cites the high demand for

bagoong alamang and the relatively low cost of production as key factors that make it

an attractive business opportunity for small-scale producers.

Innovations in bagoong alamang production - In recent years, there have been

innovations in bagoong alamang production that have improved the quality and

consistency of the product. For example, some producers have started using modern

fermentation techniques and packaging methods to extend the shelf life of bagoong

alamang and make it more appealing to consumers.

Overall, it seems that bagoong alamang has a strong business potential both

domestically and internationally, and there have been efforts to promote its production

and export in recent years.

Review of the Related Literature

"Bagoong Alamang Production in the Philippines: An Assessment of Quality

Control Measures and Best Practices" (2017) by Maria Isabel M. Bacayo and John

Paul F. Ramos. This study analyzes the production of bagoong alamang in the

Philippines, focusing on quality control measures and best practices in the industry.

"Consumer Acceptance of Bagoong Alamang-based Products in the

Philippines" (2018) by Jomar F. Rabajante, Elmer M. Flor, and Michael Angelo B.

Promentilla. This study investigates the consumer acceptance of bagoong alamang-

based products in the Philippines, including factors that affect their purchasing

behavior and preferences.

"Bagoong Alamang Supply Chain Management: A Case Study of Small-Scale

Producers in the Philippines" (2019) by Marie Antoinette S. Acedillo and Ronald John

T. Doron. This study examines the supply chain management practices of small-scale

bagoong alamang producers in the Philippines, including challenges and opportunities

for improving their operations

Review of Related Studies

A review published in the International Food Research Journal in 2018

analyzed the market potential and consumer acceptance of Bagoong Alamang. The

study found that Bagoong Alamang has a high market potential, especially in regions

with a large Filipino population. Moreover, the study revealed that consumers have a

positive perception of Bagoong Alamang, primarily due to its unique taste and aroma.

A study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology in 2019

investigated the nutritional value and sensory characteristics of Bagoong Alamang.

The study found that Bagoong Alamang is a good source of protein, calcium, and

iodine. Additionally, the study revealed that Bagoong Alamang has a unique taste and

aroma, which could make it an attractive ingredient for chefs and food manufacturers.

Another study published in the International Journal of Scientific and Research

Publications in 2019 analyzed the production process and quality characteristics of

Bagoong Alamang. The study found that the production process of Bagoong Alamang
is relatively simple, but several factors, such as the quality of raw materials and

fermentation conditions, can affect the quality of the final product.

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