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PASSIVEVOICE WITH REPORTING VERBS: (Bị động với động từ tường thuật)

Example 1:Everyone says that high-tech equipment is affecting their daily life.
àIt is said that high-tech equipment is affecting their daily life.
à High-tech equipment is said to be affecting their daily life.
Example 2: Everyone thinks that the Vietnamese defeated the US Army.
à It is thought that the Vietnamese defeated the US Army.
àThe Vietnamese are thought to have defeated the US Army
Example 3:
-They believed that the Prime Minister had already left the party.
àIt was believed that the Prime Minister had already left the party.
à The Prime Minister was believed to have already left the party.

FORM: S1 + Vtt + that S2 + V____.

àCách 1: It + be (is/was/has been)+ Vtt 3/ed that S2 +__V______( giữ nguyên)

àCách 2: S2+be + Vtt 3/ed+ to V1 ____________ (1) ( now/ today / tomorrow/ next..) (cùng thì).

to have +V3/ed______ (2) ( yesterday/ ago/ last….) ( khác thì).

( Vtt): believe→ believed expect → expected, know → known

report →reported say →said, think →thought

EXERCISE: Chang the following sentences into the passive voice.

1.People know that he is armed.
→ It ____________________________
→The man ____________________________
2.It was reported that the President had suffered a heart attack.
→The President ____________________________
3.It is alleged that the man was driving at 110 miles an hour.
→The man ____________________________
4.People know that the expedition reached the South Pole in May.
→The expedition ____________________________
5.People consider that she was the best singer that Australia has ever produced.
→ It ____________________________
→She ____________________________
6.It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow.
→ The weather ____________________________
7.A lot of people believe that the Prime Minister and his wife have separated.
→ It ____________________________
→ The Prime Minister and his wife ____________________________.

EXERCISE: Chang the following sentences into the passive voice.
1.People know that he is armed.
→ It is known that he is armed.
→The man is known to be armed.
2.It was reported that the President had suffered a heart attack.
→The President was reported to have suffered a heart attack
3.It is alleged that the man was driving at 110 miles an hour.
→The man is alleged to have been driving at 110 miles an hour.
4.People know that the expedition reached the South Pole in May.
→The expedition is known to have reached the South Pole in May.
5.People consider that she was the best singer that Australia has ever produced.
→ It is considered that she was the best singer that Australia has ever produced.
→She is considered to have been the best singer that Australia has ever produced.
6.It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow.
→ The weather is expected to be good tomorrow.
7.A lot of people believe that the Prime Minister and his wife have separated.
→ It is believed that the Prime Minister and his wife have separated.
→The Prime Minister and his wife are believed to have separated.

IV. Tiến trình thực hiện chuyên đề
1. Theory

1.Greeting (Chào hỏi) Responses

- How do you do - How do you do
- Pleased to meet you. - Pleased to meet you.
- Good morning. - Good morning.
- Good afternoon - Good afternoon.
- Good evening. - Good evening.
- How are you? - Fine, thanks. And you?
- How are things? - Not too bad, thanks.
- How's the family? - Very well, thank you.
2.Goodbyes ( Tạm biệt) Responses
- It was very nice meeting you. - I really enjoyed meeting you, too.
- Have a good journey - Thank you ... (and the same to you).
- I hope to see you again. - I hope so, too.
on the ... (1st July)
- See you next week. - Have a good trip back.
3.Offering (Đề ngị) Responses
- Shall I + V1...? Accepting (Chấp nhận) Declining (Từ chối)
- Do you want me to + V1 …? - Yes, please. - Thanks, but please don't bother.
- If you like, I can + V1 ...? - Thank you. - Thanks, but that won't be
- Would you like me to + V1 ...? necessary.
- That's very kind of you. - That's very kind of you, but...
(/ can manage).
- Thank you. I'd appreciate that.

4.Requesting (Yêu cầu) Responses

Agreeing Refusing
- Can you + V1...? - I think that will be difficult...
- Could you + V1...? - Yes, of course. (There isn't enough time)
- Would you + V1...? - Yes, certainly. - I'm afraid not... (I'm very busy)
- Do you think you could + V1...? - I'm sorry, but that's not possible ...
(I’m leaving now)
- I'm afraid not.
- Would you mind + V-ing ...? - Not at all.
- Do you mind + V-ing...? - No, of course not.
5.Asking for opinions (Hỏi ý kiến)
- What do you think about ...(the
design)? Agreeing Disagreeing
- What's your opinion of... (the - I agree. - I'm afraid I don't agree.
quality? - I certainly agree with that. - I'm sorry, but I disagree.
- How do you feel about... (the price)? - I agree completely. - I couldn’t agree less.
Giving opinions (Đưa ý kiến) - In my opinion, you are correct - No, that’s wrong.
- In my opinion ... (it's excellent). - I couldn’t agree more. – I couldn’t disagree more.
- I think ... (it’s rather expensive). - You are right. - I refuse to believe that ...

6.Asking for suggestions

- Do you have any suggestion for ...
(the agenda) ?
- Any ideas on ... (the parking
problem) ?
Making suggestions Accepting suggestions Rejecting suggestions
- I suggest + V1 ... -Yes, that's a good idea. - Yes, but...(it's too far away).
- How about + V-ing ...? -Yes, let's do that. - I'm not sure about that.
- What about + V-ing ...? - I'm afraid I don't like that idea.
- Why don't we + V1 ...?
- Why not + V1 ….?
- We could + V1 ..?
- Let’s + V1 …
7.Thanking for hospitality ( cảm ơn Responding to thanks
vì lòng mến khách)
- Thank you for inviting us. We've had you could come.
a wonderful time. - I'm glad you enjoyed it.
- Thank you for everything. It was you found it interesting
really enjoyable. you liked it.
- Thank you very much for your
hospitality. I really appreciated it.
- Thanks a lot. Everything was great.
8.Thanking (Cảm ơn) Responses
- Thanks for all your help. - Don't mention it.
- Thank you for your advice. - Not at all.
- Thank you for a really excellent - You're welcome. (US)
meal. - It was my pleasure.
- Thank you for a lovely evening. - I’m glad you like it.
9.Apologizing (Xin lỗi) Responses
- Sorry I'm late. - It doesn't matter. / That’s quite all right.
- I'm sorry. I've broken a glass. - Don't worry. /That’s OK.
- Forgive me. I’m terribly sorry - Never mind./ Don’t worry about it.
about ... - I understand completely.
- I apologize for ... - You don’t need to apologize. / It’s not your fault.
10.Asking and giving permission (hỏi Responses
và cho phép) - Yes, of course.
- May I sit here? - Please do.
- Could I use your phone? - Yes, certainly.
- No, not at all.
-Do you mind if I open the widow ?
11.Refusing permission Responses
-Could I borrow your car ? -Sorry, but I need it.
-Do you mind if I smoke ? -Well, I’d rather you didn’t.
12.Inviting (mời) Accepting Declining
- I'd like to invite you to ... (have - Thank you. I'd be delighted - I’d love to, but... (I’ m afraid
dinner with me)? to accept. I can’t)
- Would you join us ... (for a game of - Thank you. I'd love to. - Thanks a lot, but... (I've made
tennis) ? another arrangement).
- Would you like to ... (come - Thank you. I'd enjoy that. – I wish I could , but ...
- Why don't you ... (have lunch with - That would be wonderful. – I’d really like to, but ...
us) ?
- Are you free on Saturday ? Would - Thanks. I’d love to. – Sorry. I’ve made plans for
you like to ... ? Saturday.
- How about ...(joining us ) ? - Sounds great. / All right. / OK.
13.Giving compliments (Đưa ra lời Responses
khen) - Thank you. It’s nice of you to say so.
-I would like to compliment you on ...
- I think your (hair) is very nice. - Thank you, but it really isn’t anything special.
- I love your ... - Thank you. Yours is even nicer.
- The chicken is delicious. - I’m glad you like it.
- I really like your ... - Thank you.
14.Giving good news. Responding to good news.
- I’ve passed my final exam. - Congratulations!
- That’s great.
15.Giving bad news Responding to bad news.
- I failed my driving test. - Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
- John had an accident. - Poor him!
16.Giving good wishes Responding good wishes
- Have a good weekend. - Thanks. You too.
- I hope you enjoy your holiday. - Thanks, the same to you.

2. Practice

Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
completeseach of the following exchanges.

3.John: “I’ve passed my final exam.”- Tom: “____________”

A.Good lock. B. It’s nice of you to say so. C.That’s a good idea. D.Congratulations!
4.Hung: “Would you like to have dinner with me?”- Lam: “__________.”
A.Yes, I’d love to B. I’m very happy C.Yes,it is D.Yes,so do I
8.David: “You’ve got a beautiful dress!” – Helen: “________.”
A. I do B. Thanks for your complimentlời khen ngợi
C.You, too D. Okay
11.Jack: “I’ve got to go, Sarah. So long.” – Sarah: “So long, Jack. And_____.” careful B.don’t hurry C. take care D.don’t take it seriously
12.Mary: “That’s a very nice skirt you’re wearing.”- Julia: “_________.”
A.That’s nice B. I like it C. That’s all right D. I’m glad you like it
13.David: “Happy Christmas!”- Jason: “____________”
A.You are the same! B. Same for you! C. The same to you! D. Happy Christmas with you!
17. Mary: “I’ve got an interview for a job tomorrow.” – Peter: “____________.”
A. Thank you B. Same to me C. Good luck D. See you
18. A: “Thank you for the lovely present.” – B: “____________.”
A. Go ahead B. Not at all C. Come on D. I’m pleased you like it.
19. A: “Are you coming on Saturday?” – B: “____________.”
A. I’m afraid not B. I’m afraid not to C. I’m afraid to D. I’m afraid I don’t

Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
completes each of the following exchanges.
1. Ann: “Do you think you’ll get the job?” – Mary: “____________.”
A. I know so B. Well, I hope so C. I think not D. Yes, that’s right
2. Trung: “I’m getting married next week.” – Nguyen: “____________.”
A. Thanks, the same to you B. Congratulations! C. Well done! D. Sorry to hear that
3. A: “How’s life?” – B: “____________.”
A. Sure B. Not too bad, but very busy C. Very well, thank you D. Pleased to meet you
4. A: “Excuse me, what’s the time?” – B: “Sorry. I ____________.”
A. don’t see B. do not have a watch C. won’t know D. know
5. A: “Are you free this coming Sunday?” – B: “____________”
A. Yes, I will B. No, thank you C. Yes, I can D. I think so. Why?
8. A: “Would you like some more tea?” – B: “____________”
A. Yes, please B. Here you are C. It doesn’t matter D. I’m OK
9. Hello, my name’s John. ____________ to meet you
A. Please B. I am very well C. Pleased D. Thank you
11. Peter: “Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift.” – Mary: “____________”
A. You are welcome B. Thank you C. Cheers D. Have a good day
12. Dona: “ What’s your name?” – Helen: “____________”
A. Really? B. Pardon? C. OK D. Forgive me
13. A: “Thank you for a lovely evening.” – B: “____________”
A. Don’t mention it B. I’m glad you enjoy it
C. Yes, I’d like that D. Yes, that would be very nice
15. “Would you like a cup of coffee?” – “____________”
A. Yes, thanks a lot B. No, thanks you C. Yes, please D. No, you are welcome
17. A: “Let’s meet for a coffee tonight.” – B: “____________”
A. I hope not B. I’m afraid I can C. Yes, let’s D. Yes, thank you
19. A: “What’s ____________ , Peter?” You don’t look very happy.
A. matter B. problem C. the matter D. that
20. A: “Jenny, I passed my exam.” – Jenny: “____________”
A. Oh! B. Oh! Good luck C. Congratulations! D. Ouch!
Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
completes each of the following exchanges.
1. “ Is she coming to the party tonight ?” – “___________ ” . I ca’t stand seeing her behaviour.”
A. I don’t think so B. I hope so C. I don’t hope so D. I hope not
5. “ I’m afraid I can’t come to your birthday party this weekend!” – “……………………………”
A. What a shame ! B. What a pity ! C. Me too. D. What’s happened?
7. Maria: “ I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.” – Sarah: “ ………………!”
A. Good chance B. Good time C. Good day D. Good luck
10. “ How do you do?” – “…………………………”
A. How do you do? B. Good morning C. Very well, thanks. D. I’m fine, thanks.
Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
completes each of the following exchanges.
2. “ I need some ice. Can you get some from the fridge for me?” – “ …………………………………”
A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. Certainly D. Yes, thank you
3. “ Thank you very much for the wonderful gift.” – “ …………………………”
A. Good luck B. Don’t mention it C. Congratulations D. You are welcome
4. “ Let’s eat out tonight!” – “………………………”
A. Ok. Why not? B. Congratulations C. Good luck ! D. Yes, I will
5. Brenda: “ Do you think it will rain?” – Carol: “ Oh! ……………………………”
A. I don’t hope B. I hope not C. I don’t hope so D. It’s hopeless
6. A: May I borrow your pen for a minute, please? – B:…………………………… .
A. Yes, certainly B. Yes, thank you C. No, thanks D. No, of course
7. “ Goodbye. Have a nice weekend.” – “ Goodbye. ……………………… .”
A. Me too B. You’re welcome C. Not at all D. The same to you
8. “ Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?” – “ Yes. …………… . Where can we meet?”
A. I would B. I will C. I’d love to D. I like
Exercise 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
completes each of the following exchanges.
3. “ Can I carry the bag for you? It seems very heavy. ” – “ ____________ . I can manage.”
A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. Sorry D. You are welcome
11. John: “What kind of job would you like?” – Mike: “ __________________ ”
A. Is there a good chance of promotion? B. I’m good at computing
C. Anytime after next week D. Anything to do with computers
15. Hung: “ Thank you very much for a lovely party.” – Hoa: “ _____________ .”
A. Thanks B. Have a good day C. You are welcome D. Cheers
16. Brenda: “ Do you think it will rain?” – Carol: “ Oh, _________________ .”
A. I don’t hope B. I hope not C. I don’t hope so D. It’s hopeless
17. Tom: “ Congratulations!” – John: “ ______________ .”
A. What a pity! B. Thank you C. I’m sorry D. You are welcome
19. Janet: “ Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?” – Susan: “ _____________ .”
A. I don’t agree, I’m afraid B. You are welcome
C. That would be great D. I feel very boring
20. Laura: “ What a lovely house you have!” – Maria: “ ______________ .”
A. Of course not, it’s not costly B. Thank you. Hope you will drop in
C. I think so D. No problem
Exercise 6: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
completes each of the following exchanges.
3. John: “Has an announcement been made about the eight o’clock flight to Paris? ”
– Mary: “ ____________ .”
A. Sorry, I don’t B. Yes, it was C. I don’t think that D. Not yet
4. Anne: “Thanks for a nice gift!” – John: “ _______________ ”
A. In fact, I myself don’t like it. B. You are welcomed.
C. I’m glad you like it. D. But you know how much it costs?
5. Peter: “Thanks for coming. What a nice gift you’ve brought us!” – Mary: “ _______________ ”
A. I’m glad you like it B. You are welcome C. The same to you D. Not at all
6. Hung: “You have a good voice. You sang so beautifully!” – Lan: “____________ .”
A. The same to you B. You, too C. Thanks for your compliment D. Thank a lot
7. Pete: “Hi, Michael. What’s going on?” – Michael: “ Nothing special, Pete. ________ with you?”
A. What’s up B. Have you got C. Nothing new D. Not much
8. A: Is it going to rain tonight? – B: _____________ .
A. I don’t hope so B. I hope not C. I think not D. Yes, I am
Exercise 7: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
completes each of the following exchanges.
4.A: “What a beautiful dress. I like it” – B:“……………………………..”
A. Don’t mention it B. Your welcome C. It’s nice of you to say so D.I feel happy to hear that
9. “I have some lucky money for you. Happy new year” “………………………”
A. Great. Thanks B. Have a nice day C. Good luck D. What a pity!
10. How often do you go swimming, Linda? - ………………………………
A. I guess I’m OK B. once a week C. about one hour D. last night
13- What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary! - _______
a. Thank you very much. I am afraid b. You are telling a lie
c. Thank you for your compliment d. I don't like your sayings
17-John; “ Mary Christmas.” - Mary; “ _________.”
a. The same to you b. Good. I like it c. Happy to you d. I want it
19_ Do you like a coffee? - ____________________ .
a. Oh, dear b. Everything is Ok c. Oh, yes. I’d love one d. How do you do.
Exercise 9: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of
the following exchanges.
4: - Margan: “Could you give me the pen, please?”
- Helen:“________.”
A. I am, of course B. Yes, with pleasure C. I feel sorry D. Yes, I can
6. Jane: “ Thanks for your help.” Mike“_______”
A. You are welcome B. That’s all right
C. Thank you, too D. The same to you
7. Liz: “Thanks for the nice gift you bought to us!” Jennifer: “______”
A. All right. Do you know how much it costs?
B. Not at all. Don’t mention it.
C. Actually speaking. I myself don’t like it.
D. Welcome! It’s a very nice of
8. Alpha: “I had a really good time. Thanks for the lovely evening.” Mark: “ __________.”
A. Oh, that’s right B. Yes, it’s really good
C. I’m glad you enjoyed it D. No, it’s very kind of you
9. -Harry: “Thank you for helping me prepare for my birthday party” Judy: “______.”
A. It’s my pleasure B. That’s out of this world
C. Never mention me D. Of course not
13: Nam and Lan are talking about the new dress Lan is wearing now.
Nam: “Wow! You look terrific (đẹp ) in that new dress!”
Lan: “_______”

A. Oh, what a pity! B. Thank you. I’m glad you like it.
C. I’m afraid so. D. Why dare you say so?
14: Jane and Mike are talking about the English test at the end of their school year.
Jane: “I’m afraid that the English test this year will be more difficult.”
Mike: “ ______. It won’t be easy at all.”
A. I couldn’t agree with you more/ There is no doubt about it
B. I don’t quite agree
C. It’s wrong
D. My pleasure
15: Ann and Peter are talking about housework.
- Ann: “I think children should be paid for doing the housework.”
- Peter: “________. It’s their duty in the family.”
A. You’re exactly right B. That’s what 1 think
C. There’s no doubt about it D.I don’t think so
16-John had an accident. He’s been in hospital for five days. – “_____”
A. Poor it B. poor him ( tội nghiệp anh ấy quá)
C. How terrific D. Oh. Is he?
Exercise 10: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each
of the following exchanges.
1. Sue: “I love pop music.”
Alice: “______.”
A. No, I won't B. Neither do I C. Yes, I like it D. So do I
16. –“ A motorbike knocked Ted down.”
- “_________”
A. What is it now ? B. Poor Ted! C. How terrific! D. What a motor bike!
17. “ I have bought you a toy. Happy birthday to you!”
- “_________”
A. The same to you! B. Have a nice day. C. What a pity! D. What a lovely toy!. Thanks.
20. “Oh, I’m really sorry!” - “_________”
A. It was my pleasure. B. That’s all right. C. Thanks. D. Yes, why ?
21. - Janet: "Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?"
- Susan: "______."
A. You’re welcome B. That would be great
C. I feel very bored D. I don't agree, I'm afraid
22. - Laura: “What a lovely house you have!”
- Maria: “_______.”
A. Thank you. Hope you will drop in B. I think so C. No problem D. Of course not, it’s not costly
23. Anne: “Thanks for the nice gift!”
John: “______”
A. I’m glad you like it. B. You’re welcomed.
C. In fact, I myself don’t like it. D. But do you know how much it costs?
24. - “How do you do?”
- “______”
A. How do you do? B. Not too bad. C. I’m well. Thank you. D. Yeah, OK.


I. Singular verb (Động từ số ít): Vs/es; is / was; has

1.N ( không đếm được / đếm được số it.) + V(số ít) 6.Các danh từ chỉ môn học, tên bệnh và tên quốc gia
Milk is good for your health.This book is mine. kết thúc là ‘s’:
news (bản tin),
2.To V1/ V-ing __+ V(số ít ) physics (môn lý),
Learning English is difficult. ecnomics (kinh tế học),
What he told was interesting. mathematics (toán),
To fly in the space is her dream. politics (chính trị học), V ( số ít)
athletes (môn điền kinh),
3.Each / Every / either/ neither/ one + N( số ít) +V(số ít ) meales (bệnh sởi),
Each of students has a book. mumps (bệnh quai bị),
Every teacher likes teaching. the Philipines (nước Phi),
the United States (nước Mỹ)…
4.Someone, somebody
no one, nobody Eg: Physics is more difficult than chemistry.
anyone, anybody +V (số ít )
everyone, something 7.Các từ chỉ số lượng, thờigian, khoảng cách và tiền:
nothing, anything, everything Eg: Eight hours of sleep is enough.
Everything looks bright and clean. Twenty dollars is too much to pay.

5. Each/ every + N and N + V (số ít )

Eg: Every student and his teacher likes the film

Plual verb (Động từ số nhiều): V1; are; were; have

1.N AND N + V(số nhiều)

Water and oil do not mix. 4.Cac tu chi so luong
2.The + Adjective+V(số nhiều) The rich are not always a few, few,
happy. both, some,
3.Các danh từ số nhiều a lot of, most+ N( số nhiều )+V(số nhiều)
People(người ta) many, plenty of
the police(cảnh sát) all, several,
cattle(súc vật) +V(số nhiều)
children ( nhung dua tre) Eg:A few booksI read are famous.
women( nhung phu nu) Many studentsare hard-working.
teeth ( nhung chiec rang)
Eg: The police have arrested the thieves.

III.Singular or plural verbs (Số nhiều hoặc số ít):

1.The number of + N(số nhiều)+ V(số ít) Eg:There is a fire in this room .
A number of + N(số nhiều)+V(số nhiều) Eg: There are five books in my bag .

5.S+ preps (on/ in/ of.....) + N(p) .. V

Eg: The number of students in this class is forty.
Eg: A number of children like cakes.
Eg: The teacher with his students is trying to find the
2. No + N( số ít) +V(số ít) solution now.
No + N( số nhiều) +V(số nhiều)
Eg: No student is in the hall. No students are on the 6._____N who / which / that .. V

3.All / some of +N(số ít) + V(số ít)

none /plenty Eg: He is talking to the man who wants to meet you.
half/ most
a lot / lots of +N(số nhiều) +V(số nhiều) 7.__N who / whom/ which / that S+V +V

None of the boys are good at English.

A lot of coffee has been hot. Eg:The woman who we told you about is very rich.

4.There + be + N

IV. Hợp với chủ ngữ gần: (Danh từ liên kết bởi cặp từ nối song song)

Not only my brother but also my sister is here.

V. Hợp với chủ ngữ thu nhat: (Danh từ đựơc bổ nghĩa bởi cụm giới từ)

The actress, along with her manager,is going to the
with , along with party tonight.
to gether with The book, included with all the chapters in section, is
S1 , includedwith S2 ,+ V. interesting.
. accompanied by The team captain, as well as his players, is boring.
boring. The woman with all the dogs walks down my street.
IN ADDITION TO The people who listen to that music are few.
The woman with all the dogs
down my street.
as well as

VI. Luôn số ít

Wh_/ how S + V + V( số ít)

(The fact) that

A. Choose the right word or phrase best completes the sentence:

3. A number of students ____ volunteered to the job.
A. have B. has C. to have D. having
7. One of my neighbours ____ curious about other people’s private life.
A. being B. were C. is D. been
8. Tom doesn’t agree but the rest of us ____.
A. does B. done C. do D. doing
11. Much progress ____ been made in recent years.
A. have B. has C. having D. to have
12. Collecting old coins and paper notes ____ one of my hobbies.
A. being B. were C. are D. is
14. Five thousand pounds ____ stolen in the robbery last night.
A. being B. were C. are D. was
15. Mr. Thomson with his wife and his three children ____ abroad.
A. to be B. have been C. are D. is
16. One of the girls who ____ working in this department ____ my niece.
A. is/being B. are/is C. is/are D. was/were
17. The English ____ to drink tea.
A. likes B. to like C. like D. has liked
19. Jim as well as I ____ always busy doing English homework.
A. am B. has been C. are D. is
20. Neither Daisy nor I ____ glad to do that.
A. am B. has been C. are D. is
21. That you take a computer course ____ very necessary.
A. am B. have been C. are D. is
22. The police ____ come to the site of the accident.
A. have B. has C. having D. to have
23. The pilot along with his passengers ____ rescued last night.
A. am B. have been C. was D. is
24. What we need most ____ books.
A. is B. were C. are D. to be
25. My brother together with his friends often ____ in the park.
A. jogs B. jogging C. jog D. to jog
26. Neither he nor they ____ here yesterday.
A. are B. were C. is D. be
27. Either John or his children ____ breakfast each morning.
A. make B. makes C. making D. to make
28. I don’t like the hot weather. Thirty degrees ____ too warm for me.
A. was B. are C. being D. is
29. Not only a dog but also two cats ____ at home in his garage.
A. was B. are C. been D. is
_________________ THE END _________________


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