The Lived Experiences of Junior High School Science Teachers Amidst The COVID-19 Pandemic An Inquiry-Based Learning

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Volume: 5
Pages: 565-574
Document ID: 2022PEMJ349
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7325357
Manuscript Accepted: 2022-16-11
Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 565-574, Document ID: PEMJ349, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7325357, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The Lived Experiences of Junior High School Science Teachers Amidst the COVID-19
Pandemic: An Inquiry-Based Learning
EJ Boy T. Amoroso*,
Janeelyn C. Llanos, Jeffry M. Saro, Lizle L. Rabara, Vincent T. Sawate, Chris Faye M. Belluga
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

Numerous dimensions of our social and economic lives have undergone unthinkable transformation
as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic. This study was conducted to investigate and determine
the lived experiences of junior high school science teachers amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in the
context of based learning inquiry. The participants in the study were the ten junior high school
science teachers at the chosen schools, five of whom taught in public schools and five of whom
taught in private schools. The study's active participants were all seasoned educators with a combined
teaching experience ranging from 5 to 30 years in the science premise. Semi-structured interviews
were used for the data collection process. The authors consulted literature and sought advice from
experts as they created the interview questions. The researchers began by transcribing every
interview's audio recording. The interview data was examined using a thematic analysis process,
which was aided by the initial coding of the interview transcripts, the identification of preliminary
categories, the second round of coding, the refinement of categories, and the identification of
emergent themes. Based on the data findings, during the pandemic, teachers claimed they were
unable to teach science via inquiry for a variety of other reasons. Teachers claimed that greater
preparation time was necessary for creating effective inquiry-based online lessons and traditional
learning. They said that not teaching science through inquiry was due to a lack of preparation time
and shorter class periods.
Keywords: experiences, themes, science teachers, inquiry-based learning, conceptual

Introduction Chemical Engineering students are obliged to study

Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry 1
The global COVID-19 pandemic has irrevocably courses. Students majoring in Chemical Engineering
altered several facets of our social and economic will cover topics including phase equilibria, laws of
existence. Education is one industry that has mostly thermodynamics, and gas characteristics in Physical
escaped the pandemic's effects. Despite potential Chemistry I. Topics in chemical equilibrium,
scaled-up vaccination administration and production, traditional quantitative analysis, and instrumental
the future of education is still uncertain. Although techniques analysis are covered in the analytical
many schools have adjusted to the new normal, little is chemistry course.
known about how it has affected teaching methods and
Technology can help students learn science in a variety
student learning. Due to the epidemic, officials are
of ways, including by making the microscopic
becoming interested in and pushing for instructors to
components of scientific concepts visible to them, by
deliver their lessons online. Some nations and
assisting them in modeling the structure and behavior
environments mandate that teachers conduct their
of scientific concepts and procedures, by providing
lessons online.
interactive domain-related applications (such as online
The Philippines' higher education system has laboratories), and by providing tools that encourage
undergone significant transformation as a result of the effective student engagement with data, models, and
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, other students (Edelson, Gordin, & Pea, 1999;
including a notable shift in online instruction to stop Feldman & Capobianco, 2008; Linn, Freda, Husic,
the virus's spread. Because a sizable portion of the Slota, & Tinker, 2006). The Web-based Inquiry
population has erratic internet access and few Science Environment (WISE) curriculum, PHET
electronic devices, this abrupt shift to online simulations, and the GoLab learning ecosystems are a
instruction worried many teachers and pupils (Pastor, few examples of these technologies and tools.
2020; Mirandilla-Santos, 2016). Since the start of the These technological ecosystems and technology-based
pandemic, worries have lingered about whether an curricula have been developed to allow teachers to
internet connection would be insufficient to sustain accept and support students' technological learning of
online schooling. These worries do not appear to be science concepts and procedures. Because these
going away anytime soon. At universities in the technology ecosystems are so content-rich and focus
Philippines, first- and second-year undergraduate on many areas of inquiry, including hypothesis

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 565-574, Document ID: PEMJ349, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7325357, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

creation, data gathering, organization, and analysis, it & Montacute, 2020). Academic advancement was
is assumed that students will naturally pick up on frequently substituted with a focus on pupils'
science principles and practices. However, creating emotional and physical well-being. In reaction to the
and implementing online or digital learning materials pandemic, educators across the nation changed the
is a difficult challenge for teachers who lack curriculum, how it was delivered, and how it was
pedagogical resources to create lessons for online assessed (Chabbott & Sinclair, 2020; Viner et al.,
instruction, limited expertise creating digital materials, 2020). The crisis's pressure and urgency forced them
and no formal training in online teaching. Science to act in this way. They accomplished so without any
instruction in an online learning environment is training or prior experience.
particularly challenging for STEM teachers who are
used to giving hands-on inquiry-based learning In the literature on science education reform, inquiry-
activities in person (Cober, Tan, Slotta, So, & based learning is defined as learning experiences in
Könings, 2015; Varma, Husic, & Linn, 2008). which students make detailed observations, organize,
and carry out scientific investigations, pose research
The nation's first schools closed in the spring of 2020 questions, analyze data, and create scientific
(Reich et al., 2020). The COVID-19 issue prompted hypotheses (Driver, Newton, & Osborne, 2000;
several changes to daily life, which added stress to National Research Council [NRC], 1996; 2000).
everyone's lives and needed changes in the teaching However, inquiry-based learning for most teachers
and learning process as well. As schools were closed refers to pupils conducting scientific experiments in
in all 50 states, each one developed its own set of actual laboratories. The foundation of inquiry-based
regulations with varying emphasis. State departments learning in science classrooms is the practical
of education chose to encourage teachers to laboratory experiences. The pandemic, however, has
concentrate on either the presentation of new academic prevented this kind of instruction and learning.
material or on review and enrichment activities in their Instead, educators are required to create similar
recommendations for distant learning in order to learning opportunities in online learning environments
advance academic success (Reich et al., 2020). (de Jong et al., 2020). Additionally, without the proper
Additionally, school districts across the nation were
training, they have been asked to mimic inquiry in
obligated to continue providing meals to children of
online learning environments.
eligible families and to set up daycare for emergency,
medical, and other crucial staff in every neighborhood The ultimate objective of a successful science teacher
(Summary of Child Care Provisions of the is to create online learning tasks that foster students'
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act curiosity, guarantee their effective engagement with
or "CARES Act," 2020). the subject matter and with one another, keep them
motivated to put in cognitive effort while learning, and
Deep conceptual knowledge and the acquisition of
lead to the acquisition of deep conceptual knowledge
fundamental scientific and engineering abilities are
and scientific inquiry skills (de Jong et al., 2020). Only
thought to be driven in part by students' meaningful
until online learning activities can be successfully
participation in their education (Beymer, Rosenberg, &
created and scaffolded by the teacher will they have
Schmidt, 2020). Different instructional strategies, such
true educational value. For instance, creating
as problem-based learning, inquiry-based learning,
instructional designs requires various types of
collaborative learning, modeling, and argumentation,
expertise, including TPCK (technological,
can result in students' active participation in the
pedagogical, and content knowledge) ([Technological
learning process (Ainley, 2006; Ben-Eliyahu, Moore,
Dorph, & Schunn, 2018). The cornerstone of the Pedagogical Content Knowledge] Mishra & Koehler,
argument for reforming science education is inquiry- 2006). However, many teachers lack the TPCK
based learning, which motivates students (Bansal & required for creating or successfully utilizing inquiry-
Ramnarain, 2021; Nhlengethwa, Govender & Sibanda, based learning activities (de Jong et al., 2020; Yan,
2021). Chai, & So, 2018). Therefore, they require assistance
in adapting the designers' abstract theoretical
The obstacles to schooling were enormous, and neither presumptions about the objectives and benefits of
the federal government nor the states provided much these technology ecosystems to their lesson plans.
support. Obstacles became quite clear when all When we refer to technology systems, we are referring
districts adopted some type of online, remote, or to online learning environments like GOLABZ, WISE,
virtual learning. Differences in access to and and PHET simulations that give students the chance to
proficiency with technology have emerged (Cullinane engage in science learning through inquiry.

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 565-574, Document ID: PEMJ349, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7325357, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Teachers' belief systems towards teaching and

learning, their subject-matter expertise, and their
pedagogical technical expertise all have a significant
impact on how they create engaging and effective provides questions for the student to choose from, or
learning experiences. Teachers who seek to use they work with the student to create their own
inquiry-based teaching confront additional hurdles in investigative inquiries (Abrams et al., 2008; NRC,
nations or parts of nations where students lack the 2000; NRC, 2013). Through continuing scaffolding,
technology means to participate in the planned the teacher helps the student or group of students
learning activities and complete assignments. For construct their research. Students are given a data table
instance, a recent poll found that the participation rate template along with instructions on how to gather and
for pupils in rural Turkey, particularly those in the evaluate specific data. Finally, using a template or
east, remained below 50% (Egitim-Sen, 2021). series of questions provided by the teacher, the student
Additionally, individuals who could access the course is assisted in forming conclusions and explanations
materials experienced numerous disruptions because from their findings. Open inquiry can be described as a
of faulty network problems (Egitim-Sen, 2021). student-centered approach that starts with a student
Similar differences exist between how well-established formulating an investigable research question based on
private schools prepare their instructors and provide his or her interests, then designing and carrying out an
them with the resources they need to teach science via investigation or experiment, analyzing data, and
inquiry and how public schools do these things. The sharing findings with the learning community through
disparities in teacher in-service training between models, evidence-based explanations, and defending
public and private schools, theoretical presumptions the findings through persuasive arguments (NRC,
about what effective online teaching should entail, and 1996; NRC, 2013; Windschitl, 2003). The key to open
the difficulties associated with student engagement in inquiry is allowing students to formulate the questions
online learning highlight the necessity and significance that direct their own inquiries and giving them the
of scrutinizing science teachers' instructional methods. freedom to construct their own investigations.
In this study, we investigate how six Turkish primary
school science instructors have created and led online This type of education is the most advanced since it
inquiry-based learning activities.
most nearly resembles the science that is conducted in
real laboratories. As they plan, carry out, and present
As learning facilitators, teachers create an engaging
learning environment that inspires students' intellectual the findings of their studies, students take part in the
curiosity and learning motivation. They also assist epistemic and social practices of science. This
students in developing learning goals, offer a paradigm made it easier for us to evaluate and interpret
framework for them to engage in intellectual activities, the instructional strategies used by teachers and the
formulate inquiry questions, design their caliber of the inquiry-based learning opportunities they
investigations, and offer support to them as they carry gave their pupils.
out their investigations (Bansal & Ramnarain, 2021;
NRC, 1996; NRC, 2000; Wirkala & Kuhn, 2011). Research Objectives

The most fundamental type of inquiry used in the This study was conducted to investigate and determine
classroom is structured inquiry. Students participate in the lived experiences of junior high school science
learning by simply adhering to teacher instructions in teachers amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in the
structured inquiry-based learning contexts (Abrams et context of based learning inquiry. Specifically, this
al., 2008; NRC, 1996). The teacher gives the research study was administered to accomplish the following
question, explains the steps students should take in objectives:
their investigations in a specified order, provides a
structure for gathering and organizing data, and 1. To identify and evaluate junior high school science
provides a format for writing the findings of the teachers who adapt their inquiry-based teaching during
students' investigations. Students do not have any the COVID-19 pandemic; and
control over the question or the investigative process 2. To determine the challenges that they have
in this type of inquiry. As a result, the students' encountered during the implementation of inquiry-
participation in the inquiry experience is not very based teaching and learning.
intellectually stimulating. In guided inquiry, the
teacher works with the students to create their research
questions and investigation plans. The teacher either

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 565-574, Document ID: PEMJ349, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7325357, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Methodology teaching science; descriptions of inquiry-based

instruction; descriptions of inquiry-based instruction
delivered online; strategies for adapting inquiry-based
Research Design instruction during the pandemic; adaptation of
assessment strategies; and the difficulties they have
Cresswell (2007) defined research as the investigation encountered in their teaching during the pandemic. To
of a problem through one or more cases inside a be transcribed, all interviews were audio recorded. The
constrained system. The researchers set out to researchers began by transcribing every interview's
investigate 10 junior high school science teachers who audio recording.
used inquiry-based instruction or teaching during the
COVID-19 epidemic. The teachers were chosen based During the study's writing phase, the translation of the
on their track record of inquisitive science education. interview transcript was completed in the participating
The number of teachers and the teaching during the schools. Writing reflective notes, preparing summary
pandemic set the context's boundaries. The current sheets, developing patterns and themes, connecting
study was a multi-case study (Merriam, 1998) in order categories, and making contrasts and comparisons
to better understand how junior high school science were all used as analysis techniques (Miles &
teachers used inquiry-based strategies during the Huberman, 1994). The first and third authors of the
COVID-19 epidemic. current study conducted the interview analysis. Re-
analyzing the raw data and categorical modification
Participants of the Study were used to reconcile discrepancies in interpretations
until agreement was established (Patton, 2002).
Participants in the study were the ten junior high Additionally, the second author independently coded
school science teachers at the chosen schools, five of the four study participants, and there was a 95%
whom taught in public schools and five of whom agreement in the coding (Creswell, 2007).
taught in private schools. The study's active
participants were all seasoned educators with a The research was conducted with the highest ethical
combined teaching experience ranging from 5 to 30 standards. The researchers looked at the concepts and
years in the science premise. All of them are currently ideas of the authors in order to avoid plagiarism, and
using platforms offered by the schools themselves to they honored their rights by properly attributing them.
teach both online and in-person. The teachers were all Furthermore, in order to conduct the study with the
enthusiastic to teach science through inquiry. They all respondents, the researchers developed a request form.
affirmed their commitment to using inquiry-based The confidentiality of the respondents' data and the
instruction to teach science. Before the epidemic, all data to be collected is also considered throughout the
the participants claimed to have taken part in face-to- investigation. The researchers also remove the data
face professional development courses in STEM and they have gathered from their end after the study is
inquiry-based instruction. over and the results are in.

Data Analysis
Results and Discussion
Semi-structured interviews were used for the data
collection process. The authors consulted literature and
sought advice from experts as they created the This study explores the inquiry-based teaching
interview questions. Most of the interview questions experience of 10 in-service junior high school science
were developed using the authors' prior research, teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main
which was published and focused on developing a aim of the study was to explore how the COVID-19
scientific inquiry scale that was compatible with the pandemic influenced elementary science teachers'
NSES framework (NRC, 1996). Writing interview inquiry-based teaching goals, their implementation of
questions, receiving expert comments, and piloting inquiry-based teaching, and how and to what extent
these questions through a face-to-face series of brief their teaching goals and practice related to inquiry
interviews were all steps in the development of the shifted during the pandemic.
questionnaire items. The interview questions were then
revised as part of the procedure. The interview data was examined using a thematic
analysis process, which was aided by the initial coding
Prior to revision and finalization, these updated of the interview transcripts, the identification of
interview questions were piloted. The open-ended preliminary categories, the second round of coding, the
questions covered the following topics: objectives for refinement of categories, and the identification of

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 565-574, Document ID: PEMJ349, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7325357, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

emergent themes. Through an iterative process of the situation of the world. Also, I want to instill in their
coding and categorizing, major patterns were minds that learning science means knowing the
discovered, leading to the most important subjects in concepts of life based on curiosity and inquisitive
participants' answers to the interview questions. These thinking.”
themes developed from the transcript data when they
were examined in relation to the study questions, and Science Teacher 5 stated that,
they were found inductively and bottom-up. This led “As a private teacher and teaching science subjects, I
to the final distribution of themes that were thought to
realized that teaching my students the basic concepts
best capture the research participants' stated
of science means that you are helping them to look for
the beauty of life. Science provides advancements like
It specifically addressed the following objectives: (1) in education. We are learning more because of science
To identify and evaluate junior high school science and its advantages. In an inquiry and scientifically
teachers who adapt their inquiry-based teaching during based instruction reform, I simply want to emphasize
the COVID-19 pandemic; and (2) To determine the to my students the importance of knowing science.
challenges that they have encountered during the Hence, providing interactive activities in science
implementation of inquiry-based teaching and would explicitly adhere to the importance of the
learning. This section will also discuss the relevance subject matter.”
and interpretation of the results that follow.
Science Teacher 7 stated that,
Theme 1: Conceptual Difficulties and Challenges in
“The main objective of science education is to
Inquiry-Based Scientific Education Faced by
understand nature, so I want my students to follow
Junior High School Science Teachers
their curiosity and explore nature using methods and
means of science. My main goals are to increase
The researchers looked at teachers' perceptions of
teaching science, the meaning of inquiry-based students' curiosity towards nature, give them a sense
instruction, and how the epidemic had changed these of joy through discovery, and help them to develop
perceptions and objectives. The study's participants scientific observations and questioning skills.”
asserted that they used inquiry-based education in their
daily activities. The researchers asked them to describe Although most participants did not offer lengthy
the main objectives of science teaching in general and responses, all of them attempted to assist students
if their objectives have been modified as a result of the understand natural phenomena using scientific
COVID-19 pandemic in order to understand how their methods and to prepare informed, scientifically literate
practices of inquiry-based teaching are compatible citizens. One long-standing objective of science
with the actual inquiry-based teaching framework education reform initiatives has been to implement
promoted in documents on science education reform. scientific inquiry in science classrooms beginning in
As was to be predicted, all the junior high school elementary school (NRC, 1996; 2000; 2013; Schwab,
science teachers cited the development of scientifically 1960). Since the 1996 release of the National Science
educated citizens as their primary objective in teaching Education Standards, science instructors have had
science. The participants mainly concentrated on some degree of success (van Uum, Verhoeff, &
students' meaningful comprehension of natural Peeters, 2016).
phenomena and students' exploration of the concepts;
developing students' naturalist curiosity; acquiring While many teachers have yet to successfully apply
science process skills; and applying scientific inquiry in their classrooms (Correia & Harrison, 2020;
information to everyday situations encountered. Crawford, 2007), others of them have been able to
cultivate the beliefs, knowledge, and abilities
Science Teacher 2 stated that, necessary to do so (Abrams, Southerland, & Evans,
“As a teacher itself, the goal of teaching in public 2008; Blanchard, Southerland, & Granger, 2009). In
schools is to develop individuals who can make this study, we looked at how the COVID-19 epidemic
affected the teaching methods of these teachers.
science-informed reform decisions in the context of
Engaging students in scientific procedures as they take
education. As a teacher and facilitator of learning, I
place in real-world situations is one of the aims of
want to make science learning experiences of my inquiry-based learning (NRC, 2000; 2013). These
students very meaningful and interesting, where they skills include the capacity to make systematic
can learn and explore a lot about the environment and observations, gather and analyze data, formulate

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Research Article

explanations based on scientific evidence, and convey “The teacher's role should be limited to guiding
these explanations to peers (Chinn & Malhotra, 2002; student inquiry, not controlling student thought.
NRC, 1996; 2000). The study's findings demonstrated Students can explore concepts on their own or with
that teachers have aspirational aims for teaching their friends, either through experiments or through
science through inquiry and evolving attitudes of
brainstorming. The important thing is that they are the
scientific inquiry.
ones in control of their exploration and inquiry.
By "developing perspectives," they mean that these Additionally, inquiry to me refers to students posing
educators realized that involving pupils in real-world inquiries, planning controlled experiments, selecting,
scientific practices is the purpose of scientific research. and comprehending dependent and independent
They could list various features of inquiry, but they variables, formulating arguments, or drawing
were unable to go into detail about specific instances conclusions by contrasting the advantages and
of inquiry in the classroom. They struggled to create a disadvantages of various points of view. Only if we
fruitful atmosphere and efficient ways to engage their
involve our students in all these activities, in my
students in inquiry, while having such lofty aspirations
opinion, will we be able to match our practice with
and a growing grasp of the characteristics of inquiry-
based education. true science.”

Theme 2: The Fundamental Constraints of Science Teacher 9 stated that,

“The most crucial aspect of inquiry-based learning, in
Inquiry-Based Science Education in the Classroom
my opinion, is exploring answers to questions by
Many of the teachers said that they had not altered asking the right questions, and I try to reflect this in
their goal of fostering scientific literacy in response to my teaching. Consistent with this belief, I concentrate
the pandemic's impact on science teaching objectives. on improving their observation skills, their questioning
To accomplish their pedagogical objectives, they skills, and try to help them understand the features of
stated that they modified the tools based on the online quality scientific research. I try to illustrate the inquiry
learning environment and face to face premise. In this process through practical exercises with everyday
section, they looked at how the participants
objects. While teaching, I occasionally have the idea to
transformed their inquiry-based teaching and
use various objects to help my learners understand
assessment practices as well as the variables affecting
their preparation, delivery, and evaluation. They first scientific ideas and concepts. I then go get those
attempted to determine whether the participants had a objects. Using everyday objects as examples, I strive to
concept of inquiry-based education that was acceptable teach.”
within the context of the ongoing research.
Science Teacher 3 stated that,
Instead of the ideal of unfettered inquiry, they define “I include my students in hands-on activities at home
acceptable as teachers guiding their pupils' or students’ because I am unable to provide them with lab-based
investigation. This means that training will be centered learning opportunities. For instance, I recently had
on getting students involved in scientific inquiry skills them participate in a practical assignment where they
like noticing a phenomenon, carrying out experiments,
had to utilize everyday items to demonstrate to me the
and coming to conclusions through data analysis.
conservation of matter. Each student has a few
It was discovered that the participants' definitions of minutes to describe their models and the scientific
scientific inquiry and their objectives for science procedure they followed. We occasionally perform
teaching overlapped when it came to teachers' these tasks as a class. In the cell structure model and
definitions of scientific inquiry. Many participants telescope construction projects, we did it. They merely
described scientific inquiry as the investigation of keep pace with me as I work on the project.”
scientific ideas by students through their questions,
curiosities, and discoveries. This approach places “I want them to conduct experiments and provide me
students in charge of their own education and makes with photographic evidence of those experiments. I
use of science process skills like questioning, taught lab-based activities one day a week. As an
identifying variables, controlling variables, testing,
instance, I recently asked them to create a model of the
experimenting, questioning, and inferencing.
neurological, muscular, or respiratory systems, and
Science Teacher 1 stated that, share it with me.”

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Research Article

Participants described additional strategies they use to teaching science through inquiry was due to a lack of
implement inquiry-based instruction in their preparation time and shorter class periods.
classrooms. Participants reported being forced to use
online videos to instruct their students in science Science Teacher 2 stated that,
concepts and procedures due to a lack of efficient “Sometimes after carefully planning a lesson, I feel as
inquiry-based online teaching resources. Others are though everything is wonderful, but the next day I get
still getting used to the face-to-face teaching as they a message from the administration telling me that I
now require more time to plan out exercises that they need to make changes. There are many unforeseen
can employ in the classroom environment. judgments that I must make. They ask that we speed up
the content coverage or take another action. It is
Theme 3: Institutional and Administrative Issues
challenging for me to plan for inquiry-based teaching
with Inquiry-Based Science Education
since I do not feel like I have control over the lessons I
This portion sought to examine the difficulties that the teach.”
teachers faced in addition to the conceptual and
These results sum up the experiences with inquiry-
procedural problems associated with inquiry-based
based teaching that ten (10) junior high school science
education. Teachers were faced with problems like the
teachers have had. The researchers go over what these
administration's demands of them, difficulties with
findings reveal about teacher preparation and their
parents, and student attendance. Since many of the
implications for practice and policy in the next section.
teachers had to expend more energy coping with these
administrative issues rather than concentrating on
preparation for inquiry-based teaching, the objective of Conclusion
teaching through inquiry-based learning diminished as
a result. Time constraints, a focus on maintaining
student presence in online classes, becoming One long-standing objective of science education
accustomed to online teaching resources, a lack of reform initiatives has been to implement scientific
student access to laboratory equipment, and the impact inquiry in science classrooms beginning in elementary
the COVID-19 pandemic had on their psychology and school to secondary school (NRC, 1996; 2000; 2013).
domestic responsibilities were some of the reasons Since the 1996 release of the National Science
why the teachers switched from inquiry-based teaching Education Standards, science instructors have had
to more teacher-centered teaching instruction. For some degree of success (van Uum, Verhoeff, &
instance, one of the teachers mentioned how Peeters, 2016). While many instructors and teachers
unmotivated students were to attend online classes have yet to successfully apply inquiry in their
when discussing students' absences. She also classrooms (Correia & Harrison, 2020; Crawford,
emphasized how some students' socioeconomic 2007), others of them have been able to cultivate the
circumstances precluded them from enrolling in online beliefs, knowledge, and abilities necessary to do so
classes. (Abrams, Southerland, & Evans, 2008; Blanchard,
Southerland, & Granger, 2009). In this study, the
Science Teacher 6 stated that, researchers looked at how the COVID-19 epidemic
“As a private science teacher, some of my students are affected the teaching methods of these teachers.
unable to attend because they do not have access to Engaging students in scientific procedures as they take
the internet or a computer at home. Unfortunately, place in real-world situations is one of the aims of
there is nothing I can do to help them. They escaped inquiry-based learning (NRC, 2000; 2013). These
skills include the capacity to make systematic
me. I struggle with attendance. There are often 37–38
observations, gather and analyze data, formulate
students present in a class of 42. The motivation of
explanations based on scientific evidence, and convey
students to attend online classes is poor. They are these explanations to peers (Chinn & Malhotra, 2002;
psychologically present on occasion, but not NRC, 1996; 2000). Our study's findings demonstrated
frequently.” that teachers have aspirational aims for teaching
science through inquiry and evolving attitudes of
During the pandemic, teachers claimed they were scientific inquiry. By "developing perspectives," they
unable to teach science via inquiry for a variety of mean that these educators realized that involving
other reasons. Teachers claimed that greater learners in real-world scientific practices is the
preparation time was necessary for creating effective purpose of scientific research. They could list various
inquiry-based online lessons. They said that not features of inquiry, but they were unable to go into

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 565-574, Document ID: PEMJ349, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7325357, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

detail about specific instances of inquiry in the professional development that is contextualized in
classroom. They struggled to create a fruitful their job assignments to address these issues (Capps &
atmosphere and efficient ways to engage their students Crawford, 2013). It takes teachers acquiring
in inquiry, while having such lofty aspirations and a curriculum design abilities in addition to pedagogical
growing grasp of the characteristics of inquiry-based knowledge and skills to teach science online. Teachers
education. must be given ample opportunities to create and
evaluate online curriculum based on the fundamentals
Teachers had a simplistic grasp of the abilities of scientific inquiry. Due to poor process management,
associated to inquiry in terms of assessment beliefs instructors/teachers now shoulder the duties of school
and practices. Although teachers discussed data counselors. Teachers now have a dilemma as a result
gathering, questioning, and performance skills, they of this. They found themselves calling parents and
did not move beyond these fundamental abilities. This pupils to confirm attendance rather than spending time
highlights the need to support teachers in deepening arranging their courses. During emergencies, workers
their comprehension of inquiry skills and methods for and resources should be better coordinated.
evaluating them. Finally, there are frequently
challenging national exams at the end of each grade
band. Administrators and parents put pressure on
teachers to cover the material covered in these tests.
Abrams, E., Southerland, S. A., & Evans, C. (2008). Integrating
inquiry in the classroom: Identifying necessary components of a
The promotion of knowledge and abilities that are
useful definition. In E. A. Abrams, S. A. Southerland & P. Silva
examined on the national exam takes precedence over (Eds.), Integrating inquiry in the classroom: Realities and
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