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Ninety Nine

Percent Nayla

Ninety Nine Percent Nayla | Create The Life You Want

Thank you for downloading this workbook,

I'm so excited that you're here! 

Here at Ninety Nine Percent Nayla, I am here to support and

guide you to getting clear on your goals in life, so that you can
manifest them easily. But in order to do that it is important to
understand what you really want.

Use the table below to set out your five most important goals that
you really want to achieve.
What are your top 5 goals?

No. Description
Ninety Nine Percent Nayla | Create The Life You Want

If you had to pick just 2 goals to focus on, what would

they be? These must be your absolute 'to be achieved'

My 2 most important goals to achieve

Goal 1

Goal 2

These 2 goals will be your priority until you achieve

them. This does not mean that you no longer want to
achieve your other goals, it just means that for now it is
wise to only focus on one or two.
By spreading yourself too thin, goals take much longer
to achieve. So focusing on just 2 goals allows you to
spend more time making those dreams a reality.
Ninety Nine Percent Nayla | Create The Life You Want

Now go a little further into what will motivate you to

achieve your goals?

When are you looking to achieve your goal? Specify a time frame
for each goal e.g. 6 months, 12 months, 2 years.

What is frustrating you about not having these goals in your life
right now?

What would be your ideal situation having achieved these goals?

What would make you happy?

Break both of your goals down even further. What 5 things for
each goal could you start doing right now to get things moving?
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Ninety Nine Percent Nayla | Create The Life You Want

Making your plan more tangible.

Now that you have listed your goals and explained some details
about them, it's time to put your plan together. Using the
information on the previous page, please fill in the chart below to
make your plans more tangible and easier to achieve.

Achieved-by Date
Please use the date that you
listed on the previous page
to fill this out. If you stated
6 months, then specify the
date 6 months from now, to
have achieved your goal by.

Your Why
On the previous page where
you stated your frustrations
and what would make you
happy, write your
statements here. i.e. Being
able to earn as much as I
want without having to beg
for a pay rise.

Your Plan
Where you gave a break down
of your goals on the previous
page, list here all the steps you
are now going to take in order
to achieve your goals. Use a
separate blank piece of paper if
Ninety Nine Percent Nayla | Create The Life You Want

Positive Statements Of Power

Here are a list of powerful statements that have a tremendous
effect on the mind for increasing confidence. The reason I
have added them here is because having a plan is only half the
journey. Staying strong and overcoming your own doubts is
just as important in order to keep your mind resilient and
focused on your goals.

I have phenomenal coping skills

I am relentless in my desire to succeed
I am a go-getter and will not stop until I succeed
Good things are always happening to me
Positive experiences are always coming my way
I cope brilliantly in extreme situations
I always work perfectly under pressure
I am brilliant at problem solving
I have such a positive influence on people
I love building quality relationships with the people
around me
I believe in my abilities
I am talented and very skilled at what I do
I am always learning new skills to improve myself
I believe in my ability to increase my earnings
I love everything about my life
Things always work out for me
I am such a positive and uplifting person
I love everything about my body
I love being kind to myself
I love the person that I am
Ninety Nine Percent Nayla | Create The Life You Want

Your Personal Positive Statements of Power

When it comes to your dreams, list any negative and resistant thoughts
that come up? When you think about achieving your goals, what kind of
doubts pop up in your mind? These thoughts could potentially stop you
from achieving your goals, so it's important to change those patterns
as soon as possible.

On one side write down the negative thought that comes up, and on the
opposite side turn that thought it into a positive statement i.e. Nobody
will ever want to marry me to The right man will be honoured to spend the
rest of his life with me.

Negative Thought Positive Statement

Negative Thought Positive statement

Negative Thought Positive statement

List all your new positive statements here
Ninety Nine Percent Nayla | Create The Life You Want

Thank you for downloading this workbook,

you now have a plan which makes you 80%
there, it is time to start executing it! 

Now that you have:

1. Listed your most important goals
2. Made a plan
3. Downloaded a list of empowering affirmations
4. Changed resisting thoughts into powerful affirmations

What to do next?
1. Create a TO Do List every morning
2. Visualize yourself achieving your goals
3. Create a vision board
4. Go to my website for more tips on manifesting your dreams

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