How To Make Life Simple

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Dear Girls,

Keep studying even when they say you shouldn't.

I was once asked when my daughter was 2yrs of age as to why I continued studying when I already had a
job. I've heard comments like "Sega ni macala na vuli cava tale mada o lai cakava tiko ni sa dua tu na
nomu cakacaka" and "Sa rauta na vuli ni da sa va matavuvale!" 😂. I took a deep breath in & shook it off
that very instant. I kept studying.

Note that narrow minded women are stagnant in life and they hate it when other women excel. It
bothers them. Stay away from women who don't believe in education and excelling in life! These are the
ones that teach their daughters and females in their community the same. That is why we have a
continuous cycle of women stepping down on other women, generation after generation.

If you're a hard working, career oriented woman with qualifications, never look down on a stay at home,
fulltime housewife who works hard for her baby(ies) & husband. The same love, passion & effort you put
into your job she also gives at home. If you're a stay at home, fulltime housewife & Mom, be the best at
what you do. Never look down on a career driven woman & criticize her inability or choice of not having
children or a family. You value children & family, she values her job & making an impact in her
organization & economy. Understand that.

If you're a woman who is deeply rooted in your culture, tradition & religion and knows the supposed
do's and don'ts then don't look down on that woman that doesn't have a clue. We were not all raised by
our fathers or grandfathers. Share that knowledge with her if she agrees or respect her wishes if she
doesn't. Not every woman finds interest in culture or religion. Their interest may be in the environment,
child welfare, healthcare or art & music. Understand that.

If you're a married woman with a great husband, never look down on that unmarried woman or single
mom for not having a man in her life. You don't have to have a man to complete you. You may value
your husband and the institution of marriage and she values her independence & freedom and being the
best individual for her child(ren). Understand that.

Understand that we're all different.

Respect that we're all different.

Understand that we all value different things.

Respect that we all value different things.

The ONLY way you'll UNDERSTAND & RESPECT is to open up your mind. Get educated. Travel the world.
Broaden your horizons. Go to School & Never stop learning! Surround yourself with women who uplift
your spirit. Be around those that bring about life, love, laughter, joy and peace. Walk away from those
that kill it.

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