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NET C# syllabus(40 Hours)

Introduction to ASP.NET

Introduction to is a module designed for individuals who want to learn the
framework. The module provides a comprehensive overview of development concepts and how they
relate to Participants will learn how to create dynamic web applications using,
including building web forms, working with server controls, and using data sources to retrieve and
display information. Additionally, the course covers the basics of programming in C# and introduces
participants to the .NET framework.

C# Programming Fundamentals

The C# Programming Fundamentals module is designed to equip learners with a solid foundation in
the syntax, concepts, and principles of C# programming language. The module covers various
topics, starting with an introduction to the C# programming language, including its history and
significance in modern software development. It then progresses to cover essential aspects of
programming in C# such as data types and variables, including integer, floating-point, Boolean, and
string types. The module also covers the use of arithmetic, logical, and comparison operators in C#,
as well as expressions and their evaluation. Learners will also explore conditional statements, loops,
and branching statements in C# to control program flow, as well as the basics of creating and calling
methods and functions, including passing arguments and returning values.

Advanced C# Programming

The Advanced C# Programming Fundamentals module is designed to provide learners with an in-
depth understanding of advanced C# programming concepts and techniques. The module covers
various topics, starting with an overview of advanced programming concepts such as LINQ,
delegates, and events. It then progresses to cover advanced object-oriented programming principles
such as inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation, as well as advanced techniques for working
with classes and objects, such as extension methods, interfaces, and abstract classes. The module
also covers advanced topics in exception handling, threading, and asynchronous programming,
including how to create and work with asynchronous and parallel code.
What you will learn in this Lessson1m
Abstract Classes
Static Class and Static Methods
Extension Methods
Partial Class and Partial Methods
What you will learn in this Lessson
Enum in C#
Exception Handling
Handling Exceptions in Console Application
What you will learn in this Lesson
Anonymous Type6mDelegates
Anonymous Methods
Lambda Expression
Expression Tree
What is Synchronous and Asynchronous?
Asynchronous Programming Patterns in .NET
Asynchronous Programming Model (APM)
Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EPM)
Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP)

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