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Overview of Cloud Computing

Welcome to Introduction to Cloud Computing2mDefinition and Essential Characteristics of Cloud

Computing5mHistory and Evolution of Cloud Computing4mKey Considerations for Cloud
Computing5mKey Cloud Service Providers and Their Services6mCloud Adoption - No longer a
choice3mCloud Adoption - Some case studies5mInternet of Things in the Cloud4mArtificial Intelligence on
the Cloud3mBlockchain and Analytics in the Cloud5m
6 readings
About the Course7mCourse Learning Objectives10mCourse Syllabus10mLesson Summary8mLesson
Summary8mLesson Summary8m
2 practice exercises
Practice Quiz30mModule 1 Graded Quiz30m
3 hours to complete
Cloud Computing Models

This week you will learn about the different types of service and deployment models of cloud
computing. In this module, you will learn about the three main service models available on the cloud
—Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service
(SaaS). You will also learn about the three main deployment models available on the cloud—Public,
Private, and Hybrid. At the end of the module, you will create an account on IBM Cloud.

7 videos (Total 37 min), 2 readings, 3 quizzes

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7 videos
Overview of Cloud Service Models4mIaaS - Infrastructure as a Service4mPaaS - Platform as a
Service6mSaaS - Software as a Service4mPublic Cloud5mPrivate Cloud4mHybrid Cloud5m
2 readings
Lesson Summary8mLesson Summary8m
2 practice exercises
Practice Quiz30mModule 2 Graded Quiz30m
2 hours to complete
Components of Cloud Computing

This week you will learn about the various components of a cloud computing architecture, such as
virtualization virtual machines, bare metal servers, and the difference between virtual machines and
bare metal servers. You will learn how to build a secure cloud networking presence, how container-
based technologies work, and the benefits of a Content Delivery Network. We will also familiarize
you with the four main types of cloud storage.

12 videos (Total 62 min), 2 readings, 2 quizzes

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12 videos
Overview of Cloud Infrastructure6mVirtualization and Virtual Machines Explained5mTypes of Virtual
Machines5mBare Metal Servers4mSecure Networking in Cloud4mContainers8mBasics of Storage on
Cloud5mFile Storage4mBlock Storage3mObject Storage Overview5mObject Storage - Tiers and
APIs4mCDN - Content Delivery Networks5m

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