Journal Ahmad Zaeni 19220104 B2-2019

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Name : Ahmad Zaeni

Npm : 19220104

Class : B2-2019



Learning evaluation is the final activity that aims to determine the extent to which the
learning objectives have been achieved. In addition, evaluation can help teachers to
measure and assess student learning progress. The test as a measuring tool is expected
to be able to provide information that can be justified. A good test must be
accountable in terms of feasibility, validity (validity), trustworthiness (reliability),
interpretation, usefulness, and effectiveness of items which include the level of
difficulty and good discriminatory power of questions. Item analysis is carried out to
test the level of difficulty (item difficulty) and discriminatory power (item
discrimination) of questions, because not all items should be considered worthy of use.

The formulation of the problem in this study are:

1. What is the difficulty level of final test items with congratulating and
complementing material for class IX MA Darul Iman Sukaresmi,
2. How is the different power of final test items with congratulating and
complementing material for class IX MA Darul Iman Sukaresmi,
3. What are the alternative answers to distractors or distractors for final test items
with congratulating and complementing material for class IX MA Darul Iman
Sukaresmi. The aims of this study are:
1. To describe the difficulty level of final tests with congratulating and
complementing material for class IX MA Darul Iman Sukaresmi,
2. Describe the differentiating power of daily test items with congratulation and
complementing material for class MA Darul Iman Sukaresmi,
3. Describe alternative answers or distractors for final test questions with
congratulating and complementing material for class IX MA MA Darul Iman

This research is a type of quantitative analysis research. Quantitative analysis in this

study is to analyze the level of difficulty, discrimination and distractors .

The purpose of item analysis is to make each item consistent with the whole test, to
assess the test as a measurement tool because if a test is not tested, the effectiveness of
the measurement cannot be determined satisfactorily. Item analysis is carried out to
test the level of feasibility of each item based on the level of difficulty and
distinguishing power of the question, because not all items should be considered
worthy of use. Determining the revision of an item is not solely based on the
magnitude of the index of difficulty level and the differentiating power of the
questions, but also the distribution of the frequency distribution of answers to the
alternatives provided, in other words, it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of
distractors for each item.


This research is a quantitative research because in the process from the beginning to
the end of this research a lot of numbers are used to measure the level of difficulty,
discriminating power and answers to distractors or questions. The data from this
research are final test questions and answer sheets with congratulation and
complementing material for IX MA Darul Iman Sukaresmi. The data analysis
technique of this research is using the formula for the index of difficulty level and
differentiating power of items

After the assessment process, the resulting data will be analyzed to describe the level
of difficulty, distinguishing power and distractors of final test items with
congratulation and complementing material for class IX MA Darul Iman Sukaresmi.


Based on the results of the calculation of the final test item analysis with
congratulating and complementing material for class IX MA Darul Iman Sukaresmi
which has 15 items. Overall, the daily test questions with congratulation and
complementing material for class IX MA Darul Iman Sukaresmi were not good. Of
the 10 questions, 3 or 30% of the questions were suitable for use and 7 or 70% of the
questions were not suitable for use or reconsidered for revision. or replaced.

Likewise, alternative answers to distractors or distractors must be improved again

because 100% of the distractor's answer options do not work properly.


Based on the results of the research, the final test package with congratulation and
complementing material for class MA Darul Iman Sukaresmi has a fairly good level of
problem difficulty and sufficient distinguishing power but the distractors have poor


The quality of each item is not only determined by how students can answer correctly
all of each item. Good questions are also determined by how the teacher makes good
questions and conveys material that can be accepted by students. Good quality items
can also measure students' abilities in teaching and learning activities.

Based on the conclusions above, the researcher hopes that teachers can better sort out
the questions that will be tested on students. It is expected that the teacher conducts an
evaluation to see and reassess the quality of the questions that have been made.

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