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Th is report complies with the requirements of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regula1ions 1998 And the Lining Operations and
Lifting Equipment Regulations J998

Mobile Telescopic Crane.Max. capacity:500 .0 Tons

Max. capacity @ 23 falls of wire , 3.0 m radius & 14.70 m boom length
Type: Demag , Model : AC500-2
Chassis no.:WMG8308H19Z000143
Year of manufacture: 2009 84143
Wire :d: 24 .0 mm diameter, non rotating wire , 6 lines
Main hook No. : 14623312 , SWL:160.0 Tons , 5 sheaves
Auxilia Hook No.: 5322355 , SWL:40.0 Tons , one sheave

Crane had been inspected in accordance to BS 7121-3:2017+A1:2019

Crane had been performance tested@ :
Boom length Radius SWL Test Load
56.0 m 26.0 m 11.10 tons 11 .10 tons .. .C/W:40 Tons
The Crane described above was found satisfactory at the time of inspection , any leakage or defect may be notice during the
certificate validation time will end the certificate validity.

Mina Naguib Mohamed Serafy

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Plots 1961148 Fl1'9t IIMlumial Area

Poet W4e 111%9 • BHr City • Cairo • Egypt
Tel.: +2 (02) 286074ee. Fax: +2 (02) 28607"4

E-mail: info@pdrolift.eem • welisite: -.petrotift.eom
Mobile Crane Inspection Checklist
Certificate Number: 434991

Outriggers In Order
Levelina Indicator In Order
Anael Indicator In Order
Safe Load Indicator llimiter\ In Order
Crane Load Chart In Order
Hvdraulic Svstems In Order
Pendants N/A Not Available/
Power Unit In Order
Cabin - Cranes Controls In Order
Brakina I Holdina In Order
Wire Rope Terminations In Order
Cathead Structure In Order
Boom Structure , Sections In Order
Wire Rooe - Auxiliarv N/A Not Available/
Wire Rooe - Main In Order
Auxiliarv Hook In Order
Main Hook In Order
Auxiliary Hoist Winch N/A Not Available/
Main Hoist Winch In Order
Luffina Hoist Machinerv N/A Not Available/
Turntable Bearina In Order
Slewina Svstem & Mechanism In Order
Ballast Weiaht I Counter Weiaht In Order
Steerina Brakes & tires I Crawler In Order
Electric/ Spark Arrestor/ Fire Extinauisher/Reverse Alarm In Order
Carrier lncludina Enaine In Order
Crane Limit Switches In Order
Record of Maior Reoairs I Alterations I Reolacements NIA Not Available/


P1ou 196 /148 Fll'!ll Wu8b'ial Area

Poet CcNle nm - Bah City - Cairo - Egypt
Tel.: +2 (02) 28607'81 - Fax: +2 (02) "8607"4
. . . .1'

E-mail: iafe@pdrolift.cllm • weWte: www.pdl'Olift.eom

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