Desktop Vs Laptop Pre

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Good morning everyone, it’s an honour to be here.

First, we would like

to introduce ourselves. I am Shim Xin Pei. I am Chey Bou Yee. I am Gan
Yi Ni. I amYap Shan. I am Chong Rong En. Today, we want to share about
Desktop vs Laptop.

Shim Xin Pei : In this day and age, the debate between a laptop and a
desktop computer is an ongoing one, with both sides having their own pros
and cons. In this few minutes we will take a closer look at each of these factors
and determine which type of computer is best suited for us.

Shim Xin Pei : One of the most significant advantages of a laptop is its
portability. You can easily carry a laptop with you wherever you go, making it
a convenient option for those who travel frequently. However, this
convenience comes at a cost because every coin has two sides. Laptops are
generally smaller and more compact than desktops, which means they have a
smaller screen size and a smaller keyboard. This can make it difficult to work
on for extended periods.

Chey Bou Yee : Desktop computers, on the other hand, are not portable
and take up a lot of space. However, they are generally more powerful than
laptops and have a larger screen size, making them ideal for tasks that require
high-performance computing. Desktop computers are also easier to repair, as
their components are easily accessible and can be upgraded or replaced.

Gan Yi Ni : Laptops are generally lighter than desktop computers, making

them easier to carry around. However, this also makes them more prone to
theft. A desktop computer, on the other hand, is generally considered to be
more secure as it is heavier or bulkier. Thus, a desktop is not easy to steal and
can be bolted down to a desk or table.

Yap Shan : The number of cables required for a desktop computer is

generally higher than that of a laptop. This is because a desktop computer
requires separate cables for its monitor, keyboard, mouse, and other
peripherals, whereas a laptop has everything built-in. This makes a laptop a
more convenient option for those who don't want to deal with a lot of cables.

Chong Rong En : When it comes to cost, desktop computers are usually

cheaper than laptops, especially when it comes to high-performance models.
However, this cost advantage is offset by the fact that desktop computers
require additional peripherals such as a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, which
can increase the total cost.
Chey Bou Yee : From the aspect of memory, both laptops and desktop
computers come in a variety of sizes. However, it's worth noting that laptops
generally have less memory than desktop computers, which can limit their
performance in certain tasks.

Gan Yi Ni : Battery life is another factor to consider when choosing

between a laptop and desktop computer. Laptops require charging, which
means they have a limited battery life. Desktop computers, on the other hand,
are plugged into an outlet or socket and do not have a battery, so they can be
used for extended periods without needing to be charged.

Shim Xin Pei : In a nutshell, the choice between a laptop and a

desktop computer ultimately depends on your specific needs and
preferences. If you need a computer that you can take with you on
the go, a laptop is the way to go. However, if you need a powerful
computer for high-performance tasks, a desktop computer is the
better choice. Personally, I prefer desktop computers as I value
performance and the larger screen size, but I understand that others
may have different priorities. I hope we have given you an outline of
the differences between DESKTOP and LAPTOP. Thank you for the

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