Desktop Vs Laptop

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Group Members :

1. Shim Xin Pei

2. Chey Bou Yee
3. Gan Yi Ni
4. Yap Shan
5. Chong Rong En
Differences between Laptop & Desktop
Laptop Desktop
 Portable  Not portable
 Can easily carry  Take up a lot of space
 Smaller and more compact  More powerful
 A smaller screen size  A larger screen size
 A smaller keyboard  Ideal for tasks that require high-
 Make it difficult to work on for performance computing
extended periods  Easier to repair
 Their components are easily accessible
 Can be upgraded or replaced
 Lighter  Heavier / Bulkier
 Easier to carry around
 More prone to theft  More secure
  Not easy to steal
 Can be bolted down to a desk / table
 Has everything built-in  Has a higher number of cables
 More convenient  Requires separate cables for its monitor,
keyboard, mouse and other peripherals
 A bit pricey  Cheper
 Has everything built-in  Require additional peripherals such as
monitors, keyboard and mouse
 Can increase total cost
 Less memory capacity  More memory capacity
 Limit performance in certain tasks  Needed for high-performance tasks
 Limited battery life  Do not have a battery
 Require charging  Plugged into an outlet / socket

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