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Thematic Movement Composition

... expressing an issue
Statement of Inquiry Concepts

Aesthetic performance can be an effective KC: Aesthetic

medium for expression of an issue. RC: Interaction, movement

Approaches to Learning Focus

Communication: Communication skills Social: Collaboration skills


Goal, Role: Youwill work with your group to create an aesthetic performance using a medium/s of your
choice to express a current topical issue of your choice.
Mediums may include any of the following: jump rope, gymnastics, parkour, martial arts, yoga,
dance, or any other suitable medium.
1. Group: 3-4 people
2. Issue: Choose an issue/theme/story that you will focus on.

3. Choose your medium: You may choose any appropriate medium discussed in class. You may focus on one of these or
use a combination of 2 or more.
4. Music: Choose music that you will perform to. You may choose one song or mix 2 or more (make into 1 file). Make sure
your song is appropriate in content, words and will enhance your expression of your issue/theme.

5. Plan: Video Log Criteria B(ii) Explains and justifies a plan

● For each lesson, record a video of what you have created and upload into your shared google drive folder.
● Name each video appropriately eg. video log 1 - what we know
● Create a folder in your PHE google drive named ‘Aesthetic Performance and place all documents, photos and
videos there. Share this folder with your group members (one folder for the whole group).
● Add details to the sections in your planning document that explains and justifies how your plan for your
performance represents your issue - prior learning, research, movements, music, any background videos, props,
costumes, etc.

Final Performance: Criteria C(i, ii, iii): Skills, techniques, movement concepts, performing.

After your Final Performance:

6. Effectiveness of your Plan: Criteria D(ii) Evaluates your plan based on the outcome
● Complete the evaluation of your plan AFTER you have completed your final performance. (see below).

7. Group work Criteria D(i): Group work strategies

● List and explain the things you used to enable your group to work together effectively.
Medium choices
Dance Rhythmic gymnastics Jump rope
Gymnastics Tai Chi Skateboarding
Yoga Martial Arts Freestyle Football
Synchronised swimming Mixed martial arts Karate
Aerobics Parkour
Zumba Rollerskating

Performance Techniques

Issues and themes and Stories:
A topical issue Themes
is one that is of current interest or relevance. You may choose a theme and then select an issue
within this theme.

Loneliness Circus
Consumerism Sport
Rich & Poor Street
Migrants Environment
Refugees Through the ages
Death penalty Old time
Planned parenthood funding Red / black / black & white / pink.. Etc
Gay marriage Korean / Asian / African etc
Euthanasia Traditional
Democracy Cultural
Corruption School
Food Education
Human rights Opposites
Population Same Same but Different
Water Traditional v Modern
Women Technology
Culture and women
Extinction You may choose a story and then select a segment
Terrorism from the story linked with an issue or theme that
Child soldiers guides your movement .
Technology issues:
● Technology and your health ● Stories from:
● Technology and social interaction A theatrical play
● Technology and communication A book or short story
A movie
● Being globally connected A musical
Environment issues: Fairy tales
● overpopulation Fables
● pollution - air, water, ground, waste, Real life stories
garbage, etc
● natural resource depletion ● Create your own story
● waste disposal ● Create a story from a past experience
● Sustainability ● Stories could include a…
● Deforestation - Social issue
- Ethical issue
● migration to cities
- Current issue
● genetic engineering - Environmental issue
● climate change - Emotional issue
Ongoing conflict - A common dilemma
Peace and safety

The Plan
Based on your shared planning document, video logs and music file:
Criteria B: Planning for Performance Strand (i): Designing and explaining your plan

0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

The student does constructs and constructs and designs and explains designs, explains
not reach a standard outlines a plan to describes a plan to a plan to express a and justifies a plan to
described by any of express a topical express a topical topical issue/theme express a topical
the descriptors issue/theme through issue/theme through through a movement issue/theme through
above. a movement a movement performance a movement
performance performance performance



The Performance
Based on your performance in your group’s final performance:

Criteria C: Applying & Performing

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Strand (i): Skills and techniques
Skills and demonstrates and demonstrates and demonstrates and demonstrates and
techniques applies skills and applies skills and applies a range of applies a range of
specific to the techniques with techniques skills and techniques complex skills and
chosen limited success techniques

Strand (ii): Movement concepts

Simple use Competent use Good use Sophisticated use
> demonstrates and > demonstrates and > demonstrates and > demonstrates and
applies movement applies movement applies a range of applies a range of
concepts with limited concepts movement concepts complex movement
success concepts

Strand (iii): Information to perform
recalls information to identifies and analyses and applies analyses and applies
Skills, perform. applies information to information to information to perform
techniques, perform. perform. effectively.
movements Selects some Selects, adapts and Selects, adapts and Selects, adapts and
concepts that aesthetic movements creates aesthetic creates a range of creates a wide range
contribute to that are appropriate to movements that are aesthetic movements of aesthetic
the overall the task. appropriate to the that are appropriate to movements that are
theme task. the task. appropriate to the

Composition is Composition is mostly Composition is mostly Composition is

generally coherent. coherent. coherent and shows coherent and shows
some aspects of aspects of
imagination and imagination, creativity
creativity. and style.

Strand (i) Strand (ii) Strand (ii) Total C




After your Final Performance:

Complete individually:

Criteria Dii: Evaluating the PLAN based on our Performance

1. Final Performance Video Link:

a) Analyse the effectiveness of your plan based on your final performance -

What did you include to make your performance more effective?
What you did How this made your performance effective

Finding the music I think part of finding the music is something that I took responsibility for
while doing this unit. The songs that I choose for my performance are pop
rock, and arena rock. I think this song fits my performance because all of
the movements are related to loud noise with a big action such as jump
rope, parkour, and martial art. These 3 mediums need a rock song to
make the performance going more fit with the music, so that the action
and movement doesn’t go off beat at any point. The music that I have
chosen made my performance effective by making more rock, like the
song and both actions can have a lot of hype and go with the flow of the
performance at the same time.

This is the music that I have chosen for my performance. For example: if
the song that I chosen is the like slow and sad, then if my performance is
full of like jumping across the mat then it doesn’t go with the flow or fit with
any of the performance at all so I have to chose the music that is pop rock
so that it is hit and fit with my performance well.

Some of the planning When it comes to planning the movement this is a really big part of this
movement unit and a big part of the performance. Planning the movement is like
choosing a skill from my chosen medium to put into the final performance
so planning the movement made my performance effective by connect all
the movement from my own idea with my member idea of their chosen
skill to make the final performance have a better use of performance
technique such as force, flow, space, level and time. Planning different
skills from different mediums chosen can lead to a better use of the
performance technique.

This is a picture that shows that I did some of the planning including my
skill and help to organize the movement of the final performance.
For example: this planning skill is involved in those 5 performance
techniques that can make the performance cooperate with the other skills,
like go with the flow of other skills with mine so they fit together as one

Creating the movement Creating a movement is also one of the big parts in performance, which
means these movements are individuals medium skills to cooperate all
the skills together in one. I add these types of skills that are related to both
parkour and martial art. It helps to make my performance more effective
by allowing me to do different types of skills in both martial art and
parkour. There are also different skills that I have created in order to make
the performance include a variety of skills when it comes to doing different
mediums in PE Thematic Movement in Composition.

This is a picture that shows the skills that I have created and included in
the vlog as well as the final performance. Overall, creating movement
allowed me and my performance to be constructed with a variety of skills
and technique doing performance that was also related to using the
performance technique of flow, force, level, time and space. For example:
I can use my skill in the middle part of the performance and the other
members in the group can include their skill before and after my skill as

Research the skills Researching the skill is also similar to creating movement, which is finding
the skill and including it into the final performance and the vlog. But
researching the skills is more focusing on learning how to do it, how to
perform the technique or learn how to make it successful in performance.
Researching the skills goes as I plan and how I want it to be, when
planning I want to use those skills in the performance and in the end I
actually manage to use it in the performance. At first some of the skills are
difficult to do such as the complex skill, but while practicing through each
vlog in each PE lesson I manage to achieve doing the skills in a few
lesson time. What made me achieve the complex skill of my chosen
medium is that I learn and try to practice that skill multiple times in each

Finding the custom for the Custom is also a part that is important when it comes to making the
performance performance effective and successfully. I have chosen the custom for the
little pig as the black shirt with leggings. The reason that I chose these
clothes as custom for my performance is because I want to make the fox
and the little pig have different customs from each other. It is also about
making the contrast between two characters, the viewer or the audience
can identify the character easily, which one is the fox and which one is the
little pig. This made my performance effective because the customs are
quite simple and different from each character so that they know which
one is the villain and which one is the good character. I made the custom
as simple as possible because I want to make the performance effective
and successful by not getting any distractions or disturb from the custom
while performing. Leggings and normal black t-shirts are easy to wear
because they are kinda tight and loose so they won't fall out from the body
so they break apart easily. So this can make my performance more
effective, which is the simple custom that can make it feel comfortable and
easier for me and my group while performing.

Some of the ideas for the These are some of the work that I have done with the ideas for the
movement concept movement concept. The ideas for the movement concept that I have
planned with my team for the final performance is the use of space, time,
and force.

Space can help the performance become more wide in a big space,
where we can use it to cooperate our different skills of the chosen medium
together so that it forms in big space and small space area. This makes
my performance effective and successful because knowing how to use a
big space to make the skills has more support from one to one so that it
can make performance have the area of going in different directions.
Knowing how to use space is one of the most important keys in
performing the Thematic Movement in Composition as a group.

The time that synchronized with the flow of music and action together
make those movements in composition matched with each other well. The
time that the group agreed to include which part in the vlog or the
performance and how to make it fit together with the music, so that the
time synchronized are off balance and off limits to the point where the
timing and synchronization aren’t that well prepared with the performance.
This made my performance more effective when the action of
performance is fitting together with the song that was chosen. If the music
isn't that supported with the movement then this can be also known as a
bad performance to the audience.
In the final the performance was successfully done. I can see that there
are a lot of the forces that my group uses a lot, especially the chosen
medium of martial art, parkour and jump rope. All of these 3 chosen
mediums are mostly focusing on using force a lot more than others. The
force of punching, the force of kicking is all used by the force on the
human body. The force is a part of the technique that helps to show a lot
of action and movement being involved in video situations. Using more
energy and power to make a hard force and making the skill are strong
and big enough to carry on with life. Putting the effort and strength into the
performance that can build the action of movement in Switzerland and
record every moment that is for later every moment. This made my
performance effective and successful by using all the force from the body
to make the performance look more realistic. This is giving me the vibe of
realistic while learning how to move the body in composition by power,

b) Evaluate the effectiveness of your plan based on your final performance -

Consider: your video logs, your group planning document, any other documents you may have and how you devised your plan >
how effective was your plan?
Give reasons why and evidence as to why you think so.
What made my group plan effective was the feedback from different groups by some PE lessons, as well
as from the teacher. By most of the end of PE lesson, we got to go to different groups in each different PE
lesson so this is how the plan has become more effective. We give each other feedback about what is
good about our use of skills and performance techniques regarding the 5 techniques of force, space, time,
level and flow. So after giving each other feedback we can work on that feedback by the next lesson and
that is how me and the group can communicate with each other to achieve that feedback in our next video
vlogs. Those feedback are helpful so that other people can look into my group performance about our
skills. Others can give feedback about what they see from their point of view, and from their own thoughts
so it is honest feedback that me and my group can work on.

This is the first feedback that my group received from other groups so after that when the next PE lesson
came, I eventually managed to make some improvement of our skills and movement by using those 5
performance techniques in the next video logs. I think in each video logs is also some kind of resource that
made my plan improve to the final performance. I used to look back at what I have done in the past and
reflect on it then make a change later for the next video logs. For example: in video logs 1 I got some skills
wrong or the time wasn’t that synchronized with other movements and then the next video logs I even got
to communicate with each other about changing the movement and improving the timing synchronized.
When it come to effective of my plan I think the planning document about the movement, research, chosen
medium, music, skills and the movement of concepts are really effective and successful because it help me
and my group to work together and collaborate with each other to plan out which movement is go to which
part and where does it belong to in the performance. All the research of movement, and skills are the
support and back up of the chosen medium in performance. Overall, the planning document, video logs,
and feedback are really effective in a way of making a process and achieve the final performance.
What could you have done to enable your plan to be more effective?
What I could have done to enable my plan to be more effective is practice the skills, movement, video logs
and time management. I think to make my plan more effective I need to make sure that video logs are
about 2 minutes maximum so that there are a lot of ideas included in the video logs and improve into the
final performance. The more ideas the better for the performance. I think my group should think more
about the minutes because some of our vlogs don't communicate to reach 1 minute at all, so I think this is
something that my plan should have done better and could have been more improved. The other thing that
my plan should have been more effective and could do to improve is the time management. I think my
group needs to work on time management which is practicing and setting time limits. The last thing that
can make my plan become more effective and better off is planning the movement. Because I think there
are a lot of movement and skill that my team have add into the performance but then forgot to put it into the
planning document so overall we should work more on the planning movement and focusing on adding
those skills in the document so we don’t forget which movement go where and to which part of the

My ATL Skills: Communication & Collaboration

➔ Rate yourself on the continuum above at the beginning and end of the unit for both ATL focuses for
this unit. Highlight the box in the table below.

Communication Developing Establishing Refining Sharing

Beginning of the unit Refining

End of the unit Sharing

Giving examples from this unit, reflect on the development of your communication skills.
Discuss: any changes that you made, new things you tried, difficulties you overcame and how you dealt with them, etc.
Beginning of the unit:
- I think the beginning of the unit was fine because we got along with each other well. We talked
about choosing the medium skills, who is choosing who, so I didn’t really have a difficulty at
communicating with my teammate at all.
- When the first of the unit did the prior knowledge about the chosen medium skills I communicated
with my teammate about doing the skill in which situation and I got to perform it at the end.
- The team communication was actually getting along pretty well at the beginning of the unit, we
didn’t really make any argument or have a fight at all, we agreed to do the work and we also agreed
which part we are doing and more about learning together with each other.
- For example: like during the first lesson about thematic movement we might not agree with each
other because of doing the movement or the skills in the video logs but we didn’t really make it into
a big argument to the point where we stop talking to each other for the whole year at all.

End of the unit:

- At the end of the unit our communication has become better and better by the final performance.
- We laugh about each other doing the movement wrong but we correct each other and sometimes
we has a joke about the movement and the friendships grow more and more deeper because we
don’t really mind about doing some wrong movement in the video logs but we correct each other to
make the performance and the movement more better for the next video logs.
- We learn about each other, we communicate through talking, we also learn together so that we
have a better understanding of the task and the unit.

Collaboration Developing Establishing Refining Sharing

Beginning of the unit Refining

End of the unit Sharing

Giving examples from this unit, reflect on your development of your collaboration skills.
Discuss: any changes that you made, new things you tried, difficulties you overcame and how you dealt with them, etc.
Beginning of the unit:
- We didn’t really use the skills of collaboration at all in the beginning of the unit because we didn’t
really know what to do for the unit and what movement we should use for our task.
- We mostly get small skills and ideas together by the end of the lesson at the beginning of the units.
- But throughout the whole entire unit I think my group has made a lot of progress regarding
developing ideas and skills.
- For example: in the part of developing idea at least one of my teammate has an idea of what skills
we need to include in the video logs by the end of the lesson because at one day that person has
an idea of what to do and some don’t so it is about like giving each other idea so that we have used
that movement to put into the planning document and the video logs.
End of the unit:
- By the end of the unit we had a lot of success and overcame the performance quite well. We
collaborate with each other to make our final performance successful because we practice a lot of
skills and doing the vlog, planning out every skill and movement that we will be in need in order to
make our performance and practicing the performance with the music see if it fits together with the
movement or not.

Criteria D: Reflecting on Performance ii. analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of a plan based on the outcome

0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

The student does outlines the explains the analyses the analyses and
not reach a standard effectiveness of a effectiveness of a effectiveness of a evaluates the
described by any of plan based on the plan based on the plan based on the effectiveness of a
the descriptors final performance. final performance. final performance. plan based on the
above. final performance.


Group work Criteria Di: Interpersonal Skills
2. List and explain the things you used to enable your group to work together effectively.

Strategy How it enabled your group to work together effectively

Communicate with each We communicated with each other by talking face to face about doing the
other work in the document and both to performance. We talk about dividing the
work which part we are choosing to do. I think we need to work more on
practicing the skill more and correct each other so that in the final
performance we can work together more effectively and make the
performance successful. I don't think our group doesn’t really have a problem
with talking about communicating with each other but I think we need to work
more on collaborating and connecting skills together.

Working on the planning We divide each part for each other to do in the planning document. Everyone
document at own pace, got the part to do fairly in the planning document from the top to the bottom.
and by individual We work together and help each other out on which part we need to do and
what part we are struggling with. When working together to complete the
planning document we will help each other to overcome the things we don’t
know and the things we know.

Criteria D: Reflecting and Improving Performance

Strand (i): explain and demonstrate strategies to enhance interpersonal skills

Task 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Teacher Did not Occasionally Sometimes Mostly Consistently
Observation work demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
Demonstrating with the strategies to strategies to strategies to strategies to
good group work group enhance group enhance group enhance group enhance group
skills within own work skills work skills work skills work skills
group and within
the class lessons

Written Did not Identifies Outlines strategies Describes Explains strategies

complete strategies to to enhance group strategies to to enhance group
(above) enhance group work skills enhance group work skills
work skills work skills


Aesthetic Performance Terms

● Force: degree of muscular tension and use of energy while moving
● Flow: continuity of movement
● Levels: the height of movement in relation to the floor
● Space: the area of space occupied by the dancer / movers body
● Time: the relationship of one movement or part to another.
● Synchronisation: the coordination of events or people to operate a system in unison.
● Collaboration: the process of two or more people working together to complete a task or achieve
a goal
● Communication: imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other
● 8-count: a musical measure that dancers use as a way to ground the dance movements as feeling of
pulse connected to the music.
● Aesthetic Performance: A visually pleasing physical movement based performance
● Genre: the many different types of dance. Eg. break dance, contemporary, hip hop, K pop, ballet, etc
● Choreography: the sequence of steps or movements
● Movement phase: a short sequence of movements
● Expression: showing words, feelings, issues, thoughts through any type of medium
● Medium: the method or means of performing. Eg. parkour, dance, gymnastics, jump rope, yoga,
marital arts, etc.

● Parkour: a movement discipline using movement that developed from military obstacle course training
and urban obstacles / elements.
● Martial Arts: codified systems and traditions of combat practiced for a number of reasons such as
● Dance: move rhythmically usually to music, typically following a set sequence of steps.
● Gymnastics: exercises developing or displaying physical agility and coordination. The modern sport
of gymnastics typically involves exercises on bars, beam, floor, and vaulting horse.
● Yoga: a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple
meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practised for health and relaxation.
● Jump Rope: a length of rope used for jumping by swinging it over the head and under the feet; a
skipping rope.
● Interpretive Dance: is a family of dance styles that seeks to translate particular feelings and emotions,
human conditions, situations, or fantasies into movement and dramatic expression combined.
● Ballet: an artistic dance form performed to music, using precise and highly formalized set steps and

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