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Case Report

Congenital Eventration of Diaphragm Presenting As Diaphragmatic

Hernia: A Case Report
*Das JC1, Hasan SH2, Bhuiyan AH3, Paul N4, Faisal MA5, Roy DK6, Chowdhury N7, Ghosh
N8, Rashid MH9
Eventration of diaphragm is an abnormal elevation of diaphragmatic musculature while retaining
normal attachments to the sternum, ribs and dorsolumber spine. It is a rare anomaly where the
continuity of diaphragm remains intact. Pathological process can affect either all or only a portion of
hemidiaphragm. Symptoms vary according to size of the defect. Large defect may mimic
diaphragmatic hernia. The present case represents a full term female newborn that developed
respiratory distress, cyanosis and feeding difficulties since 1 st day of life. Clinical features and chest
imaging of this case was assumed to be left sided diaphragmatic hernia which was found wrong in the
operation theater. She was found to have left sided eventration of diaphragm to create symptom.
Successful plication of ipsilateral diaphragm was done on 13 th day of life. Supervised post operative
ventilatory support along with other postoperative care improved the condition of this neonate. A large
defect with eventration of diaphragm may be life threatening but a timely good management can save
neonate from such condition.
[Mymensingh Med J 2019 Oct; 28 (4): ]
Key words: Congenital, Eventration, Diaphragm, Hernia, Neonate

Introduction such life threatening condition to save life of
ventration of the diaphragm is an abnormal affected newborn infant.
elevation; consisting of thin diaphragmatic
muscle resulting from failure of muscular 1. *Professor Jagadish C Das, Professor, Department
development of part or whole of the of Neonatology, Chattogram Medical College,
hemidiaphragm1. The normal attachments to Chattogram, Bangladesh; E-mail:jagadishcdas@
sternum, ribs, and dorsolumbar spines are
2. Dr Syeda Humaida Hasan, Consultant, Department
maintained2. The unbroken continuity of of Neonatology, Chattogram Medical College,
diaphragm differentiates it from diaphragmatic Chattogram, Bangladesh
hernia. It is a rare anomaly, occurring in about 1 in 3. Professor Md Akbar Husain Bhuiyan, Professor
10,000 live births with a male sex and left (Rtd), Department of Pediatric Surgery, Chattogram
hemidiaphragmatic preponderance3. Abnormal Medical College, Chattogram, Bangladesh
development of phrenic nerve and phrenic nerve 4. Dr Nibedita Paul, Associate Professor, Department
injury during breech delivery may also cause of Obstetrics & Gynecology, BGC Trust Medical
eventration1,4. Eventration can be associated with College, Chattogram, Bangladesh
5. Dr Mohammad Abu Faisal, Lecturer, Department
other congenital anomalies like congenital heart
of Forensic Medicine, Cox’s Bazar Medical College,
disease, tracheomalacia, cerebral agenesis, renal Coxe’s Bazar, Bangladesh
ectopia, malrotation, Meckel’s diverticulum, and 6. Dr Debashish Kumar Roy, Assistant Registrar,
Werdnig Hoffmann disease5. It is frequently not Department of Neonatology, Chattogram Medical
possible to tell whether the defect is due to failure College, Chattogram, Bangladesh
of fusion (hernia) or due to focal muscular 7. Dr Nita Chowdhury, Assistant Registrar,
deficiency (eventration)6. The important aspect of Department of Neonatology, Chattogram Medical
the present case was that the neonate was clinically College, Chattogram, Bangladesh
diagnosed as diaphragmatic hernia but eventually 8. Dr Newton Ghosh, Assistant Registrar, Department
of Neonatology, Chattogram Medical College,
was confirmed as eventration of diaphragm during Chattogram, Bangladesh
operative procedure. The case is presented here 9. Dr AKM Harunur Rashid, Assistant Professor,
with a view to orient health personals particularly Department of Pediatrics, Comilla Medical College,
pediatricians, neonatologists and pediatric surgeons Comilla, Bangladesh
regarding diagnostic dilemma and management of *for correspondence

Mymensingh Med J 2019 Oct; 28 (4)

Case Report
Case Report
A 7 days old full term female baby weighing
3000gm was referred to a tertiary care hospital with
the complaints of respiratory distress, cyanosis and
feeding difficulties since her 1st day of age. She was
delivered per vaginally with cephalic presentation
and had no history of perinatal asphyxia or risk
factors for developing sepsis. She was the third issue
of her poor parents. Mother’s antenatal period was
uneventful except polyhydramnios. On examination,
she was dyspneic, cyanosed with poor tone and
activities. Recorded oxygen saturation (SpO2) was
78%. Her chest was bulged on left side and
abdomen was scaphoid. Trachea and apex beat was
shifted to right side and assumed to be dull on
percussion with decreased air entry on the left side.
The 1st and 2nd heart sound was audible and there
was no murmur. There was neither organomegaly Figure 1: Patient is on artificial ventilation
nor other congenital anomaly. Chest and abdominal
radiograph showed patchy inhomogenous opacities
with tubular lucencies in the left lung field that
continued with abdominal bowel lucencies. The left
hemidiaphragm was not defined (Figure 4a). The
neonate was initially diagnosed as left sided
diaphragmatic hernia. Management was started with
temperature control, nasogastric suction, intravenous
fluid administration, high flow oxygen
supplementation and prophylactic antibiotics
administration. She underwent operative procedure
on her thirteenth postnatal day. Diaphragm was
explored by left subcostal incision. Thin, intact left
hemidiaphragm was found at the level of 2 nd
intercostal space. Diaphragmatic hernia was not
found. Stomach, spleen, intestinal coils, part of liver Figure 2: After weaning from ventilator and CPAP
was herniated in the left thoracic cavity with
compressed left lung. The abdominal viscera were
placed back in peritoneal cavity and plication of the
diaphragm was done with 1/0 prolene. Immediately
after operation, the patient was shifted to neonatal
intensive care unit for subsequent management. She
was on intermittent positive pressure ventilation
(IPPV) (Figure 1) and continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP) for 7 days. Gradually feeding was
started through nasogastric tube on 7th post operative
day (POD). Breast feeding was allowed on 16 th POD
when her general condition was stable and
respiratory distresses abate. The newborn infant had
anemia and thrombocytopenia. Serum electrolyte,
liver and renal functions were within normal limit.

Mymensingh Med J 2019 Oct; 28 (4)

Case Report
Figure 3: Healing scar at incision site antibiotic for appropriate duration. Blood and
Follow up x-rays showed high up diaphragm and blood products were given for several times.
gradual expansion of left lung field (Figure 4b & Patient was on oxygen support till 1 month of her
4c). age with gradual weaning. Her postoperative
Preoperative and postoperative echocardiography course was uneventful and there was no wound
did not reveal any abnormality. Blood culture infection (Figure 2 & 3). On 42th postnatal day
revealed Staphylococcus aureas which was when her condition was reasonably well without
sensitive to ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and supplemental oxygen, the newborn infant was
nitrofurantoin but resistant to meropenum and discharged from hospital.
gentamycin. She was treated with sensitive

Figure 4: Serial roentgenograms from left to right: a) Preoperative Chest and abdominal x-ray resembling
hernia; b) In immediate postoperative period with high up diaphragm and c) At the age of 45 days (at 32th
POD) with expansion of left lung

Discussion following gastric volvulus, palpitations due to

Diaphragm develops from four components- mediastinal shift4,9. This patient presented with
septum transversum, pleuroperitoneal membranes, dyspnea in neonatal period which is the principal
dorsal mesentery of the esophagus and muscular symptom of both diaphragmatic hernia and
components of the body wall7. Two types of eventration. Less effective caudal movement of the
embryologic failure may be responsible for diaphragm than normal individual, alveolar
eventration, failure of myoblasts to migrate hypoxia induced impaired perfusion to the basal
between the two leaves of the pleuroperitoneal portion of ipsilateral lung, compression from
membrane on the affected side and non innervation abdominal organs on the lung are the major
of myoblasts4,8. Pathological process can affect contributing factors though the paradoxical
either all or only a portion of the hemidiaphragm 2. respiratory movement is limited in eventration 2,9,11.
The degree of symptoms varies and correlates with The condition, if severe, can simulate congenital
the size of the defect. Patients are asymptomatic diaphragmatic hernia in a newborn and may be
with small localized defects, whereas the complicated with pulmonary hypoplasia and/or
symptoms of significant eventration include: pulmonary hypertension3. Other symptoms we
recurrent chest infections, severe respiratory found in this neonate are cyanosis and feeding
distress with cyanosis, intestinal obstruction difficulties. Total eventration occurs almost

Mymensingh Med J 2019 Oct; 28 (4)

Case Report
exclusively on the left side as seen in this case open transabdominal approach: i) easily performed
though sex predilection does not match with through an upper abdominal incision; ii) less
previous data3,4,8. Imaging of the diaphragm can be morbid than a thoracotomy; iii) single-lung
used to confirm the diagnosis. Several radiologic ventilation is not necessary; and iv) it allows access
modalities, such as chest radiography, barium to both sides of the diaphragm with one
studies of upper gastrointestinal tract, ultrasound, incision12,14. After operation, she was on
CT scan, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ventilatory support for about 5 days then gradual
may be used to evaluate the anatomy of the weaning was done. Post operative chest imaging
diaphragm. The function of the diaphragm can be showed gradual expansion of left lung. At her 45 th
evaluated with the use of fluoroscopy, ultrasound day of life, the left dome of diaphragm was at the
or MR fluoroscopy9. Prenatal diagnosis of the level of 6th rib posteriorly with compensatory
condition is also possible with ultrasound scan at hyperplasia of ipsilateral lung. The reduced
18-20 weeks gestation3 where there is elevation of numbers of alveoli compensated by this
the affected dome of diaphragm on chest overdistension15. Reported complications of
imaging4,10. But in this case, chest X-ray showed plication such as pneumonia, pleural effusions,
loss of demarcation of left hemidiaphragm and abdominal compartment syndrome, abdominal
bowel loops in the left thoracic cavity which viscus injury, deep venous thrombosis, stroke,
mimicked hernia. Mediastinum was markedly upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, pulmonary
displaced to right which was in favour of emboli, arrhythmia and acute myocardial infarction
eventration than diaphragmatic paralysis5. were not present in this patient 2. Incision site was
Ultrasound of chest and barium studies could not healthy but she had suffered from sepsis with
performed due to grave condition of the neonate Staphylococcus aureas which was treated
and furthermore, there was no provision of accordingly. Her long term outcome will depend
fluoroscopy in our center. Final diagnosis was on further pulmonary development. Some patients
done during operative procedure. Literature review of eventration and hernia may develop lower lobe
showed that even with the aid of MRI, sometimes emphysema in the long run15.
it is difficult to distinguish hernia from
eventration9. The management of eventration Conclusion
depends upon the extent of respiratory distress. If Eventration of diaphragm is a rare but may be life
respiratory distress is mild, the management is threatening condition in newborn infant. Clinically,
supportive. Support may include supplemental this condition present either in neonatal period or
oxygen and/ or pressure support 9. Surgical beyond this period. During neonatal period, it may
intervention was required in this newborn as she mimic with congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
had severe respiratory distress with central Overall mortality of eventration of diaphragm is
cyanosis demanding mechanical ventilation. The high even after plication. Though there is no
established surgical treatment for eventration is individual data in this center, only a few patients of
diaphragmatic plication which was first described congenital eventration and hernia of diaphragm
in 1923. It can be achieved by various techniques survived here. In present case, the newborn infant
and through various approaches: open transthoracic is presented in first day of life with respiratory
approaches, thoracoscopic approaches, minimally distress and cyanosis. Here, the neonate is saved
invasive approaches and open trans abdominal or probably due to absence of associated congenital
laparoscopic approaches2. Whatever the approach anomaly, timely referral, prompt operative decision
and technique is used, the basic principle is to and good postoperative supportive care.
make the diaphragm flat and taut in position of full Eventration of diaphragm should be kept in mind
inspiration avoiding abdominal visceral injury 13. as a differential diagnosis of respiratory distress
Open transabdominal plication through left and cyanosis in a newborn infant beside
subcostal incision was done in this patient which diaphragmatic hernia.
revealed unilateral (left sided) complete
eventration. There are following advantages of an Reference

Mymensingh Med J 2019 Oct; 28 (4)

Case Report
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