ANS Pharm

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ANS Phovmocolo KPSNS doco net innervate blood verade except for bleed venoels && salivary dlands > here cause vosodrtodor (Ma3— No)? © kere Nes + Nohural alkaloids actvobe Miy Ma, M3 Tpckyakenet wiestine vecaptors Cam vesull ivdeplarvaon Lplackode — persichen’ Lopelarradion preertts gonenation ch cask? wAasodladion NAME vecephars TPa> NO Syntaane > NO» CGMP Cuplespasmn—s contractonst ciliany muscle #ctinnalobed boy M agonists Cudeplega—> paralysis of calor mosela KMuscmnrc agonists alge carse—> nereaned sweoling Y Bronchoconshrckon + occurs dueto alles Mrs Sallouing-> I Cordackian & smocllh muscle oround lovondnielan lu) Mucous Sormalion (M3 4) 6.8, Bat) Lasbetrienso Bderne ‘ & and ot be Wwealed phormacologiroall Obsheschione FF avy iv om cox Seppe Forel? My Mycekemn-» prisoning ol mut aurine Seo she Ee te Spike aaa hans Suerte one os vebydeiaste> eggs Mees oR Corres veel ached elie RMiosis — axcenswe consrickondr gop Receptors Mnemonit Recaro Grprshein hose, Main Eunckons mu SM. corbradior om: ¢ lass Y syrnpaliretic tone S39. * TUR, certarhthy Rew belts * es 8 Vonodiladior 0) Ba Sy y lasedilesory ponte \ My Y CNS) ENS (ndtv. Weng) ebremort ps ite SR abil arhrcion ca 4) kn youre NES a aches. No Degarsins Ds Sls Dwrectt poche Sevedguakon Da 1g side BYERS NT veo e Ki 1) & ‘ra venchacorshc ory Theta Tapedac gd Scorcho e ab sex sins Tepe RS SF sep Nt 4 Ny 58M cordvaction. Ne = Ni ADH > oquapnnnl ANS » Somobe ) Bu mster nose, PSNS i oN An Sp mokiet {News| © soning sete Saker chon facies fe *Ne* wmuselare yer Not, Ea? > EPSPs byorkeing, pat tyragiccsh aad Mi Gq PIPED MGA Glanleschoomdd u Clo RSP bg Has Gi VeaHe Gopeniny & aps sande kt * by Leaning call M3>Gq_ TrR+DAS > ACE # ACK brow down insyy ce SL semoipryors Maths Us-rsi edonation Vie NB pa NE, Epi Depa endeagland—o-than lohan daranby MI Oo = TCaae (tered cae MAO + Come 3 Xe Gi = veaw be wate vmoetaty eit tw hemor GN Pa Backer Nomar By vecaghers > PeAMP= S RRA = tonal Bike SES ee s secucsioaaigEP SEDER ae ag Cae we ons KEMP WIOMLCK shrednmade » LTaey Calkow vrare Covert} poran Ges APRA ac COMP br MUCa, ad AS > ’ Matas! \ , | eae yee U@ank) +r Ty orcrone Bs > whiloiled gre, PEE cape te resins. vel Noy Mabasie iDaPA Neves ——-> 6 SE Ss WMA Sonsglis sibivceen Navil\almandelic ee bao-hn Sry Oe ES nay tps span MA0-8 = DA e ae heotey D, —Gs cn eee fea = WCAMP + ogeniings& Iu a [Eeea\— D Receptor XS (Oe doe Rateehory), * [Bal> PENS = reduce conbacklihy se WR Blo> fa. = mores WR conbrack ly becpenivag && Cape pol ceuSeaacak> rere revasedilaion Se occurs Vn ponetnirice ry Se re ea Oy > Nossconsdick > vrbiline bland 3 bean van \nberervnogl a eee Sa aveslabe Lain shalchl otde SG sadn ND prednsvek Gver Ulead vassals) nane-callo AOn eee sy neon Beet sections Java fond oh 2 on gut Sian] Platelets (A Ce) EP ‘oe? 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M3 = gortacton ponte i Sram batisuis Foor sight Ate | A us Teacher KCorbachor FAN ont sagt Ps # for Pacomo K Maka Gi Trighibtin el FJ Veen $ ¥ peed Hinkilock APs + nevvonol fang ANS Phare RressynapticNenshne) Serdboch > Avhacecagtors + Helerevece gers go prides wagtive eadbodd Io NE veloc =YNEvelease gf@ OS} Ba provides quickie Geedtack toNE veleore=T NE veleaoe 4NE velosoe Some: Oasdie TiSfMa-> nasgphive feadbadke to ACh release Crom pressgqageie nan) uM by lows desen of Ahropine Wack Ma receghort ap AC veleane. Bak a “We cone —4 ae SINE longer AP TBP, pep diledion, YENE varsporlew — alo Performs rupee & S-HT+ DA (Not LsTrieyglic Ankdopressants bed Uais Gopi) Coleznelarrinas—» QOH on bemenert semeek deogp aire danatnen or Gradenarncine, subelthakions ning obec proporheacr it muller Give stor Bbiaer™ Trepstokons veaaphers nad Bee yeraid bo Lager satanic SCRE wew—responbe te wonder cobec\eslan anes Ye Ove & ov B gore —> v wequlation & sees wa con conse ME © % Bosgrasts move VF wire calls esl Te hupokialancie) Pyportayroids sen. conteaindication bo alrresteveny dng * vequlodiov.s obronargic vecaphorsYO? Fesdladk for NT reloose x Te yerek cuanto e agonist enbresio KIL gue B lode vol pluochromocpe ma 5 Bingo te Set vecoptors el cell TTPR creales more work for aoc Cc B veeaptors bladed, so canrot help Q pum, against TER» gan % nord bo lest Gor Phecch vo! fe +O Pr hop HUTN (beSere anrg B blacker) Mure: Open Anale Glaucoma Can gne Bylolodu oud aS Rt has HTN Goold contact ciliangmusd,) Canad Gwe vorrselectve B lolecher if pr hap beak \lock Sock) Cann Five WB agonish& Pk ar osama cc etrerilow coubockon) o Gordvack é iomnmrosclemattauss Lrainagy brontheconstricton K& aqueous hummer proboction. Ba T aqueous humor prndeckon ¥ Con gee aa agonist (opens dvop) Arpraconidane * B Daorasts. K BoM? > Wwhibths MLCK > aunes struct muscle relaxation . Cvanodi lation) Ba ceaphor — enere Coat + \U* into ells Cnsslin aleedoen Mas > Not (kt pomg) a. (Bagewists fron coe ugpalens (B + Gre tremor'+ % B blockors are oved ho bvert Wemor Ynuscle cramp? sion OPERA AMP = pen mn ao veughhelag Contvactlcly Prosshrorlationss Tinceored qenaae - te Troponin C os gee % covvachle farce + VreEvacto De Blockers [Antagonists : we ea Blockage —> Nopodalaion (ecan resulk we pater lnupetersien) pecan i oka, Wockage> ® calance & Novepi (wa blocked so vw Geedloadh)= . a Zaieriviened Guna ikon Raseurtent Be ocbon de seresponse to EB = reversed Gla madicbed vanodi laion now eo can also Leade Wwordnencel, Civigoce* sternal sivvclor veloxed) * © Uge ot blocew > prostadic: nyperbrophg, Caraslosin\) ek. Loe _— ynidlekon of © Ror possilal Hho eee Arepenert RRyyetremer ele: , BrBlodwust SE Stually gon Sov han heaven Sappronga er domes ost “gall B blocker efSects ort pronunced whan sympathedie tonats Ligh Cee inudin lout Seal Bhamtoners Tro Gen B blodior illiqct causeany elect (© Brrradd in \lestine ble sumpathetics Lave ne basal activity here Mast ANE OMUSCAANIC, eee Arenas ean raed Pcluues comse Nanoconsttichion== ne cAMPAS inhibi! ot, we » BT eNeR, oor hme dss eSlect is divriviuleed —> Hass wi Mess # St Andor 3rd degree art Hock bI Aare St Epa sed, ¥ Chemo Rogna 2 covow corn. Cle. Y have. veel aden a Mrs AN

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