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Person A: Hey Christopher & María. Who was your weekend?

Person B: Hei Melani, my weekend was so good, but could have been better

Person A:That’s sounds great what did you do exactly?

Person B: I went to the beach but there were a lot of people and I can’t enjoy, I wonder If we can go to a
tropical Island

Person A: Well, just the las week I was thinking that do a trip to a island will be fantastic and a
experience unforgettable but in the other way, I will need a lot of things. it seems to me that since
there’s fresh water and plenty of fruit to eat, I won’t have to worry about food and water. But I still need
to be prepared. I think it’s reasonable to assume that I should take some basic camping gear, like a tent
and a sleeping bag, to have a comfortable place to sleep.

Person C: That’s a good idea. I don’t know about you, but I would definitely bring a good mosquito
repellent. Those little pests can be quite bothersome in tropical areas.

Person A: Absolutely, I couldn’t agree more. I’m no expert, but I don’t think I want to be bitten by
mosquitoes all day. So, mosquito repellent is definitely on my list.

Person B: Besides the essentials, I would also suggest taking a good knife or multi-tool. It can come in
handy for various tasks like cutting branches, opening coconuts, or even fishing.

Person A: That’s a great suggestion! I hadn’t thought about that. I’m no expert, but I think having a
versatile tool like a knife or multi-tool would be really useful on the island.

Person C: Another thing to consider is sunscreen. With all that time spent in the sun, it’s important to
protect our skin from harmful UV rays. So, don’t forget to pack a high SPF sunscreen.

Person A: Definitely, sun protection is crucial. I think it’s reasonable to assume that I’ll be spending a lot
of time outdoors, so sunscreen is a must-have item.

Person B: Lastly, I would recommend taking some form of entertainment, like a book or a portable music
player. It can help pass the time and keep you entertained during any downtime.

Person A: Good point! I’m no expert, but I think having some form of entertainment would be a great
idea. It’s always good to have something to relax and enjoy during those quiet moments on the island.

Person C: Sounds like you’ve got everything covered. Just remember to pack some extra clothes and a
first aid kit in case of any unexpected situations.

Person A: Thanks for the reminder! Extra clothes and a first aid kit are definitely essentials. I’ll make sure
to pack those too.

Person B: Well, it seems like you’re all set for your tropical adventure. Enjoy your time on the island and
make the most of this unique experience!

Person A: Thanks, guys! I’m really looking forward to it. I’ll make sure to share some photos and stories
when I’m back.

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