Biology UNIT 3X EMPA Revision Guide

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Section 1: Graphs and Processing Data

Identifying variables

Independent variable This is the variable that you decide to change.

Dependent variable The variable that changes as a due to the independent variable
changing. This is the variable you measure.

Control variable This variable must be kept the same to make the experiment valid.

Control variables also allow a valid comparison to be made, as it

ensures only the independent variable is bringing a change in the
dependent variable.

Drawing tables

Three marking criteria:

1. Independent variable is in the first column.

Dependent variable is in the second column.

2. Full headings – so that an observer could look at the table and understand the experiment.
e.g. Time taken for solution to turn from pink to completely colourless.

3. Units in brackets in the heading, e.g. (seconds), (cm3), (big booty hoes).


You are investigating how the temperature of an enzyme solution affects the time it takes for the
reaction to complete (the time it takes for the solution to go from milky to colourless).

Temperature of Time taken for the reaction to complete, as shown by the solution
the enzyme turning from milky to colourless (seconds)
solution (°C) 1 RIGHT 2 3 Average



Data types

Categorical data – Discrete/non-continuous data e.g. eye colour, blood group.

Continuous data – Quantitative data on a continuous scale, e.g. time, temperature.

If the independent variable is categorical, draw a bar chart.

If continuous, draw a line graph.


Five marking criteria:

1. Scale – Be sensible with your intervals, and remember

2/3 of the graph paper must be used. Start from zero on
the y-axis whenever possible.

2. Title – Make it obvious to an observer precisely what the

graph is trying to demonstrate – make it as detailed as
possible and mention both your independent and
dependent variable.

3. Units – Easy to miss, don’t be a moron and miss out on

this mark – it should just be copying off your table.

4. Label – This is just copying off the table again – write in

full, the rules haven’t changed.

5. Line – Clearly plotted points (sharpened pencil) joined by a ruler. Don’t extrapolate.

S T U L L – get it in your f***ing SKULL. Five easy marks.

Processing data pH Time taken for Rate of enzyme

There might be a sneaky little extra mark on the table the solution to reaction (s-1)
or the graph – this will be to process the data. turn clear (s)

For example: You are asked to investigate the rate of 3 10 1/10 = 0.1
an enzyme reaction in different pHs, but you were
asked to measure the time taken for there to be a
7 14 1/14 = 0.07
colour change.

Simple sh*t here – all you have to do is divide 1 by 10 21 1/21 = 0.05

the time taken to give the rate in s-1.
Section 2: Evaluating Experimental Data

Limitations and errors

No set of data can be perfect – there must have been some limitations or sources of error in the

Identifying them can be tricky, but consider the following:

1. Consider the control variables – how easy are they to control?

e.g. “Add three drops to each test tube” …how would you control the size of the droplets?

2. Was the experiment repeated? This would increase the reliability, along with the accuracy of the
standard deviation.

3. Was it difficult to measure the dependent variable?

 Subjective things like colour change, meaning it is difficult to judge the end point.
 Situations like where it is difficult to judge the end temperature as the temperature will
continue to rise after the time has finished.
 Was the reaction very quick, and over too quickly for accurate measurements to be taken?

Do not mention limitations to do with your own ineptitude e.g. I find it hard to find my pulse – you
just look retarded and don’t get the mark.


You are trying to view a cell under a microscope under a microscope using a slide you prepared with
a scalpel.

 Scalpel is not precise enough to isolate one cell; multiple layers of cells will be seen.

You are judging potometer bubble movement in a certain time period during a transpiration

 Difficult to judge the distance moved as the bubble will continue to move after the time has


Question comes up all the time. This is all you have to say for three easy marks:

How can you improve the reliability of the mean?

1) Take repeats.

2) Identify anomalies so that they can be removed before calculating the mean.

3) Reduces the effect of extreme values on mean.

They might ask the question the other way around:

Why do we take repeats in this experiment?

1) To improve the reliability of the mean.

2) Identify anomalies so that they can be removed.

3) Reduces the effect of extreme values on mean.

Accuracy and precision

Accuracy – The choice of equipment so that the reading is closest to the true value.
e.g. Gas syringe as opposed to measuring cylinder.

Precision – The use of measuring equipment with smaller intervals between units of measurement.
e.g. mm as opposed to cm.


This is removed by selecting a sample at random, ensuring that the selected sample is
representative of the whole population.

Sample size

The larger the sample size, the more representative it is of the whole population.

Control experiment vs Control variable

Control experiment Control variables

An experiment in which you remove the A variable which is kept constant.

independent variable being investigated.
This is done to ensure results are valid and
This allows the effect of the independent allows a valid comparison to be made.
variable on the dependent variable in other
This is because only the independent
experiments to be seen as they can easily be
compared to the control experiment. variable causes the change in the dependent
This shows whether the change in the
dependent variable is due to the independent NOTE: State the effect not controlling this
variable or another confounding variable. variable would have on the dependent
Standard deviation

Standard deviation is the spread of all the data around the mean.

Therefore a large standard deviation means a large spread of data about the mean.
 This means there is greater variation in the data set.

A small standard deviation means a small spread of data about the mean.
 This means there is less variation in the data set.

Why use standard deviation rather than range?

Always say the following three points:

 SD shows the spread of all data values about the mean.

 Range shows just the highest and lowest values/extremes.
 Range is therefore more affected by outliers.

Also, if there are more than five values add:

 Standard deviation allows for statistical use – allowing you to tell if differences are
statistically significant.

You should be familiar with the appearance of a normal distribution curve for a set of data.
Standard deviation error bars

On graphs standard deviation for each data set is marked by error bars. You will be expected to
comment on these if asked to describe a graph showing them.

Note these two things concerning standard deviation bars:

1. The relative sizes of the SD bars.

Larger bars mean greater SD, and smaller bars mean less SD. Comment on how this affects
the variation of the data set.

2. Mention any overlaps or lack of overlap in the standard deviation bars. This is an indication
of the significance of the differences in the data.
 No overlap means there is a statistically significant difference.
 Overlap means no statistically significant difference.


In this example:

Sugar maple has the greatest

variation in the effect of full
sunlight as it has the largest
standard deviation.

Red maple shows the least

variation as it has the smallest
standard deviation.

There is no statistically significant

difference in the effect of full
sunlight on Sugar Maple and Black
Maple as the SD error bars

There is, however a statistically

significant difference between the Sugar Maple and Red Maple as the SD error bars do not overlap.

Calculating standard deviation on a calculator

1. Go into variation mode by entering:

 MODE followed by STAT followed by 1-VAR.

2. Enter the values, pressing = after each one. Press AC.

3. Find the value for the standard deviation by pressing:

 SHIFT followed by 1. Select Var and then select sx.
Data analysis from a graph or table

When describing the results from a table or graph, make sure your answer takes the SE format:
(not SEE – we aren’t being asked to explain).

Statement – The pattern or trend you see.

Evidence – Give some data from the graph to back up your statement.

Top Tip

Chunk up the data – split graphs into segments based on things

such as changes in gradient/ plateaus.

Give the values at which these patterns occur, and note any
maximum/minimum values in the data.

Make sure you look at overall trends as opposed to individual



Describe the results from this graph. (2)

Statement – As the temperature increased so did the

enzyme activity, but then it decreases steeply.

Evidence – It increased from 0 - 40°C, then decreased from

40- 65°C.

Describe the relationship between light intensity and photosynthesis using data from the table. (2)

Statement – There is an increase in

photosynthesis when the light intensity
increases at first, but then it levels off

Evidence – When the light intensity was

1 unit the number of bubbles was 43,
this increased until 3 units to 122 but
then it levels off after that.
Correlation and causation

A graph may suggest that there is a correlation between two variables. Does this prove that the
change in the independent variable will cause the dependent variable seen?

How to answer this:

 NO – only shows a correlation - this does not necessarily prove causation

 May be other factors involved.

 Such as _____. (Give some suggestions of other factors known to affect the variable).


this prove that smoking causes cancer? (3)

NO – only shows a correlation. No actual evidence

to prove that it causes lung cancer.

Might be another factor causing this, such as

changing diet/exercise.

Predicting data values

If asked how you would go about predicting data values from data gathered in an experiment:

1) Plot the independent variable on the x axis against the dependent variable on the y axis.
(You must name them and say which axis).

2) Draw a line/curve of best fit.

3) Extrapolate to predict the value of the data.

Percentage change calculations

Percentage change = End value – start value x 100 %

Start value

This holds true for all calculations of percentage change – use it for percentage increases and
decreases – in the case of a decrease just convert the negative value into a positive percentage.
Evaluating data

The big evaluation question – three, maybe four marks.

Remember – you have to argue equally for both sides, no matter how much you have to bullsh*t.
Here are some ideas for pros and cons that you can use to argue:

 Sample size.
 Usually you state this is small so conclusions unreliable. The sample will also not be
representative of the population.
 If this is mentioned in the information given, you must refer to it.

 Is the organism the same species that the conclusion is being drawn for?
 e.g. tested on rabbits, but conclusion is applied to humans. If not, their response to the
independent variable may be different.

 Subjective measurements.
 e.g. a pain scale used by a patient is unreliable as they could easily over/underrate their
feelings, or any arbitrarily divided scale (e.g. Healthy, Slightly injured, Severely injured).

 Limitations to the experiment.

 e.g. “each mouse was fed three drops” – this reduces the accuracy of the experiment.

 Are they tested on cells/tissues (in vitro) rather than whole organisms?

 Standard deviation
 Are there overlaps/lots of spread of data about the mean?

 Is there a source of bias?

 e.g. only one population, age group etc.?

And never miss out the fact that:

 Correlation does not prove causation.

 Always then state that another variable may be causing a change in the independent
variable with a named example.

Top Tips

Step 1 – Identify the facts you’ve been given

There will be some information concerning an experiment in the written paper. You have to be able
to glean through the information to find the stuff that’s relevant, e.g.

A group of scientists tested a new drug Novartis on a group of 2,560 heart cells taken from mice of a
variety of ages and both sexes. They found that there was a significant effect on decreasing the effect
of heart disease.
I found the following pros:

 “2,560 heart cells” – That’s a large sample size, increasing the reliability of the results.
 “Variety of ages and both sexes” – The experiment has taken into account different
confounding factors and reduces bias.
 “There was a significant effect” – The results indicate that there is an effect.

And the following cons:

 “Mice” – Obviously a different species with very different physiology.

 “Heart cells” – Experiment carried out in cells (in vitro) as opposed to in the whole organism.

Step 2 – Respond to the statement

There will be a statement like:

A newspaper claimed from this that Novartis was the new ‘wonderdrug’ for curing high blood
pressure. Evaluate this claim.

Use the points you have found from the earlier stage, and then relate back to the statement. Add
something like: “Therefore, we cannot predict the effect on humans”.
Section 3: Application of Syllabus Knowledge

You will investigate water movement through plants. In addition, you will need to
understand the following topics:

 The effect of lifestyle on the heart

 The biological basis of heart disease
 Mitosis
 Mass transport
Water Movement through Plants
This will probably be the practical element of the EMPA – as found in papers 1 and 2 – so whilst
referring back to some theory you should bear in mind the practical elements of this topic.

Roots and water transport

The roots of a plant extend underground in order to absorb vital water and nutrients.

The structure of a typical root is as follows:

A thin walled outer layer known as the
epidermis, upon which there are many
root hair cells. Water enters these cells
from the surrounding soil by osmosis.

The inner part of the cortex is the

endodermis, which is a single layer of
cells around the vascular bundle
containing the xylem and phloem. The
walls of the endodermal cells are
impermeable to water due to a waxy
waterproof lining – this is called the
Casparian strip.

Water can take two possible routes from the root hair cells to the xylem:

The apoplastic pathway:

 Water moves only through the cellulose cell walls of the cortex by cohesion tension of
water molecules.
 The cellulose is made of fibres with water filled spaces to give little resistance.
 However, once the water reaches the impermeable Casparian strip it cannot pass and is
forced to pass through the protoplast to join the symplastic pathway.

The symplastic pathway:

 Water passes through the cytoplasm from cell to cell along the water potential gradient
maintained by root pressure by osmosis.
 The cytoplasms of neighbouring cells are joined by fine tubes known as plasmodesmata
which form an unbroken water transport pathway.

Found within the cell membrane, are carrier proteins which allow ions, such as nitrate, to be moved
from the cortex into the xylem by the process of active transport.

As the dissolved ions are now found within the xylem vessel, this can be termed a hypertonic
solution with a higher water potential than the cortex cells. As a result, water moves from the
cortex into the xylem by the process of osmosis.
Cohesion tension

When water molecules evaporate from the stomata, the hydrogen bonds between water molecules
pull water up the xylem. This pull is transmitted all the way down through the roots, forming an
unbroken stream of water molecules. It is unbroken through the xylem due to adhesion from the
xylem walls.


The transpirational stream is the continuous passage of water from the roots of a plant up to the
leaves. The speed of the transpiration stream is dictated by the rate of evaporation of water out of
the plant’s exchange surfaces.

The rate of transpiration is affected by:


 Increased temperature increases the kinetic energy of water molecules. This makes water
molecules move faster.
 This increases the rate of evaporation and diffusion of water molecules out of the leaf.

Light intensity:

 More stomata open to allow more carbon dioxide to diffuse the leaf for photosynthesis.
 This means more water is able to diffuse out of the leaf as there is an increased surface area
for diffusion.

High wind speed:

 Water vapour is removed quickly from outside the leaf by air movement.
 This increases the water potential gradient between the moist air in the air spaces and
outside of the leaf. This increases the rate of diffusion of water out of the leaf.

High humidity:

 Diffusion of water vapour out of the leaf slows down as the leaf is already surrounded by
moist air.
 This is because the water potential gradient has been reduced (or removed).
 This decreases the rate of diffusion of water out of the leaf.
Transpiration during the day

During the day there is increased light intensity and temperature, increasing the rate of
transpiration as detailed previously.

Increased evaporation and diffusion of water out of the leaves decreases the water potential of
mesophyll cells in the leaves. This increases the rate of osmosis between the xylem and mesophyll

This means there is more tension in the xylem as more water molecules are being drawn up to
replace them; this tension is caused by the cohesion between water molecules (due to hydrogen

This reduces the diameter of the xylem vessels as there is more adhesion of water molecules to the
walls of the xylem, pulling them together and making them narrower.
Adaptations of the xylem vessel:

 They are long cells/tubes with no end walls. This maintains continuous water columns.
 They have no cytoplasm and no organelles which allows easier water flow.
 They have lignin which provides support to withstand tension.
 The lignin is waterproof to keep water in cells;
 There are pits in walls to allow lateral movement.


Plants which live in hot/dry conditions and have adaptations to minimise water loss are known as
xerophytes. These adaptations include:

Adaptation How it reduces water loss by transpiration

Reduced number of
Reduces the surface area through which water can diffuse.
Reduces surface area for water vapour loss & reduces the water
Leaves curled
potential gradient by keeping moist air near the leaf

Thick waxy cuticle or stems

Reduces evaporation through cuticle
and leaves

Stomata in sunken pits

Moist air is trapped close to leaf - reduces water potential gradient
or grooves
Fleshy or succulent leaves Water is stored in leaf and stem tissue so it is readily available it times
& stems of low water availability
Leaf surface covered with
Moist air is trapped close to leaf - reduces water potential gradient
fine hairs
Leaves reduced to Reduces surface area to volume ratio for evaporation and diffusion of
spines or scales water vapour to occur over.
Deep roots to tap into lower water tables. Shallow roots to quickly
Deep root system
absorb surface moisture from overnight condensation
Practical Elements of Water Transport

The rate of transpiration can be measured using a potometer:

 A cut shoot is placed in one end of a capillary tube.

 A single air bubble in the capillary tube is formed.
 As water is drawn up through the shoot, the air bubble moves. The speed at which the air
bubble moves can be used to determine the rate of transpiration.

Precautions such as cutting the shoot under water and making the joint water tight ensures that
air bubbles do not enter which would block the xylem.

Factors affecting the rate of water loss from a plant

Along with the usual factors (temperature, light intensity, humidity, wind speed), surface area of the
leaves should be controlled, as this means that there is the same number of stomata through which
water can escape.

To control this, leafs from the same species of plant, and the same number of leaves in total should
be used.

Limitations of the experiment

Transpiration is not just used to provide water for

photosynthesis; only 1% is used for this purpose.
The water can also be used for:

 Keeping the cells turgid.

 Acts as a solvent for transport.
 Component of cell cytoplasm.
 Medium for chemical reactions.
 Keeping plant cells cool.

This means it should not be assumed that the same

volume of water entering the plant is being lost.
The Biological Basis of Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is caused when the heart receives an inadequate amount of blood or
oxygen via the coronary arteries.

This oxygen is needed for the cardiac muscle to respire and generate sufficient energy for its
contractions. A lack of oxygen can lead to myocardial infarction, i.e. a heart attack.

The following problems can lead to CHD:


An atheroma is a fatty deposit in arteries. It forms within the

endothelium of the arteries as streaks.

It is caused by damage to the endothelial lining of an artery.

An inflammatory response causes the aggregation of white
blood cells which take in LDLs/cholesterol and form the

An enlarged streak is known as an atheromatous plaque,

which also contains cholesterol, fibres and dead muscle cells.

An atheroma is dangerous as it bulges into the lumen of an

artery, narrowing it and reducing blood-flow.

Someone suffering from these plaques is said to have atherosclerosis.


If an atheroma breaks through the epithelium of a cell it

is known as a thrombus.

Thrombosis is dangerous as it causes platelets to

aggregate and form a blood clot. This could block the
vessel and increase the likelihood of myocardial

Atherosclerosis increases the likelihood of thrombosis

as the plaques stiffen and make the epithelium prone to


An atheroma can weaken the artery wall, causing it to swell. It can then burst, leading to
haemorrhage (bleeding).

Aneurysms in the brain cause strokes.

The Effect of Lifestyle on Heart Disease

Inheritance Some people are genetically predisposed to some diseases.

A diet high in saturated fat, salt and alcohol can increase the risk by
causing hypertension.

 LDLs can cause CHD as they can infiltrate the endothelial lining
of the arteries and cause an atheroma.
Cholesterol levels
 HDLs remove cholesterol from tissues and organs and transport
it to the liver to be excreted; they thus protect the arteries from
Age Those most at risk are over the age of 40.

Gender Women are more likely to suffer than men.

Hypertension can be caused by stress, smoking, diet, inactivity.

 It causes CHD as heart has to work harder pumping blood into

High Blood Pressure arteries with high pressure.
 High blood pressure in arteries means that aneurysms are more
likely to form, which can burst and cause haemorrhaging.
 Artery walls can become thickened and hardened to resist
higher pressure, restricting the flow of blood.

Chemicals in tobacco smoke can increase the risk.

 Nicotine acts as a stimulant; it causes production of adrenaline,

which increases heart rate and causes hypertension, increasing
the likelihood of stroke. It also makes platelets in the blood
Smoking stickier, increasing the likelihood of thrombosis.
 Carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke binds more strongly to
haemoglobin in red blood cells than oxygen to form
carboxyhaemoglobin. This means less oxygen is taken around
the body, and the heart has to work harder to supply tissues
with oxygen, increasing blood pressure. It can also cause oxygen
deprivation to cardiac muscle during exercise, causing angina.
Exercise can help decrease the risk, as the stroke volume of the
Physical Inactivity
heart is greater, meaning it does not have to work as hard.
This is the process of nuclear division which forms two genetically identical daughter cells, carrying
the same number of chromosomes as the parent cells (diploid).

It is a continuous process, but is often arbitrarily divided into four phases:

 Prophase:
 The chromatin in the nucleus shortens and thickens (supercoils) into chromosomes.
 They are visible as two sister chromatids joined by centromeres.
 The nuclear membrane disintegrates and disappears.
 The centriole divides in two and moves to the opposite poles. The daughter
centrioles form the spindle apparatus: this is a network of microtubules which help
to carry out mitosis.

 Metaphase:
 The centromeres of the sister chromatids line up along the equator of the cell.
 The spindle fibres attach to the sister chromatids at the centromeres.

 Anaphase:
 The spindle fibres attached to the chromosomes contract and shorten.
 This pulls the centromeres apart, causing them to split.
 This causes the sister chromatids to separate and migrate as individual
chromosomes to the opposite poles of the cell.

 Telophase:
 Then the two sets of chromosomes reach opposite poles the nuclear envelopes
reform around them; the spindle apparatus disappears.
 The chromosomes uncoil and are no longer visible.

Mitosis is normally followed by cytokinesis. The cell membrane pinches and separates into two
separate diploid cells.

Identifying stages of mitosis:

Mitosis and cancer

Cancer is a group of diseases caused by uncontrolled growth of cells.

It is caused by damage to the genes regulating mitosis and the cell cycle.

Treating cancer

Block the cell cycle to disrupt the cell division of new cancer cells using chemotherapy:

 Prevent DNA from replicating (interphase) e.g. cisplatin.

 Inhibit metaphase stage of mitosis by interfering with spindle formation e.g. vinca alkaloids.

 Drug that prevents spindle fibres shortening (anaphase).

Mass Transport
Refer back to water transport in plants.

Mammalian blood transport

The circulatory system is used to transport nutrients and gases to cells by mass transport: the bulk
transport of substances from one area to another by pressure changes (initiated by the heart). It
also maintains concentration gradients and removes waste products.

Mammals have closed circulatory systems with a network of blood vessels: arteries carry blood away
from the heart, and lead to arterioles – small, narrow-walled vessels connecting arteries to
capillaries. Capillaries are microscopic vessels forming networks in the body’s tissues. They are
connected via venules (narrow, vein-like vessels) to veins, which carry blood back to the heart.

Mammals also have double circulatory systems: blood passes through the heart twice in a single
circuit of the body. The pulmonary circulatory system transports between the heart and lungs; the
systemic circulatory system between the heart and the rest of the body. Each organ has a major
artery and vein connecting it to the heart:

 Brain = jugular vein/carotid artery.

 Liver = hepatic vein/artery.
 Stomach and intestines = gastric and mesenteric arteries; deoxygenated blood from the stomach
and intestines passes through the hepatic portal vein to the liver before returning to the heart.
 Kidneys = renal vein/artery.

Arteries, capillaries and veins

Arteries carry blood under high pressure away from the heart. They have the following features:

 The lumen is relatively narrow to maintain a high pressure.

 Thick layer of muscle fibres so that smaller arteries can be constricted (vasoconstriction) or
dilated (vasodilation) to control the blood-flow through them.
 Thick layer of elastic fibres to maintain blood pressure in order for blood to reach
extremities. It stretches in time with each contraction of the heart (systole) and recoils
when the heart relaxes (diastole). This helps keep a relatively constant pressure.
 No valves; the pressure of blood is too high for backflow.
 Folded endothelial lining, to accommodate for the constriction and dilation of the arteries.

Arterioles are similarly structured, except they transport blood

under lower pressure than the arteries in order to control the
blood-flow into capillaries. This means their muscle layer is
relatively thicker than the arteries, as when it contracts, blood
flow into capillaries is restricted and controlled. The elastic layer is
relatively thinner due to the lower pressure.
Veins carry blood back to the heart. They have the following features:

 Wide lumen to allow least resistance to blood-flow.

 Thin muscle layer and elastic layer, as blood-flow is under lower pressure, and controlling it
is not usually necessary.
 Valves present to prevent backflow of blood.
 Skeletal muscles which contract to raise pressure and force blood along.
 Smooth endothelial lining to reduce friction against the blood-flow.

Capillaries allow metabolic materials to be exchanged between blood and tissues of the body. The
flow of blood in the capillaries is much slower to allow this to happen. It has the following features:

 Very small lumen, wide enough to allow one red blood cell through at a time.
o The blood cells are squeezed against the ride of the capillary, reducing diffusion
pathway and greater friction allows more time for diffusion.
o Increases the surface area of the red blood cell with the capillary for faster diffusion
of oxygen.
 Endothelial lining is one cell thick, reducing the diffusion pathway for faster diffusion.
 Lining made up of flattened endothelial cells which again reduces the diffusion pathway.
 Fenestrations, small gaps in the walls, increase permeability for molecules passing out of
 Numerous – there are large numbers of capillaries throughout the body’s tissues, giving a
large combined surface area.

Tissue fluid and lymph

Tissue fluid forms the immediate environment of most mammalian cells. It has specific chemical
makeup and temperature etc. to provide optimum conditions for the cells.

Tissue fluid forms because of the high hydrostatic pressure at the arterial end of capillaries. This
squeezes water and small molecules out of the capillaries in a process known as ultrafiltration.

Tissue fluid, because it comes from blood, has a similar composition to plasma, but without the
globular proteins – these are too large to be squeezed out of the capillaries. This establishes a water
potential gradient between the capillaries and the tissue fluid, known as osmotic pressure.

At the venous end, the osmotic pressure is greater than the hydrostatic pressure, and fluid moves
back into the capillaries. Any excess tissue fluid drains into the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is a second circulatory

system made up of lymph vessels which are
similar to veins. Lymph, the fluid in the lymph
vessels, is similar to tissue fluid but contains
more fatty substances and white blood cells.
Lymph flows slowly through the lymphatic
system by external pressures such as from
breathing or contraction of skeletal muscles.
The lymph system re-joins the circulatory
system through ducts at the vena cava.

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