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Common Objects And Their Meanings As A Symbol

Objects Symbolic Meaning

1 anchor hope
2 angel spirituality, God, heaven
3 arrow mortality
4 apple temptation, original sin
5 balloon childhood, holding on, letting go
6 bell warning, alarm, time, religious, Christmas, wedding
7 bible religion, Christianity
8 bicycle progress, circle of life
9 bird freedom
10 bones death, mortality
11 book(s) knowledge, wisdom, learning
12 bowl (full) prosperity
13 briefcase ambition, importance, psychological baggage
14 broken mirror misfortune, bad luck, separation
15 butterfly transformation
16 camera memories
17 candle (lit) life
18 candle (snuffed) death
19 chain union
20 clock inevitability of change, deadline
21 clouds trouble brewing, impending storm
22 coffin / casket death, mortality
23 coin power, luck, superstition
24 compass safety, protection
25 cross Christianity, faith, healing
26 crown power, authority, immortality, righteousness
27 spb (open) welcome, opportunity, transition
safety, imprisonment, exclusion, privacy, control,
28 door (closed)
29 dove peace, innocence
30 dying flowers transience of life
31 eye glasses intelligence, insight
32 feather freedom, travel, truth, ascension, wisdom
33 fire desire, destruction, passion, anger, punishment
34 flame eternity
35 flowers (living) friendship, sympathy, affection, love
36 flowers (dead) sadness, grief, death, decay
37 fog uncertainty, mystery
38 four-leaf clover good fortune
39 gates passage into the afterlife
40 gavel authority, law
41 gold wealth
42 hammer justice, revenge, destruction
43 harp hope
44 hearth warmth, family
45 horseshoe good luck, protection
46 hourglass passing of time
47 key opening, closing, access
betrayal, division, sacrifice, superstition, survival,
48 knife
49 knot life everlasting
50 ladder ascension, relationship between heaven and earth
51 lamp knowledge
52 lantern enlightenment, illumination, the right path
53 light bulb invention, intelligence
54 lily beauty, temptation
55 lipstick sexuality, strength, defiance
56 match warmth, comfort, safety
57 mirror vanity, reflection of one’s soul
58 mistletoe love, friendship, good luck
59 musical instruments beauty, transience, romance, wealth, leisure
60 olive branch goodwill
61 parasol protection, royalty
62 pen stability, power, authority
63 pet unconditional love
64 photograph(s) memories
65 piano family, romance, prosperity
66 pipe (tobacco) contentment, contemplation
67 poppy remembrance of World War I
68 pram protection, tenderness
69 pumpkin (carved) Halloween
70 purse wealth, vanity
71 quill and ink learning
72 rainbow hope for tomorrow
73 ring friendship, eternity
74 ring (wedding) love, eternity
75 rose (red) romance, love
76 rope unity, loyalty
77 scroll learning, knowledge, wisdom, life, time
78 seed new life
79 shell birth, good fortune, resurrection, fertility
80 sickle / scythe death (final harvest)
81 skull death, mortality
82 snow purity, innocence, calmness
83 spade mortality
84 staff leadership, comfort
85 star achievement, success
86 stars distance, magic
87 stones endurance, permanence, stability
88 storm chaos, turmoil
89 suitcase journey, travel, holidays
90 table (round) equality
91 torch (on) life
92 torch (off) death
93 trumpet victory, resurrection
94 umbrella shelter, protection
95 urn mourning
96 vase wealth, prosperity
97 violets shyness
98 water birth, fertility, cleansing
99 weapons power, violence, vengeance
100 wrist watch prosperity, innovation, fashion

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