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Training the Next Generation

Bob and Lois Gillespie

Speaking and Conferencing on behalf of Answers in Genesis

Gillespie Update July 2011 I feel that if she could hear the gospel in her own language, shed accept the Lord right then
As our friend Kim shared with us about their ministry with Chinese students at a university in North Carolina, I thought about the DVDs sitting on my desk, DVDs from Answers in Genesis with the gospel story beginning in Gen.1:1 that had been translated into Chinese. Although we had plans for these DVDs, I couldnt help but give them to Kim. I cant wait to hear how God uses them; I cant wait to hear from Kim how this Chinese girl comes to know the Lord. This conversation was just one more reminder of how our ministry has changed, and yet stayed the same. Often people ask us, When are you returning to the mission field? Our answer: Next week. We believe that God wants us to call the church back to the authority of His Word beginning with Genesis 1:1 here in America; but we also believe that unlike any other time in history, we can go into all the WORLD to Jerusalem, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth every single week. The first weekend in July, I spoke at a conference in the hills of Kentucky to around 400 Korean believers. Standing in my socks and looking across the audience, I saw people wearing headphones not to listen to the ballgame, but to hear the messages translated into Korean. Next month, I will speak at a conference in Indianapolis for Chinese image bearers (the original destination for the above DVDs) where my messages will also be translated. While translating our messages was the norm when we were living in Africa, were realizing that the WORLD has come to us. Think of the cost of sending us to Korea or China (where sharing this message could put us in prison); instead, we can take the gospel to Korean and Chinese image bearers here in America who will in turn take it with them when they return to their homes. Even here in our Jerusalem, we often minister in churches whose leaders have compromised, but whose local pastors are grounded in the Word. Recently, weve shared the exciting message that Gods Word can be trusted from the very first verse with image bearers in Baptist, Lutheran, Nazarene, Christian Missionary and Alliance, Assembly of God, Covenant, and United Methodist churches, as well as undenominational churches. Many of these churches take advantage of the resources we bring to the conference to stock their libraries with books, videos, and magazines about the true history of the world resources that can prepare them to defend their faith to a culture that grows less Christian every day.

At Answers in Genesis, we believe that the gospel message starts with Genesis and explains Who God is to a Greek culture that no longer knows. We use the same literal accounts of history that were used in West Africa: that the Creator God of Genesis 1:1 so loved the WORLD, He provided a kinsman Redeemer so that we can escape the kind of judgment of the Flood of Genesis 6. We share the facts that science has not proven the Bible to be a myth. Instead, what we observe about our world proves the accounts found in the Word of God are true from the very first verse. You can read more about this message by going to the Answers in Genesis website (, an award-winning website that changes daily. Youll find articles as well as audio and video files that can be downloaded free to help affirm your faith in the Word of God and prepare you to be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear (I Peter 3:15). There are always needs that arise in any ministry. Things like a projector bulb and unexpected car repairs crop up from time to time. One of our supporting churches made us the VBS project and collected buckets of pennies just as the transmission went out in our van and the brake line failed in our other vehicle. God continues to provide in amazing ways, even as our monthly support sometimes falls short of the needs. While we were traveling in the mountains of West Virginia for our next event, we realized that these things we had seen as annoyances were once again Gods hand of protection - imagine the hairpin curves leading from Blackwater Falls without brakes! On June 17th, our son David married lovely Amy Johnson, and we welcome her to our family. Congratulations, you two! We pray that God will bless you with many happy years together. Your prayers and support are vital in reaching America with the Gospel message. In a letter to our supporting churches, Outreach Director Steve Ham stated: Your financial assistance has been blessed by GodBob and Lois have been a blessing to the Answers in Genesis ministry by holding conferences in churches where AiG may not have otherwise been able to reach. Over the next few months, we will be in conferences in Wheelersburg, OH; Dover, OH; Westchester, IL; Akron, OH; Valparaiso, IN; Buckeye Lake, OH; Cameron, WV; and West Lafayette, IN. We value your continued prayers for safety as we travel and for open and receptive hearts.

In Awe of God,
Bob and Lois Gillespie TRAINING THE NEXT GENERATION through Worldview Discipleship Ministries with Answers in Genesis 419-566-2145

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