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Volume: 6
Pages: 988-994
Document ID: 2022PEMJ394
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7394158
Manuscript Accepted: 2022-02-12
Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 988-994, Document ID: PEMJ394, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7394158, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Effectiveness of Multimedia-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Technology and

Livelihood Education for Grade 8 Students of Lagundi-CCL National High School
Imee C. Angeles*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of multimedia-assisted instruction in teaching
Technology and Livelihood Education for grade eight students of Lagundi-CLL National High
School, School Year 2019-2020. The researcher employed experimental method of research utilizing
sixty-four (64) Grade 8 students divided equally to experimental and control groups as respondents.
The two groups of respondents had shown similar performance in the start of the experiment, and
both groups improved their performance during the posttest, almost similar performance also was
noted in the posttest although more respondents from the experimental group performed Very
Satisfactorily. There was no significant difference on the level of performance in TLE of the two
groups of respondents to Multimedia Assisted Instruction as revealed in the pretest and posttest.
There was a significant difference on the level of performance in TLE of the experimental and control
groups to multimedia assisted instruction and there is no significant difference on the level of
performance in the pretest and posttest of the students in terms of their profile. Furthermore, the
recommendations offered included such that the teachers may continuously use varying teaching
strategies and instructional materials like multimedia assisted instruction in teaching TLE and
suitable instructional materials that would encourage them to focus and learn shall always be utilized
by the teachers.

Keywords: multimedia-assisted instruction, instructions, technology and livelihood education

Introduction simulation methods, online courses, and computer-

assisted case-based instruction are becoming common
Education encounters in modern times, challenges in place.
all aspects of social, economic and cultural life; the
most important of which are over-population, over- Multimedia allows teachers to integrate text, graphics,
knowledge, education philosophy development and the animation and other media into one package to present
change of teacher’s role, the spread of illiteracy, lack comprehensive information for their learners to
of the staff and the technological development and achieve specified course outcomes. Multimedia
mass media. permits the demonstration of complicated process in a
highly interactive, animated fashion and that
Teaching serves as an important vehicle for achieving instructional material can be interconnected with other
institutional goals and enhancing learners’ knowledge related topics in a more natural and intuitive way.
and engaging them in the learning community to
prepare for future citizen. Therefore, educators are Multimedia has been one of the most well-known and
always looking for better ways to make their effective training tools and was referred to as
educational initiatives more effective. The learning technological wave of the future. Thus, the present
experience in Secondary education has shifted study seeks to evaluate the effects of multimedia
paradigms from a teacher-centered approach to instructional material on student’s knowledge and on
learner-centered pedagogical methods. Educators are their perceptions of the instruction in the subject.
under pressure to provide more effective and efficient
Lagundi-CCL National High School is one of those
learning environments and educational experiences to
public schools that utilize the use of multimedia in
their learners.
teaching. However, lack of technological
Instructional systems and educational technology has advancement is still causing barriers concerning
been gaining great attention by educators in order to quality and access to education. Thus, it is experienced
enhance students’ learning. Educators have become by the teachers that computers are not sufficient and
aware of the benefits and shortcomings of various the actual utilization is affected since different levels
traditional methods used to provide instructions and of students who also belong to different are attending
trainings to learners. Possible benefits of educational TLE classes and they are not accommodated altogether
technologies such as multimedia presentations, due to insufficient computer units, even though there
are already instructional materials. This is one of the

Imee C. Angeles 988/994

Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 988-994, Document ID: PEMJ394, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7394158, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

difficulties observed by the teachers, yet they are managed instruction is teaching approach whereby the
trying to make use of their own laptops in teaching so computer is utilized to give essence on the objectives.,
that they could use the instructional materials provided learning resources, record keeping, progress -tracing,
to them. and evaluation of performance of the students.

Having all these observations, the researcher was Moore et. al., (2011) also gave explanation about
motivated to conduct the study to determine the computer aided instruction. They said that Computer-
effectiveness of multimedia-assisted instruction in based training (CBT) indicates students’ self-paced
teaching TLE, and make some proposals for learning activities delivered on a computer or handheld
enhancement of it based on the result that is provided device such as a tablet or smartphone. CBT initially
in the present undertakings. delivered content via CD-ROM, and typically
presented content linearly, much like reading an online
Research Questions book or manual. Due to this justification, CBT has
been utilized in teaching static processes, such as using
This study aimed to determine the effects of software or completing mathematical equations.
multimedia-assisted instruction in teaching Computer-based training is conceptually similar to
Technology and Livelihood Education on Grade 8 web-based training (WBT) which are delivered via
students of Lagundi-CLL National High School during Internet using a web browser.
the school year 2019-2020. Specifically, it sought to
answer the following problems: In Bharathy’s (2015) explanation, it was mentioned
that Multimedia applications are able to arrange the
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: information into facts that are non-structured which
1.1 sex; would enable students to achieve or get information on
1.2 sibling position; their own. The success of multimedia technology has
1.3 monthly family income; revolutionized teaching and learning methods from the
1.4 number of children in the family; and traditional teacher-student classroom to a virtual
1.5 parents’ educational attainment? setting. The role of the educator will evolve into that
2. What is the level of performance in TLE of the of facilitator and knowledge director while the
experimental and control groups to multimedia- students become more independent learners, critical
assisted instruction as revealed in the pretest and thinkers and better team players and collaborators,
posttest results? with the skills to solve problems and seek information.
3. Is there a significant difference in the level of Multimedia technologies help students to develop a
performance of the two groups of respondents to wider and deeper understanding of the subjects they
multimedia-assisted Instruction as revealed in their are learning.
pretest and posttest results?
4. Is there a significant difference in the performance Cagape’s (2018) report the CAL Philippines,
in TLE of the experimental and control groups to stipulated that “Information and Communication
multimedia-assisted instruction as revealed in their Technology (ICT) plays a pivotal role in the economic
posttest results? development of any country in the age of the 21st
5. Is there a significant difference in the level of Century. With that, ICT industries have been growing
performance in TLE of the experimental group as exceptionally fast. Moreover, stakeholders from the
revealed in their posttest in terms of their profile? business sector are upping their solutions by leading
educational institutions in the integration of ICT in the
Literature Review entire learning experience of the students. Computer
Assisted Learning (CAL) Philippines has been at the
forefront of ICT education in the past twenty years, by
In the discussion given by Oeru (2016), it is reiterated providing unique solution to its partner institutions
that Computer Assisted Instruction or Computer-based with a well-researched, internationally and locally
education (CBE) are the comprehensive terms that can aligned ICT curriculum that is aimed to prepare
be associated with the essential use of computer in students for work after secondary schools.
educational settings. This is true because Computer-
assisted instruction (CAI)/ Computer Aided Instruction Olabiyi et. Al., (2013) aimed to show how computer
(CAI) is a more specific term and most often refers to assisted instruction (CAI) has significantly impacted
drill-and-practice, tutorial, or simulation activities. on all aspects of our live particularly on education, it
Computer-managed instruction (CMI) Computer- has radically influenced the way knowledge and

Imee C. Angeles 989/994

Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 988-994, Document ID: PEMJ394, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7394158, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

information are generated, developed and transmitted Since the study was concerned on the comparative
in technology education. Every technology teacher analysis on the effects of multimedia-assisted
must be acquainted with how to apply CAI in teaching instruction and traditional method in teaching
technology education program since teachers have a Technology and Livelihood Education, the
vital role in trainees skill development. The experimental research using the two groups design is
respondents for the study comprised of 310 technology the most appropriate method.
vocational teachers. Mean and standard deviation
were used to analyze the research questions, while t- Participants
test statistics was employed to test the hypotheses. The
findings of the study among others revealed that The respondents of the study came from two sections
technology vocational teachers should be skillful in of the grade eight students of Lagundi-CCL National
using CAI in the production of teaching materials that High School. Two groups were considered as
can be used in developing appropriate skills, respondents. The first was the experimental group,
incorporate the use of media and technology for exposed to multimedia-assisted instruction in teaching,
teaching where appropriate and technology vocational and the other one as the control group using the
teachers teaching and managing courses through web- traditional method of teaching. They were described in
based system. terms of age, sex, monthly family income, and parents’
educational attainment. The respondents who are both
The study of Barasi (2015) determine the effectiveness handled by the researcher were purposively used in the
of video clips presentation on the performance in present undertaking.
Science and Health of grade four pupils in Mayamot
Elementary School in Antipolo City during the School Instruments of the Study
Year 2014-2015. Eighty-three (83) grade four pupils
were considered in the study. They were the two Parallel form of pretest and posttest were utilized as
groups who were chosen for the experimental and the the main instrument in determining effects of
control groups. The control group was exposed to multimedia-assisted instruction in teaching technology
traditional method of teaching while the experimental and Livelihood Education on grade eight students
group was exposed to video clips presentation. Pretest before and after the experiment. The test was consisted
and posttest were used as instrument to analyze the of multiple-choice test items to assess the performance
performance of pupils. The researcher focused on the of the respondents. This consists of 60 items based on
skills and competencies reflected in the Philippine the table of specification.
Elementary Learning Competencies (PELC) for the
The research instrument was subject to validation to
second grading period. These competencies with the
ensure reliability of the gathered data. After creating
content areas in the video clips presentation.
the sixty-item test based on Table of Specification,
teachers from the Technology and Livelihood
Methodology Education were consulted. The items were revised
based on their observations, comments and
recommendations. The instrument was pretested to
The researcher used the experimental method in the the other group of grade eight students. Split half
study to determine the effects of multimedia assisted method was used to determine the test reliability. The
instruction in teaching Technology and Livelihood obtained r-value of .82 in the half test and .88 in the
Education on Grade 8 students of Lagundi-CLL whole test reflect that the test is highly reliable.
National High School during the school year
2019-2020. Procedure

Experimental research utilizing parallel group design The study followed the Gantt Chart of Activities in the
was utilized. Parallel group design includes two or conduct of the study. This includes the formulation of
more groups, which are used at the same time only one research problem up to the revision of the manuscript
single variable is manipulated or changed. The and submission of the final copy. Permission to
experimental group is valued while the parallel group conduct the study was obtained from the Office of the
serves as the control for comparative purposes. This is Schools Division Superintendent. After the validation
an experimental study involving two groups of of the instrument, the pretest was administered to the
respondents. There are two comparable group respondents. Then, the control group was taught
employed as experimental and control group. utilizing multimedia-assisted instruction. Then the

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 988-994, Document ID: PEMJ394, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7394158, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 1. Profile of the Respondents

posttest was administered to both groups.

Data were treated using appropriate statistical tools

based on the sub-problems. Analysis and interpretation
of data followed. Summary of findings, conclusions
and recommendations were formulated. After the oral
defense, the manuscript was revised following the
comments and suggestions of the Oral Examination
Committee. Hardbound copies of the manuscript were
submitted to the Office of the Graduate Studies
Program and other offices after the final revision and


This section presents the findings according to the

study's research questions.

Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Sex,

Number of Children in the Family, Sibling Position,
and Parents’ Educational Attainment
As to monthly family income, it is indicated that 15 or
Table 1 reflects that when the respondents are 46.9 percent of the respondents in the experimental
described according to sex, the 19 or 59.4 percent of groups claim that their family receives a monthly
those belonging to experimental group are female and income of P5,001-15,000, and 3 or 9.4 percent who
the 13 or 40.6 percent are males. Thus, it shows a big receive P15,001 to 25,000.
gap between the frequency of the male and female
In terms of father’s educational attainment, it is
respondents in the experimental groups.
obvious that the most frequency is registered among
As to sibling position, the third born with highest those who are College Undergraduate with 17 or 53.1
frequency of 15 or 46.9 percent are third born, they are percent, followed by the College graduate at 12 or
followed by the fourth born at 12 or 37.5 percent, the 37.5, those who took Vocational Course with 2 or 6.3
fifth born together with the sixth and above having a percent and High School Graduate with only 1 or 3.1
similar frequency of 2 or 6.3 percent and lastly the percent.
second born with only 1 or 3.1 percent.
Meanwhile, for mothers, the College Graduate obtains
Meanwhile for the number of children in the family, the highest frequency of 21 or 65.6 percent, followed
22 or 66.8 percent claimed that they belong to family by College Undergraduate at 9 or 28.1 percent,
with 2-3 number of children at home, 1 only or solo Vocational and High School Graduate both obtain a
child is comprised of 6 or 18.8 percent, while those frequency of 1 or 3.1 percent. Hence, this means that
with 4-5 and 6 and above. They have similar frequency comparing the fathers and mothers’ educational
of 2 or 6.3 percent. This means that the experimental attainment, the fathers are mostly College
group has students who belong to small families. Undergraduates while the mothers are College

On the other hand, for the control group, it is

registered that as to sex, the females 18 or 56.3 are
more than males at 14 or 43.8 percent. This means that
both the experimental and control group are dominated

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 988-994, Document ID: PEMJ394, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7394158, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 2. Level of Performance in TLE of the Two

Groups of Respondents Exposed and Unexposed to
by females in number.
Multimedia assisted instruction as Revealed in the
In terms of sibling position, the fourth children are on Pretest and Posttest Results
top rank with a frequency of 17 or 53.1 percent,
followed by the third born at 8 or 25 percent, the fifth
born at 6 or 18.8 percent and sixth and above having
the least frequency of 1 or 3.1 percent, hence this
means that few of the pupils in the control group are
mostly fourth born.

As to number of children in the family, the students

who claim to have 2-3 children in the family has the
highest frequency of 24 or 75 percent, they are
followed by the solo child only and those with 4-5
children, with similar frequency of 4 or 12.5 percent
each, hence indicating that the respondents belonging As shown in the data, the experimental group
to the control group likewise belong to small family. comprised of 32 or 100 percent fall in the range of 16 -
30, Fairly Satisfactory in the pretest and 24 or 75
For monthly family income, those respondents who percent who obtain 45-59, Very Satisfactory, and the
claim that their family receives an income of P5,001 to remaining 8 or 25 percent who fall in the range of
P15,00015 or 46.9 percent are lower than those who 31-44, Satisfactory. The data indicates a very big
answered P5,000 and below at 17 or 53.1 percent, difference on the performance of the experimental
therefore, looking at the data that they have 2-3 groups to multimedia assisted instruction.
children, the monthly salary they receive seems to be
sufficient. For those in the control group, it is obvious that the
pupils also fall in the range of 16-30, Fairly
In terms of fathers’ educational attainment, it is Satisfactory as evidenced by 32 or 100 percent. For the
reflected that most of the fathers are College posttest scores, 18 or 53.6 percent of them fall in the
Undergraduate as evidenced by 19 or 59.4 percent range of 31-44, Satisfactory, 13 or 40.6 percent 45-59,
against the College Graduate at 13 or 40.6 percent, this Very satisfactory and only 1 or 3.1 obtain a score of
shows that among the undergraduate, no took either 16-30, Fairly Satisfactory.
vocational course.
It can be explained further that the two groups of
respondents had shown similar performance in the
Similarly, as to mothers’ educational attainment, the
start of the experiment, and both groups improved
College Undergraduate with a frequency of 22 or 68.8
their performance during the posttest, almost similar
percent is higher in number than the College graduate
performance also is noted in the posttest although
at 10 or 31.3 percent, thus indicating that the parents
more respondents from the experimental group
(fathers and mothers) of the respondents in the control
performed Very Satisfactorily. The general
group are dominated by College Undergraduate.
performance of the experimental group is Very
Satisfactory while Satisfactory only for the control.
Level of Performance in TLE of the Two Groups of
Respondent s Exposed and Unexposed to Significant Difference on the Level of Performance
Multimedia Assisted Instruction as Revealed in the in TLE of the Two Groups of Respondents to
Pretest and Posttest Results Multimedia Assisted Instruction as Revealed in the
Pretest and Posttest Results

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 988-994, Document ID: PEMJ394, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7394158, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 3. Result of the t-test in the Significant Table 5. Significant Difference on the Level of
Difference in the Level of Performance in TLE of the Performance in TLE of the Two Groups of
Two Groups of Respondents Exposed and Unexposed Respondents in the Pretest and Posttest as Revealed in
to Multimedia assisted instruction as Revealed in the the Posttest in Terms of their Profile
Pretest and Posttest Results

This means that considering the scores of the two It is registered in the table that the hypothesis is
groups in the pretest and posttest, there is a similarity accepted with respect to the level of performance in
in the general performance. From this, it can be terms of profile since all the computed p-values are
implied that regardless of either exposure of the higher than the f-values at 0.05 degree of significance,
experimental group to the multimedia-assisted therefore there is no significant difference on the level
instruction or the non-exposure of the control group, of performance in the pretest and posttest of the
similarity in performance in TLE is observed by the students in terms of their profile. It can be explained
researcher. Multimedia Assisted Instruction as from the result that the respondents regardless of
revealed in the pretest and posttest. personal characteristics believe that they could be able
to answer and pass the test given to them.
Significant Difference on the Performance in TLE Discussion
of the Experimental and Control Groups to
Multimedia Assisted Instruction as Revealed in the This researcher aimed to determine the effectiveness
of multimedia-assisted instruction in teaching
Posttest Results
Technology and Livelihood Education for Grade 8
students of Lagundi-CCL NHS. It was found out that
Table 4. Result of the t-test in the Significant the respondents in the experimental group are mostly
Difference in the Level of Performance in TLE of the female, third born, and they claim to have 2-3 children
Experimental and Control Group to Multimedia at home, their family receives a monthly income of
Assisted Instruction as Revealed in the Posttest Results P5,001-15,000, and their parents’ educational
attainment (fathers and mothers) are College
Undergraduate. On the other hand, for the control
group, the respondents are comprised mostly of
females, they are dominated by the fourth born
children and they also belong to families with 2-3
children in the family, their monthly family income
It is depicted in the table that the hypothesis is rejected ranges from P5.001 to P15,000. The parents’
since the p-value of .000 when associated with the t- educational attainment (Fathers and mothers) is
value at 0.05 degree of significance is found lower. College Undergraduate.
Therefore, there is a significant difference in the level In addition, the two groups of respondents had shown
of performance in TLE of the experimental and control similar performance in the start of the experiment, and
groups to multimedia Assisted instruction. both groups improved their performance during the
posttest, almost similar performance also is noted in
Significant Difference in the Level of Performance the posttest although more respondents from the
in TLE of the Students Exposed to Enrichment experimental group performed Very Satisfactorily.
Activities as Revealed in the Posttest in Terms of More so, there is no significant difference on the level
Their Profile of performance in TLE of the two groups of
respondents to Multimedia Assisted Instruction as
revealed in the pretest and posttest. Furthermore, there
is no significant difference on the level of performance
in the pretest and posttest of the students in terms of

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 988-994, Document ID: PEMJ394, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7394158, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

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