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Future simple

1-Teams will compete in the World Cup for glory.

2-Fans will cheer for their teams during matches.

3-Players will showcase their skills on the field.

4-Stadiums will host exciting matches.

5-Coaches will strategize for success.

6-Goals and saves will amaze spectators.

7-The world awaits the new World Cup champion.

future perfect

1-The champion will have emerged victorious in the World Cup.

2-Fans will have rejoiced in their team's triumphs.

3-Players will have showcased their finest skills on the field.

4-Coaches will have strategized meticulously for success.

5-Spectators will have witnessed unforgettable moments of brilliance.

6-The World Cup will have made a lasting impact on football.

future continuous

1-Teams will be battling in the World Cup, showcasing their skills.

2-Fans will be cheering as they watch the matches.

3-Players will be giving their all on the field.4-The stadiums will be buzzing with excitement during
the World Cup.

5-Coaches will be strategizing to secure a victory.

6-Goals and saves will be happening, thrilling spectators.

7-The world will be captivated by the World Cup drama.

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